DREDGE – All Trinkets

Trinkets List

You can learn about all the Trinkets that are available in Dredge through this guide. Be sure to discover as many wrecks as you can since you can get trinkets by dredging them out of the Sea of Dredge.

If you stumble across any of these jewels, sell them right away because almost all Trinkets are only intended to be exchanged for cash.

TrinketDescriptionSell Price
Old Iron ChainJunk to the untrained eye, but there’s good metal here. Someone might pay for this.$7.50
Broken MonocleIt would be dangerous to put this anywhere near your eyes.$12.50
Worn Gold RingGold always holds it’s value.$15.00
DoubloonA single doubloon. Looks like real gold.$15.00
Broken SpectaclesNot much use to anyone in this state.$20.00
Citrine RingA gold ring clasping a glowing citrine.$25.00
Pearl EarringsA pair of earrings, each holding a single pearl.$25.00
Silver TrinketA tarnished silver bauble. Looks valuable$30.00
GobletA large goblet covered in what appears to be a thin veneer of gold leaf.$35.00
Opal RingA gold ring clasping a shining opal.$35.00
Sapphire EarringsA pair of hooped earrings, each bearing a splendid sapphire.$40.00
Fancy BootA large and sturdy looking boot. Waterlogged leather straps are laced through shiny metal clasps.$45.00
Emerald EarringsA pair of hooped earrings, each bearing a precious emerald.$47.50
Emerald RingA gold ring clasping a rich emerald.$55.00
Ruby EarringsA pair of hooped earrings, each bearing a valuable ruby.$55.00
Bag of DoubloonsA bag of gold doubloons. This ought to fetch a decent price somewhere.$60.00
Silver PlateA tarnished silver plate. The edges are slightly discoloured, eroded by the salt.$60.00
Belt BuckleEngraved, but almost every detail is entirely worn away. It is not advised to sell this trinket because it is connected to the Lost at Sea Pursuit.$80.00
SextantA surprisingly intact navigational tool. Its complex mechanisms have seized up but this could still be valuable to the right dealer.$85.00
Signet RingA ship’s wheel sigil is emblazoned proudly on this ring. Such a symbol is sure to bring good luck to any captain that holds it.$90.00
Big Bag of DoubloonsA huge bag overflowing with gold doubloons. This has got to be worth a lot.$150.00
Helena Stamatina
About Helena Stamatina 1252 Articles
I love two things in life, games and sports. Although sports were my earliest interest, it was video games that got me completely addicted (in a good way). My first game was Crash Bandicoot (PS1) from the legendary studio Naughty Dog back in 1996. I turned my passion for gaming into a job back in 2019 when I transformed my geek blog (Re-actor) into the gaming website it is today.

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