How to Get Runes
Runes are found in a biome and help you get access to more biomes/little areas or unlock other gameplay features. Every rune is unlocked after the player beat a certain elite or boss.
Runes stay permanently and the area you get them disappears in the future except from boss fights and the double elite in the forgotten sepulchre.
Requirements can have runes like the customization rune (these are not necessary but runes can’t be skipped if you are in the biome).
The order of the runes is in the order you can get them in the minimal amounts of runs. (For new players this is very unlikely).
Name | Location and requirements | Elite/boss | Grants access to |
Vine rune (Run 1) | Promenade of the condemned in a room that has a pit. No requirements | Undead archer elite | Toxic sewers, Rampart and areas that can only be reached by vines |
Customization rune (Run 1) | Ramparts (beginning of the area) Got the vine rune | Elite zombie or elite undead archer | Custom mode |
Challenger rune (Run 1) | Black bridge Having the Vine rune and Rampart rune | Concierge (one of the two possible 1st bosses) | Daily challenge (Before the start of a run behind the double door) |
Homunculus Rune (Completion run 1) |
Throne room
Vine rune, Rampart rune and Challenger rune* |
The final boss of 0 BC (pick up your 1st BC congrats… you beat the tutorial) |
New blueprints and way to damage enemies/scout the area (can move through spikes) Can’t be used when cursed |
Teleportation rune (Run 2)* | Toxic sewers Vine rune to use in the beginning to get to toxic sewers | Elite slasher |
Ossuary and forgotten sepulchre Areas where you need purple statues for |
Ram rune (Run 3) | Ossuary Vine rune before getting the Teleportation rune to use in the promenade | Elite slasher | Ancient sewers and places where you need to break the ground (yellow sign below) |
Spider rune (Run 4) | Slumbering sanctuary Vine rune, teleportation rune to get the ram rune and go to the ancient sewers on the end of the toxic sewers | Beating Conjonctivius (one of the two possible 1st bosses) to get to the biome afterwards and beating an elite Caster |
Slumbering sanctuary (after concierge), graveyard (after Conjonctivius) Prison depths (promenade) Corrupted confinement (toxic sewers, 1.5 only) Wall jump |
Explorer’s rune
(Run 3 or 4) (1.5 only) (Set last because new) | Forgotten sepulchre Teleportation rune if you come from stilt village (run 3) Wall jump if you come from slumbering sanctuary on run 4 | Two elite dark trackers (can be forgotten or skipped) by the exit to the clock room | Revealing map of biome when close to completion (80%), seeing the enemies left on the map when it happens. (1.5) Before 1.5 the place where you find this rune had the blueprint for Hayabusa boots. |
*I am aware that you can get the Homunculus rune in other ways but I gave the least amounts of runs. You can get every other rune before completing a single run and claiming this one.
**Has a nice “Gollum” questline attached that is completed speak again with Gollum after you claimed it
How to Get Hunter’s Grenade
You can get the hunter’s grenade from the specialist’s shop in the prisoners quarters. It costs 7,500 gold or adds 50 curse points when you take it.
The grenade only works on enemies that can drop blueprints. If you throw it at an enemy that can’t give you a blueprint, the grenade will just fall to the ground and you can pick it up again.
Remember: If you try to use it on an enemy that only drops blueprints at a higher difficulty level than you’re playing on (like using it on a 2BC enemy while playing on 1BC), the grenade will also just fall to the ground.
If used upon a qualified enemy the enemy will transform in an elite version of itself (enemies without elite form will transform in an elite zombie). The hunter’s grenade transforms into the blueprints extractor (has to be picked up).
After getting the elite to 40% health you can use the blueprint extractor to kill the elite and get a blueprint to drop. (You must channel for 1.3 seconds so immobilization/stun/freeze or slow are advised)
If the elite dies during the channelling you will not get the blueprint and the hunter’s grenade or blueprint extractor back. Be careful with poison, burn, bleed, biters and anything that does some kind of dps (turrets,…). I sadly had to experience this the hard way on 4 BC for an outfit. (This got fixed in 1.5.5. if killed accidentally the elite drops the hunter’s grenade.
1.6; hunter’s grenade is a legendary item (giving you statscrolls like legendary items on their respective BC)
So after all this info you got you should as the dev’s put it be able to catch ‘em all. (also a “metal cover” here if you kind of like those covers. (“cover” because the original singer Jason Paige sings in it).
Hard to Get Blueprints
The blueprints are set in order they were set in this (entire) guide (so melee first, ranged second,…) except for acceptance since that one is the hardest and longest to get. Any blueprint that has some requirements or lies in a secret area is included.
Secret areas mostly have green leaves at the entrance to get more easily found.
Also any source of oil can make hidden sections covered. (Oil grenade is great for this).
