Fool! – Walkthrough

Walkthrough routes to get all 54 achievements in Fool!


Fool! has 54 in-game achievements, 33 of which correspond to Steam achievements. Since I only consider a game complete if I get all the available achievements, this guide is for the full set of 54.

Because many of the achievements are mutually exclusive, the best I could come up with is 7 playthroughs. That gets 7 fairly different endings, so I doubt it’s possible to reduce that much. The playthroughs will mostly have the same events (but with a variety of results) for the first two and a half acts, and you’ll start to see some real divergence in the second half of Act III. (There are probably more endings; on my first playthrough, just for fun without worrying about achievements, I got yet another ending. But that occurred in Act III Scene III, so it wasn’t a very efficient playthrough as far as achievements).

For each playthrough, I list an option for every choice. In theory, some of those choices don’t affect achievements, especially the early ones which choose your character’s gender and sexuality. The game will gender-swap some of the romance options based on those choices (or randomly assign genders if your character is bi). So you may notice slight differences in character names (e.g. Wendell/Gwendell). And, obviously, you can name your character and pet whatever you want; I just put something in each playthrough to keep the choices in order.

The results of choices vary depending on your humours, skill, and other stats at the time you make the choice, so if you want to make sure you get a particular achievement, you’ll probably want to start from the beginning of one of the playthroughs that gets that achievement.

If you do these playthroughs in order, I’ve starred the achievements for each that will be new for that playthrough.

Playthrough 1 Achievements

This playthrough earns the following achievements:

*Tough Crowd (10)
*You Had One Job (10)
*I’ll Write When I Can (10)
*Ranger-In-Training (10)
*That’ll Do (50)
*You’re Too Kind (25)
*The One Ring (10)
*’Tis I, The Poison Pill (10)
*Tamer Of Troublemakers (10)
*A Firm Foothold (10)
*Colder Shoulder (10)
*Nary A Scratch (20)
*All Aquiver (20)
*A Good Listener (20)
*Retreat For Two (20)
*Royal Retriever (25)
*Hotfoot, Cooled (25)
*While These Visions Did Appear (10)
*Pour The Mead (25)
*Freed Of Fine Print (10)
*The Struggle Continues (10)
*Simian Savior (10)
*Say Goodnight, Sweet Prince (10)

Playthrough 1, Act I

Act I Scene 1
Choice #3: “I’m finally going to show them what I’m capable of.”
Choice #7: The belt, vibrantly dyed leather with a huge buckle carved like a winking face.
Choice #4: With my comeliness, charmed a young admirer in town into helping me.
Choice #2: “Pardon, I’m not ready….”
Choice #5: A riddle.
Choice #4: I’m not much moved by romance, but can envision success onstage building the esteem and friendship some of these souls will show me in life.
Choice #2: Needling the audience.
Choice #2: “Ask not for some artistry or sculpted trick of the stage, I prithee….” 
Choice #4: Discredit Luca.
Choice #3: “Your mistake, sir, for I am a woman, and…”
Choice #1: Feste.
Choice #3: I edge away, ready to flee.
Choice #4: I should flee.
Achieve Tough Crowd (10)
Choice #1: Quicksilver, the treasured jester whose inspired artistry ever transcended the pettiness of Court.

Act I Scene 2
Choice #2: Picking up etiquette, manners, and courtly dance.
Choice #2: I’ll look for father in the fields.
Choice #1: “I just wanted to see you.”
Choice #3: Share a quote to change his mind.
Choice #4: I need to practice for my next performance.
Choice #2: Calisthenics, to condition my body.
Achieve You Had One Job (10)
Choice #3: “Let me feed the hog, and we’ll be done with it.”
Choice #2: If all is preordained, am I even alive at all?
Choice #1: “Watch out; he’s probably thinking how much he’ll save on wages if you poison yourself.”
Choice #4: “Incredible! Luca, I could kiss you!”
Choice #3: I will tell my parents that I intend to go.
Choice #2: “I’m leaving to have the life I deserve at last.”
Achieve I’ll Write When I Can (10)

Act I Scene 3
Choice #4: I can’t spare the time to stop, but I’ll tell the next knight I see of this.
Choice #4: I’m grateful he’s going first, so I can learn the process afore I face the gauntlet myself.
Choice #4: I know instruments well enough to fix that horn, so all can attend to the poor performer again.
Choice #2: “Why feign at being auditors from the Duke?”
Choice #1: I’m not fazed; I’m focused on learning more.
Choice #2: I understand what they were trying to achieve. I’m keen to ingratiate myself with artists like these.
Choice #3: Indeed I hope so, intriguing soul that she is.
Choice #4: What’s before me is bound to be better than what’s behind.
Choice #3: I’ll make my own camp by the pond and keep a close eye on woods and road alike.
Choice #3: I’ve a repertoire of all matter of knowledge; mayhap I can identify some comestibles in the meadow.
Achieve Ranger-In-Training (10)
Choice #3: I must be prepared for any song or speech the Duke can request.
Choice #3: I can offer to work for a night’s lodgings.
Choice #3: I think those birds are following me. Stay calm, Feste, just stay calm.
Choice #3: I’ve brought myself here. Only fate can decide where I go next.
Choice #2: “I understand there were openings for entertainers here at Court–I hope that’s still the case!”
Choice #1: “Have you worked here long?”
Choice #4: “Honorable Chief Steward, indispensable subject to His Grace the Duke; I, Feste, thank thee for thy gracious time and present such talents for thy consideration as our creator has bestowed upon me.”
Choice #3: A fine speech about duty and service.
Choice #3: An exhilarating exhibition of dance.
Choice #4: “I’ve experience throwing eggs at their walls and lifting pies from their windows, if that’s what you mean.”
Choice #3: “Because I will dedicate myself to his service like no other.”
Achieve That’ll Do (50)
Choice #3: Lean on Malodoro.

Act I Scene 4
Choice #2: I wonder how the rest of the company will take to me.
Choice #2: “Any advice for a new player?”
Choice #1: What a fascinating energy he has! I’d love to get to know him more.
Choice #6: “Jests and wordplay suit me best.”
Choice #1: I’ll lean on my energetic nature as I assent to Timshel’s plan of a day of games.
Choice #1: I know a thousand and one such exercises and can run this affair better than he.
Choice #3: If that’s all the Bardbrood has to offer, I don’t see myself investing much time in exploring it.
Choice #3: “I’m just eager to see what tomorrow will bring.”
Choice #2: I need more time to consider it.
Choice #1: I’ll give a hearty greeting to all.
Choice #2: I believe my idea will be better for all, and have the wisdom to support it.
Choice #2: I will endeavor to act as critic where I can. Clear advice, even if it has a bit of an edge to’t, will only help us improve.
Choice #2: I will burnish the temple of my body.
Choice #4: “Let’s be friends please!”
Choice #2: I shall cultivate a friendship now and see what develops in time.
Choice #2: My portion drew praise from all parties.
Choice #2: Of course. The siblings and I will complete our portion after Millicent and Moargen.
Choice #3: I’ll double-check my own preparations.
Choice #4: I will make a joke of his forgetfulness. Anything is better than this crippling silence.
Choice #3: They’re going to throw knives at me.
Choice #4: A showcase of my juggling tricks.
Choice #2: None would begrudge me a chance to extend this moment with another exhibition of skill.
Choice #3: My insight.
Achieve You’re Too Kind (25)
Choice #2: I will flirt my way through the nobles as we dance. ‘Twill make sure they enjoy themselves.
Choice #1: What a thrill!
Choice #2: Her opinion is all that matters, and that of His Grace.
Choice #3: “An unflagging commitment to disregard ignorant feedback from stewards.”
Choice #4: I could sell this for a fortune.
Achieve The One Ring (10)
Choice #1: Hug her.

Playthrough 1, Act II

Act II Scene 1
Choice #2: I’m greatly eager for the chance to see what others of my artistic kin have prepared.
Choice #2: Best to adopt a charitable demeanor despite the offense and make a simple reintroduction.
Choice #3: I wouldn’t mind performing outside of Court, but it has to be something that gets people laughing and dancing.
Choice #2: “I could have done without Jennelia’s five-minute soliloquy whilst burning in the lava, but the rest was fair.”
Choice #2: I’ll make my meaningless mark on the bally sheet; I’m sure it’s toothless when all is said and done, and it’ll quiet him in the meantime.
Choice #2: “I work in His Grace’s Court…give me a taste and I’ll put in a good word for you.”
Choice #1: My memorization and marathon exhibition of all thirty-nine Poetic Iddar last winter.
Choice #1: His Grace is going to feed me to his other bear–there can be no other explanation.
Choice #3: This is a mad pastime, and I don’t mind telling them so–cleverly enough to get away with it, of course.
Choice #3: Whatever happens is in their hands; I should embrace that.
Choice #5: With my honest, hearty good cheer in all things.
Choice #1: “How can I ever thank you enough for this opportunity?”
Achieve ‘Tis I, The Poison Pill (10)
Choice #2: I secured modest roles in two exhibitions.
Choice #3: “Thanks for your kindness. Whatever is meant to be will be.”
Choice #1: I wish for him to feel a deep bond the way I do, and I’ll use all my wits and wisdom to make it so.
Choice #1: “Excuse me–you can’t leave this here!”
Choice #2: Tycho.
Choice #1: If I am still and placid and don’t trouble myself about Tycho, it will be bound to absorb my calm at some point.
Choice #5: Tweaking the crowds with saucy jests.
Choice #2: I will discreetly advise the soldiers to silence the protesters, robes or no robes.
Choice #4: I belong here, where great people are doing great things.

Act II Scene 2
Choice #1: I should be strong enough to loop an arm around the little ape and hold it fast.
Achieve Tamer Of Troublemakers (10)
Choice #2: Whatever the Steward wills, it’s my place to obey.
Choice #1: “Indeed I am, Mister Fig. I’m eager for the opportunity.”
Choice #2: I have an inkling I could be compatible with this one.
Choice #3: While he works, I’m so brimming with excitement I simply must share it.
Choice #2: Wisest, I think, to learn what he knows about the Court so I have the lay of the land before tonight.
Choice #2: He’s one I’d like to become fond friends with; a warm and inviting farewell might set the stage, if he feels the same.
Choice #2: Run through an assortment of my choicest jokes and jests.
Choice #2: No preparation can ready me more than I already am.
Choice #2: I fear its containment and its escape equally, so I’ll leash it down so it can move freely but not beyond its lead.
Choice #1: A deferential introduction and request to confirm I’m on the right path will soothe them.
Choice #1: “I want to increase their joy, and lighten–for a time–the burdens they carry.”
Choice #1: “If I’m acquainted with Hondelet’s Bardbrood, I can draw in outside performers to support palace work.”
Choice #2: I’d love to know what style King Saul prefers.
Choice #4: …and I’ve no company behind me for support.
Choice #2: I’ll cut the line to offer my own witty petition to the King.
Choice #4: “…and I have a peculiarly pressing petition to offer you on behalf of fools everywhere.”
Choice #1: I’ll amuse him with wordplay as cunning as I can manage.

Act II Scene 3
Choice #1: I should like to keep her laughing; the more friends I have in the castle, the better.
Choice #2: “It’s getting tamer by the minute. It shan’t cause harm.”
Choice #4: “At the risk of getting mired down, what matter of discipline do you think they might inflict…exactly?”
Choice #2: Memorizing Fugelhent’s huge poem And This My Steel for a high-stakes performance the subsequent day.
Achieve A Firm Foothold (10)
Choice #4: Winning jovial companionship in the mirthful alehouses of the city, even if it means a degree of neglect towards my fellows at Westfenster.
Choice #2: “Thankee kindly.”
Choice #1: Tom wants reassurance after this setback; perhaps I’m wise enough to be the listener and advisor he needs.
Choice #3: I’ll impress those in sight by using my strength to run through some lifts with the beast whilst we listen.
Choice #3: “With all due respect to His Majesty, who starts a holiday at dawn?”
Choice #1: I’ve some notions for how to augment the puppet to make its perennial demise even more fantastic.
Choice #1: Being nobly born is still a fine life, no matter where you rule.
Choice #2: I’ll poke fun and pretend I don’t know her, same way she once did to me.
Achieve Colder Shoulder (10)
Choice #2: It’s barbaric to parade our enemies in effigy this way. I’ll use the moment to make the audience consider what they’re actually applauding.
Choice #1: To be a good companion, I should make an effort to keep up. I’ve a sturdy enough stomach to manage it.
Choice #1: I want to impress with my knowledge of the conflict, or at least its players.
Choice #3: Why not dance, and then take a walk? The Tarantalong won’t take more than a few moments, and I won’t have to upset anyone.
Choice #1: Yes, and determined to continue thus.
Choice #1: Perhaps it’ll give them comfort if I respond in meter as well; Lord knows my repertoire is well-stocked with examples.
Choice #4: Running and hiding sounds entirely appropriate to me.
Choice #3: “Quite the moonlit stroll, eh?”
Achieve Nary A Scratch (20)

Playthrough I, Act III

Act III Scene 1
Choice #1: I’ll wrangle a few minutes’ delay from her to tend to Tycho.
Choice #3: “It was my honor to serve.”
Choice #1: ‘Twas I who braved the graverobbers. Fig will have other moments–let this one be mine.
Choice #3: I’ll let my honest good cheer shine through; there’s no need to risk the moment with roguery.
Choice #3: I’m not inclined to mention him at this point.
Choice #2: I’ll make note of all the classes of people who are staring more oddly than normal and try to deduce the explanation.
Choice #3: I’ll share the whole story with her honestly. It’ll be good to vent some heat where Gwendell is concerned.
Choice #3: I’ll toss out a quip to show him he’s not master here.
Choice #3: “Should I render you this service, what would be in it for me?”
Choice #3: I’ll do it. ‘Tis but a means to an end of greater prestige and influence.
Choice #2: Taking a friendship with the craftsman Tom Fletcher to new heights.
Choice #1: I’ll draw him into a bit of a dance, letting my figure and grace serve my purpose.
Achieve All Aquiver (20)
Choice #1: For my part, I’ve always held out in defense of Good King Saul.
Choice #1: I can best earn my keep by using my charms on our visitors, the Gramercys.
Choice #3: I could toast with that duck leg over yonder.
Choice #1: An intimidating talent, this Baggage.
Choice #3: I’m not about to play♥♥♥♥♥♥fight by their rules; beware to all parties, for my shrewd fooling will spare none.
Choice #2: He may spritz me with his drops all he likes; I’ll drown him in my wits.
Choice #1: I know so many sonnets I can conjure up a few lines well enough.
Choice #1: We’ll take brushes in hand to show our skills in comic portraiture.

