[Basic] How to Tune and Build Land Robots
Pov you Are Newbies, First Time Playing, Enter The arena & then Some Random Guy Rush At you With His Giant Thick L size Robots that Really Hard To Kill, Create Chaos To your Teams, you deal very small damage to the robot and after you almost kill him, He just Jet accell away, then you wondering “what the hell is that thing?!”. Zero though Head Empty
Explaining Land Robot actually Really Hard Because have many different Build & play style, But there is one thing that Newbies must Understand, You Should NOT randomly diving to crowds of enemies then always dies with no good reason, become a burden Wasting your team BP then losing because of you.
Land Robot Mostly Hit and Run also try to “NOT DIE” Survive as Long Possible, (you hit) “hunt easy prey then “(& Run)” when dying run away / fall back to your team for healing then repeat the process, don’t die Survive as long as you can, keep giving pressure to enemy line, frag as much you can, because you are the deadly land robot.
For Example:
You are Using 3x Great Graple Alpha Eris Rush to middle > Hide in corners of the walls or Somewhere Waiting for opportunity to strike > then you see Delicius Art Enemies / any Low Hp Enemy come to Mid > you see them Time to move Rush at them From Behind or From their side > After destroying them Your Hp is yellow / Dying press F > Run to your team mate > healing > rush mid again > attack > retreat healing > repeat the process.
Or Use Eris WonderBit Rush from the corner being sneaky to enemy spawn area, Find Any Dying Target, Destroy It, use Wb again Run away, Healing Then Repeat. do not die and get many easy frag as much possible as possible.
The point is you can retreat and healing.
A. Weapon Tunes:
- 1. Great Grappler Alpha 3x is meta, Why? Only cost 20 + just reduce Speed range intact + 9 force + make thing Hit Extremely HARD Big Number Go BRRRR.
- 2. Why not Hi gladiator? 45 cost IS Fat, and you did not need that much range or speed because you are facing your prey very close distance, hug your prey with love Till death don’t need social distancing. (oh wait this is not covid 19).
- 3. Some Sub weapon do have benefit with Hi gladiator but think about it, want to tune Fat stuff that cost 45? or use the Capacity for More HP or Increase More Stats? think about it for a seconds.
B. Explaining The Play Style:
- 1.Divers / Diving / Chaos Maker / the man who like to spread Chaos: a 40 TGH Focus build With + 700 Hp or 800 hp, their Role to spread Chaos make Grouping enemies To split also killing any Low HP Target they can find.
- 2.Classic Hard Hitter 3x Great Grapler Alpha: Aka The Original Recipe Hit and Run Build, For CB uni Now is Lunatasia 3x Great Grapler Alpha + Brave Drive BS / Aqua Jet BS (use her Accelbound as main sub weapon + press E combo Brave Drive + enjoy being Mangnet auto aim that swing 300 damage to Art). Or Blaze Baron+ 3x Great Grapler alpha + Jet Accel BS / Brave Drive BS That menacingly approaching any Prey he want to Burn to death Or Eris if you play her Right she still deadly.
C. How To Tune “Pure Tanky Land Divers”:
- 1. Use TGH accesory, + 1tgh + 5hp + 5 capa.
- 2. Have Jet Accel BS Or Use Robot that have great dash sub weapon like hatigarm, why? for moving around & tactical retreat also because “Hi tough gamma reduce your walk stats” so ability to escape is a must have.
- 3. Use L size BD that has Good HP, STR, TGH, Walk & Good Capacity, plus with Robot Parts That increase str + walk + tgh or walk + tgh. the reason is again “hi tough gamma reduce walk”. Robot Parts That has shield build in also recommended. like mighty byne HL / Mighty Byne Torque / Cydron Am.
- 4. Tune Your TGH with Hi Tough Gamma, the reason is only cost 5 to gain +2 tgh -1 walk – 1 fly.
- 5. Tune 1 eternal to arm or hd that has cv shields.
- 6. Stack life tunes
- 7. Done.
D. How To Tune “Hard Hitting / Hybrid Land Divers”:
- 1. Use TGH accesory, + 1tgh + 5hp + 5 capa.
