BLEACH Rebirth of Souls – Soi Fon: Gameplay Tips

Useful Tips for Soi Fon

Ву Shinoa.

Character Info

Soi-Fon is the Captain of Squad 2 and Commander of the Stealth Force. She’s very good at assassination and hand-to-hand combat. She’s completely dedicated to her duty and really respects her former teacher, Yoruichi Shihōin.

As a fighter, she works best at close range in direct combat, with some magic support. Her fighting style uses charge attacks and a special ability with her weapon Suzumebachi called “Nigeki Kessatsu” – if she hits an enemy in the same spot twice, they die instantly.

She uses an aggressive attack style, with special reload abilities and that instant-kill move, making her dangerous at both close and medium range. Her stats are: top speed, high skill, decent range, but low power and defense. Soi-Fon wins by hitting quickly and accurately.



So Soi Fon has a few things I want to list out for anyone that wants to play her. She’s going to be one of those characters that become better as the game ages due to the way she can initiate an RPS to her favor almost every time with some of her moves.

Right now it’s whatever because everyone is a masher and doesn’t know what they’re doing yet. She also has the fastest jab.

  • She’s a consistent two Kikon move killer for anybody that doesn’t have a revive due to her Bankai. Always aim for Soul Break and always try to spend your Reverse gauge for Hoho followup to get your Awakening faster (you always want to awaken ASAP to build your Sublimation quicker). 2 base Konpaku plus another 2 (Awaken and Soul Break) is 4, so 5 stocks left and all you need to do is get Sublimation to kill with Bankai.
  • Her Special Flash Attack is very ignorant and can initiate an RPS if you have stocks or hit the move on someone as a whiff punish or just YOLO since she’s plus on hit. Due to Anken being a natural frametrap if you do the rekka 2 of it or followup if you want to call it that, you can get a combo from it and it’s an easy get-in tool if they don’t side step it on reaction or Hoho. This also applies to just general blockstrings as well. For Yoruichi it’s a different case since she has the fastest jab in the game but has very poor range, so you’re better off backdashing it and whiff punishing, which leads me to my next point with her.
  • Her Regular Flash Attack is a very good whiff punish tool. Using tools like backdash>H and just punishing very unsafe stuff in general with H is really good since it goes forward, it’s safe if you have stocks, and she gets really high damage off it. Doing something like L>backdash>H will work on people just mashing.

Just some general advice with her as well is you can confirm your Anken with Hoho followup if you’re not in range. Reload off her normals with a lot of pushback, especially when you do the red knock away move and they’re in red health – you basically get a free 8 stock reload from it.

Guaranteed Instant Kill Setup with Soi Fon. This requires 150 EX Meter and Full Reverse Gauge, along with good execution. Just hold the run button after the Burst. You need to:

  • A. Be close enough after any Gold Burst period, about the range shown in this video
  • B. Time the Bind correctly after the run. Too fast, and it won’t hit them meaty. Too slow, and they’ll be able to mash and/or backstep out.

If executed correctly, this only loses to:

  • Awakening, Reversal Action Burst, Perfect Flash Step, or Invincible Reversal.
  • That’s it. Basically, if they do not have Awakening State available, do not have an Invincible Reversal, nor have enough Reverse Gauge to use Burst, then this is true on literally everyone. You need only hit this setup twice to win, as expected.

Even if they have those options available, they need to mostly be manually timed to be a consistent escape by the opponent. Mashing buttons will just increase the likelihood of them getting hit by this. So it might even be worth going for even if they do have resources to escape; give them a reaction and execution check. Making this setup quite strong against those who do not know.

Helena Stamatina
About Helena Stamatina 896 Articles
I love two things in life, games and sports. Although sports were my earliest interest, it was video games that got me completely addicted (in a good way). My first game was Crash Bandicoot (PS1) from the legendary studio Naughty Dog back in 1996. I turned my passion for gaming into a job back in 2019 when I transformed my geek blog (Re-actor) into the gaming website it is today.

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