Act III Scene 2
Choice #2: He made good on his promise to help at the feast; I should do my part now, and then insist on even greater rewards.
Choice #4: I wonder what manner of favor I should expect from His Lordship for this service.
Choice #2: There’s a scaffold that leads up to the chapel lanterns; if I scale it, I can be close to the conversation without being espied.
Achieve A Good Listener (20)
Choice #2: It cheers me to imagine saddling Tycho in moments like these.
Choice #3: “In all sincerity, thanks for arranging this. I’ll certainly be there.”
Choice #3: If I can spin the sad, true tale well enough to raise an outcry, perhaps she’ll release my friends to placate the mob.
Choice #4: Oh Lord! Having been in close quarters with many Hondelets on tour, I’ve a whole retinue of comic observations….
Choice #1: I’ll stop in with Tom to share such news as I have.
Choice #1: I’ll meet Prinxe Hail in the Royal Chambers, as an advisor and–perhaps–a friend.
Choice #1: “I understand you and His Majesty had a bit of a row.”
Choice #2: I believe I can dredge up a quote with some antique wisdom on the subject….
Achieve Retreat For Two (20)
Choice #3: Yes; life belongs to those who act boldly.

Act III Scene 3
Choice #1: I fully and eagerly anticipated an amorous component.
Choice #3: These people need to be ready to protect themselves…. I think a few jibes about the crown might help them see that.
Choice #2: “And if there’s one thing the ancient poets have taught me, it’s that troubled times are when leaders and heroes are needed most.”
Achieve Royal Retriever (25)
Choice #3: If I deploy a silver tongue, my new circumstances with the Heir need not forestall Tom and I from carrying on now and again.

Playthrough 1, Act IV

Act IV Scene 1
Choice #1: I scrounge as much time together with them as I can; carefully planned and orchestrated, of course, to avoid embarrassment.
Choice #3: “When we wake up sore or hung over, nobles don’t like us to back talk; why, pray tell, should’t differ for him?”
Choice #1: “Can Tycho do it instead?”
Choice #1: I’ll consult the castle library for all books related to the Gramercys; I’ve a good head for sifting through tomes and memorizing facts.
Choice #2: At this point, I’m a wizard for capturing others’ gait, carriage, and expressions.
Choice #1: At this point, the best thing I can do is to make the affair light and amusing; there’s much to be said in having one’s royal negotiator fresh and at ease.
Choice #2: “I’m just delighted at the result, is all; what a fine day for Brenton!”
Achieve Hotfoot, Cooled (25)
Choice #1: A bit of personal grooming is a good option; tend the body, and the mind will follow.
Choice #2: “Can you help me with my writing?”
Choice #2: I know salts and the like can eradicate worms; I wonder if handfuls from this gunpowder barrel can clear me a path.
Choice #1: Yes, anything for help. [Decreases Surety.]
Achieve While These Visions Did Appear (10)
Choice #2: “Brace yourself, dear Gwendell.”
Choice #4: “Practice, practice! I’m going to sequester myself in rehearsal as much as possible until the date.”
Choice #3: In fine bawdy style, I had a cask of Hemdall’s Queasy Ale brewed for th’occasion and saw it distributed by name through the throng.
Choice #2: An insightful set of truisms embedded in the otherwise risible text.
Choice #3: “Inspiration struck, and from thence I just put my head down and wrote it.”
Achieve Pour The Mead (25)
Choice #1: This is lunacy. This is my domain, and I’ll have the guards run her out before I do anything to satisfy a contract I smudged as a child.
Achieve Freed Of Fine Print (10)
Choice #2: “I love your work! Have you any spare scripts?”
Choice #2: I won’t leave. I’m proud of what I’ve accomplished here and what I can continue to do.
Choice #3: “There’s a fine bakery called Flounce’s north of here. Next time you call a cryptic meeting, remember them.”
Choice #2: I’m genuinely happy for her. It’s a peerless honor.
Choice #3: “In these times of strife I appeal to you, as one who’s known you long: use your role as Muse to bolster Brenton, not divide it.”
Choice #3: Let her return to her life; I’m well-set with mine.
Achieve The Struggle Continues (10)
Choice #4: I overheard glaring historical errors in a counselor’s speech while she practiced, and stepped in with proper details in an effort to spare her embarrassment.
Choice #3: I’ll tell Tycho to defend me.
Achieve Simian Savior (10)
Achieve Say Goodnight, Sweet Prince (10)

Playthrough 2 Achievements

*Encore, Encore! (15)
You Had One Job (10)
*Peace Upon You All (10)
*Backstage Is The Best Stage (10)
*Taskmaster (10)
*The Show Must Go On (Because I Say So) (25)
The One Ring (10)
*A Prime Specimen (10)
*We’ll Always Have Port Covens (30)
Tamer Of Troublemakers (10)
*Exit Stage Left (10)
*Handy At Hazard (20)
All Aquiver (20)
*The Dueliest Duelist (25)
A Good Listener (20)
While These Visions Did Appear (10)
*An Acquired Taste (10)
*Debanished (10)
*To New Beginnings (10)

Playthrough 2, Act I

Act I Scene 1
Choice #3: “I’m finally going to show them what I’m capable of.”
Choice #3: The spectacles, with great green lenses comically oversized for my face.
Choice #4: With my comeliness, charmed a young admirer in town into helping me.
Choice #1: “What ho, well met! You’re just in time!”
Choice #5: A riddle.
Choice #4: I’m not much moved by romance, but can envision success onstage building the esteem and friendship some of these souls will show me in life.
Choice #2: Needling the audience.
Choice #3: “On my life, do not bid me conjure some obscure scrap of melody or verse….” 
Choice #1: I’ll stay composed and placate Luca before continuing as planned.
Choice #2: “I may be a man, but…”
Choice #4: Trinculo.
Choice #1: “What have I done, prithee?”
Choice #2: I must entertain my audience.
Choice #4: A touch of comic flirtation will amuse the throng and transform the mood.
Choice #1: Sir Jaundyce, not for any attraction but for the theatricality of it all.
Achieve Encore, Encore! (15)
Choice #4: Kenkle, the shrewd fool whose trusted counsel was worth a million trinkets and twirls.

Act I Scene 2
Choice #3: Exploring engineering, mathematics, and craftsmanship.
Choice #5: I need to practice for my next performance.
Choice #6: Whittling and carving, to cultivate my stagecraft.
Achieve You Had One Job (10)
Choice #2: “I’m not a child any more, and right glad I am you’ve decided not to treat me as such.”
Choice #3: The celestial bodies sway not me with their gravity.
Choice #2: “Clever. If I looked for mushrooms in the dark I’d be wont to have two viper bites and no boots by the time I came home.”
Choice #3: “What makes you think I would leave the farm?”
Choice #2: I will go tonight.
Choice #3: If this position is not meant to be, I have to trust another path will appear.
Achieve Peace Upon You All (10)

Act I Scene 3
Choice #1: I’ve a strong voice; perhaps I can startle the bear away.
Choice #1: I might as well take the bag. I’ve got days on the road yet.
Choice #4: I’m grateful he’s going first, so I can learn the process afore I face the gauntlet myself.
Choice #3: I’ll offer to take his place onstage. I’ve wit enough to withstand these courtly rigors and prove myself.
Choice #1: “What’s the Bardbrood?”
Choice #3: There’s a song reminds me of this moment. Perhaps I can impress this crew with it.
Choice #1: I think they were cruel to ordinary people, and I don’t mind delivering an impactful rebuke.
Choice #3: Indeed I hope so, intriguing soul that he is.
Choice #1: I hope I’ve made the right decision….
Choice #3: I’ll make my own camp by the pond and keep a close eye on woods and road alike.
Choice #1: I’ve still got plenty of sausage.
Choice #1: I must ensure my wit is as keen as possible.
Choice #1: Perhaps I could camp somewhere near here instead.
Choice #4: I wonder whatever happened to that woman and her runaway mule…I hope someone bought her a round at the pub that night.
Choice #2: I will not leave that place until I’ve made it my home.
Choice #4: “Please let the Duke know that his next Court Jester has arrived.”
Choice #2: “Is there any chance of stopping by a chamberpot on the way?”
Choice #2: I’ll start immediately.
Choice #1: A bit of acrobatics.
Choice #1: A tuneful ballad.
Choice #3: “Can you repeat the question?”
Choice #3: “Because I will dedicate myself to his service like no other.”
Choice #2: I’d like to see her last two minutes on a stage! Then she can talk.
Achieve Backstage Is The Best Stage (10)
Choice #2: Hardly what I had in mind.

Act I Scene 4
Choice #1: A bit soon to decide; I scarcely know what being a Lurker means!
Choice #1: “Have you been with the company long?”
Choice #1: What a fascinating energy he has! I’d love to get to know him more.
Choice #2: “I scarcely know myself!”
Choice #2: In sober and respectful fashion, I’ll enumerate why I feel Millicent’s case for rehearsal is the stronger.
Achieve Taskmaster (10)
Choice #1: Let me use my quick wit to win support for the idea among the company before addressing Timshel.
Choice #1: I will float about the room and make suggestions for how the company might improve their performances.
Choice #3: If that’s all the Bardbrood has to offer, I don’t see myself investing much time in exploring it.
Choice #2: “Nothing beyond my abilities.”
Choice #3: I’m not inclined to sign anything away, but I’ll turn Timshel down gently.
Choice #2: No need to make a scene; I’ll just come in and find my place.
Choice #2: I will endeavor to act as critic where I can. Clear advice, even if it has a bit of an edge to’t, will only help us improve.
Choice #1: I will water the garden of my wit.
Choice #4: “Let’s be friends please!”
Choice #1: I shall let him know my esteem is in full bloom.
Choice #2: With wit.
Choice #2: As Lurker, I have a new appreciation for all the facets of the wicked stage.
Choice #2: To be ready to support any on-stage crisis without drawing attention to myself overmuch.
Choice #1: I’ll help Aitoko, since he seems so frantic.
Choice #2: I will join him onstage to finish the poem for him.
Choice #2: I’ve wisdom enough to determine a means of hiding this.
Achieve The Show Must Go On (Because I Say So) (25)
Choice #2: I will flirt my way through the nobles as we dance. ‘Twill make sure they enjoy themselves.
Choice #3: I hope His Grace rewards us handsomely.
Choice #3: For the short time we had to rehearse, I thought we were a qualified success.
Choice #2: “A deep devotion to the well-being of my fellow players.”
Choice #2: I’m honored.
Achieve The One Ring (10)
Choice #3: Peck her cheek.

Playthrough 2, Act II

Act II Scene 1
Choice #2: I’m greatly eager for the chance to see what others of my artistic kin have prepared.
Choice #3: If I can recall a fine epigram about the vagaries of memory, ‘twould be well-placed here.
Choice #4: The question for me is how to have more influence; bending the ears of nobles one at a time, or expressing a message to hundreds of citizens at once like this.
Choice #3: “I didn’t know nearly so much about the Flenish Wars before tonight. I see why you’ve spoken The Muse’s praises before.”
Choice #2: I’ll make my meaningless mark on the bally sheet; I’m sure it’s toothless when all is said and done, and it’ll quiet him in the meantime.
Choice #3: “You must understand, madame, I’m delirious with hunger…spare a morsel for a poor urchin?”
Choice #2: That time I accidentally advised His Grace the Duke on how to stop a blood feud between merchant cabals.
Choice #4: Whatever the reason, I’m delighted!
Choice #2: I’ve a repertoire chock full of curious skills. If I prove my marksmanship, I’ll win favor with them both.
Choice #3: Whatever happens is in their hands; I should embrace that.
Choice #3: With exhibitions of grace and poise.
Choice #4: “What is more enjoyable, Madam: shooting pumpkins or trafficking in human beings?”
Achieve A Prime Specimen (10)
Choice #3: I’ve attended a number of meetings and even served as an alternate moderator for discussions.
Choice #2: “I’ll have to get my feet under me first; but I don’t want you to think I’m not grateful!”
Choice #1: I wish for him to feel a deep bond the way I do, and I’ll use all my wits and wisdom to make it so.
Achieve We’ll Always Have Port Covens (30)
Choice #1: “Excuse me–you can’t leave this here!”
Choice #6: I know just the thing…[name the beast thyself]
Choice #1: If I am still and placid and don’t trouble myself about Foofoo, it will be bound to absorb my calm at some point.
Choice #4: Dazzling them by leaping from cart to cart.
Choice #1: I will bluster the protesters into silence with a patriotic speech and protect His Majesty’s name.
Choice #4: I belong here, where great people are doing great things.

Act II Scene 2
Choice #1: I should be strong enough to loop an arm around the little ape and hold it fast.
Achieve Tamer Of Troublemakers (10)
Choice #2: Whatever the Steward wills, it’s my place to obey.
Choice #1: “Indeed I am, Mister Fig. I’m eager for the opportunity.”
Choice #2: I have an inkling I could be compatible with this one.
Choice #1: I’ll reassure him that I don’t mind waiting…all in good time.
Choice #3: He needn’t be bothered with all the particulars now; I just want to know what he’s making for Foofoo.
Choice #2: He’s one I’d like to become fond friends with; a warm and inviting farewell might set the stage, if he feels the same.
Choice #4: A bit of quick sketching will help me ensure my hand is ready to render some artistry.
Choice #1: My body is so alive with excitement I can scarcely focus.
Choice #3: The creature can escape from any restraint I can fashion–so my best option is to leave it loose and trust it will stay.
Choice #1: A deferential introduction and request to confirm I’m on the right path will soothe them.
Choice #2: “From what I’ve seen, Westfenster is a haven of calm and control. If I provide a bit of jostling, it’ll do all parties good.”
Choice #2: “I’ve designs of seeing my work spread to all corners of the realm.”
Choice #3: I want to make sure she knows I’m usually behind the stage.
Choice #1: …and he looks bored.
Choice #3: I’ll perform some table tricks and other feats of stagecraft for the courtiers.
Choice #1: “Can I have soup first?”
Choice #3: The fleet-tongued patter song The Carpenter of Edamshire.
Choice #4: I will appeal to Kitty for support.
Achieve Exit Stage Left (10)

Act II Scene 3
Choice #1: I should like to keep her laughing; the more friends I have in the castle, the better.
Choice #2: “It’s getting tamer by the minute. It shan’t cause harm.”
Choice #2: “I accept, for now.”
Choice #2: Memorizing Fugelhent’s huge poem And This My Steel for a high-stakes performance the subsequent day.
Choice #3: Looking for this Raphael to demonstrate my competence on the stage to Hondelet’s Bardbrood.
Choice #3: I’ve more than enough stage organization acumen to help coordinate such an event.
Choice #2: “Thankee kindly.”
Choice #2: I’ll approach Steward Fig in full bluster and see what can be done about these misbehaving guests.
Choice #2: I’m quick-witted enough (or worrywart enough, perhaps) to have already thought through the politics of it all, and can talk the Steward into action.
Achieve Handy At Hazard (20)
Choice #3: I’ll impress those in sight by using my strength to run through some lifts with the beast whilst we listen.
Choice #3: “With all due respect to His Majesty, who starts a holiday at dawn?”
Choice #4: I think they’re putting themselves in danger of injury with their staging; I worry for their safety.
Choice #2: I can understand why lesser nobles would feel the burdens of ruling land that will always struggle to sustain their subjects.
Choice #4: No affront intended, but I can’t be seen with him looking thus disreputable; with my eye for fit, a quick stop at the company wardrobe together wouldn’t go amiss.
Choice #1: I’ll acknowledge all his points as matters-of-fact.
Choice #3: I’m sure my dancing is superior; and whene’er I forget a line, I’ll amuse the audience by making Foofoo deliver it instead.
Choice #1: I feel a deep connection to Wendell right now. I’ll say so as I offer to get him a bedroll with the company for the night.
Choice #1: I’ll battle with the Knight with all my strength, and if it’s damaged in the meantime, perhaps that’ll be an etiquette lesson for its minders.
Choice #1: To be a good companion, I should make an effort to keep up. I’ve a sturdy enough stomach to manage it.
Choice #2: I’ll turn the question around. I’m more interested in listening to their thoughts than scrounging up my own answer.
Choice #1: I should like to accompany this nameless hunter on a moonlit walk.
Choice #1: Yes, and determined to continue thus.
Choice #2: I’ll just put a gentle hand on their back while they sort this through.
Choice #3: I’ll holler for help. At least I know how to project….
Choice #1: If I keep my wits, I’ve just enough time to run and lead the knave after me.

