Go Go Muffin – T1 Shadowlash: Darkblade Build

Guide to T1 Shadowlash: Darkblade

By Pud4.

T1 Darkblade:

After much testing I came up with Shadow Acceleration and Transcendence as your 2 other tactical skills (always run Crimson Ring).

There are variations that substitute Accel with Shadow Demon Decends but I’ve personally had lower DPS with that setup. Stats you should maximize include Attack, Determination, Haste, mastery, and around 30-35% crit (a little bit lower or higher is ok).

Aim for Llama mount, and ensure that your Demon Hound pet is full leveled up and starred up as high as possible (focus on Demon Hound for future wishlists). Pet skills are flexible – aim to have any combination of the skills on the guide – if you have too much crit rate, you can sub out those moves first.

Enjoy your T1 Shadowlash, Darkblade!

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Helena Stamatina
About Helena Stamatina 897 Articles
I love two things in life, games and sports. Although sports were my earliest interest, it was video games that got me completely addicted (in a good way). My first game was Crash Bandicoot (PS1) from the legendary studio Naughty Dog back in 1996. I turned my passion for gaming into a job back in 2019 when I transformed my geek blog (Re-actor) into the gaming website it is today.

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