Firstly I planned to also cover the sonic crossbow here since itself does not spoil anything but the pictures and links might spoil anyway. (For the sonic crossbow check 5 BC difficulty).
I tried to give a good amount of links to help you through this. I found some videos that were way too long or covered entire biomes with multiple secrets. I looked mostly for short videos so I did not include those. I hope you can understand this.
Name | Requirements | Location | Link |
Assassin’s dagger | none | Promenade of the condemned secret area | |
How to get: | Extra information: | None |
Get to the promenade after the prisoners quarters and get on the platform above the starting point.
Name and picture | Requirements | Location | Link |
Hayabusa boots | Access to forgotten sepulchre (before 1.5) (playing on 1BC for 1.5) | Forgotten sepulchre | None |
How to get: | Defeat the elite dark trackers at the end of the level. Use the 2 crypt keys to get access to it. (Surrounded by traps) (before 1.5) | Extra information: |
This only applies to patches before 1.5
In 1.5 you’ll find the explorer rune and this blueprint became a dark tracker drop (1 BC needed) |
Name and picture | Requirements | Location | Link |
Nerves of steel | Access to the rampart | Ramparts secret area | |
How to get: | Jump of the end of the ramparts to the hidden tower (does not always spawn) (confirmation?) | Extra information: | Only available when the exit to the black bridge is not on the end of the biome |
Name and picture | Requirements | Location | Link |
Quick bow | None | Beginning area | |
How to get: | Extra information: | none |
Go to the wall behind you double jump and dodge to get to the blueprint
Name and picture | Requirements | Location | Link |
Explosive crossbow | 3 gardeners keys Ram rune Spider rune | Promenade of the condemned behind three locked doors | |
How to get: | Extra information: | 3rd key is found is a vase with a rose which requires three smashes to break |
Get to the promenade. One key requires you to break through the floor (not found after an elevator that takes you down). One key requires you to jump up on 2 walls in a enclosed “tower”. The third requires you to look at the background for a vase with a rose (smash ground three times on the vase). All three locations are recognisable on ground level.
Name and picture | Requirements | Location | Link |
Alchemic carbine | Ram rune to get access to the biome | Ancient sewers secret area | |
How to get: | Extra information: | none |
Find the hidden entrance and keep on rolling, rolling, rolling, rolling…
Name and picture | Requirements | Location | Link |
Boomerang | 3 castle keys Homunculus rune | High peak castle at the end | |
How to get: | Extra information: | Need to have beaten the hand before |
Defeat all the elite rooms in high peak castle and open all three door by the throne room. Behind the last one is the blueprint. Detach your head and move to the blueprint then retract your head to claim the blueprint (Recommended way). It can also be taken if you have the ram rune and spider rune if you have the right amulet (not recommended).
Name and picture | Requirements | Location | Link |
War javelin | Access to the cavern (any difficulty) | Cavern secret area with platforming section |
See cavern video in the special thanks, (timestamp you need = 21:40) |
How to get: | Extra information: | Need to have beaten 0 BC to get access to the cavern key |
Just before the exit to guardians heaven you can drop down to a little platform surrounded by lava. Detach your head to open the closed door. Then a platforming challenge needs to be completed to get the blueprint. I do recommend having some health since you are likely to get some serious hits in.
Name and picture | Requirements | Location | Link |
Punishment | None (playing with sound) | Clock tower behind locked door | |
How to get: | Extra information: | Rare bug possible that makes the key drop before any bell has been rang/seen |
In clock tower there are 4 giant bells in the background you can ring by attacking them. Attack them in order from the lowest pitch to the highest pitch (only ring each bell once or you have to start over). If done correctly a key will drop which you can use to open a door (bell tower key). Behind the door lies the blueprint.
Name and picture | Requirements | Location | Link |
Parry-shield |
One village key Ram rune | Stilt village secret area at the end | |
How to get: | Extra information: | Need to skip the first door which requires a key |
Get the first village key and then go up the platforms before the first door (on the minimap they look like they are uselessly placed in the sky). You then can skip the first door by going through the giant wall/tower that has the door at the bottom. (There are traps). Get the seconds key and go to the end of the level. Unlock the door to the clock tower and take the elevator. Jump of above the spikes in the right little “corner”. Use the ram rune to break the ground. Use the second key and get the blueprint.
Name and picture | Requirements | Location | Link |
Stun grenade | None (spider rune may come in handy) | Ramparts secret area | |
How to get: |
Inside the tower where you need to jump off to get Nerves of steel (secret area does not always spawn) (confirmation?) | Extra information: | Only available when the exit to the black bridge is not on the end of the biome |
Name and picture | Requirements | Location | Link |
Parting gift and Merchandise categories | Spider rune to access the graveyard Architect key Ram rune (for parting gift) | Graveyard At the far right in a secret area above the room which requires the architect key (room itself has merchandise categories) | |
How to get: | Extra information: | Together since way to similar to unlock/mostly unlocked together |
Go to the graveyard and get the graveyard key to be able to go underground. In a wall rune you will find the architect key (somewhere on the entire level). This unlocks the door on the far right (on the surface). Where you pick up merchandise categories there are leaves. Follow the secret path to a place where you need to use the ram rune. That is where you’ll find parting gift.
