KARDS – The WWII Card Game – Budget British Deck

Budget British Deck

Some deck ideas for budget british deck:

  • Humber Mk II +USACE+ naval support (brit+US): trick with this one is the early aggression by buffing humber MK II and going for early kill with fury. Also use greyhounds to feint the first removal rather than just playing the humber MK II. Good supporting cards are the T19 howitzer arterillary, supply shipment and F4F wildcat. Try to keep your kredit curve low as much as possible since this deck revolves around a blitz kill and pray that ur opponents dont deck a lot of removals. I use this deck idea in season 2 to get to brit fm.
  • Use 10th commando, nightraid, crusader MK II: basically this idea revolves around using order cards to trigger 10th commando. its not what i use because i dont have night raid but i see people using it a lot.
  • If you can afford it, try to get grenadier guard+ rescue mission: basically this deck idea is an anti-burn deck by building an effective guard wall with cards like fortification to ward off destruction/deployment HQ damage. Grenadier guard itself is a pretty good standalone card that can really tear into most ♥♥♥ aggro decks; all you need to do when versing ♥♥♥ aggro is to prolong the match via naval power, fortification and guard units until you can put grenadier guard down and hook a rescue mission to it next turn. Another good card to supplement this strategy is takasagi regiment (♥♥♥). This idea is what i see inewton/twitch use to get up high in the rankings last season.

The first 2 deck ideas have a big weakness when it comes to removals especially things like eagle claw against commandos or naval power against humber mk II. it takes a bit of time to set up but once you set up; you can snowball your opponent to victory.

If after all this, you are still having trouble. i heard a rumor that if you lost 10 times in a row, you can get matched up with poorer players. i’m not sure if that’s true or not but from experience i think it is somwhat true

Anyways US and Brit are the hardest to fm imo. below is the brit deck i used to get to fm this season. I dont think it will help considering you might be low on rare cards but maybe it might give you ideas. I used argyllshire highlander and guard units to push to frontline, wait till opponent used a removal and then used naval support to buff attack on surviving unit. interception is a good card to consider in order to protect buffed units.

  • Wow straight 5
  • Major power: Britain
  • Ally: Germany


  • 4x (1K) HUMBER Mk II
  • 2x (2K) 5th BRIGADE
  • 2x (2K) No. 10 COMMANDO
  • 1x (3K) CRUSADER Mk II
  • 2x (3K) NAVAL POWER
  • 1x (3K) P-40 KITTYHAWK
  • 2x (3K) CONVOY HX 175
  • 2x (5K) CHURCHILL Mk IV
  • 1x (5K) MOSQUITO FB Mk VI


  • 1x (1K) ARADO AR 196
  • 1x (2K) MISSING
  • 2x (3K) EAGLE CLAWS
  • 1x (5K) WOLFPACK
  • 1x (10K) LEOPOLD
Helena Stamatina
About Helena Stamatina 897 Articles
I love two things in life, games and sports. Although sports were my earliest interest, it was video games that got me completely addicted (in a good way). My first game was Crash Bandicoot (PS1) from the legendary studio Naughty Dog back in 1996. I turned my passion for gaming into a job back in 2019 when I transformed my geek blog (Re-actor) into the gaming website it is today.

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