BONELAB – Collectible Guide

BONELAB Collectible Guide with all collectibles.


  • Name: DS Dog
  • Scene: Hub
  • Location: In the Void Sink area outside of the Bonehub, the capsule is on the very highest platform in the room on the right side. (Only appears when story is finished).
  • Name: Ford
  • Scene: Hub
  • Location: On top of the pillar to the right of the door with the BONEWORKS box inside. (Only appears when story is finished)
  • Name: Jimmy
  • Scene: Hub
  • Location: On top of the elevator. (Only appears when story is finished)
  • Name: Nullbody
  • Scene: Hub
  • Location: Inside the dumpster in the parkour module. (Only appears when story is finished)
  • Name: Skeleton
  • Scene: Descent (Story)
  • Location: Very rare chance to spawn on a rock when you first see skeletons.


  • Name: Avatar Dice
  • Scene: Descent (Story)
  • Location: On a barrel next to where the floor caves in.
  • Name: Balloon Gun
  • Scene: Monogon Raceway (Mods)
  • Location: On the second floor of the building you start in.
  • Name: Board Gun
  • Scene: Container Yard (Arena)
  • Location: Go to the top left corner of the container house map, and the capsule is in the opposite corner from the entrance
  • Name: Constrainer
  • Scene: Halfway Park (Sandbox)
  • Location: On top of the largest building building.
  • Name: Dev Manipulator
  • Scene: Museum Basement (Sandbox)
  • Location: On top of the far left tower.
  • Name: Go Kart
  • Scene: Monogon Raceway (Mods)
  • Location: In the starting room.
  • Name: Gravity Cup
  • Scene: Rooftops (Parkour)
  • Location: On top of the roof in front of the dancing hologram.
  • Name: Gravity Plate
  • Scene: Big Anomaly (Story)
  • Location: Play through the scene until you get to a staircase, go down the staircase, the capsule will be under the stairs.
  • Name: Nimbus Gun
  • Scene: Hub
  • Location: Inside the bucket above the sandbox door. (Only appears after completing the game)
  • Name: Power Puncher
  • Scene: Street Puncher (Tac Trial)
  • Location: Near the rooftops, get onto the rooftops, push the wooden plank down, walk across, turn right, walk towards the edge of the roof, there should be a spot you can jump and grasp to get to.
  • Name: Spawn Gun
  • Scene: Hub
  • Location: To the right of the crane controls. (Only appears after completing the game)