Playthrough 2, Act III

Act III Scene 1
Choice #2: The need must be quite urgent to seek me out thus. I should go.
Choice #3: “What a marvelous opportunity to show my worth….”
Choice #3: I can’t very well say ‘no…’ but I won’t spoil my moment afore the Throne by singing his praises….
Choice #3: I’ll let my honest good cheer shine through; there’s no need to risk the moment with roguery.
Choice #2: I’ll have a bit of fun with Fig and make it clear he’s the one who ordered me to thank him. I can manage a deadpan that’s wry and appreciative all at once.
Choice #3: Any excuse to bask in the acclaim of an admiring throng.
Choice #3: I’ll share the whole story with her honestly. It’ll be good to vent some heat where Wendell is concerned.
Choice #3: I’ll toss out a quip to show him he’s not master here.
Choice #3: “Should I render you this service, what would be in it for me?”
Choice #3: I’ll do it. ‘Tis but a means to an end of greater prestige and influence.
Choice #2: Taking a friendship with the craftsman Tom Fletcher to new heights.
Choice #2: Fashioner of finery that he is, I’m prepared for this moment with a token to impress him.
Achieve All Aquiver (20)
Choice #2: I can’t wait to see just how bewildered and bumbling His Majesty will be rendered by th’encounter.
Choice #1: I can best earn my keep by using my charms on our visitors, the Gramercys.
Choice #1: I suppose I can make do with an imaginary one.
Choice #1: An intimidating talent, this Baggage.
Choice #2: I have to spare His Majesty the embarrassment of a loss here within these walls. That means no holding back ‘gainst these Northerners.
Choice #2: He may spritz me with his drops all he likes; I’ll drown him in my wits.
Choice #1: I know so many sonnets I can conjure up a few lines well enough.
Choice #3: We’ll fashion an obstacle course out of furnishings here and complete it together.
Achieve The Dueliest Duelist (25)

Act III Scene 2
Choice #3: I’ll do his work now, and bide my time for a better opportunity to extricate myself.
Choice #1: Now’s my chance to gain intelligence for His Lordship; Lord knows he needs it!
Choice #3: I’ve studied how voices can carry through rooms this size. If I can find the right place to stand, I can hear from afar.
Achieve A Good Listener (20)
Choice #1: If I’d wanted to spend my life marching I would’ve asked to be conscripted.
Choice #3: “In all sincerity, thanks for arranging this. I’ll certainly be there.”
Choice #3: If I can spin the sad, true tale well enough to raise an outcry, perhaps she’ll release my friends to placate the mob.
Choice #1: I can demonstrate the ridiculous way the citizens tend to walk….
Choice #1: I’ll stop in with Tom to share such news as I have.
Choice #3: Lord Bisqueath will want to hear of this development.
Choice #1: “Well, I just thought I’d give you the news….”

Act III Scene 3
Choice #1: I’m amply dexterous to slip in and slip out without being spied by a soul.
Choice #2: I’m quite satisfied, myself. I acquitted myself well on this adventure.
Choice #1: A bit of personal grooming is a good option; tend the body, and the mind will follow.
Choice #3: “I’ve admired you since I was a child!”
Choice #1: I’ll leap onto the yardarm above me and haul my way along’t till I reach the rigging.
Choice #1: Yes, anything for help. [Decreases Surety.]
Achieve While These Visions Did Appear (10)
Choice #2: “Brace yourself, dear Wendell.”
Choice #3: “I’ve enough connections in the Bardbrood, I’ll ensure the audience is packed with friendly ears.”
Choice #1: Mocking the day’s events is my purview!
Choice #1: Best I can do is keep the moment sharp and light with a well-worn joke, and leave the serious response to more serious people.
Choice #2: I’ll conjure up an excuse as to why I wouldn’t be welcome in Gallibran.
Choice #1: In fine Lurker fashion, I recruited and rehearsed a supporting team of musicians and dancers.
Choice #1: A ridiculous dance that Hemdall performs to conjure up the warrior spirit.
Choice #1: “Thanks for attending the performance, at least.”
Achieve An Acquired Taste (10)
Choice #2: They must be rebuking me.
Choice #3: I need to tell the castle guard about this right away.

Playthrough 2, Act IV

Act IV Scene 1
Choice #1: “One of my old company-mates, Aitoko, hailed from thence; I suppose that means I should be under suspicion too.”
Choice #1: I should simply inquire if she was involved or not; she knows my hot demeanor makes me direct and won’t take offense.
Choice #2: I’ll offer her what comfort I can, but if she’s accused thus I can’t afford to get involved.
Choice #2: I’ve the brains to know that King Saul’s peaceful vision is wiser for our long-term health.
Achieve Debanished (10)
Achieve To New Beginnings (10)
Choice #1: My life wouldn’t be complete with Tom Fletcher. I’ll ask him to come with me.
Choice #5: I’ve spent my whole adult life driving myself forward…perhaps I should let my dear love choose how next we carry ourselves.
Choice #2: From this vantage point, I regret vanishing on them thus.
Choice #3: “I’ve missed you so much.”
Choice #1: I want to raise my own family with Tom.

Playthrough 3 Achievements

Tough Crowd (10)
Peace Upon You All (10)
*Much Obliged (10)
Backstage Is The Best Stage (10)
‘Tis I, The Poison Pill (10)
Tamer Of Troublemakers (10)
*A Dazzling Debut (100)
A Firm Foothold (10)
Colder Shoulder (10)
Nary A Scratch (20)
The Dueliest Duelist (25)
A Good Listener (20)
An Acquired Taste (10)
While These Visions Did Appear (10)
*Well Met By Moonlight (10)
Pour The Mead (25)
*Job Insecurity (10)
Royal Retriever (25)
*Hero’s Hero (10)
To New Beginnings (10)
*Vatch Reborn (15)

Playthrough 3, Act I

Act I Scene 1
Choice #1: “I must be a loon; I’m not nearly rehearsed enough.”
Choice #6: The pantaloons, bright and billowy as a desert concubine’s.
Choice #1: Scrimped every extra farthing for a year and haggled a traveling tailor down to my price.
Choice #4: “Arrange thyselves, peasants, and prepare to be dazzled!”
Choice #2: Some tumbling.
Choice #4: I’m not much moved by romance, but can envision success onstage building the esteem and friendship some of these souls will show me in life.
Choice #4: A mock sermon.
Choice #3: “On my life, do not bid me conjure some obscure scrap of melody or verse….” 
Choice #3: Best to simply admit that I haven’t the skill, and move on.
Choice #3: “Your mistake, sir, for I am a woman, and…”
Choice #15: Name thyself.
Choice #5: “I’m truly sorry for your trouble, but I know not what you speak of.”
Choice #4: I should flee.
Achieve Tough Crowd (10)
Choice #2: However, I suppose it ought to be considered a success that I survived that madman’s attentions.
Choice #4: Kenkle, the shrewd fool whose trusted counsel was worth a million trinkets and twirls.

Playthrough 3, Act IAct I Scene 1
Choice #1: “I must be a loon; I’m not nearly rehearsed enough.”
Choice #6: The pantaloons, bright and billowy as a desert concubine’s.
Choice #1: Scrimped every extra farthing for a year and haggled a traveling tailor down to my price.
Choice #4: “Arrange thyselves, peasants, and prepare to be dazzled!”
Choice #2: Some tumbling.
Choice #4: I’m not much moved by romance, but can envision success onstage building the esteem and friendship some of these souls will show me in life.
Choice #4: A mock sermon.
Choice #3: “On my life, do not bid me conjure some obscure scrap of melody or verse….” 
Choice #3: Best to simply admit that I haven’t the skill, and move on.
Choice #3: “Your mistake, sir, for I am a woman, and…”
Choice #15: Name thyself.
Choice #5: “I’m truly sorry for your trouble, but I know not what you speak of.”
Choice #4: I should flee.
Achieve Tough Crowd (10)
Choice #2: However, I suppose it ought to be considered a success that I survived that madman’s attentions.
Choice #4: Kenkle, the shrewd fool whose trusted counsel was worth a million trinkets and twirls.

Act I Scene 2
Choice #2: Picking up etiquette, manners, and courtly dance.
Choice #1: I should slop the hog.
Choice #3: It does what it must while imprisoned, but longs for a truer, freer feeding beyond slats and wire.
Choice #4: I need to practice for my next performance.
Choice #5: Whittling and carving, to cultivate my stagecraft.
Choice #1: I guess we’re not having tea.
Choice #1: “Anyone care for a bit of a song?”
Choice #2: If all is preordained, am I even alive at all?
Choice #2: “Clever. If I looked for mushrooms in the dark I’d be wont to have two viper bites and no boots by the time I came home.”
Choice #4: “Incredible! Luca, I could kiss you!”
Choice #1: I need to learn more.
Choice #1: Recite a long comic ode to keep my mind occupied.
Choice #2: It may charm an answer from them if I bat my eyes, flash a smile, and play the babe in the woods….
Choice #3: I will go home, gather the necessaries, and set out without drawing my family’s attention.
Choice #1: The Duke will have me. I will not fail.
Achieve Peace Upon You All (10)

Act I Scene 3
Choice #3: I should search for its owner to see if something befell the poor soul.
Choice #4: I’m grateful he’s going first, so I can learn the process afore I face the gauntlet myself.
Choice #2: Cruel tho’ it seems, I understand the wisdom behind it and will say so to the throng.
Choice #3: “How oft have you run this performance?”
Choice #3: There’s a song reminds me of this moment. Perhaps I can impress this crew with it.
Choice #1: I think they were cruel to ordinary people, and I don’t mind delivering an impactful rebuke.
Choice #1: Assuming you aren’t strung up for sedition, that is–with cause, too.
Choice #2: Quite the adventure for a farmbound whelp like me.
Choice #2: I’ll investigate what that noise and light is all about from a distance.
Choice #3: All I want is a bit of food…seems to me I can help myself without any need to trouble them….
Achieve Much Obliged (10)
Choice #2: Rest will serve me better than anything else.
Choice #1: Perhaps I could camp somewhere near here instead.
Choice #3: I think those birds are following me. Stay calm, Foofoo, just stay calm.
Choice #1: I’ll run the rest of the way.
Choice #2: “I understand there were openings for entertainers here at Court–I hope that’s still the case!”
Choice #4: Quiet will suit me best; I need to focus.
Choice #3: “My pleasure, exalted one! What manner of performance would you care to see?”
Choice #3: A fine speech about duty and service.
Choice #3: An exhilarating exhibition of dance.
Choice #3: “Can you repeat the question?”
Choice #1: “He shouldn’t, if he has any sense.”
Choice #2: I’d like to see her last two minutes on a stage! Then she can talk.
Achieve Backstage Is The Best Stage (10)
Choice #2: Hardly what I had in mind.

Act I Scene 4
Choice #3: Likely not. If I wanted to work in obscurity, I could have stayed home.
Choice #2: “Do you know what a Lurker is supposed to do, exactly?”
Choice #1: What a fascinating energy she has! I’d love to get to know her more.
Choice #2: “I scarcely know myself!”
Choice #3: I’ll throw out a quip or two to amuse everyone without taking a side.
Choice #1: I can bow out in sober, deferential fashion and let the performers continue.
Choice #1: I’m keen to get acquainted with all the Bardbrood puts forth: the discussions and performances alike.
Choice #4: “And I cannot help but wonder if I could have conducted myself better during it.”
Choice #3: I’m not inclined to sign anything away, but I’ll turn Timshel down gently.
Choice #3: I’m a fine impersonator: I’ll pretend to be Timshel for a bit of fun.
Choice #4: Perhaps if I improvise some compelling sketches or models of what I mean, my concept can win the day.
Choice #1: I will use jokes and good cheer to keep spirits bright throughout the day. We will do better work if we enjoy ourselves.
Choice #3: I will expand the edifice of my repertoire.
Choice #4: “Let’s be friends please!”
Choice #3: Dear Moargen is pleasant, but I have ample reason not to pursue any entanglement.
Choice #2: As Lurker, I have a new appreciation for all the facets of the wicked stage.
Choice #2: To be ready to support any on-stage crisis without drawing attention to myself overmuch.
Choice #2: I need to compose myself best I can.
Choice #2: I will join him onstage to finish the poem for him.
Choice #4: I’ll give Moargen a quick bucking-up and a laugh; Moargen will be fine as long as she stays in command of the situation.
Choice #3: I will adopt a featured dancing role to delight the assembled throng.
Choice #2: We did our best, all concerned.
Choice #4: We were excellent, and I won’t stand for being woken early to hear otherwise.
Choice #1: “A boundless dedication to self-improvement.”
Choice #3: …none?

Playthrough 3, Act II

Act II Scene 1
Choice #4: It’s about time I connect with the Bardbrood. Perhaps there’s room for my work on their stages someday.
Choice #4: Given her standing, if I’ve enough control of face and body I’d do well to play the fawning role she’s set me.
Choice #2: Gwendell is only doing works such as this because she was not talented enough to win a position from Malodoro.
Choice #1: “A thousand times, yes.”
Choice #3: I don’t have much intent of making such works as would apply to this contract, so I’m more than happy to sign.
Choice #3: “You must understand, madame, I’m delirious with hunger…spare a morsel for a poor urchin?”
Choice #1: The time I staged a production of Sonogh’s The Toads.
Choice #1: His Grace is going to feed me to his other bear–there can be no other explanation.
Choice #1: I’ll decline with an attitude of appreciative deference and respect; assuming my nature comes across thus.
Choice #2: I’ll leave for a royal position in half a heartbeat.
Choice #2: With my equable demeanor and even temper.
Choice #3: “What makes you think I’ll fit in at Westfenster?”
Achieve ‘Tis I, The Poison Pill (10)
Choice #4: I’ve wanted to be more involved, but time and the drive to excel for His Grace always impeded me.
Choice #2: “I’ll have to get my feet under me first; but I don’t want you to think I’m not grateful!”
Choice #4: I cannot enter royal life clinging to my past. I must sever ties cleanly now, cruel only so as to be kind.
Choice #3: “Where did this creature come from?”
Choice #6: I know just the thing…[name the beast thyself]
Choice #4: If I devote my reason to deducing what is wrong, perhaps I can make remedy in Foofoo’s eyes.
Choice #1: Whittling statues and handing them out to the children.
Choice #3: I will take the sting out of the protesters’ words with irreverent jibes of my own at His Majesty’s expense.
Choice #4: I belong here, where great people are doing great things.

