How to Beat 27-20 Using Ungula (or Bjorn)
By RPhoenix.
Stage 27-20 / Boss: Sunken Monaksia (Loneliness in Greek)
This boss gives you 1.5~2 seconds of DPS (provided you are using frontliners such as Unga, Kuba, Eclipse, Bjorn etc).
This mini-guide will apply for those who are using UNGULA (can also be swaped with Bjorn).
- Fort setup: RBK[Red Barrier Kit] (MUST HAVE) / Flaming Cannonball (optional)
- Team setup: Unga (at least 3* ) / Val (1* at least) / Soba (1* at least) / Bruce (1* at least) / Gildong (as much SE as you can stack, Preferably at least 1.7k% buff)
You will be using auto cast abilities.
Timings: Start the stage and wait until your Unga DIES, After her death Click summon boss (make sure there is a small delay between those 2 actions [about 0.1 seconds]) and as soon as the animation starts playing count 4 seconds. At the 3rd second, activate gildongs ability. At the 4th second click Skip (on the boss cutscene).
If done correctly your unga will spawn 0.1 seconds AFTER the end of the Boss’s FIRST attack, having gildong buff AND activating her ability. That will give her enough time to Shoot 3/4 of her spears which if they crit SHOULD dmg the boss significantly.
Bonus: If you perfect the timings you can get unga to spawn EXCACTLY as the first hit gets registered, allowing her to use ALL 4 of her spears for max dmg.
The key here is repeating those actions over and over until you find the sweet spot.
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