  • Name: 1911 (Pistol)
  • Scene:Unlocked On Start
  • Location:The 1911 is supposed to be unlocked automatically, but is broken on the release version of BONELAB. It will be fixed in the next update.
  • Name: 590A1 (Shotgun)
  • Scene: Shooting Range (Sandbox)
  • Location: On top of the blue vending machine in the starting room.
  • Name: AKM (Rifle) AK-47
  • Scene: Tower Climb (Experimental)
  • Location: From the top of the orb tower, once you’ve crossed the bridge go past the podium and jump at the wall behind it. The capsule is on top of the rocks on that wall.
  • Name: e-HG Blaster (Pistol) Laser Pistol
  • Scene: Tunnel Tipper (Arena)
  • Location: Behind the fan in the very top area on the left from the entrance.
  • Name: FAB (Shotgun) Shotgun w/ Laser
  • Scene: Monogon Raceway (Mods)
  • Location: On top of a grass hill.
  • Name: Gluber (Pistol) .22 Ruger
  • Scene: MoonBase (Sandbox)
  • Location: On top of the tallest tower.
  • Name: M16 ACOG (Rifle)
  • Scene: Monogon Raceway (Mods)
  • Location: On top of the scoreboard.
  • Name: M16 Holosight (Rifle)
  • Scene: Tunnel Tipper (Arena)
  • Location: In the very top area on the left from the entrance.
  • Name: M16 Laser (Rifle)
  • Scene: Ascent (Story)
  • Location: On top of a pipe in the open room with null bodies.
  • Name: M4 (Shotgun) Semi-Auto Shotgun
  • Scene: Shooting Range (Sandbox)
  • Location: Behind the animal shooting gallery.
  • Name: M9 (Pistol)
  • Scene: Halfway Park (Sandbox)
  • Location: Inside of the red shipping container.
  • Name: MK18 Ironsights (Rifle)
  • Scene: Neon District (Tac Trial)
  • Location: On the blue ledge on the left immediately after entering the arena.
  • Name: MK18 Naked (Rifle)
  • Scene: LongRun (Story)
  • Location: In the beginning after the ball puzzle, in the corner of the red room.
  • Name: MK18 Sabrelake (Rifle)
  • Scene: Big Anomaly (Story)
  • Location: On top of the broken staircase.
  • Name: MP5K Flashlight (SMG)
  • Scene: Ascent (Story)
  • Location: After completing the part where you have to duck under the train, go up the escalators and down to the other side. Grab the cooler and get the blue key from inside. Go back up the escalator and continue until you see a door with a blue key slot. Put the blue key into the slot and go inside. The capsule is in the orange locker.
  • Name: MP5K Sabrelake (SMG)
  • Scene: Sprint Bridge (Parkour)
  • Location: When you get to the wooden platform you push down, climb up it and the capsule is on the ledge.
  • Name: MP5K Holosight (SMG)
  • Scene: Ascent (Story)
  • Location: Go left in the room with the Tall Avatar puzzle area after you pass the sleeping skeleton.
  • Name: MP5K Laser (SMG)
  • Scene: Rooftops (Parkour)
  • Location: There is a tall climbable structure near the dancing hologram, climb to the top and push the plank over. Walk across the plank and the capsule is in a bucket on the building you walk onto.
  • Name: P350 (Pistol)
  • Scene: Neon District (Tac Trial)
  • Location: In the back in a small cubby above an angled wall.
  • Name: PDRC (Rifle)
  • Scene: Sprint Bridge (Parkour)
  • Location: Next to the yellow generator near the start
  • Name: PT8 Alaris(Pistol) Silenced Pistol
  • Scene: Drop Pit (Tac Trial)
  • Location: When entering the 3rd room, look to your left and there will be a vent. Climb into the vent and the capsule will be at the end of it.
  • Name: Stapler (Pistol)
  • Scene: Mine Dive (Story)
  • Location: Hitting a certain targetutorial
  • Name: UMP (SMG)
  • Scene: Hub
  • Location: On the top diving board in the SLZ office area. (The office can be found through the big quarantine doors.)
  • Name:Uzi (SMG)
  • Scene: Sprint Bridge (Parkour)
  • Location: On the second bridge, go to the middle section and the capsule is behind the metal sheet on the left.
  • Name: Vector(SMG)
  • Scene: Big Anomaly (Story)
  • Location: After you go upstairs to the hallway where you meet Jimmy, turn around and the capsule is in the left corner.