Act II Scene 2
Choice #1: I should be strong enough to loop an arm around the little ape and hold it fast.
Achieve Tamer Of Troublemakers (10)
Choice #3: Keeping a pet was not my intent. Foofoo had best not hamper my advancement here.
Choice #3: “It’s just awfully fast. What do you think I should perform for His Majesty and the courtiers?”
Choice #2: I have an inkling I could be compatible with this one.
Choice #1: I’ll reassure him that I don’t mind waiting…all in good time.
Choice #1: I should impress him by dipping into my repertoire.
Choice #3: I have places to be, yet. I’ll make the farewell brief but energetic, to end this encounter with animation.
Choice #1: Drill my knowledge of King Saul’s history, that I may seem the wiser.
Choice #3: It’s time for the King and his courtiers to learn what real talent looks like.
Choice #1: It must go into the cage. Nothing else will do.
Choice #3: Let me stop to learn their names and glean such insights as I can about them.
Choice #1: “I want to increase their joy, and lighten–for a time–the burdens they carry.”
Choice #1: “If I’m acquainted with Hondelet’s Bardbrood, I can draw in outside performers to support palace work.”
Choice #4: I’ll sound her out about bringing Foofoo next time.
Choice #4: …and I’m out on a limb in his presence myself, with no company before me.
Choice #4: I’ll wander the room and listen, gleaning insights to reference in my performance.
Choice #2: “Do I have a choice?”
Choice #1: An acrobatic jig, with the audience supplying the beat.
Choice #2: I will make King Saul understand that this conduct is happening in his name, and force him to endorse or condemn it openly.
Choice #3: Awing her with passion and bravado.
Achieve A Dazzling Debut (100)

Act II Scene 3
Choice #3: No one knows more about a palace’s goings-on than the maids. I’ll start her talking and sit back to listen.
Choice #3: “I think it’d be quite droll to include it in my performances, eventually. The more familiar it gets around humans in the meantime, the better.”
Choice #1: “Thanks, thanks, and ever thanks!”
Choice #3: I coordinate a performance of one of her favorite plays, going beyond the resources authorized to me.
Achieve A Firm Foothold (10)
Choice #2: Cultivating my craft, even if it means neglecting other relationships.
Choice #1: My body shows finer fitness than ever before. [+Conditioning]
Choice #2: “Thankee kindly.”
Choice #3: One way or another, I daresay I can restore Tom’s losses at the hands of these rapscallions….
Choice #4: I’ll invent a character they can swindle, and expose them in the act of parting me from my coin.
Choice #1: “In my defense, the scheme could have been amazing.”
Choice #3: I’ll impress those in sight by using my strength to run through some lifts with the beast whilst we listen.
Choice #2: “I can be up at dawn, ready to serve.”
Choice #4: I think they’re putting themselves in danger of injury with their staging; I worry for their safety.
Choice #1: Being nobly born is still a fine life, no matter where you rule.
Choice #2: I’ll poke fun and pretend I don’t know her, same way she once did to me.
Achieve Colder Shoulder (10)
Choice #2: It’s barbaric to parade our enemies in effigy this way. I’ll use the moment to make the audience consider what they’re actually applauding.
Choice #4: Their level of imbibing is unseemly. The wisest thing to do would be to give them information without giving offense.
Choice #2: I’ll turn the question around. I’m more interested in listening to their thoughts than scrounging up my own answer.
Choice #3: Why not dance, and then take a walk? The Tarantalong won’t take more than a few moments, and I won’t have to upset anyone.
Choice #3: Not at all.
Choice #4: “Thanks–I feel better.”
Choice #3: I want to keep them talking; what do they want to fly away from so badly?
Choice #4: Running and hiding sounds entirely appropriate to me.
Choice #2: “We’re safer if we stay together.”
Achieve Nary A Scratch (20)

Playthrough 3, Act III

Act III Scene 1
Choice #2: The need must be quite urgent to seek me out thus. I should go.
Choice #4: “I was so afrighted at the time, just hearing the tale again will set me shivering.”
Choice #2: Having the Chief Steward in my camp can only be for the good. I’ll happily assent.
Choice #3: I’ll let my honest good cheer shine through; there’s no need to risk the moment with roguery.
Choice #1: I’m genuinely grateful that Fig has been as welcoming as he has. I think I can give him credit in a way that doesn’t seem blatantly about currying favor.
Choice #1: I’m ever in the public eye, so I should expect them to eye me.
Choice #4: I’ll joke away the whole ridiculous affair. The piece is out there, and jests will help me show a graceful spirit about it.
Choice #1: I’ll feign ignorance in face and stance to leave him feeling puffed up.
Choice #5: I’ll do it. ‘Tis but a means to an end of greater prestige and influence.
Choice #2: Taking a friendship with the craftsman Tom Fletcher to new heights.
Choice #1: I’ll draw him into a bit of a dance, letting my figure and grace serve my purpose.
Choice #2: I can’t wait to see just how bewildered and bumbling His Majesty will be rendered by th’encounter.
Choice #2: I’d like this chance to showcase my range with the local elite of Westfenster and Hondelet.
Choice #2: Perhaps one of my fellow guests will share, if I inquire politely.
Choice #2: He thinks he’s so talented, but I will disabuse him of that notion.
Choice #2: I have to spare His Majesty the embarrassment of a loss here within these walls. That means no holding back ‘gainst these Northerners.
Choice #2: He may spritz me with his drops all he likes; I’ll drown him in my wits.
Choice #2: I’ve wit enough to put together some impeccable rhymes.
Choice #3: We’ll fashion an obstacle course out of furnishings here and complete it together.
Achieve The Dueliest Duelist (25)

Act III Scene 2
Choice #2: He made good on his promise to help at the feast; I should do my part now, and then insist on even greater rewards.
Choice #3: What fine material all this subterfuge will make for a piece sometime!
Choice #4: If I’m wise enough to fashion a way to keep her safe, I might prevail on Audrey to go dust in the chapel and report what she hears.
Achieve A Good Listener (20)
Choice #3: With such business as we’re transacting, if His Lordship thinks that spot safest I’m not inclined to argue.
Choice #3: “In all sincerity, thanks for arranging this. I’ll certainly be there.”
Choice #1: I suppose I’ll petition her for a lesser punishment under the circumstances, and hope my counsel carries the day.
Choice #2: There’s a poem that encapsulates the Hondelets to a fare-thee-well.
Achieve An Acquired Taste (10)
Choice #3: Since I’m out on the town already, a bit of a carouse is what I need to feel restored.
Choice #3: Lord Bisqueath will want to hear of this development.
Choice #2: “For my part, I hope to see father and child reunited afore long.”

Act III Scene 3
Choice #3: Lord knows I’ve no issue talking my way into trouble and back out again; this is no different.
Choice #1: Imprisoned? Moi? Not if my wiles have anything to say about it.
Choice #3: I must prove beyond doubt I too am an agent of justice, and have only participated thus far with His Lordship in order to ensnare him.
Choice #1: A bit of personal grooming is a good option; tend the body, and the mind will follow.
Choice #2: “Can you help me with my writing?”
Choice #4: I’m never without Foofoo; if I hail that pet o’ mine in the right fashion, perhaps it’ll be able to help me pass.
Choice #1: Yes, anything for help. [Decreases Surety.]
Achieve While These Visions Did Appear (10)
Choice #2: “Brace yourself, dear Gwendell.”
Choice #1: “Audrey, I was wondering if you’d help me spread the tale that this is a response to Jesterel afore I ever take the stage.”
Choice #2: I worry enough that I’m excellent at planning for the worst; perhaps we can come up with a way to help.
Choice #3: I need to prepare a piece about the dangers of war to do what I can to ensure cooler heads prevail in dangerous times.
Choice #2: I’ll conjure up an excuse as to why I wouldn’t be welcome in Gallibran.
Choice #3: I’ll lead a bit of a discussion in which these peasants can speak their minds and know they’re being heard.
Achieve Well Met By Moonlight (10)
Choice #2: An insightful set of truisms embedded in the otherwise risible text.
Choice #2: “Suffice it to say, there was a galleon of worms involved.”
Achieve Pour The Mead (25)
Choice #4: “Serving the Throne while eating delicious treats? Even if it kills me someday, at least I’ll die happy.”
Choice #2: I won’t be outwitted. I want it written that if I pay, Timshel can never approach me for this or any other work.
Choice #3: I’ve retained enough knowledge of poisons, if I pre-taste all the dishes before they’re served, I’ll spot anything straight away.
Achieve Job Insecurity (10)

Playthrough 3, Act IV

Act IV Scene 1
Choice #4: I need to plan out what I’ll perform at His Majesty’s funeral.
Choice #1: My fellow Brentons will be my greatest asset. I’ll suss them out by interrogating every soul I meet.
Choice #2: “I’ve had a fine life, but I’m no longer sure where it’s taking me.”
Choice #1: “No, I can’t do that.”
Choice #3: The Bardbrood.
Choice #1: “I’m here because many people are keen to know what you intend to do about them.”
Choice #1: If Hail won’t come willingly, I have to overpower them and bring them back. The Kingdom depends on it.
Achieve Royal Retriever (25)
Achieve Hero’s Hero (10)
Choice #3: “All chapters close eventually. I’m not leaving it behind, I’m forging ahead to something new.”
Choice #2: I can’t entertain those terms; in consorting with Bisqueath I’ve already done the Throne too much wrong.
Achieve To New Beginnings (10)
Choice #4: There’s only one place I belong now, I suppose; the family farm.
Choice #3: We’ve all traveled our appointed paths to come to this point. We should just be glad to return to each other.
Choice #4: “I’ve come to stay, if you’ll have me.”
Choice #2: I can continue performing; perhaps even as a way to boost awareness of the family business.
Choice #3: Wearing a revealing costume and charming as many onlookers as you can, of whatever persuasion–the ‘cart crumpet’ strategy, you’ve dubbed it.
Achieve Vatch Reborn (15)

Playthrough 4 Achievements

Encore, Encore! (15)
You Had One Job (10)
Peace Upon You All (10)
Much Obliged (10)
Backstage Is The Best Stage (10)
*Sowing The Seeds (10)
*Earning Your Stripes (10)
‘Tis I, The Poison Pill (10)
A Firm Foothold (10)
Colder Shoulder (10)
*Maid For Each Other (20)
Nary A Scratch (20)
*Mellowing His Majesty (10)
Say Goodnight, Sweet Prince (10)

Playthrough 4, Act I

Act I Scene 1
Choice #2: “Here is where it all begins.”
Choice #7: The belt, vibrantly dyed leather with a huge buckle carved like a winking face.
Choice #2: Fashioned it myself over many a late night.
Choice #3: “Mark me.”
Choice #3: A song.
Choice #1: A jaunty air.
Choice #2: If I continue to impress, I might make a better showing with one of these winsome maidens later on.
Choice #5: A quick dance.
Choice #2: “Ask not for some artistry or sculpted trick of the stage, I prithee….” 
Choice #2: Let me embrace disaster! They might enjoy it.
Choice #1: “Firstmost, I am not known as man or woman, and…”
Choice #18: Mariana.
Choice #5: “I’m truly sorry for your trouble, but I know not what you speak of.”
Choice #1: I must be ready to protect myself.
Choice #2: If it’s to come to blows, I will fashion a means of self-defense.
Achieve Encore, Encore! (15)
Choice #2: Vatch, the reedy rapscallion who embarrassed nobles and elevated peasants.

Act I Scene 2
Choice #3: Exploring engineering, mathematics, and craftsmanship.
Choice #3: I’ll look for my sister McKenna in the barn.
Choice #2: I owe her an apology.
Choice #1: I’ve the steady hands and stamina to assist her with her toil.
Choice #2: I’ll look for father in the fields.
Choice #1: “I just wanted to see you.”
Choice #1: Fire off a quip and make an exit.
Achieve You Had One Job (10)
Choice #3: “Let me feed the hog, and we’ll be done with it.”
Choice #3: The celestial bodies sway not me with their gravity.
Choice #3: “Well, enjoy.”
Choice #3: “What makes you think I would leave the farm?”
Choice #1: I need to learn more.
Choice #4: Plan how to impress His Grace the Duke.
Choice #1: I should ask about the Duke obliquely.
Choice #3: I will go home, gather the necessaries, and set out without drawing my family’s attention.
Choice #1: The Duke will have me. I will not fail.
Achieve Peace Upon You All (10)

Act I Scene 3
Choice #4: I can’t spare the time to stop, but I’ll tell the next knight I see of this.
Choice #4: I’m grateful he’s going first, so I can learn the process afore I face the gauntlet myself.
Choice #4: I know instruments well enough to fix that horn, so all can attend to the poor performer again.
Choice #2: “Why feign at being auditors from the Duke?”
Choice #2: The way they’re mashing these fine costumes! I’ll help them tend their effects more gently.
Choice #1: I think they were cruel to ordinary people, and I don’t mind delivering an impactful rebuke.
Choice #3: Indeed I hope so, attractive soul that she is.
Choice #1: I hope I’ve made the right decision….
Choice #1: I’ll march up to the camp. We Brentons are a hospitable people.
Choice #2: It may be a gamble, but if I invite them to test my performing skills, it should be proof enough of my tale.
Choice #2: I may not be able to play the lute, but I’m strong and spry enough to play with it…
Achieve Much Obliged (10)
Choice #3: I must be prepared for any song or speech the Duke can request.
Choice #2: If I go in and entertain the patrons, perhaps I’ll get free room and board out of it.
Choice #2: If I had more toes, would I walk faster, or just need bigger boots?
Choice #1: I’ll run the rest of the way.
Choice #1: “I’m here to see His Grace.”
Choice #2: “Is there any chance of stopping by a chamberpot on the way?”
Choice #2: I’ll start immediately.
Choice #3: A fine speech about duty and service.
Choice #2: An extemporaneous sonnet on a subject of her choosing.
Choice #3: “Can you repeat the question?”
Choice #4: “For I will bring pride and prestige to his Court.”
Choice #2: I’d like to see her last two minutes on a stage! Then she can talk.
Achieve Backstage Is The Best Stage (10)
Choice #1: So begins my life in these halls…where it shall end, who can say?

