Frostpunk 2 – Helpful Tips and Tricks

Gameplay Tips and Tricks for Noobs

Buildings are MUCH more efficient than districts (a 200 workforce Housing district gives the same 20 shelter as a 50 workforce Subsidised Housing Block). After the very early game when you have no buildings researched, districts should be built primarily for the purpose of their building slots.

Buildings and laws often synergise to give extra bonuses, such as foraged additives/biowaste hothouses and chemical additives/chemical hothouses

For area bonuses (generator adjacency, crevasse shelter) try to put exactly three tiles in the area per district, to maximise the number of districts you can get the bonus for. For area maluses, do the opposite, if you want a district in there try to have it cover the whole thing.

You can permanently have enough guard squads by rounding up radical faction members and forcing them into the stewards milita meaning you’ll never need guard towers or goods to deal with crime.

When Frostbreaking or building a district, if you hold down the mouse button on the first tile, it’ll automatically begin selecting the tiles around it in a circle, making building a district or frostbreaking central to that tile easier.

  • Sending scouts asap is actually a good thing, because these 5 people won’t get sick, won’t eat your food and will return with some goodies (unless you forget to call them back before the storm).
  • Don’t keep people employed in workplaces you don’t need constantly running. For example, you won’t need a 24/7 working cookhouse for a while, so no point keeping people in it.
  • People can spend first night without houses. Some of them will get sick though, so have medical posts ready, but you’ll save some wood.
  • Don’t be afraid going overboard with 24h shifts and desperation in general, especially in the beginning when every day counts. Dropping desperation below the threshold is usually as easy as turning off extended shifts for a minute. And yes, people will die from 24h shifts, but them’s the breaks, better to loose 3-4 overworked than all of them frozen.
  • Wall drill employs less people than sawmill and gives more wood. Rushing it will give you a steady supply of wood early => you can build more, research more, etc.
  • Rushing automatons is a good idea. Even 1 would help a lot.
  • If you have overabundance of wood in the beginning, place a few houses to “store” resources, but turn off building them. Cancel building to get resources back.
  • Promise only what you are prepared to deliver.
  • As for laws: 24h shifts and extended shifts ASAP, soup or sawdust to save on food early (sawdust is better, sickness rate is like 8-10%, so you won’t get that many early on), double bedding in medical posts will free up more engineers. No point rushing on purpose – lots of these laws require building something, and you might be tight on resources.
Helena Stamatina
About Helena Stamatina 1555 Articles
I love two things in life, games and sports. Although sports were my earliest interest, it was video games that got me completely addicted (in a good way). My first game was Crash Bandicoot (PS1) from the legendary studio Naughty Dog back in 1996. I turned my passion for gaming into a job back in 2019 when I transformed my geek blog (Re-actor) into the gaming website it is today.

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