BLEACH Rebirth of Souls – Yoruichi Shihoin: Gameplay Tips

Useful Tips for Soi Fon

Ву Shinoa.

Character Info

Yoruichi used to be Captain of Squad 2 and commander of the Stealth Force. Everyone calls her the ‘Flash Goddess’ because she’s the fastest fighter around. Even though she comes from a noble family, she chose to leave everything behind to help her childhood friend Kisuke Urahara.

As a fighter, Yoruichi works best at close range, using quick hand-to-hand combat and Kidō techniques. Her fighting style is all about constant pressure – she keeps attacking without giving opponents any breathing room. Her hits aren’t the most powerful, but they come very fast.

Her main strengths are her amazing speed and technical skill. She has good range, but isn’t the strongest or most defensive fighter. Yoruichi excels at quick, annoying attacks and putting together combinations that give opponents almost no chance to counter or get away.



So a few things I want to list for anybody that wants to dabble around with Yoru:

  • Anken is plus on block. Try to use this to your advantage since if they try to jab you when you jab after Anken, you’ll win. Also, it’s a really good neutral tool, and if spaced enough, you can get a Hoho followup for damage. (Hoho followup is very inconsistent though, so beware, even on CH). If you don’t want to do that, you can always just Orange Reverse.
  • She can dash cancel with Anken and spotdodge. I think this is very useful in neutral since you can dash really safely, and if you want to call out a jab, you can just spotdodge. This also correlates with point 1 as well since after Anken, you can spotdodge and punish if you got the read. Try to use this to maneuver around safely and more efficiently with Yoru.
  • Meter vs. damage routes: Very simple to understand – basically her dash attacks give her more meter in exchange for less damage, her heavies though do more damage but give less meter. (E.g., I’ll hit-confirm L>H for more damage since that’ll do more damage than L>L>H; however, L>L>H gives more meter).
  • Try to layer your special Flash Attack unblockable. You can layer this with your Anken since it’s plus on block, and on strikeback, you don’t need to use Hoho followup or Orange Reverse. The move is still very niche, and in some instances, I like to grab more, but the damage scaling is really good if you do a damage route.
  • Try to react to projectiles with your parry. Easier said than done since her parry window feels very small IMO, but it can lead to a very big cashout if you have Reverse and Orange Reverse into it.

Overall, I think she’s a really good character with noticeable downsides like lack of range and power, but that’s fine. Her neutral pressure and RPS game is really good, and you just have to stick with her to learn her.

More niche things I’d like to mention are to always spotdodge after grab since she gets her dash attacks so you have access to your metered routes. Try to get Awakening ASAP since more damage is better.

Helena Stamatina
About Helena Stamatina 897 Articles
I love two things in life, games and sports. Although sports were my earliest interest, it was video games that got me completely addicted (in a good way). My first game was Crash Bandicoot (PS1) from the legendary studio Naughty Dog back in 1996. I turned my passion for gaming into a job back in 2019 when I transformed my geek blog (Re-actor) into the gaming website it is today.

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