Act I Scene 4
Choice #2: Certainly so! Securing a position in this court is the boon I’ve waited for my whole life.
Choice #2: “Do you know what a Lurker is supposed to do, exactly?”
Choice #2: I want to get to know her, just like everyone.
Choice #3: “Well, I expect I’ll be maintaining costumes; securing all instruments and properties; ensuring the efficient administration of rehearsals….”
Choice #3: I’ll throw out a quip or two to amuse everyone without taking a side.
Choice #2: Perhaps I can convince Timshel of the wisdom of a more structured rehearsal.
Choice #2: I don’t think those wordy meetings would be for me, but I’m curious to see the work the Bardbrood supports.
Choice #4: “And I cannot help but wonder if I could have conducted myself better during it.”
Choice #1: Since the others have made their marks, I’ll do the same.
Choice #3: I’m a fine impersonator: I’ll pretend to be Timshel for a bit of fun.
Choice #2: I believe my idea will be better for all, and have the wisdom to support it.
Choice #3: I should dedicate some energy to the look and staging of our efforts. If I do not, who will?
Choice #1: I will water the garden of my wit.
Choice #3: “So do you figure us for the stocks on Sunday, or straight to the chopping block?”
Choice #1: I shall work to secure a kiss from this paragon.
Choice #3: I will fashion a quick sketch to impress her.
Achieve Sowing The Seeds (10)
Choice #2: As Lurker, I have a new appreciation for all the facets of the wicked stage.
Choice #1: Yes, I’m to keep the costumes and properties ready and not, under any circumstances, address the audience.
Choice #3: I’ll double-check my own preparations.
Choice #4: I will make a joke of his forgetfulness. Anything is better than this crippling silence.
Choice #2: I’ve wisdom enough to determine a means of hiding this.
Choice #2: I will flirt my way through the nobles as we dance. ‘Twill make sure they enjoy themselves.
Choice #2: We did our best, all concerned.
Choice #4: We were excellent, and I won’t stand for being woken early to hear otherwise.
Choice #2: “A deep devotion to the well-being of my fellow players.”
Achieve Earning Your Stripes (10)

Playthrough 4, Act II

Act II Scene 1
Choice #4: It’s about time I connect with the Bardbrood. Perhaps there’s room for my work on their stages someday.
Choice #4: Given her standing, if I’ve enough control of face and body I’d do well to play the fawning role she’s set me.
Choice #4: The question for me is how to have more influence; bending the ears of nobles one at a time, or expressing a message to hundreds of citizens at once like this.
Choice #4: “It was quite good. We’re better, of course.”
Choice #2: Should things come to that, I’ll have to find a way around the fateful signature.
Choice #3: “You must understand, madame, I’m delirious with hunger…spare a morsel for a poor urchin?”
Choice #3: That time I accidentally advised His Grace the Duke on how to stop a blood feud between merchant cabals.
Choice #2: There must be some special task His Grace has in mind. Whatever it is, I shall rise to it.
Choice #2: I’ve a repertoire chock full of curious skills. If I prove my marksmanship, I’ll win favor with them both.
Choice #3: Whatever happens is in their hands; I should embrace that.
Choice #1: With a fusillade of witticisms.
Choice #4: “What is more enjoyable, Madam: shooting pumpkins or trafficking in human beings?”
Achieve ‘Tis I, The Poison Pill (10)
Choice #3: I’ve attended a number of meetings and even served as an alternate moderator for discussions.
Choice #3: “Thanks for your kindness. Whatever is meant to be will be.”
Choice #3: I’ll leave her with some wisdom to remember me by.
Choice #1: “Excuse me–you can’t leave this here!”
Choice #2: Tycho.
Choice #4: If I devote my reason to deducing what is wrong, perhaps I can make remedy in Tycho’s eyes.
Choice #5: Tweaking the crowds with saucy jests.
Choice #2: I will discreetly advise the soldiers to silence the protesters, robes or no robes.
Choice #4: I belong here, where great people are doing great things.

Act II Scene 2
Choice #4: With a bit of wit I can make this budding disaster seem a playful romp, to salvage first impressions.
Choice #1: I’ve always been good with animals; perhaps this will be best for both of us.
Choice #3: “It’s just awfully fast. What do you think I should perform for His Majesty and the courtiers?”
Choice #1: Seems a pleasant fellow.
Choice #3: While he works, I’m so brimming with excitement I simply must share it.
Choice #2: Wisest, I think, to learn what he knows about the Court so I have the lay of the land before tonight.
Choice #2: I have places to be, yet. I’ll make the farewell brief but energetic, to end this encounter with animation.
Choice #2: Run through an assortment of my choicest jokes and jests.
Choice #3: It’s time for the King and his courtiers to learn what real talent looks like.
Choice #3: The creature can escape from any restraint I can fashion–so my best option is to leave it loose and trust it will stay.
Choice #3: Let me stop to learn their names and glean such insights as I can about them.
Choice #1: “I want to increase their joy, and lighten–for a time–the burdens they carry.”
Choice #4: “If I’m involved, I can have my ear to the critiques that our homegrown rogues might be leveling ‘gainst Crown affairs.”
Choice #3: I want to make sure she knows I’m usually behind the stage.
Choice #2: …and I haven’t tended my hair all day.
Choice #2: I’ll cut the line to offer my own witty petition to the King.
Choice #2: “…a fool exemplary directed to your presence through the wisdom of Steward Fig.”
Choice #2: I’faith, I do have an honest petition to make, and I’ll use all my wisdom to outline it.

Act II Scene 3
Choice #1: I should like to keep her laughing; the more friends I have in the castle, the better.
Choice #2: “It’s getting tamer by the minute. It shan’t cause harm.”
Choice #4: “Not to pry, but…on the remote chance that my fooling is received poorly in this new setting…exactly what might happen?”
Choice #2: I’ll set tongues wagging by adopting quite the subversive tone in my jests.
Achieve A Firm Foothold (10)
Choice #2: Cultivating my craft, even if it means neglecting other relationships.
Choice #1: My body shows finer fitness than ever before. [+Conditioning]
Choice #3: “Can I help you home?”
Choice #1: Tom wants reassurance after this setback; perhaps I’m wise enough to be the listener and advisor he needs.
Choice #1: I’ll encourage Tycho to come down and stay calm.
Choice #3: “With all due respect to His Majesty, who starts a holiday at dawn?”
Choice #3: I’m keen to teach them some Flenish poetry for the puppet to recite, to make the moment more authentic.
Choice #3: It should surprise no one that the best in the realm goes to the Crown.
Choice #2: I’ll poke fun and pretend I don’t know her, same way she once did to me.
Achieve Colder Shoulder (10)
Choice #1: I’ll battle with the Knight with all my strength, and if it’s damaged in the meantime, perhaps that’ll be an etiquette lesson for its minders.
Choice #1: To be a good companion, I should make an effort to keep up. I’ve a sturdy enough stomach to manage it.
Choice #1: I want to impress with my knowledge of the conflict, or at least its players.
Choice #3: Why not dance, and then take a walk? The Tarantalong won’t take more than a few moments, and I won’t have to upset anyone.
Choice #1: Yes, and determined to continue thus.
Choice #1: Perhaps it’ll give them comfort if I respond in meter as well; Lord knows my repertoire is well-stocked with examples.
Choice #1: I’ll bluster these scoundrels into submission–or at least slow them long enough for us to escape.
Choice #4: I once learned a trick of where to grab an attacker to subdue them. Now if only I can remember the spot….

Playthrough 4, Act III

Act III Scene 1
Choice #2: The need must be quite urgent to seek me out thus. I should go.
Choice #3: “What a marvelous opportunity to show my worth….”
Choice #2: Having the Chief Steward in my camp can only be for the good. I’ll happily assent.
Choice #2: I’ve memorized whole tomes of courtly etiquette. I might be able to win extra favor by demonstrating that knowledge.
Choice #3: I’m not inclined to mention him at this point.
Choice #3: Any excuse to bask in the acclaim of an admiring throng.
Choice #2: I’ll admit it, then pump her for information so I can add this piece to my library as soon as possible.
Choice #1: I’ll feign ignorance in face and stance to leave him feeling puffed up.
Choice #3: “Should I render you this service, what would be in it for me?”
Choice #2: What he’s offering sounds wrong. Let the bones roll how they may, I won’t expose myself to this danger.
Choice #1: Pursuing a spot of romance with the fresh-faced maid Audrey.
Choice #2: A touch of song will suit the moment.
Achieve Maid For Each Other (20)
Choice #3: I’m not about to be baited into alienating one side or t’other by participating in the gossip.
Choice #3: I’ll mingle with the servants; they need a wit to make them laugh more than anyone else in the room.
Choice #1: I suppose I can make do with an imaginary one.
Choice #2: He thinks he’s so talented, but I will disabuse him of that notion.
Choice #3: I’m not about to play♥♥♥♥♥♥fight by their rules; beware to all parties, for my shrewd fooling will spare none.
Choice #2: He may spritz me with his drops all he likes; I’ll drown him in my wits.
Choice #3: If I take on the physicality of the mooning lover well enough, the room may forgive me a lesser effort on my words.
Choice #3: We’ll fashion an obstacle course out of furnishings here and complete it together.
Achieve Nary A Scratch (20)

Act III Scene 2
Choice #1: “What’s expected of me?”
Choice #4: I’m a prized fool; a choice specimen inside and out. If I threaten to quit unless she releases my friends, she’s bound to relent.
Choice #4: Oh Lord! Having been in close quarters with many Hondelets on tour, I’ve a whole retinue of comic observations….
Choice #1: I’ll stop in with Audrey to share such news as I have.
Choice #2: I’ll approach King Saul to offer counsel and comfort however I can.
Choice #3: “I just came to listen, if you’d care to talk.”
Choice #2: If I give an outlandish answer, I’ll likely make the Prinxe look wiser in comparison–and I might lighten his mood in the meantime.

Act III Scene 3
Achieve Mellowing His Majesty (10)
Choice #2: Keeping my friendships with Westfenster’s commoners alive.
Choice #4: I suppose I can just sit and put quill to page and make some progress, however small.
Choice #1: “Where are we bound?”
Choice #3: If Vatch can do magic here, I’ll try my hand at conjuring a magic trinket to pass in safety.
Choice #2: No! My confidence is one of my strengths.
Choice #3: Certain ministers who assume that nothing of consequence can come from peasant haunts need correcting.
Choice #2: If I hike up my gravitas, perhaps I can advocate wisely for a measured response.
Choice #1: “I’ll be honored to help them.”
Choice #3: I’ll lead a bit of a discussion in which these peasants can speak their minds and know they’re being heard.
Choice #3: A fine opportunity to connect with the full community.
Choice #2: I’ve enough knowledge of poisons tucked away to determine what’s been befouled upstairs before anyone consumes it.

Playthrough 4, Act IV

Act IV Scene 1
Choice #4: “Only one; but truth be told I’m rather more intrigued by their dumplings than their populace.”
Choice #4: I will discover who would have done this to her, and with a prudent case assembled see her name cleared.
Choice #2: Building rapport with the head inquisitors with jests and with drink will help me learn the details behind the official conclusion.
Choice #1: Love warrants mercy. If I let Their Majesties see the extent of my love for Audrey, they’re bound to show her clemency.
Achieve Say Goodnight, Sweet Prince (10)

Playthrough 5 Achievements

Tough Crowd (10)
You Had One Job (10)
Peace Upon You All (10)
Ranger-In-Training (10)
You’re Too Kind (25)
The One Ring (10)
‘Tis I, The Poison Pill (10)
A Firm Foothold (10)
*No Trouble With Tributes (25)
A Good Listener (20)
*Of Jesters And Justice (20)
*Rival’s Rapprochement (15)
*Kenkle Incarnate (15)
Say Goodnight, Sweet Prince (10)

Playthrough 5, Act I

Act I Scene 1
Choice #4: “Whatever happens, give me strength.”
Choice #8: The shoes, made of fine bright flannel with curlicue toes with a bell on each tip.
Choice #2: Fashioned them myself over many a late night.
Choice #2: “Pardon, I’m not ready….”
Choice #3: A song.
Choice #3: A comic favorite.
Choice #1: Comporting myself well here might improve my prospects with one of these handsome young men.
Choice #4: A mock sermon.
Choice #1: “Do not ask for some feat of bodily mastery….” 
Choice #1: I’ll stay composed and placate Luca before continuing as planned.
Choice #3: “Your mistake, sir, for I am a woman, and…”
Choice #8: Lavache.
Choice #4: “You are in the wrong, sir, and I hope you will explain yourself.”
Choice #2: I must entertain my audience.
Choice #3: If my muscles comply, I’ve a notion to turn my fear into a bit of a spectacle.
Achieve Tough Crowd (10)
Choice #1: Quicksilver, the treasured jester whose inspired artistry ever transcended the pettiness of Court.

Act I Scene 2
Choice #2: Picking up etiquette, manners, and courtly dance.
Choice #2: I’ll look for father in the fields.
Choice #3: “I wanted to tell you what happened to me yesterday.”
Choice #1: Fire off a quip and make an exit.
Choice #3: I’ll look for my brothers Oliver and Morris at the stream.
Choice #1: Well, someone needs to do the laundry.
Choice #2: Threaten to expose them.
Achieve You Had One Job (10)
Choice #2: “I’m not a child any more, and right glad I am you’ve decided not to treat me as such.”
Choice #4: I will gladly take whatever light the stars have bestowed on me.
Choice #2: “Clever. If I looked for mushrooms in the dark I’d be wont to have two viper bites and no boots by the time I came home.”
Choice #1: “You’re saying that there’s actually a call for courtly performers, not two days’ walk from here?”
Choice #2: I will go tonight.
Choice #2: I am not too proud to return as the prodigal child, and trust in their love.
Achieve Peace Upon You All (10)

Act I Scene 3
Choice #3: Why would the bear menace her this way? There must be a reason….
Choice #3: It would be wrong to rob her.
Choice #2: Please don’t let them choose him afore I have a chance to try!
Choice #2: Cruel tho’ it seems, I understand the wisdom behind it and will say so to the throng.
Choice #1: “What’s the Bardbrood?”
Choice #3: I have to see if I can get such a fine young man to laugh.
Choice #2: I understand what they were trying to achieve. I’m keen to ingratiate myself with artists like these.
Choice #4: And you’ll be in my audience next time, and you’ll see what a performance truly can be.
Choice #1: I hope I’ve made the right decision….
Choice #3: I’ll make my own camp by the pond and keep a close eye on woods and road alike.
Choice #3: I’ve a repertoire of all matter of knowledge; mayhap I can identify some comestibles in the meadow.
Achieve Ranger-In-Training (10)
Choice #2: Rest will serve me better than anything else.
Choice #1: Perhaps I could camp somewhere near here instead.
Choice #4: I wonder whatever happened to that woman and her runaway mule…I hope someone bought her a round at the pub that night.
Choice #2: I will not leave that place until I’ve made it my home.
Choice #1: “I’m here to see His Grace.”
Choice #3: “Pardon, but there’s something on your back.” (Let’s have a bit of fun with him….)
Choice #4: “Honorable Chief Steward, indispensable subject to His Grace the Duke; I, Lavache, thank thee for thy gracious time and present such talents for thy consideration as our creator has bestowed upon me.”
Choice #4: A joke or two.
Choice #2: Some light ruminations on the odder claims of the ancient philosophers.
Choice #3: “Can you repeat the question?”
Choice #2: “I can only let my talents, such as they are, speak for themselves.”
Choice #2: I’d like to see her last two minutes on a stage! Then she can talk.
Choice #2: Fight the faint.

