How to Enable Console
Open Dinkum and load your game. Open the Chat Window and type in:
- devCommandsOn
- cheatsOn
List of Commands (Cheats)
Note: Capitalization matters!
- /e
- changeRain
- changeSpeed [newSpeed]
- cheatsOn
- chunkDistance
- clearFreeCam
- compassLock
- completeNPC [npcId]
- completeQuests
- crocDay
- cropsGrowAllSeasons
- debug
- devCommandsOff
- devCommandsOn
- dropAllFurniture
- freeCam
- fullPedia
- giveGift
- giveMilestone
- giveMoney [amount]
- givePoints
- hairColour [newHairColorId]
- hairStyle [newHairId]
- hideGuide
- hideHud
- loadFreeCam
- makeWindy
- maxRelation [npcId]
- moveInNPC [npcId]
- nextDay
- nextDayChange
- noClip
- noClipNoFollow
- npcPhoto
- placeItem [itemId]
- placeItemFix [itemId]
- randomClothing
- randomiseCharacter
- refreshInside
- renameIsland [newName]
- resetHouse
- resetHouseExteriors
- save
- saveFreeCam
- scanMap
- setAnimalRel
- setDate [day] [week] [month] 2025
- setStatus [unknown]
- setTime [newHour]
- setTimeDay
- setTimeNight
- setTimeReal
- setTired
- skinTone [newSkinId]
- skipSong
- spawnAnimal [animalId]
- spawnBoat
- spawnCarry
- spawnFarmAnimal [animalId]
- spawnNpc [npcId]
- stopRandom
- strikeLightning [x] [z]
- teleport [x] [z]
- unlockRecipes
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