Escape the Backrooms – Achievements Guide

Achievement Guide with tips for Escape the Backrooms.

Escape Level 0

Escape Level 0 – Go to Pitfall or Empty Room, if you go to one and it isn’t there then it is in the other. You have 3 minutes before monster spawns. Highly recommend you do Survivalist at the same time, see Survivalist for details.

Escape the Habitable Zone

Escape the Habitable Zone – Immediately run to the right before the lights go out. You’re given a flicker warning, then lights out. If you’re caught in the dark you’re insta killed.

Escape Pipe Dreams

Escape Pipe Dreams – Go right, when it turns dark crouch to dodge pipe burst. After pipe burst you can sprint infinitely for the rest of the level, turn right into the clown stairs.

Escape Level Fun

Escape Level Fun – You have to just watch this video and tune into 20:00 exactly to see NatureViking’s successful run through of Level Fun.

Escape the Poolrooms

Escape the Poolrooms – Okay so you’ll immediately go off to the right, to the room that splits into an intersection, where you can go left right and center. Go to the right, you’ll enter a darker corridor with a glimmer on the wall that looks like eyes. Past that is a room full of arch supports. All the way at the end on the left is the obvious continuation, but in the dark on the farther part of the room there is another hallway that leads to the exit. So if you’re facing the obvious next room, turn 90 degrees right.

Escape Level Run for your life!

Escape Level Run for your life! – You have to watch this video and tune into 37:05 exactly to see NatureViking’s successful run through of Level Run for your life!

Super Helpful Tip: Okay so I get to the door 50 ♥♥♥ times and it doesn’t open and I die at the door because I’m trying to click it to open it. Just run through the door. Run like the door isn’t even there and you’ll bust it open and fall in. Good lord!

Escape The End

Escape The End – Pick up all 24 of the VHS tapes without getting close to the entity, if he aggro’s you then you’re done for. You can either turn the computer on before collecting them or after, doesn’t matter. There is a computer bug where if you have collected some and then turn on the monitor it will say 24, implying 24 remaining, however if you collect another VHS it will switch to the correct remaining amount. After collecting them all the entity zips into the ceiling and you watch the little presentation you move on to the next level.

Escape Level 9223372036854775807

Escape Level 9223372036854775807 – Go up the stairs, notice how it goes 1, 2, 3 and so on? Well eventually you’ll get a number that isn’t sequential, for me it was the number 94 and it happened at what was supposed to be floor 33. When you see that you’re clear to jump down the spiral staircase, past all the stairs into the white floor and that will finish the game and give you the achievement.


Survivalist – You can also afk in the Empty Room, that’s what I did. I imagine wherever you find the exit prior to 3 minutes going by, you can just stay there. There is no monster under 3 minutes of time.

Participation Trophy

Participation Trophy – You have to beat the game in easy difficulty with 3 other players.

Note: My friends and I are currently exploring a way to cheese these. Like for instance will doing this on Nightmare instantly unlock Group Effort and Participation Trophy? A three for one? For Multiplayer can 2 people get to the last level and then add 2 more for instant cheese? Can someone who’s already gotten to the last level on multiplayer nightmare invite NEW people and basically give away the hardest achievements? If you know the answer to these questions by all means contact me at Chord#0703 and I will correct the guide AND give credit to you, the source.

Group Effort

Group Effort – You You have to beat the game in normal difficulty with 3 other players.

Note: My friends and I are currently exploring a way to cheese these. Like for instance will doing this on Nightmare instantly unlock Group Effort and Participation Trophy? A three for one? For Multiplayer can 2 people get to the last level and then add 2 more for instant cheese? Can someone who’s already gotten to the last level on multiplayer nightmare invite NEW people and basically give away the hardest achievements? If you know the answer to these questions by all means contact me at Chord#0703 and I will correct the guide AND give credit to you, the source.


Nightmare – You have to beat the game in nightmare difficulty with 3 other players.

Note: My friends and I are currently exploring a way to cheese these. Like for instance will doing this on Nightmare instantly unlock Group Effort and Participation Trophy? A three for one? For Multiplayer can 2 people get to the last level and then add 2 more for instant cheese? Can someone who’s already gotten to the last level on multiplayer nightmare invite NEW people and basically give away the hardest achievements? If you know the answer to these questions by all means contact me at Chord#0703 and I will correct the guide AND give credit to you, the source.

Helena Stamatina
About Helena Stamatina 1252 Articles
I love two things in life, games and sports. Although sports were my earliest interest, it was video games that got me completely addicted (in a good way). My first game was Crash Bandicoot (PS1) from the legendary studio Naughty Dog back in 1996. I turned my passion for gaming into a job back in 2019 when I transformed my geek blog (Re-actor) into the gaming website it is today.

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