Act I Scene 4
Choice #1: I can scarcely wait for my first chance to impress the Court.
Choice #2: “Any advice for a new player?”
Choice #2: I want to get to know him, just like everyone.
Choice #5: “Making an audience reflect; that’s what I strive for.”
Choice #4: If I’m wise enough, perhaps I can mediate a compromise.
Choice #1: I know a thousand and one such exercises and can run this affair better than he.
Choice #3: If that’s all the Bardbrood has to offer, I don’t see myself investing much time in exploring it.
Choice #1: “S’truth; this one day is more noteworthy than my last five years combined on the farm.”
Choice #1: Since the others have made their marks, I’ll do the same.
Choice #2: No need to make a scene; I’ll just come in and find my place.
Choice #3: Presentation is everything…so with a bit of mental dexterity I can try to explain my idea as an extension of his.
Choice #4: If I can recall a game to catch his attention, perhaps I can forestall Timshel from meddling with others….
Choice #2: I will burnish the temple of my body.
Choice #1: “I’m fair exhausted–how about you?”
Choice #4: Dear Moargen is pleasant, but I have ample reason not to pursue any entanglement.
Choice #2: My portion drew praise from all parties.
Choice #2: Certainly. My portion follows Aitoko’s conjurations.
Choice #1: I’ll help Aitoko, since he seems so frantic.
Choice #2: I will join him onstage to finish the poem for him.
Choice #2: I scarcely know what to expect.
Choice #2: An array of contortions.
Choice #2: None would begrudge me a chance to extend this moment with another exhibition of skill.
Choice #2: My insight.
Achieve You’re Too Kind (25)
Choice #2: I will flirt my way through the nobles as we dance. ‘Twill make sure they enjoy themselves.
Choice #1: What a thrill!
Choice #4: We were excellent, and I won’t stand for being woken early to hear otherwise.
Choice #1: “A boundless dedication to self-improvement.”
Choice #2: I’m honored.
Achieve The One Ring (10)
Choice #4: Emote in composed fashion from a respectful distance.

Playthrough 5, Act II

Act II Scene 1
Choice #4: It’s about time I connect with the Bardbrood. Perhaps there’s room for my work on their stages someday.
Choice #2: Best to adopt a charitable demeanor despite the offense and make a simple reintroduction.
Choice #3: I wouldn’t mind performing outside of Court, but it has to be something that gets people laughing and dancing.
Choice #3: “I didn’t know nearly so much about the Flenish Wars before tonight. I see why you’ve spoken The Muse’s praises before.”
Choice #2: Should things come to that, I’ll have to find a way around the fateful signature.
Choice #1: “I’ll give you two and not a copper more.”
Choice #3: That time I accidentally advised His Grace the Duke on how to stop a blood feud between merchant cabals.
Choice #1: His Grace is going to feed me to his other bear–there can be no other explanation.
Choice #3: This is a mad pastime, and I don’t mind telling them so–cleverly enough to get away with it, of course.
Choice #1: But I don’t want to leave my life here!
Choice #5: With my honest, hearty good cheer in all things.
Choice #4: “What is more enjoyable, Madam: shooting pumpkins or trafficking in human beings?”
Achieve ‘Tis I, The Poison Pill (10)
Choice #2: I secured modest roles in two exhibitions.
Choice #1: “Thankee kindly, I’ll be sure to.”
Choice #1: I’ll employ words, seduction, dark arts; anything to secure a last hurrah before we part.
Choice #3: “Where did this creature come from?”
Choice #2: Tycho.
Choice #1: If I am still and placid and don’t trouble myself about Tycho, it will be bound to absorb my calm at some point.
Choice #1: Whittling statues and handing them out to the children.
Choice #2: I will discreetly advise the soldiers to silence the protesters, robes or no robes.
Choice #4: I belong here, where great people are doing great things.

Act II Scene 2
Choice #4: With a bit of wit I can make this budding disaster seem a playful romp, to salvage first impressions.
Choice #1: I’ve always been good with animals; perhaps this will be best for both of us.
Choice #3: “It’s just awfully fast. What do you think I should perform for His Majesty and the courtiers?”
Choice #1: Seems a pleasant fellow.
Choice #2: I needn’t stand and wait for his hobby, and I don’t mind telling him so.
Choice #4: I will let my body language relate one message to the handsome swain while my words offer another.
Choice #4: I know just the right parting aphorism to leave him thinking well of me.
Choice #1: Drill my knowledge of King Saul’s history, that I may seem the wiser.
Choice #1: My body is so alive with excitement I can scarcely focus.
Choice #3: The creature can escape from any restraint I can fashion–so my best option is to leave it loose and trust it will stay.
Choice #3: Let me stop to learn their names and glean such insights as I can about them.
Choice #2: “From what I’ve seen, Westfenster is a haven of calm and control. If I provide a bit of jostling, it’ll do all parties good.”
Choice #3: “Just to pass on Millicent’s good wishes; I’ve no great desire to become deeply enmeshed.”
Choice #3: I’ll sound her out about bringing Tycho next time.
Choice #4: …and I’ve no company behind me for support.
Choice #1: I’ll announce my presence gently with some unobtrusive music.
Choice #1: “Can I have soup first?”
Choice #2: Jocund observational jests about Westfenster.
Choice #3: If Lord Bisqueath is so worried about unwholesomeness, I can use a bit of stage trickery to fashion a scare for him.

Act II Scene 3
Choice #2: I’m due to see Steward Fig and she needs to clean the room, so I shouldn’t lollygag.
Choice #1: “It’ll cause me more headache to leave it alone and wonder what it’s getting into than to keep it in my sight.”
Choice #4: “Not to pry, but…on the remote chance that my fooling is received poorly in this new setting…exactly what might happen?”
Choice #3: I’ll master a whole slew of fine patriotic speeches and spout them night and day to get in the Court’s good graces.
Achieve A Firm Foothold (10)
Choice #1: Training Tycho to quiet its agitas and master simple tricks–if I can muster up the patience.
Choice #3: “Can I help you home?”
Choice #1: Tom wants reassurance after this setback; perhaps I’m wise enough to be the listener and advisor he needs.
Choice #2: I’ll make a jest of the ape’s antics.
Choice #2: “I can be up at dawn, ready to serve.”
Choice #4: I think they’re putting themselves in danger of injury with their staging; I worry for their safety.
Choice #3: It should surprise no one that the best in the realm goes to the Crown.
Choice #4: No affront intended, but I can’t be seen with him looking thus disreputable; with my eye for fit, a quick stop at the company wardrobe together wouldn’t go amiss.
Choice #1: I’ll acknowledge all his points as matters-of-fact.
Choice #4: Let Wendell hang with his insistence we do the same thing; I’m going to fashion a likeness of Ahmamset out of what I see lying about and enact his narration.
Choice #4: “Hmm; I wonder why I can consistently secure a place in a troupe, and you’re playing the vagabond?”
Choice #3: I’ve the improvisational acumen to make the people howl with Flenish jokes as I share the stage with this puppet partisan.
Choice #2: I’ll make a joke about wanting to get them back.
Choice #2: I’ll order another to be companionable, but I’m not about to follow flagon by flagon.
Choice #1: I want to impress with my knowledge of the conflict, or at least its players.
Choice #2: I’ll bid them good night and revel with my company.
Choice #3: I’ll share another ale with my company-mates and impress them with clever talk.

Playthrough 5, Act III

Act III Scene 1
Choice #3: He’s waited a fortnight to see me. Surely another half-hour whilst I take my trunk to my room won’t put him out.
Choice #1: Well, I’ve strength enough to haul it up.
Choice #1: Naturally! What could Their Highness desire more than to rediscover this trauma writ large on the stage?
Choice #3: Any excuse to bask in the acclaim of an admiring throng.
Choice #4: I’ll joke away the whole ridiculous affair. The piece is out there, and jests will help me show a graceful spirit about it.
Choice #3: I’ll toss out a quip to show him he’s not master here.
Choice #3: “Should I render you this service, what would be in it for me?”
Choice #3: I’ll do it. ‘Tis but a means to an end of greater prestige and influence.
Choice #3: I’ll request a bit of counsel from a friend, then work through the night on my own.
Choice #3: Prinxe Hail.
Choice #1: “If I lose the audience, will you put me in a sack and whisk me away?”
Choice #1: For my part, I’ve always held out in defense of Good King Saul.
Choice #3: Jesting about the foul graverobbers without maligning Their Highness seems politic; I’ve enough character voices at tongue-tip to do a whole cabal.
Choice #4: A medley of minor-key reels to capture the frenzy of the brawl.
Choice #3: Technique and spectacle, without any agenda one way or ‘tother.
Choice #2: Perform dueling feats of strength and agility with the burly ape. 
Achieve No Trouble With Tributes (25)

Act III Scene 2
Choice #2: He seems to be acting on his promise to improve my standing at Court; perhaps even greater rewards will come my way if I return the favor.
Choice #1: Now’s my chance to gain intelligence for His Lordship; Lord knows he needs it!
Choice #1: I’ll simply enter the chapel as if praying and listen in. If challenged, I can talk my way through.
Achieve A Good Listener (20)
Choice #2: “Oh gosh…I was going to get around to it, but I just lost track of time! I’ll do better next time.”
Choice #2: “I’m not sure; Tycho and I had quite a full evening planned.”
Choice #1: I suppose I’ll petition her for a lesser punishment under the circumstances, and hope my counsel carries the day.
Choice #1: I can demonstrate the ridiculous way the citizens tend to walk….
Choice #2: I’m so excited, I’ll plot out my own written masterpiece tonight.
Choice #4: The best thing I can do is spread this gossip as widely as I can.
Choice #2: I’ll lead the throng in patriotic song to reinforce the importance of fidelity to the Crown.

Act III Scene 3
Choice #4: I’m gung-ho for an adventure.
Choice #1: I’m amply dexterous to slip in and slip out without being spied by a soul.
Choice #2: I’m quite satisfied, myself. I acquitted myself well on this adventure.
Choice #3: I could have a bite to eat. ‘Tis difficult to be expected to be creative on an empty stomach.
Choice #2: “Can you help me with my writing?”
Choice #1: I’ll leap onto the yardarm above me and haul my way along’t till I reach the rigging.
Choice #3: Just let me back to the worms; I’ll wake up soon enough.
Choice #2: I’ll just be there for him, steady as I can.
Choice #3: I need to prepare a piece about the dangers of war to do what I can to ensure cooler heads prevail in dangerous times.
Choice #1: “I’ll be honored to help them.”
Choice #1: Some wholesome, familiar music will do their hearts good.
Choice #1: I’ve the temperament to make a fine guard; I’ll stand watch o’er the staging-counter with the royal meal.
Choice #1: I must chase him myself, or he’ll escape.
Achieve Of Jesters And Justice (20)

Playthrough 5, Act IV

Act IV Scene 1
Choice #4: “Only one; but truth be told I’m rather more intrigued by their dumplings than their populace.”
Choice #3: I’ll offer her what comfort I can, but if she’s accused thus I can’t afford to get involved.
Choice #3: Let me lighten the mood with dance and jests, the better to help them find compromise.
Choice #2: “Do you need something?”
Choice #1: I know why Wendell wanted to tell me in person; to gloat.
Choice #1: “I want to work with you for once in collaboration; and I’ve more than enough to offer to match your talents.”
Achieve Rival’s Rapprochement (15)
Choice #1: I observed foreign delegations from the Hasmod and the Jute growing heated with each other, and took it upon myself to amuse and defuse.
Choice #2: I’ll call for help; with my reputation I’m sure aid will be forthcoming.
Achieve Kenkle Incarnate (15)
Achieve Say Goodnight, Sweet Prince (10)

Playthrough 6 Achievements

Tough Crowd (10)
You Had One Job (10)
Peace Upon You All (10)
Ranger-In-Training (10)
Much Obliged (10)
Backstage Is The Best Stage (10)
Taskmaster (10)
The Show Must Go On (Because I Say So) (25)
‘Tis I, The Poison Pill (10)
Tamer Of Troublemakers (10)
A Firm Foothold (10)
Nary A Scratch (20)
*Truth Be Told (20)
An Acquired Taste (10)
Retreat For Two (20)
*Rally The Rabble (10)
Say Goodnight, Sweet Prince (10)

Playthrough 6, Act I

Act I Scene 1
Choice #3: “I’m finally going to show them what I’m capable of.”
Choice #5: The harlequin tunic, diamond-patterned around my chest and back with a belled skirt.
Choice #2: Fashioned it myself over many a late night.
Choice #2: “Pardon, I’m not ready….”
Choice #5: A riddle.
Choice #2: If I continue to impress, I might make a better showing with one of these winsome maidens later on.
Choice #2: Needling the audience.
Choice #2: “Ask not for some artistry or sculpted trick of the stage, I prithee….” 
Choice #2: Let me embrace disaster! They might enjoy it.
Choice #3: “Your mistake, sir, for I am a woman, and…”
Choice #15: Name thyself.
Choice #3: I edge away, ready to flee.
Choice #4: I should flee.
Achieve Tough Crowd (10)
Choice #3: Haagstack, the bawdy, jolly ringmaster whose parade of simple spectacle delighted the realm.

