Gunbrella – Heart Piece Guide

A spoiler-light guide to finding all the heart pieces in Gunbrella (and working on adding in-depth, spoiler-full sections).

Guide to Heart Piece


This guide will contain some light spoilers, but I tried to obfuscate them where I could.

Note that the pause and file select menus will only show 3 health upgrades, but you can actually get 4 extra hearts if you get all the heart pieces. These are the only things I know of that will stop you from gaining heart pieces:

  • Keeping the gem.
  • Telling on Brad.
  • Going to the mines before getting the first 5 heart pieces.
  • Giving Marle the shipping label before getting the last 3 heart pieces.

Before Going to the Mines

  1. If you give Sewert the gem, he will give you a heart piece. If you give it to the merchant, you can buy a heart piece from him after returning to Allendale from the mines. To my knowledge, you can’t get this piece if you keep the gem.
  2. When you complete the “O Well” quest in Orwell, the mayor will give you the deed to his room in Allendale. The heart piece is in the chest at the top of this room.
  3. Speak to the barrel guy that the cops were talking to outside of Allendale to get the “Hide and Seek” quest. Completing it gets you another piece.
  4. When asked, tell Dregs (the big grey scrapper) that you snuck into the scrapyard. Brad (the door guard guy) will give you a heart piece when you talk to him after meeting with Marle.
  5. Buy the motor from Bill’s Pills in Allendale for $100, then give it to the broken robot on the way out of the scrapyard.

After Returning from the Mines

  1. During the escape, Connie will ask if you want to try to take a crude crystal. If you don’t take it, the owner of the Speakeasy in Allendale will give you a heart piece. If you do take it, Connie will give you a heart piece in the room next to yours in the hostel in Allendale.
  2. In Orwell, Eli will ask you to look for his son. Bring him his son for this heart piece.
  3. Speak to Father Wormwood at Basecamp. Follow this quest line to get the last piece.
Helena Stamatina
About Helena Stamatina 897 Articles
I love two things in life, games and sports. Although sports were my earliest interest, it was video games that got me completely addicted (in a good way). My first game was Crash Bandicoot (PS1) from the legendary studio Naughty Dog back in 1996. I turned my passion for gaming into a job back in 2019 when I transformed my geek blog (Re-actor) into the gaming website it is today.

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