Name and picture | Requirements | Location | Link |
Ripper |
Spider rune
A fast weapon (recommended) | Super-Secret area promenade of the condemned | |
How to get: | Climb to wall and use your weapon to proc constant climbing. At the top there is a secret area. | Extra information: | Area where you find assassin’s dagger (beginning of the level) BUT HIGHER |
Name and picture | Requirements | Location | Link |
Extended healing | Teleportation rune to get to ossuary and use the statues | Secret area Ossuary | |
How to get: | Roll into secret area and use the statue. Don’t fall/smash in the pit (spikes at bottom, the sides are save) | Extra information: | Look for leaves to see where to roll |
Name and picture | Requirements | Location | Link |
Spite | Vine rune to get access to the toxic sewers Spider rune (not needed but highly recommended) |
After prisoners quarters, before toxic sewers in transition. Secret area to the left (see the leaves) | |
How to get: | Try rolling in the secrets area by hugging or slowly descend with the spider rune. | Extra information: | If you already fell to low you can’t get there anymore on your current run |
Name and picture | Requirements | Location | Link |
Disengagement | Homunculus rune And spider rune | Beginning of the game After a little platforming section | |
How to get: |
Hard to describe but you need to be able to get the blueprint with your head and claim it when retracting. Honestly the video is the best help since you can actually see it (better than photo’s) | Extra information: | Need to have beaten 0 BC |
Name and picture | Requirements | Location | Link |
Masochist | Access to slumbering sanctuary | Slumbering sanctuary Secret area | |
How to get: | After the switch there is a drop with spikes on both sides. In the drop are leaves. Take that path to get the blueprint | Extra information: | Was called the Tough Nut (also called like that in the video) |
Name and picture | Requirements | Location | Link |
Gold reserves V | Ram rune to get access to the ancient sewers Homunculus rune | Secret area in ancient sewers | |
How to get: | Extra information: |
Need to have beaten 0 BC |
First you need to find a hidden path underneath the surface (leaves) and simply let yourself fall through. Then you need to solve two section which require the homunculus rune. Try not to lose your head over all the dead ends in those sections…
Name and picture | Requirements | Location | Link |
Acceptance | 3 BC active (yeah you read that right) Spider rune Ram rune An iron will or masochistic character | High peak castle hidden section behind three locked doors | |
How to get: | Extra information: | I advise starting a run just to get this blueprint. Easily the hardest blueprint to get. That’s why I set it last |
First make sure you play on 3 BC or higher. Then go to the promenade and collect all 3 gardener keys (DO NOT USE THEM). This is where the “fun” a.k.a. suffering begins. Go to the ramparts and find the moonflower key in a hidden section (all moonflower keys are found by rolling in walls and each requires a gardeners key). Take the 3 BC door to the Insufferable crypt, beat Conjonctivius and go to the graveyard. Again find the hidden path and get the second moonflower key. Go to the forgotten sepulchre and find the hidden path to get the 3rd key. Beat the second boss (either Time keeper or the giant, if you do the giant remember to go not directly to the throne room in 1.5). Go to high peak castle and find the hidden path yet again. Use all the keys to get the blueprint. Remember you need to beat at least 2 of the elites to get to the collector to unlock it… Good luck, seriously you’ll need it.
Hard to Get Outfits
Only cosmetic purposes but since there are a few very difficult ones I will explain those few. (literally just 2 and one isn’t that hard at all) All the other can be obtained by a drop from an enemy/boss. There is another outfit which needs a specific way to unlock but it is 5 BC content and because of spoilers this will be discussed in 5 BC difficulty at the end of this guide just as other 5 BC content. I hope you understand.
Name and picture | Requirements | Location | Link |
Golden outfit | Have unlocked the specialist’s showroom | specialist’s showroom in the prisoners quarters | Not needed |
How to get: | Extra information: | Reserve bag V can really help |
Get 20.000 gold or 50 curse to get to the blueprint. If you go for the gold either have Bag IV and find 5.000 gold or spend 20.000 from your full bag V.
Name and picture | Requirements | Location | Link |
Festive outfit | 4 BC active Access to the cavern | Secret area in a 4 BC door in the cavern | |
How to get: | Extra information: | Don’t forget that you need to unlock this with malaise active |
Get the garland key in a secret area (in the ceiling) and go to one of two 4 BC doors in the cavern (look for the one with a door). Open the door and behind all the goodies that are there is a secret area (see the leaves). That is where the outfit is.
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