Act I Scene 2
Choice #3: Exploring engineering, mathematics, and craftsmanship.
Choice #4: I’ll look for my brothers Oliver and Morris at the stream.
Choice #1: Well, someone needs to do the laundry.
Choice #3: Charm their companions.
Choice #2: I’ll look for father in the fields.
Choice #2: “I wanted to see if you needed any help.”
Choice #4: Appeal to his emotions.
Achieve You Had One Job (10)
Choice #3: “Let me feed the hog, and we’ll be done with it.”
Choice #2: If all is preordained, am I even alive at all?
Choice #2: “Clever. If I looked for mushrooms in the dark I’d be wont to have two viper bites and no boots by the time I came home.”
Choice #4: “Incredible! Luca, I could kiss you!”
Choice #2: I will go tonight.
Choice #2: I am not too proud to return as the prodigal child, and trust in their love.
Achieve Peace Upon You All (10)

Act I Scene 3
Choice #3: Why would the bear menace her this way? There must be a reason….
Achieve Ranger-In-Training (10)
Choice #1: I might as well take the bag. I’ve got days on the road yet.
Choice #3: Perhaps I should start harmonizing with him, so the Duke’s subjects notice me early.
Choice #3: I’ll offer to take his place onstage. I’ve wit enough to withstand these courtly rigors and prove myself.
Choice #1: “What’s the Bardbrood?”
Choice #4: There’s a song reminds me of this moment. Perhaps I can impress this crew with it.
Choice #2: I understand what they were trying to achieve. I’m keen to ingratiate myself with artists like these.
Choice #3: Indeed I hope so, attractive soul that she is.
Choice #3: Well, here I am. No sense fretting about it now.
Choice #1: I’ll march up to the camp. We Brentons are a hospitable people.
Choice #2: It may be a gamble, but if I invite them to test my performing skills, it should be proof enough of my tale.
Choice #3: Let me keep the overinflated personality going and see where it leads.
Achieve Much Obliged (10)
Choice #3: I must be prepared for any song or speech the Duke can request.
Choice #3: I can offer to work for a night’s lodgings.
Choice #4: I wonder whatever happened to that woman and her runaway mule…I hope someone bought her a round at the pub that night.
Choice #1: I’ll run the rest of the way.
Choice #3: “I won’t state it; I shall demonstrate it!”
Choice #2: “Is there any chance of stopping by a chamberpot on the way?”
Choice #4: “Honorable Chief Steward, indispensable subject to His Grace the Duke; I, Foofoo, thank thee for thy gracious time and present such talents for thy consideration as our creator has bestowed upon me.”
Choice #4: A joke or two.
Choice #3: An exhilarating exhibition of dance.
Choice #2: “Oh, yes, I’m quite experienced. I’ve been in service all my days.” (I’m sharp enough to sneak the lie through.)
Choice #1: “He shouldn’t, if he has any sense.”
Choice #1: What a fool I was to not practice more….
Achieve Backstage Is The Best Stage (10)
Choice #3: This is the path offered, and I’ll accept it gladly.

Act I Scene 4
Choice #2: Certainly so! Securing a position in this court is the boon I’ve waited for my whole life.
Choice #2: “Do you know what a Lurker is supposed to do, exactly?”
Choice #2: I want to get to know her, just like everyone.
Choice #1: “I’m here to make you look smashing.”
Choice #3: I’ll throw out a quip or two to amuse everyone without taking a side.
Achieve Taskmaster (10)
Choice #3: It’s more prudent to follow Timshel’s direction, given the time we have available; I’d do well to keep a cool demeanor.
Choice #3: I’ve wisdom enough, I hope, to tend the wellness of all parties and ensure their work does not overtax them.
Choice #2: I don’t think those wordy meetings would be for me, but I’m curious to see the work the Bardbrood supports.
Choice #3: “I’m just eager to see what tomorrow will bring.”
Choice #2: I need more time to consider it.
Choice #1: I’ll give a hearty greeting to all.
Choice #3: I should dedicate some energy to the look and staging of our efforts. If I do not, who will?
Choice #1: I will water the garden of my wit.
Choice #4: “Lord, you’re beautiful.”
Choice #4: Dear Moargen is pleasant, but I have ample reason not to pursue any entanglement.
Choice #2: As Lurker, I have a new appreciation for all the facets of the wicked stage.
Choice #1: Yes, I’m to keep the costumes and properties ready and not, under any circumstances, address the audience.
Choice #3: I’ll double-check my own preparations.
Choice #1: I can prompt him, if I’m wise enough to figure how to catch his eye surreptitiously…
Choice #2: I’ve wisdom enough to determine a means of hiding this.
Achieve The Show Must Go On (Because I Say So) (25)
Choice #3: I will adopt a featured dancing role to delight the assembled throng.
Choice #3: I hope His Grace rewards us handsomely.
Choice #3: For the short time we had to rehearse, I thought we were a qualified success.
Choice #4: “A whole-throated endorsement of whatever you think best, Madam.”
Choice #4: Would you accept one with an open palm instead?

Playthrough 6, Act II

Act II Scene 1
Choice #4: It’s about time I connect with the Bardbrood. Perhaps there’s room for my work on their stages someday.
Choice #2: Best to adopt a charitable demeanor despite the offense and make a simple reintroduction.
Choice #3: I wouldn’t mind performing outside of Court, but it has to be something that gets people laughing and dancing.
Choice #2: “I could have done without Jennelia’s five-minute soliloquy whilst burning in the lava, but the rest was fair.”
Choice #2: I’ll make my meaningless mark on the bally sheet; I’m sure it’s toothless when all is said and done, and it’ll quiet him in the meantime.
Choice #3: “You must understand, madame, I’m delirious with hunger…spare a morsel for a poor urchin?”
Choice #2: The time I staged a production of Sonogh’s The Toads.
Choice #1: His Grace is going to feed me to his other bear–there can be no other explanation.
Choice #1: I’ll decline with an attitude of appreciative deference and respect; assuming my nature comes across thus.
Choice #2: I’ll leave for a royal position in half a heartbeat.
Choice #5: With my honest, hearty good cheer in all things.
Choice #1: “How can I ever thank you enough for this opportunity?”
Achieve ‘Tis I, The Poison Pill (10)
Choice #2: I helped to coordinate two of their exhibitions.
Choice #3: “Thanks for your kindness. Whatever is meant to be will be.”
Choice #1: I’ll employ words, seduction, dark arts; anything to secure a last hurrah before we part.
Choice #3: “Where did this creature come from?”
Choice #6: I know just the thing…[name the beast thyself]
Choice #3: If I can fashion some kind of diversion for the ape, perhaps it’ll stop grousing….
Choice #4: Dazzling them by leaping from cart to cart.
Choice #2: I will discreetly advise the soldiers to silence the protesters, robes or no robes.
Choice #4: I belong here, where great people are doing great things.

Act II Scene 2
Choice #3: If the beast has sprung one set of restraints, I must devise a new way to secure it–and quickly!
Achieve Tamer Of Troublemakers (10)
Choice #1: I’ve always been good with animals; perhaps this will be best for both of us.
Choice #3: “It’s just awfully fast. What do you think I should perform for His Majesty and the courtiers?”
Choice #2: I’m more concerned with my business than getting to know him.
Choice #4: I’ll just watch him work. I’m worried if I distract or offend him my first hour at Westfenster will only worsen.
Choice #3: He needn’t be bothered with all the particulars now; I just want to know what he’s making for Foofoo.
Choice #3: I know just the right parting aphorism to leave him thinking well of me.
Choice #5: Vocal preparations will serve me well for many of the talents I may wish to display.
Choice #1: My body is so alive with excitement I can scarcely focus.
Choice #3: The creature can escape from any restraint I can fashion–so my best option is to leave it loose and trust it will stay.
Choice #4: Just let them stop me; I’m here for the King’s personal service and have the confidence to set any challenge withering on the vine.
Choice #1: “I want to increase their joy, and lighten–for a time–the burdens they carry.”
Choice #3: “Just to pass on Millicent’s good wishes; I’ve no great desire to become deeply enmeshed.”
Choice #3: I want to make sure she knows I’m usually behind the stage.
Choice #2: …and I haven’t tended my hair all day.
Choice #1: I’ll announce my presence gently with some unobtrusive music.
Choice #4: “Just one question–do you think they’ll prefer it if I keep my clothing on?”
Choice #1: An acrobatic jig, with the audience supplying the beat.
Choice #1: I’ve always thought it meet to disarm crudity with charm. A graceful comportment will help me control the moment again.

Act II Scene 3
Choice #3: That accent of hers is divine. If I’ve the repertoire to match it, the connection may help plant the seeds for romance.
Choice #3: “I think it’d be quite droll to include it in my performances, eventually. The more familiar it gets around humans in the meantime, the better.”
Choice #1: “What an honor! I’m delighted to serve the community.”
Choice #4: I could set myself up with my own Disputes and Grievances service, in the role of a fortune-teller.
Achieve A Firm Foothold (10)
Choice #3: Looking for this Raphael to demonstrate my competence on the stage to Hondelet’s Bardbrood.
Choice #2: That sounds duller than a carved-carrot arrowhead, but I’ll muster up enough cheer to not give offense as I decline.
Choice #1: “Come, sirrah, I can’t take your hat.”
Choice #4: Well, no sense forcing him to dwell on this pain. Let me change the subject with some dry jests.
Choice #3: I’ll impress those in sight by using my strength to run through some lifts with the beast whilst we listen.
Choice #3: “With all due respect to His Majesty, who starts a holiday at dawn?”
Choice #2: I’ll counsel them to temper the bloodthirsty moment, and show some respect to the dead regardless of nation.
Choice #1: Being nobly born is still a fine life, no matter where you rule.
Choice #1: I’m glad to get reacquainted, and let her know she’s well met.
Choice #2: Since she raised the topic, I think sharing my excitement wouldn’t go amiss.
Choice #4: Let Gwendell hang with her insistence we do the same thing; I’m going to fashion a likeness of Ahmamset out of what I see lying about and enact her narration.
Choice #3: I’ll wish her well and return to my company.
Choice #1: I’ll battle with the Knight with all my strength, and if it’s damaged in the meantime, perhaps that’ll be an etiquette lesson for its minders.
Choice #1: I’ll accept the apology, but let them know how sore distressed I was.
Choice #4: Their level of imbibing is unseemly. The wisest thing to do would be to give them information without giving offense.
Choice #2: I’ll turn the question around. I’m more interested in listening to their thoughts than scrounging up my own answer.
Choice #1: I should like to accompany this nameless hunter on a moonlit walk.
Choice #3: Not at all.
Choice #3: “‘Tis sore hard to see it that way, sometimes.”
Choice #1: Perhaps it’ll give them comfort if I respond in meter as well; Lord knows my repertoire is well-stocked with examples.
Choice #4: Running and hiding sounds entirely appropriate to me.
Choice #2: “You’re wounded; I can’t leave you.”

Playthrough 6, Act III

Act III Scene 1
Choice #2: The need must be quite urgent to seek me out thus. I should go.
Choice #4: “Lord–how shall they forgive me for letting their child suffer injury?”
Choice #1: ‘Twas I who braved the graverobbers. Fig will have other moments–let this one be mine.
Choice #1: I’ve the wit to gab and jest with the entire Royal family at once.
Choice #3: I’m not inclined to mention him at this point.
Choice #1: I’m ever in the public eye, so I should expect them to eye me.
Choice #1: I’ll deny it up and down, cool-headed enough to convince her. I suspect Audrey will gossip away anything I tell her.
Choice #3: I’ll toss out a quip to show him he’s not master here.
Choice #2: I’ll tell him yea, with no intention of ever following through; I’ve skill enough in the particulars of the convincing lie.
Choice #3: I’ve a few friends I feel close to, though I’m not sure they feel the same; I should seek one of them out.
Choice #3: Foofoo; more to build a folio of tricks together than just chat, of course.
Choice #1: For my part, I’ve always held out in defense of Good King Saul.
Choice #3: I’ll mingle with the servants; they need a wit to make them laugh more than anyone else in the room.
Choice #2: Perhaps one of my fellow guests will share, if I inquire politely.
Choice #3: He’s actually quite enjoyable to watch. Perhaps I’ll learn a thing or two.
Choice #3: I’m not about to play♥♥♥♥♥♥fight by their rules; beware to all parties, for my shrewd fooling will spare none.
Choice #1: I’m spry enough to dodge it.
Choice #3: If I take on the physicality of the mooning lover well enough, the room may forgive me a lesser effort on my words.
Choice #4: I’ll strum and sing whilst Foofoo holds the beat.
Achieve Nary A Scratch (20)

Act III Scene 2
Choice #1: Hardly; now that I have this scroll, writ in his hand, I shall expose him to the Court.
Choice #3: “I’ve fashioned a new bonnet for His Lordship and I need to take his measurements. Lilac’s his color, don’t you think?”
Choice #3: I’ll jot down an anonymous explanation and properly stage th’evidence in a creative place His Majesty will discover on his return.
Achieve Truth Be Told (20)
Choice #2: “I’m not sure; Foofoo and I had quite a full evening planned.”
Choice #4: I’m a prized fool; a choice specimen inside and out. If I threaten to quit unless she releases my friends, she’s bound to relent.
Choice #4: Oh Lord! Having been in close quarters with many Hondelets on tour, I’ve a whole retinue of comic observations….
Achieve An Acquired Taste (10)
Choice #3: Since I’m out on the town already, a bit of a carouse is what I need to feel restored.
Choice #1: I’ll meet Prinxe Hail in the Royal Chambers, as an advisor and–perhaps–a friend.
Choice #1: “I understand you and His Majesty had a bit of a row.”
Choice #1: The Prinxe seems to favor negotiation, so I’ll give as sage an answer I can in defense of that position.
Achieve Retreat For Two (20)
Choice #2: Perhaps if I can make a few arrangements and get my affairs in order first….

Act III Scene 3
Choice #2: Releasing tension through regular bouts of carousing and vagabondery.
Choice #3: I could have a bite to eat. ‘Tis difficult to be expected to be creative on an empty stomach.
Choice #3: “I’ve admired you since I was a child!”
Choice #2: I know salts and the like can eradicate worms; I wonder if handfuls from this gunpowder barrel can clear me a path.
Choice #2: No! My confidence is one of my strengths.
Choice #2: That was a fair jest; credit where credit is due.
Choice #1: Best I can do is keep the moment sharp and light with a well-worn joke, and leave the serious response to more serious people.
Choice #1: “I’ll be honored to help them.”
Choice #3: I’ll lead a bit of a discussion in which these peasants can speak their minds and know they’re being heard.
Choice #3: A fine opportunity to connect with the full community.
Choice #3: I need to tell the castle guard about this right away.
Choice #1: I’ll do what it takes to keep my role, no matter who sits atop the Throne.

Playthrough 6, Act IV

Act IV Scene 1
Choice #2: A militaristic tour with the splendor and pageantry of the army is what’s called for; I’ve the expertise to coordinate the staging.
Choice #2: I can work some more subversive material into the show; I’ve wit enough to throw that together.
Achieve Rally The Rabble (10)
Choice #3: “No. If you’re keen to find them, I can’t imagine you need my help.”
Achieve Say Goodnight, Sweet Prince (10)

Playthrough 7 Achievements

Encore, Encore! (15)
You Had One Job (10)
Peace Upon You All (10)
Ranger-In-Training (10)
That’ll Do (50)
Taskmaster (10)
The One Ring (10)
Colder Shoulder (10)
Maid For Each Other (20)
The Dueliest Duelist (25)
A Good Listener (20)
An Acquired Taste (10)
*I’ll Just Be Going (10)
To New Beginnings (10)
*Thoroughly Amused (100)

Playthrough 7, Act I

Act I Scene 1
Choice #4: “Whatever happens, give me strength.”
Choice #1: The♥♥ hat, with a donkey’s floppy ears and two jangling bells.
Choice #3: Talked a haberdasher the next town over into doing the work gratis.
Choice #2: “Pardon, I’m not ready….”
Choice #1: A bit of wordplay.
Choice #2: If I continue to impress, I might make a better showing with one of these winsome maidens later on.
Choice #1: A saucy poem.
Choice #3: “Prevail not on me for philosophy….” 
Choice #1: I’ll stay composed and placate Luca before continuing as planned.
Choice #1: “Firstmost, I am not known as man or woman, and…”
Choice #9: Margery.
Choice #3: I edge away, ready to flee.
Choice #1: I must be ready to protect myself.
Choice #2: If it’s to come to blows, I will fashion a means of self-defense.
Achieve Encore, Encore! (15)
Choice #3: Haagstack, the bawdy, jolly ringmaster whose parade of simple spectacle delighted the realm.

