Steps to Get 70%
How to Get Johnny to 70% All Dialogue Options for the Secret Ending
To get 70% of communication with Johnny you need the correct dialogue, below is the name of the mission and the words which you need to talk to him.
Side Note: I didn’t Kill Woodman.
Automatic Love: After Woodman and when you exit the elevator.
- You don’t care if I live.
- Asked you – what the hell do you want?
- For some ideal? Or to square a grudge?
- Mikoshi – what’s that, exactly?
- Following.
- Me and Mikoshi – how’re we linked at all?
- Arasaka – how you plan to destroy it this time?
(Breaking the Ice 10%)

Side Note: I knocked out the Corpo Guy and didn’t fight Brigitte.
Transmission: After you leave the Chapel.
- Why’re we talkin about this?
- [Sit] Seem to know a lot about my past.
- Scared I’ll lose myself, stop being me.
- What do you want from me, really?
- Got a clear goal. Like I do.
- Man, do you go around in circles…
- Yeah.
- Damn straight.
- Let’s blow, get outta here…
- Johnny…
(Metamorphosis 15%)

Side Note: Start of Panam Quests. Nothing special and you don’t need to Romance Panam
Life During Wartime: At the Motel when you’re talking to Hellman.
- Wanna talk about the biochip.
- Got a problem. You’re gonna help me kick it.
- Got Silverhand’s construct in my head.
- You gotta remove the biochip from my system.
- How’s that different from the normal one?
- Your tech works, congratulations. Now get it out.
- [Let Hellman examine biochip] OK.
- What is it?
- What’s happening to me, exactly?
- I see him, I talk to him.
- What do you mean?
- At least Johnny never made a ♥♥♥ of himself.
- Right, enough of this.
- Forget about Kang Tao.
(Mikoshi 20%)

Side Note: This is the conversation that the % doesn’t increase but I feel it’s important.
Tapeworm: After talking to Hellman
- [Stand] Third trimester cramping’s not likely.
- [Smoke] Prolly not wrong.
- Don’t even know where I’m going.
- Maybe.
- When you died – what was it like?
- Guess I understand why you hate Mikoshi.
- They can change you into somebody else.
- [Stand] Enough. Let’s go.

Side Note: I rescued Takemura during Search and Destroy main mission.
Search and Destroy: After the conversation with the Doll. The % will go up 5% when open the door just before the start of Tapeworm.
- OK. So what happens now?
- Gonna help each other.
- We got what we wanted.
(♥♥♥ Entropy 25%)

Side Note: Talk to Johnny to set up the Rogue & Kerry Quests
Tapeworm: Agree to help Johnny
- [Step away] Why bring me here?
- Thanks for helping.
- I’ll, uh, get you back someday.
- [Stand] Think I’m gonna die soon.
- Why you givin them to me?
- Yes.
- I’d do the same for you.
- Got a better idea?
- [Stand] Understood.
- So I tell Rogue everything?
- Tell me what you’re planning.
- OK, I’ll give you control.
(♥♥♥ Entropy 25%)

Side Note: After Johnny’s night out, the % will go up 5%.
Chippin In: Couple choices during the night out.
- Tequila Old Fashioned
- The other.
- [Right]
- [Punch] ♥♥♥, how I missed this
(Double Life 30%)

Side Note: You can Kill or Spare Grayson. I recommend getting Johnny’s Car.
Chippin In: When talking to Johnny at his Grave
- [Inscribe Johnny’s intials] Let’s do something about that
- “The Guy who Saved My Life.”
- Nah, ♥♥♥ that up too
- What do you want from me?
- OK. But as second chances go, this is your last
- You were a real ♥♥♥ in the beginning.
- When you said you let down your friends…
- Smasher biz really got to her.
- Yeah. I’ll call Rogue
(Synergy 40%)

Side Note: Go for the Romance
Blister Love: At the Movie with Rogue
- I like the Rogue of 2077.
- Do anything not to lose you.
- Only thing that matters is I came back to you
- [Kiss] More than I expected.
(Shadows of the Past 50%)

Side Note: Not much here. Start of the getting the Band together
Holdin On: Talking to Kerry
- You wanna bring back Samurai?
- Ok. Let’s do it.
(You Only Live Once 60%)

Side Note: The goal is to get the band back together one last time. Nancy is easy to get. The choice between Denny & Henry doesn’t matter.
A Like Supreme: After playing with the Band
- Wanna do an encore gig?
(You Only Live Once 70%)
Side Note: Wait for 5 minutes

Nocturne OP55N1: On the rooftop with Johnny
- Let’s hear this plan.
- [Attack Arasaka Tower] Means goin out with a bang – I like it

The name of the channel from which the information is taken: Gaming with Abuss.
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