Five Nights at Freddy’s – How to Beat The Game in Less Than a Day

Stuck on the nights or want to beat the game easily and swiftly? You’ve come to the right guide! I’ve beat the game in less than a day with 4/20 mode being a breeze, so if you’d like help here is my guide to help you beat Five Nights at Freddy’s!

How to Beat FNaF 1

Night 1

Night 1 is of course, the easiest night in the game. Freddy will not move and Foxy will rarely come out of his cove. So what do you need to do for this night? Well, listen to phone guy to learn the mechanics and lore. The animatronics don’t move until hour 2, so there is no need to worry about them yet. At around hours 2-3 either Bonnie, Chica, or both of them will move, however they will move rather slowly until reaching your door. Keep your camera on Pirate’s Cove to make sure Foxy doesn’t appear although rare. Check your door lights every couple seconds and if you see one of them, close the door and check the light to see if their reflection is still there. Once they are gone you can open the door again. I’d recommend checking the door lights and then flipping the camera every few seconds, not only to check on foxy and the other animatronics but also some-what of a practice for the later lights.

Repeat and you shouldn’t run out of power and you should beat Night 1 easily, congrats.

Night 2

Night 2 is very similar to Night 1 other than the animatronics being a bit more active and usually coming before 2 AM and Foxy is more active on this night.

Listen to phone guy for the lore, and now here is the strategy to beat it.

Much like the last Night, all you have to do is check the door lights and then flip the camera every few seconds. Freddy will not move on this night either.

Foxy may attack you, if he does he will move in four stages. The first stage is his cove closed and he is not seen, the second stage is where he starts peeking out, the third stage he is out of the cove and about to run, and the forth stage he will be gone and will be running to your door.

Once he reaches stage three you will need to be more aware.

Once he reaches stage four, here is how to counter him.

Quickly close out of the camera and close the left door. Go back on the camera and check the West Hall cam and he will be running down the hallway and then knocking on your door. Once he begins knocking, you can open the door and he will repeat his stages. The first time he runs at your door he will drain 1% power and then add 5% every other time, so you will not want to trigger Foxy.

Pretty easy night, but the next night the whole strategy changes!

Night 3

Night 3 changes the whole strategy from Night’s 1 and 2 for one main reason, Freddy is now active.

Listen to phone guy for the lore, and here is the strategy to beat it.

Although Freddy is active the night is still easy to beat. Freddy can be cam stalled.

By this, it means that if you look at him in one cam he will stay there.

Now to counter both Freddy and Foxy all you have to do is whenever you lift your monitor up, make sure your camera is on Show Stage to cam stall Freddy and then check Pirate’s Cove really quickly to see what stage he is on and then go back to Show Stage and close the monitor.

After that, check the door lights to see if Bonnie or Chica is there and close the door if you see them to counter them

Keep in mind that not lifting up the monitor will prompt not only Foxy but also Freddy to move, so make sure you look very frequently. If you hear his laugh or see him off Show Stage, don’t panic. All you have to do is do the same strategy before with Show Stage and Pirate Cove but this time with the East Hall Corner cam. If you see him there, keep your cam on East Hall Corner for the rest of the night to cam stall him and don’t click off to another camera with your door open. You can check on Foxy if Chica is outside your door, close it to counter Chica and make sure Freddy doesn’t come in and quickly check Pirate Cove and back to East Hall Corner. If Chica takes too long to come to your door, just close the right door and lift up the monitor and quickly check Pirate Cove and back to East Hall Corner and you can lift the door again. Doing this will also prepare for 4/20 mode, however only do this if you accidentally let Freddy come off stage.

That’s it, and this works all the way up to Night 6.

Night 4

Night 4 is very similar to Night 3 other than the animatronics now being more active.

Listen to phone guy for the lore, however in this night call we can hear his unfortunate death. Here is how to beat Night 4.

All you have to do is follow the same strategy as I said for Night 3. It’s that easy.

Night 5

Night 5, the “final” night but not really. Night 5 is very similar to Night 3 and 4 other than the animatronics now being even more active.

Listen to phone guy for the lore, however in this night call we can hear not Phone Guy, but rather Golden Freddy speaking in the phone call before it ends. This is the last phone call. Now for how to beat the night.

All you have to do is follow the same strategy as I said for Night 3. It’s that easy.

