Cat Bun Guide
By Huaa and Jamchi.
Catbuns seems very confusing at first as there are a lot of content, but don’t sweat it! Having some kind of bonus is better than none at all. But if you want to learn to use it and optimize it, this is the guide for you. First, I will try to explain the catbuns system. Then, I will share with you the strategy.
General Overview
If this system is still difficult for you, we recommend reading this guide first. There you will find a lot of useful information and tips before you start learning the deeper mechanics of the game, such as Cat Bun. Now let’s get to our question in more detail!
Catbuns have rarities and generations. Every catbun’s appearance can evolve. Only the active skill of your main equipped catbun will have an effect.
Rarity (Quality)
- The rarities are: N < R < SR < SSR < UR
The rarity affects the effect of the active skill AND the amount of stats you get per level. It also affects the quality/number of flavour traits you get (see flavour trait section for more details).
There are gen 1, gen 2 and gen 3 catbuns. Gen 3 is best.

Gen-1: You can safely ferment these. (Two are already crying bc they know their fate.)

Gen-2: Use these until you get gen 3. You can summon most of these except:
- Frosted White Choco Bun is unlocked at bakery lvl 2.
- Matcha Choco Bun is unlocked at bakerly lvl 3.
- Pink Sugar Bun is unlocked at bakery lvl 5.

Gen 3: You are only able to start summoning gen 3 catbuns at bakery lvl 7. These are the ones you want because they have a higher chance of having all purple rarity flavors (see next section on flavors for more details).
When gen-3 catbuns are baked, you have a 2% chance of getting a flavor derivation.
- Green Tea Cheese Bun is unlocked at bakery lvl 7.
- Waffle Cheese Bun is unlocked at bakery lvl 8.
- Pink Cheese Bun is unlocked at bakery lvl 9.

SP Gen 3: You can only get these by combining gen-3 catbuns. This ability to combine catbuns is unlocked at bakery level 7. These catbuns have the strongest skills, stats, everything, so it’s recommended to use these ones.
Important Note: Waffle Cheese and Pink Cheese is only unlocked at bakery lvl 8 and 9 respectively. So if you want these you cannot combine them at lvl 7. You must wait until you are lvl 8/9.
Example: Look at the active skill of the III SP Waffle Cheese Cat.

(This skill is so much better than the gen 1 and gen 2 we can have now.)
(Random fact: All gen 3 buns are cheese flavored so in the chinese guides I’ve read they all refer to them as the cheese buns. The CHEESE is all POWERFUL.)
Gen 4 (Possibly):
Currently under bakery lvl 10, it says you can unlock IV Yellow Peach Cream Bun. This is interesting because this catbun is not available for preview under “Cat Gallery”.
(Cream must be the next lvl up from cheese, lol).
This mainly affects their appearance.
Flavors Traits
Every time you summon a catbun you will see that they have 3 parts of different rarities.
- The face, shell, and tail.
- Each part will also have a rarity:
- Purple = 5 flavor traits
- Blue = 4 flavor traits
- Green = 3 flavor traits
Each part has 7 possible Flavor Traits. (If you click on flavor of any catbun it’ll show you the list). Each catbun will have different secondary stats. The main stat for each part stays the same.Every time a single part is upgraded by 5 lvls, the stats will increase accordingly and you will also have a flavor trait activated.

The main catbun you have equipped has a “Flavor Effect”. The flavor effect will depend on the sum of all Flavor Traits from deployed cat buns’ parts. Level 1 = 4 flavor traits, level 2 = 8 flavor traits, and so on.

Your ultimate goal is to have 4 catbuns with the bonus stats you want AND to have the flavor effect you want. The flavor effect is more important!
Leveling Up
- Flavor mats can be returned.
- The catbun level is tied to the slot.
- Level up with no worries – in general it’s better to level up everything evenly so you can upgrade your bakery.
To lvl your flavors you need bland flour (bowl) and yeast powder (spoon). To lvl your catbun you need cat sugar (pink paw) and cat butter (yellow paw).
Where to Acquire | What It Does | |
Bland Flour | Burning wood | Lvl up flavor |
Yeast Powder | Fermenting catbuns* | Lvl up flavor (breakthrough) |
Cat Sugar | Burn wood | Lvl up catbun |
Cat Butter | Fermenting catbuns | Lvl up catbun (breakthrough) |
* This is what the Go Go Muffin calls it, i.e., recycling.
- Level up your bakery! This not only unlocks catbun slots, and unlocks different (better) types of catbuns, it also increases your chances of getting a rarer catbun.
- There are a total of 15 levels of bakery.
- You can check the requirements for leveling up your bakery by clicking on the big number at the top of the screen.
- Try to rush to bakery level 7 because:
- You unlock all 4 slots.
- You unlock the ability to get gen 3 catbuns.
- You unlock the ability to make SP catbuns (Kuka Cheese Cat and SP Green Tea Cheese Cat) by combining cats.
Strategy (and Choosing a Flavor Effect)
- Right now we just need to summon lots of catbuns and level up your catbuns evenly. As of now I believe you don’t need to save these for paper plane. Not sure if this will change. Catbuns is very RNG. So just summon away. You can buy 3 extra of catbun woods daily as a F2P. Spenders can buy 5 per day (or more).
- Once you have a lot of catbuns you can do the following:
- Click the “Showcase” button. Click the little “filter”. You can then filter your catbuns by flavor. Go through them and see which flavor you have the most of in each color. You want to choose the 4 catbuns that have same flavor traits. Or as close as you can.
- Why do you want your catbuns to have the same flavor trait? Because, as you reach certain amounts of flavor traits, you will unlock Flavor Effect… see below for an example using the “Lazy” flavor trait.

