You’ll find two hidden items in every level of Astral Chain:
- A cat
- A toilet
If you can’t find them during your first time playing, that’s fine. You can go back to any level by using the computer at the command center.
Actually, some items are impossible to get the first time you play through. Wait until you have all your abilities before trying to collect everything.
File 1: Startup
Both the cat and the toilet can be found in the Forecast chapter of File 1.
You’ll find the cat hidden in front of a car in the section where you must escort a civilian to the stretcher. If you’re facing the objective ahead, the cat is on the left hand side.

The toilet is just behind the cat from before, next to a truck on the outside of a barrier.

File 2: Awake
Both the cat and toilet can be found in the Sortie chapter of File 2.
After you’ve investigated the hand print, you’ll need to follow the scent down to a garage. There’s a point when the trail leads you up and to the left, but you need to go right. You’ll find a door you can crouch under to find the toilet.

At the end of this section, you’ll come to a part in which you must protect civilians. After that you’ll be tasked with looking for survivors. The cat is behind a dumpster on the right side of this area in an alley. Use your Arm to lift the dumpster.

File 3: Link
To find the toilet, you’ll need to be in the Stranger chapter of File 3. After you’ve done all your investigating, you’ll need to track a chimera’s scent. When you enter the next area with a giant green garbage truck in the back corner, look for a door you can crouch under on the right. It’s by a ladder. This will lead you to the toilet.

The cat is found in the Assault chapter of File 3. After the huge battle with Diomedes at the start of this section, head towards the back of this area, down some stairs. The cat is below next to a body.

File 4: Siege
After you make it to the mall’s second floor, you’ll come across the giant elongated chimera the attack with their mouths. You’ll reach a narrow hallway with goop on the ground. Turn right down this hallway to find the toilet.

After you end up on the second floor of the mall, head back downstairs before proceeding through the hallway with the goop. The cat will be found just under the spiraling stairs.

File 5: Accord
Once you’ve saved two civilians, head to the second floor towards the very back on the right side to find this toilet.

This one can be found after you’ve rescued two civilians in the subway. You’ll need to head to the second floor, towards the middle platform to find this cat under a bench.

File 6: Complicit
The thing about this toilet is that it’s not a toilet. Play until you get into the vents to find the Hermits. After you use Beast to dig through the debris, you’ll enter the vents again. Immediately turn around after this part and bump into the grate a few times to get it to fall. The item you’re looking for is called Hermit Pamphlet and it will give you credit for the toilet since it overlooks the bathroom of this area.

When you get to the point in which you must pursue Douglas via the rooftops. You’ll come to a point in which you have to fight some enemies. After you climb the ladder, look for a small room with the cat hidden under trash bags. Use IRIS to see the cat through walls.

File 7: Wild
The cat in File 7 can be found in the final chapter called Warfare. As soon as you exit the elevator, head towards the helipad, but make a left to find a ladder that can be shot with an Arrow. Chain jump to the roof across and then down to the lower roof to find the cat.

The toilet in File 7 can be found in the final chapter called Warfare. As soon as you exit the elevator, head towards the helipad, but make a left to find a ladder that can be shot with an Arrow. Chain jump to the roof across to find the toilet on the right side.

File 8: Peace
At the start of this chapter, head into the parking garage to find this cat under a car on the right side of the area. You’ll see an officer trying to get the cat out. Give it cat food and it’ll come out.

As soon as you enter the area with the timer counting down, use your Legion to chain jump to the left side. Then use your Arm Legion to move the platform to the left, against a wall. Chan jump around the corner and to the left to find this toilet.

File 9: Salvation
Right at the start of the chapter, head to the left side of the Harmony Media Center. You’ll find a cat walking around near some cans. You can’t grab the cat until you throw a can at it to distract it.

Head around the right side of the Media Center towards an alley, past a Red Matter gate that needs to be closed. The toilet will be all the way in the back on the right side.

File 10: Madness
When you exit the starting area, you’ll come to a Cat Lover who will send you on a quest to find her cat. Head to the far waypoint on the map that takes you to the underground tunnel. Here, you’ll be given a scent for your Beast to track. Follow it to the Astral Plane, defeat the enemies, and rescue the cat.

After you drain the water and go down into the canal, keep going past the ladder you need to climb, all the way to the back. The toilet is in the back left corner.

File 11: Reckoning
Leave the base at the start and head out into the small area outside.If you head North on the path as soon as you exit, keep going until you see a ladder that will take you up to the cat in a cardboard box.
If the hideout is directly behind you, the cat is to the left in an alley.

As soon as you gain control of your character head straight and to the left, down some stairs that lead to a path beneath the helipad. You’ll find the toilet here.

File 12: Rebirth
You can find the four cats in File 12 in the cases given to you by Olive. If you don’t have the case unlocked, keep completing them to unlock more. The following cases have cats in them.
- (R1-6)
- (R2-2)
- (R2-8)
- (R2-B2)
Simply use the toilet in the police HQ, all the way at the back of the restroom.

I hope you found this helpful!
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