Night 6

Night 6, the hardest night until Custom Night. Night 6 is very similar to Nights 3, 4, and 5 other than the animatronics now being EVEN more active. You will need to do your camera flips as fast as you can this night to prevent Freddy from leaving Show Stage and keep Foxy in place.

No phone call tonight, now onto beating the night.

All you have to do is follow the same strategy as I said for Night 3. It’s that easy.

If you lose a few times due to Chica or Bonnie jamming your door that is fine as it happened to me twice this night. It all depends on your reflexes though.

Night 7 (Custom Night and 4/20 Mode)

Night 7, the hardest night or easiest night depending on your Animatronic AI. Choosing the lower AI’s and you could follow the same strategies for Night 1-2 or Night 3 if you put it higher. There isn’t really a reason to do the lower AI’s though other than 0/20 mode if you want to find some secrets, however they are still active except Freddy so all you have to do is follow the Night 1 strategy if you do this mode.

No phone call tonight, now let’s go straight into how to beat 4/20 mode! (This strategy should also work if you decide to put the animatronics at other high AI although there isn’t much reason to do so.)

4/20 mode changes the strategy COMPLETELY from Night’s 3-6. Freddy moves too fast at AI 20 to be cam stalled at the Show Stage.

So here is what you have to do.

As soon as you enter the night, lift your monitor and go straight to East Hall Corner. Keep lifting the monitor and once you reach 97% power start checking the light on the left door to see if Bonnie is there.

It’s a very simple process, just repeat the following:

Check light, lift up monitor, close monitor. Do all of this quickly and you should be fine with Bonnie and Freddy. Just close the door if Bonnie appears and then open when he is gone.

Now, if you see Chica in the East Hall Corner, Freddy will not appear however he is still there.

When Chica appears in East Hall Corner though, start checking the lights on the right door as well to see if Chica appears in the door.

Another very simple process, just repeat the following whenever Chica is in the East Hall Corner:

Check both lights, lift up monitor, close monitor. Do all of this quickly and you should be fine with Bonnie, Chica, and Freddy. Just close the door if you see Bonnie or Chica or both.

Now, for Foxy.

Whenever Chica appears at your door, you will of course close it. However during this time you have a quick period where you can check on pirate cove as your door is closed to also stop Freddy. So when Chica appears at your door, quickly close it and check Pirate Cove to see what stage he is on and go back to East Hall Corner and you can lift the door if Chica is gone.

You can repeat this each time when Chica comes, however sometimes Chica will take too long. And at this point you will need to take matters into your own hands.

Whenever you feel Chica takes too long, all you have to do is close the right door and check Pirate Cove to see what stage he is on and go back to East Hall Corner and you can lift the door. Make sure you do it quickly.

Now when Foxy is in his running position, you may want to start checking him more frequently. If Chica takes too long just do as what I said above. Following the strategy will usually make him into his running stage from hours 3-4 AM.

When you check on Pirate Cove again and he is gone, (you usually have a 20-30 second period before he comes unless you check West Hall) quickly turn off the monitor, close the left and make sure the right door is still closed, check West Hall and see him running down and quickly go back to East Hall Corner, and turn off the monitor and lift up both doors when you hear the banging unless Bonnie or Chica is in one or both of the doors. He will usually be gone from his cove around hour 5 but may also happen at hour 4.

Do all of this and you should be fine with Bonnie, Chica, Freddy, and Foxy. All of them.

Now once you reach around 3-4% power it is all up to luck. Do nothing and don’t move. Once the power runs out, hope that Freddy does his long song and you have enough time for 6 AM, and you should then win

If you lose a few times because of the doors jamming, that is fine. It happened to me three times and then I won.

Following this strategy is very easy and you should get your third star and you will complete the game.

Final Thoughts

As I’ve said in a review for this game, the game is amazing however pretty easy. As long as you follow the strategy I’ve given you, you should breeze past every night including 4/20 mode. Thanks for reading and good luck!

Helena Stamatina
About Helena Stamatina 897 Articles
I love two things in life, games and sports. Although sports were my earliest interest, it was video games that got me completely addicted (in a good way). My first game was Crash Bandicoot (PS1) from the legendary studio Naughty Dog back in 1996. I turned my passion for gaming into a job back in 2019 when I transformed my geek blog (Re-actor) into the gaming website it is today.

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