- 2. Have Jet Accel BS / Brave Drive BS Or Use Robot that have great dash Sub Weapon like hatigarm, why? for moving around & tactical retreat also because “Hi tough gamma reduce your walk stats” so ability to escape is a must have.
- 3. Use L size BD that has Good HP, STR, TGH and Walk, plus with Robot Parts That increase str + walk + tgh or walk + tgh. the reason is again “hi tough gamma reduce walk”
- 4. Tune Your TGH with Hi Tough Gamma until 40 tgh, the reason is only cost 5 to gain +2 tgh -1 walk – 1 fly.
- 5. Tune STR with Hi Power Gamma / power, until hit 30, 35 or 40 str. (up to you).
- 6. Usually Bring Hard Hitting sub Weapon with 3x G Graplers alpha / 2x Graplers alpha Tunes, like Gyalanbard Hammer, Machinetlet AM or Blaze Baron, El Cyclotes Legs, oh yeah the classic non nerf Giganberk Bulk included and other.
- 7. Tune 1 eternal to arm or hd that has cv shields.
- 8. Tune Life FOR MORE HP.
- 9 Done
E. General / Common Hard Hitting “Hit and Run build”:
- 1. Just Regular accessory that you need, str accessory or walk.
- 2. Equip Brave Drive BS if you are Lunatasia, Lucario or Blaze Baron? sure go ahead who don’t want to become A Sword with Magnet that auto aim anyone close at you.
- 3. Tune Walk First, Using Hi run Gamma +2 walk -1 tech – 1fly, until Hit 32 walk, 34 walk or 36 walk.
- 4. Then Hi power Gamma +2 str -1 tech -1 fly, until 40 Str,
- 5. If you want using dual slayer don’t make your tech 0 keep 1 tech with “Hi power gamma vanilla power +1 tunes combinations”. until hit 40 str.
- 6. Moe Bot Fixed performance Wonderbit Does not effected by 0 tech. spam Hi power Gamma as you like.
- 7. 3x Great Grapler Alpha For “Hi Number Damage DAMAGE”.
- 8. Life Tune Stacks
- 9. Done.
F. Robot Catriges Selections:
- 1. The regular hard hitting and run build: Sword guard + Blast Guard + Fast Recovery / Anti slow + Assault step / Boost Run.
- 2. The Divers / Diving Build: Sword Guard + Blast Guard + Stun Regain + Fast Recovery + Assault Step / Boost run.
- 3. Blaze Baron: Sword Guard + Blast Guard + Fast Recovery + Hyper Radiator + Boost Run / Assault Step
G. Explaining the Cartridges:
- 1. Sword Guard: Enemy land Mele Hit hard to you, if don’t have sword guard.
- 2. Blast Guard: Reduce 50% explosive damage is huge tank those Pest Artillery Robots.
- 3. Fast Recovery: Slow, Slow turn, Burn, Melt and Bind is your worst enemy, Fast recovery a must have to remove this debuff that effect your mobility, or you will get bullied at front line.
- 4. Stun Regain: Heal every time get stun, basically Free Hp Gain that extended your survival.
- 5. Assault Step: make you able to dash away.
- 6. Boost Run: Make you run so fast!
- 7. Quick Land: Remove Cool Down to any Dash Ability.
- 8. Hyper Radiator: Reduce Burn And Melt Damage make it not to kill you.
- 9. Anti Burning: it’s does not give any other benefit than make you walk normally when burning, auto walking when burning is a gameplay / perk by it self (look my fingers not at W.S.A.D to move kinda things). Well you will get use to it.
H. Recomended Robots / Parts:
Regular Hit and Run, Hard Hitter Build:
- 1. Blaze Baron. (Robo Garapon).
- 2. Blaze Baron FF (RT Garapon, Edgy Cool Big Burning Sword!).
- 3. Combat Freed PB (Rt Garapon, Strong Pile Bunker Arm that can do combo attack).
- 4. Hatigarm + BeetLander HD or Heracles Beetlander HD + Cydron AM / Mighty Byne HN AM + 2 ViperShield. (Robo Garapon + Robot Cube + RT garapon).