- If your catbuns have 4 lazy traits activated, you will get the lvl 1 Flavor Effect of DEF +100.
- If you have 8 lazy traits activated, you will get above AND DEF +4%.
- If your catbuns have 12 lazy flavor traits, then you will also get Lv 3: Increase Physical DMG and ATK by 1.5% and accuracy rate by 2%.
- If your catbuns have 16 lazy flavor traits activated, you get DEF +300.
- If your catbuns have 20 lazy flavor traits activated, you get 1 stack of [blessing of the cat bun god] when entering combat and increases PHYS DMG by 4% per stack.
Strategy to Upgrade Flavor Effects:
- Step 1: The first thing to aim for is 3223 Flavor Effects as per the picture below.

You want a lvl 3 in red, two lvl 2 in blue, and a lvl 3 in green. (Pls ignore that there is a lvl 5 green in the screenshot).
- Lvl 2 Blue (twice!): Increases ATK +4% x 2 = 8% and also increases ATK +100 x 2. Blue lvl 2 is probably the first thing you should aim for as it’s easiest to get.

- Lvl 3 Green: Increases ATK by 1.5% and accuracy by 2% and will give a specific type of elemental damage. In example on the right, Cool Flavor Effect increases shadow DMG. Note your elemental type will also change with class changes.

- Lvl 3 Red: Red lvl 1 and 2 will always give 10,000 HP and HP +4%. But the lvl 3 is like green in that the effect will vary based on the Flavor Effect you have.

- Step 2: After you have achieved the above 3223 then you need to choose if you are going to aim for a lvl 5 in blue or a lvl 5 in green. In most cases, you won’t have the correct elemental dmg type for a lvl 5 in blue, so your second step should be to aim for 3225 or a lvl 5 in green. And also get your red to lv 5.

Green is ideal because you’ll immediately gain 1 stack of [blessing of the cat bun god]. Even if you cannot get the elemental bonus, at least you will immediately get this buff. (Again, this is assuming you have normal RNG and do not have the correct elemental bonus in Green or Blue. If you DO have the correct elemental bonus in blue, you can do blue first. If you have the correct elemental bonus in green, you will still do green first).
- Green (tail) flavor to lvl 5 gives you one layer of [blessing of the catbun god] and 4% elemental type dmg (physical, ice, fire, shadow, etc) bonus.

* DMG type varies.
- Red to lvl 5 gives you a bonus per stack of [blessing of the catbun god]. You have a better chance to get a useful bonus from red than blue. 3/7 chance of having ATK + 4%3/7 chance of Crit Rate, Det, or Mastery which are all useful1/7 chance of getting haste – still better than nothing but if this is the only one you have, I personally maybe consider going for blue (unless haste is useful for your build/class).

- Step 3: Lastly, you want to aim for 555. Now that you have red lvl 5 and green lvl 5 active, even if you cannot get the right elemental dmg type on blue lvl 5, it will add another layer of [blessing of the catbun god] 30 seconds into battle so you will x2 the blessings from red and you still get some DMG reduction.
Catbuns is very heavy RNG. All guides I’ve read in Chinese state it’s so very difficult to get the correct elemental dmg. It’s a 1/7 chance which I think is pretty low cause also, remember that when your class changes so does your element. This is why we assume the worst (most common) case scenario. Eventually, once you have 555, you want to save catbuns so you’re able to select different elemental bonuses or different specific red lvl 5 bonuses.
More Tips:
- It’s recommended to equip 4 catbuns of different appearances. Yes, the matcha or cheese appearance matters! Because each catbun will use different “evolution” mats and so if you have all 4 of the same type, you won’t be able to level up your 4 slots evenly and your CP will suffer.
- Saving catbuns (this is really end-game and not relevant now): Try to save the catbuns to be able to lvl 5 each of the flavors. For example, you have lvl 5 green (20 traits) with the “lazy” trait. But also collect to be able to do this with the “adorable” trait too. This way you can switch between these for the different elemental bonus.
- Late-er game: you may wish to try for specific flavour traits. For example, Lively is a good one for DPS as it gives +7% ATK (at the cost of +5% dmg received). I may later add a section discussing specific traits, but at this point it’s more realistic to aim for a specific colour rather than one specific trait.
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