  • Name: Barbed Baseball Bat
  • Scene: Container Yard(Arena)
  • Location: On the roof of the building with the red void pump.
  • Name: Bastard Sword
  • Scene: Magma Gate (Arena)
  • Location: On top of the far right tower.
  • Name: Baton
  • Scene: Street Puncher (Tac Trial)
  • Location: Inside the garage where a security guard appears.
  • Name: Chef Knife
  • Scene: Tower Climb (Experimental)
  • Location: Under the void orb behind a fence.
  • Name: Claymore
  • Scene: Fantasy Arena (Arena)
  • Location: Behind you when you spawn, sitting on a barrel behind a gate. The capsule can be force grabbed through the gate.
  • Name: Cleaver
  • Scene: Pillar Climb (Experimental)
  • Location: On the top of the map where a keycard can also be found.
  • Name: Combat Knife
  • Scene: Rooftops (Parkour)
  • Location: Before the first jump between buildings, turn right and go down the ladder by the dumpster.
  • Name: Crowbar
  • Scene: Descent (Story)
  • Location: In a wall locker in the room with the first crablet.
  • Name: Double Axe
  • Scene: Descent (Story)
  • Location: After killing the first 3 skeletons, the capsule can be found on a wooden shelf near the ceiling that can be broken
  • Name: Electric Guitar
  • Scene: Big Anomaly (Story)
  • Location: Play through the scene until you get to a staircase, go down the staircase, and break the cardboard boxes under the staircase and go through the hole in the wall.
  • Name: Frying Pan
  • Scene: Tuscany (Sandbox)
  • Location: On the table on the side of the house facing the water.
  • Name: Golf Club
  • Scene: Museum Basement (Sandbox)
  • Location: In the holographic room behind the battery door.
  • Name: Half Sword
  • Scene: Fantasy Arena (Arena)
  • Location: On top of the tallest tower, straight ahead from where you enter. Climb or use the nimbus gun to reach the top.
  • Name: Hand Hammer
  • Scene: Tunnel Tipper (Arena)
  • Location: On top of the shutter outside the entrance.HI
  • Name: Horror Axe
  • Scene: Container Yard (Arena)
  • Location: In the top right storage container from the spawn.
  • Name: Katana
  • Scene: Street Puncher (Tac Trial)
  • Location: Inside the bin next to the end of the white hallway with 6 enemies (with the katana on the wall behind you).
  • Name: Katar
  • Scene: Ascent (Story)
  • Location: In the open room full of Null Bodies on top of the big wall with lights on the left.
  • Name: Kunai
  • Scene: Dungeon Warrior (Parkour)
  • Location: In the right corner on the outside of the entrance.
  • Name: Lead Pipe
  • Scene: Street Puncher (Tac Trial)
  • Location: On top of the arch that has the 2nd gate.
  • Name: Machete
  • Scene: Container Yard (Arena)
  • Location: On top of a small orange shipping container near the green void pump.
  • Name: Morningstar
  • Scene: Magma Gate (Arena)
  • Location: Behind the radio in the starting room.
  • Name: Noodle Dog Sword
  • Scene: Sprint Bridge (Parkour)
  • Location: Behind the room with the button on the floor.
  • Name: Norse Axe
  • Scene: Dungeon Warrior (Parkour)
  • Location: In the 2nd room, jump down onto one of the rocks in the lava and make your way to the far left corner of the room, the capsule will be on a pedestal in a small room.
  • Name: Pipe Wrench
  • Scene: Rooftops (Parkour)
  • Location: After leaving the starting room, take 2 lefts, the pipe wrench is behind the omniprojector.
  • Name: Plunger
  • Scene:Drop Pit (Arena)
  • Location: When entering the 3rd room, look to your left and there will be a vent. Climb into the vent (the silenced pistol can also be found here) and keep going until you find another vent cover under you, drop down and the plunger capsule is in the stall next to the one you fall into.
  • Name: Shovel
  • Scene: Descent (Story)
  • Location: After leaving the train room, the capsule is on a table on the left
  • Name: Sledgehammer
  • Scene: Ascent (Story)
  • Location: After leaving the spiral staircase, there will be a closet on the right. The capsule is on a shelf inside that closet.
  • Name: Spiked Club
  • Scene: Descent (Story)
  • Location: On a shelf in the room with the blue key.
  • Name: Trashcan Lid
  • Scene: LongRun (Story)
  • Location: In the room with the 2 turrets, the capsule is on a raised platform behind the turrets.
  • Name: Viking Shield
  • Scene: Descent (Story)
  • Location: The bottom left corner of the track in the transit station.
  • Name: Warhammer
  • Scene: Bowling (Experimental)
  • Location: Above the word ‘Gravity’ on the sign by the pins.