Act I Scene 2
Choice #2: Picking up etiquette, manners, and courtly dance.
Choice #2: I’ll look for father in the fields.
Choice #3: “I wanted to tell you what happened to me yesterday.”
Choice #1: Fire off a quip and make an exit.
Choice #4: I need to practice for my next performance.
Choice #3: Vocal exercise, to serve my repertoire.
Achieve You Had One Job (10)
Choice #2: “I’m not a child any more, and right glad I am you’ve decided not to treat me as such.”
Choice #3: The celestial bodies sway not me with their gravity.
Choice #1: “Watch out; he’s probably thinking how much he’ll save on wages if you poison yourself.”
Choice #3: “What makes you think I would leave the farm?”
Choice #2: I will go tonight.
Choice #3: If this position is not meant to be, I have to trust another path will appear.
Achieve Peace Upon You All (10)

Act I Scene 3
Choice #1: I’ve a strong voice; perhaps I can startle the bear away.
Achieve Ranger-In-Training (10)
Choice #2: She’ll scarcely notice if a single link goes missing.
Choice #4: I’m grateful he’s going first, so I can learn the process afore I face the gauntlet myself.
Choice #1: I will go and sing with him; two performers in solidarity.
Choice #3: “How oft have you run this performance?”
Choice #2: The way they’re mashing these fine costumes! I’ll help them tend their effects more gently.
Choice #2: I understand what they were trying to achieve. I’m keen to ingratiate myself with artists like these.
Choice #4: And you’ll be in my audience next time, and you’ll see what a performance truly can be.
Choice #1: I hope I’ve made the right decision….
Choice #3: I’ll make my own camp by the pond and keep a close eye on woods and road alike.
Choice #1: I’ll make a tool to catch some fish in the pond.
Choice #2: Rest will serve me better than anything else.
Choice #1: Perhaps I could camp somewhere near here instead.
Choice #4: I wonder whatever happened to that woman and her runaway mule…I hope someone bought her a round at the pub that night.
Choice #2: I will not leave that place until I’ve made it my home.
Choice #2: “I understand there were openings for entertainers here at Court–I hope that’s still the case!”
Choice #4: Quiet will suit me best; I need to focus.
Choice #2: I’ll start immediately.
Choice #3: A fine speech about duty and service.
Choice #2: An extemporaneous sonnet on a subject of her choosing.
Choice #1: “No, madam.”
Choice #4: “For I will bring pride and prestige to his Court.”
Achieve That’ll Do (50)
Choice #2: Fight the faint.

Act I Scene 4
Choice #3: I’m going to praise the fates every day for the gift of this change in station.
Choice #1: “Have you been with the company long?”
Choice #3: I’m not sure that one and I will get along overmuch.
Choice #6: “Jests and wordplay suit me best.”
Choice #3: I’ll throw out a quip or two to amuse everyone without taking a side.
Achieve Taskmaster (10)
Choice #2: I must soberly advocate for greater coordination now, before Timshel’s vision becomes set in stone.
Choice #1: Timshel, given my witty proclivities.
Choice #1: I’m keen to get acquainted with all the Bardbrood puts forth: the discussions and performances alike.
Choice #3: “I’m just eager to see what tomorrow will bring.”
Choice #3: I’m not inclined to sign anything away, but I’ll turn Timshel down gently.
Choice #1: I’ll give a hearty greeting to all.
Choice #4: If I can recall a game to catch his attention, perhaps I can forestall Timshel from meddling with others….
Choice #4: I will investigate the enigmas of the stage we are to use.
Choice #4: “Lord, you’re beautiful.”
Choice #1: I shall work to secure a kiss from this paragon.
Choice #2: I will let my figure convey my message.
Choice #2: My portion drew praise from all parties.
Choice #2: Certainly. My portion follows Aitoko’s conjurations.
Choice #1: I’ll help Aitoko, since he seems so frantic.
Choice #5: I will commiserate with Aitoko from the sidelines; there, but for the grace of God, go we….
Choice #4: All I can offer is my best.
Choice #1: Irreverent banter.
Choice #4: I will steal another bow and be on my way.
Choice #2: I will flirt my way through the nobles as we dance. ‘Twill make sure they enjoy themselves.
Choice #1: What a thrill!
Choice #3: For the short time we had to rehearse, I thought we were a qualified success.
Choice #2: “A deep devotion to the well-being of my fellow players.”
Choice #4: I could sell this for a fortune.
Achieve The One Ring (10)
Choice #4: Emote in composed fashion from a respectful distance.

Playthrough 7, Act II

Act II Scene 1
Choice #2: I’m greatly eager for the chance to see what others of my artistic kin have prepared.
Choice #3: If I can recall a fine epigram about the vagaries of memory, ‘twould be well-placed here.
Choice #3: I wouldn’t mind performing outside of Court, but it has to be something that gets people laughing and dancing.
Choice #1: “A thousand times, yes.”
Choice #2: I’ll make my meaningless mark on the bally sheet; I’m sure it’s toothless when all is said and done, and it’ll quiet him in the meantime.
Choice #1: “I’ll give you two and not a copper more.”
Choice #2: My memorization and marathon exhibition of all thirty-nine Poetic Iddar last winter.
Choice #2: There must be some special task His Grace has in mind. Whatever it is, I shall rise to it.
Choice #2: I’ve a repertoire chock full of curious skills. If I prove my marksmanship, I’ll win favor with them both.
Choice #3: Whatever happens is in their hands; I should embrace that.
Choice #1: With a fusillade of witticisms.
Choice #3: “What makes you think I’ll fit in at Westfenster?”
Choice #2: I secured modest roles in two exhibitions.
Choice #1: “Thankee kindly, I’ll be sure to.”
Choice #2: I’ll make with her a pact to correspond…our temperaments are so like I’m sure she will assent.
Choice #2: “Is there another cart I can ride in?”
Choice #6: I know just the thing…[name the beast thyself]
Choice #3: If I can fashion some kind of diversion for the ape, perhaps it’ll stop grousing….
Choice #5: Tweaking the crowds with saucy jests.
Choice #1: I will bluster the protesters into silence with a patriotic speech and protect His Majesty’s name.
Choice #2: I’ve never gone wrong yet, meeting a new day with a stout heart and good cheer.

Act II Scene 2
Choice #1: I should be strong enough to loop an arm around the little ape and hold it fast.
Choice #3: Keeping a pet was not my intent. Foofoo had best not hamper my advancement here.
Choice #2: “I would have expected a bit of training or rehearsal time before performing in such a forum, is all.”
Choice #1: Seems a pleasant fellow.
Choice #4: I’ll just watch him work. I’m worried if I distract or offend him my first hour at Westfenster will only worsen.
Choice #2: Wisest, I think, to learn what he knows about the Court so I have the lay of the land before tonight.
Choice #3: I know just the right parting aphorism to leave him thinking well of me.
Choice #1: Drill my knowledge of King Saul’s history, that I may seem the wiser.
Choice #2: No preparation can ready me more than I already am.
Choice #3: The creature can escape from any restraint I can fashion–so my best option is to leave it loose and trust it will stay.
Choice #2: A snatch of song for my hearties will help them see I mean no harm.
Choice #3: “I want to make them marvel, and show them talent on a level they’ve not experienced before.”
Choice #1: “If I’m acquainted with Hondelet’s Bardbrood, I can draw in outside performers to support palace work.”
Choice #2: I’d love to know what style King Saul prefers.
Choice #4: …and I’ve no company behind me for support.
Choice #4: I’ll wander the room and listen, gleaning insights to reference in my performance.
Choice #3: “Yes, with all my being.”
Choice #2: Jocund observational jests about Westfenster.
Choice #3: If Lord Bisqueath is so worried about unwholesomeness, I can use a bit of stage trickery to fashion a scare for him.

Act II Scene 3
Choice #3: That accent of hers is divine. If I’ve the repertoire to match it, the connection may help plant the seeds for romance.
Choice #3: “I think it’d be quite droll to include it in my performances, eventually. The more familiar it gets around humans in the meantime, the better.”
Choice #3: “Whatever you think best. I trust you.”
Choice #1: I’ll stir excitement throughout the castle with a vow to scale the walls of the Great Hall and leap back down (without dying).
Choice #2: Cultivating my craft, even if it means neglecting other relationships.
Choice #4: I’ve grown adept at several new techniques for fashioning properties and whirligigs. [+Stagecraft]
Choice #2: “Thankee kindly.”
Choice #4: Well, no sense forcing him to dwell on this pain. Let me change the subject with some dry jests.
Choice #1: I’ll encourage Foofoo to come down and stay calm.
Choice #3: “With all due respect to His Majesty, who starts a holiday at dawn?”
Choice #4: I think they’re putting themselves in danger of injury with their staging; I worry for their safety.
Choice #2: I can understand why lesser nobles would feel the burdens of ruling land that will always struggle to sustain their subjects.
Choice #2: I’ll poke fun and pretend I don’t know her, same way she once did to me.
Achieve Colder Shoulder (10)
Choice #2: It’s barbaric to parade our enemies in effigy this way. I’ll use the moment to make the audience consider what they’re actually applauding.
Choice #1: I’ll accept the apology, but let them know how sore distressed I was.
Choice #3: I’m enjoying myself without drowning in drink. I’ll make it clear I’m not about to follow, without judging them for doing as they please.
Choice #2: I’ll turn the question around. I’m more interested in listening to their thoughts than scrounging up my own answer.
Choice #1: I should like to accompany this nameless hunter on a moonlit walk.
Choice #1: Yes, and determined to continue thus.
Choice #2: I’ll just put a gentle hand on their back while they sort this through.
Choice #4: Running and hiding sounds entirely appropriate to me.
Choice #2: “You’re wounded; I can’t leave you.”

Playthrough 7, Act III

Act III Scene 1
Choice #3: He’s waited a fortnight to see me. Surely another half-hour whilst I take my trunk to my room won’t put him out.
Choice #3: Foofoo is far stronger than it has any reason to be; perhaps it can help here.
Choice #1: I’ve the wit to gab and jest with the entire Royal family at once.
Choice #2: I’ll make note of all the classes of people who are staring more oddly than normal and try to deduce the explanation.
Choice #2: I’ll admit it, then pump her for information so I can add this piece to my library as soon as possible.
Choice #3: I’ll toss out a quip to show him he’s not master here.
Choice #5: I’ll do it. ‘Tis but a means to an end of greater prestige and influence.
Choice #1: Pursuing a spot of romance with the fresh-faced maid Audrey.
Choice #1: I’ll pull her into a bit of a dance, letting my figure and grace serve my purpose.
Achieve Maid For Each Other (20)
Choice #3: I’m not about to be baited into alienating one side or t’other by participating in the gossip.
Choice #2: I’d like this chance to showcase my range with the local elite of Westfenster and Hondelet.
Choice #1: I suppose I can make do with an imaginary one.
Choice #3: He’s actually quite enjoyable to watch. Perhaps I’ll learn a thing or two.
Choice #2: I have to spare His Majesty the embarrassment of a loss here within these walls. That means no holding back ‘gainst these Northerners.
Choice #2: He may spritz me with his drops all he likes; I’ll drown him in my wits.
Choice #1: I know so many sonnets I can conjure up a few lines well enough.
Choice #2: With Foofoo’s help, I’ll josh this company by pretending to play village matchmaker.
Achieve The Dueliest Duelist (25)

Act III Scene 2
Choice #2: He made good on his promise to help at the feast; I should do my part now, and then insist on even greater rewards.
Choice #4: I wonder what manner of favor I should expect from His Lordship for this service.
Choice #4: If I’m wise enough to fashion a way to keep her safe, I might prevail on Audrey to go dust in the chapel and report what she hears.
Achieve A Good Listener (20)
Choice #2: It cheers me to imagine saddling Foofoo in moments like these.
Choice #3: “In all sincerity, thanks for arranging this. I’ll certainly be there.”
Choice #1: I suppose I’ll petition her for a lesser punishment under the circumstances, and hope my counsel carries the day.
Choice #4: Oh Lord! Having been in close quarters with many Hondelets on tour, I’ve a whole retinue of comic observations….
Achieve An Acquired Taste (10)
Choice #1: I’ll stop in with Audrey to take my mind off th’evening.
Choice #2: I’ll approach King Saul to offer counsel and comfort however I can.
Choice #1: “I was looking for the fishing-pond and got lost.”
Choice #3: I might gamble that his need for advice as a father to a firebrand child outstrips his need for counsel on affairs of state.
Achieve I’ll Just Be Going (10)

Act III Scene 3
Choice #3: I’ll hear about his stated task with an eye towards informing on him straightaway.
Choice #1: A full and true reckoning, in humble demeanor, is the only way out.
Achieve To New Beginnings (10)
Choice #1: My life wouldn’t be complete without Audrey. I’ll ask her to come with me.
Choice #2: “I loved it here. I’ll miss it greatly.”
Choice #1: I’ll accept, but I’ll be measured in what I share out of concern for harming the realm in this troubled time.
Choice #2: Showcase the rarity of my lived experience by referencing my strong relations with the Royals.
Choice #2: “What does this have to do with me?”
Choice #2: I might be able to put her in’s place with a well-placed quotation or two.
Choice #1: I feel I know The Chasm impeccably; I can act as narrator while the less familiar are set to enacting single lines or movement.
Choice #2: An absurd romance narrative is just the thing, where she and I vie for the attentions of a certain well-trained ape.
Choice #1: I’ll unleash my wits and devastate her with clever patter.
Choice #2: In a way, such fortitude as I’ve developed was born from that moment.
Choice #3: Why glorify isolation? We the Bardbrood should be the bridge of common understanding between powerful and powerless, and push for a broader sharing of Brenton’s bounty.
Choice #3: I understand what a concession this represents to her; I’ll express my appreciation.
Achieve Thoroughly Amused (100).

Helena Stamatina
About Helena Stamatina 897 Articles
I love two things in life, games and sports. Although sports were my earliest interest, it was video games that got me completely addicted (in a good way). My first game was Crash Bandicoot (PS1) from the legendary studio Naughty Dog back in 1996. I turned my passion for gaming into a job back in 2019 when I transformed my geek blog (Re-actor) into the gaming website it is today.

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