- 5. Vishra Kagazuchi (Rt Garapon, very cool Dual Sword Robots)
- 6. Lunatasia (Brave Drive / Aqua Jet BS build).
- 7. Mercurio (Brave Drive / Aqua Jet BS build).
- 8. Eris. (RT Garapon)
- 9. Ivis / Iris Reine / Bikini ivis (RT garapon, DLC)
- 10. Lafiel (Rt Garapon, Nuke with Wb, Wb Increase Sub Weapon Speed to the Extreme).
- 11. Luto (Robo Garapon).
- 12. Silvia. (Robo, Garapon).
- 13. Corona Cougar (Rt garapon)
- 14. Lazker. (Rt Garapon, the Girl that will lock you in place).
- 15. Gisele Noire (Rt Garapon).
- 16. Kal Valentine (Rt Garapon).
- 17. Gylanbard. (Robot Cube, Huge Hammer AM2).
- 18, Machinelet (Robot Cube).
- 19. Cydron Saqra (Rt Garapon. Meta CV shield, Counter Arm).
- 20. Torque Mighty Byne (RT Garapon, CV shield build in HD, Strong Piler Punker & Armored Am).
- 21. Kuschelb 3rd (RT garapon. AM that do spin attack with debuff).
- 22. Dos CV Shield. (if you don’t have Torgue mighty byne HD and Cydron Sagra AM).
- 23. Err that robot with spin kick legs (RT garapon, Don’t know the name Lulz).
- 24. Crocodagger (Manimo Girl Shop).
- 25. Vanguard, Vanguard axer, Vanguard lancer
- 26. Leon (elme sary coin shop, transform device from leon NPC angel box).
- 27. Scargean Burai (Rt Garapon).
And many more.
I. Recomended Robots / Parts:
Land Divers:
- 1. El Cyclotes (Rt Garapon, Legs Build in Manual Aim AOE STOMP attack).
- 2. Cydron Saqra (Rt Garapon. Meta CV shield, Counter Arm).
- 3. Torque Mighty Byne (RT Garapon, For CV shield build in HD only).
- 4. Mighty Byne HN (Robot Cube, Armored Am).
- 5. Cydron (Robot Garapon, Armored Am).
- 6. Mighty Byne (In Game Shop RT).
- 7. Hatigram (Land Divers Build).
- 8. Mighty Byne LB (RT garapon, Armored AM, Strong Pile Bunker).
- 9. Err that robot with spin kick legs (RT garapon, Don’t know the name Lulz).
- 10. Crocodagger (Manimo Girl Coin Shop, i mean who don’t want to move very fast with bite spam bd sub weapon, with 40 TGH).
- 11. Albateros (Robo Garapon, Two AM sub weapon that give Fast Spin Dash Ability that combo able with other sub weapons).
And many more.
J. Special Robot parts Explained:
- 1. Jet Accel BS (your Emergency Escape Button for running away).
- 2. Brave Drive BS / Aqua Jet BS (You Become A magnet that Instant Travel to nearest Target Then Continue with Combo mele Attack).
- 3. Swiff jet Bs Beta (Quick Jumping Mele Combo Sub Weapon).
- 4. Wild Shoulder AMJ + Any Flag BSJ + Hero Scarf From Leon + Fraculus LGJ. (Tuning Slot
- Extensions).
- 5. Gaderonga Lg (Robot Cube, Very Cool Tank Legs, Give Extra Bs slot for more Tuning).
K. Questions:
- 1. Why 3x Great Grapplers Alpha? Because Specific weapon Deal extremely huge damage, only cost 20 just reduce speed keep the range intact.
- 2. Should i Must 3x Great Grapplers Alpha? No, specific weapon do not need it, if the sub weapon already deal alot of damage by base stats, or just need abit tweak only need 2x Great Grapplers alpha, the extra 20 cost can be allocated for 2 life tunes or extra stats like walk or Str.
- 3. You Want To Build Tanky Land Moe Bot Divers? sure why not matoi and mighty byne girl does have potentials.
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