  • Name: Corrupted Null Body
  • Scene: Ascent (Story)
  • Location: In the room where you have to move the battery from one side to the other, jump down into the pit and the capsule is on the left.
  • Name: Crablet Plus
  • Scene: Ascent (Story)
  • Location: In the small pipes you will come to a small opening with a grate on the floor, the capsule is in a wall locker in this small room.
  • Name: Cultist
  • Scene: Home (Story)
  • Location: After jumping out of the pub, go down to the right.
  • Name: Early Exit Zombie
  • Scene: Tunnel Tipper (Arena)
  • Location: In a basket attached to the ceiling to the left from the entrance.
  • Name: Null Body Agent (Green Nullbody)
  • Scene: Rooftops (Parkour)
  • Location: In the elevator to the right of the starting room.
  • Name: Null Rat
  • Scene: Long Run (Story)
  • Location: After entering the room with 2 turrets, go right, the capsule is in a small crawl space.
  • Name: Omni Turret
  • Scene: Ascent (Story)
  • Location: After leaving the spiral staircase and pulling open the gate, head left into the small store, the capsule is on a shelf inside the store.
  • Name: Omniprojecter Hazmat
  • Scene: Shooting Range (Sandbox)
  • Location: On the second floor of the wooden building.
  • Name: Peasant Female A
  • Scene: Home (Story)
  • Location: On the fence behind the wall tower in the first area.
  • Name: Peasant Female B
  • Scene: Home (Story)
  • Location: In an alleyway.
  • Name: Peasant Female C
  • Scene: Home (Story)
  • Location: Before entering the pub, go behind the concrete tower.
  • Name: Peasant Male A
  • Scene: Home (Story)
  • Location: On top of a chimney.
  • Name: Peasant Male B
  • Scene: Home (Story)
  • Location: To the left of the noose.
  • Name: Peasant Male C
  • Scene: Home (Story)
  • Location: On the desk inside the room on the second floor of the pub.
  • Name: Peasant Null
  • Scene: Ascent (Story)
  • Location: In the room with the big elevator, climb up into the small room on the side. The capsule is behind a poster leaning against the wall.
  • Name: Security Guard
  • Scene: Street Puncher (Tac Trial/Story)
  • Location: After using the jump pad, there are 3 crates. The capsule is behind the crates.
  • Name: Skeleton Fire Mage
  • Scene: Magma Gate (Arena)
  • Location: After entering the arena, head down the bridge, at the end of the bridge take the stairs on the right.
  • Name: Steel Skeleton
  • Scene: Container Yard (Arena)
  • Location: On top of the orange shipping container by the green battery charger.
  • Name: Void Turret
  • Scene: Ascent (Story)
  • Location: The farthest corner from the entrance in the tree parkour area.


  • Name: Baseball
  • Scene: Big Anomaly (Story)
  • Location: On a desk in a room in the hallway before you meet Jimmy.
  • Name: Basketball
  • Scene: Museum Basement (Sandbox)
  • Location: On the desk in the room with the giant marble mannequin.
  • Name: Cardboard Box
  • Scene: Descent (Story)
  • Location: Under the final escalators.
  • Name: Coffee Cup
  • Scene: Hub
  • Location: On a desk in the SLZ office in the void pool.
  • Name: Flashlight
  • Scene: Container Yard (Arena)
  • Location: In a locker in the starting room.
  • Name: Glowstick
  • Scene: Tunnel Tipper (Arena)
  • Location: In between some cardboard boxes on the lowest level.
  • Name: Monitor
  • Scene: Descent (Story)
  • Location: In a trashcan in the room before the first vent section.
  • Name: Shopping Cart
  • Scene: Tuscany (Sandbox)
  • Location: In a crate on top of a chimney in the village area.
  • Name: Soup Can
  • Scene: Tuscany (Sandbox)
  • Location: On the table inside the house.
  • Name: Watermelon
  • Scene: Tuscany (Sandbox)
  • Location: On the vase on the balcony of the house.
Helena Stamatina
About Helena Stamatina 897 Articles
I love two things in life, games and sports. Although sports were my earliest interest, it was video games that got me completely addicted (in a good way). My first game was Crash Bandicoot (PS1) from the legendary studio Naughty Dog back in 1996. I turned my passion for gaming into a job back in 2019 when I transformed my geek blog (Re-actor) into the gaming website it is today.

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