Little Witch in the Woods – Upgrades and Main Story

Materials and gold needed for upgrades and parts of the main questline…

Personal Recommendations

There also may be spoilers in some areas!

Some recommendations I’d make while playing are to not hoard materials too much at the start as you will run out of bag and storage space fairly quickly.

Materials I would recommending hoarding are:

  • Branches
  • Pieces of Stone
  • Mud

This is because you need a lot for upgrades

I’d also recommend Maple Herbs, Witch Flower and Squishycub Fur (purely for when you want to make coins from potions as majority of the time they will ask for healing candy and curse-lifting candy.)

Bag Upgrade Costs

For bag upgrades you talk to Aurea, who will be in the village:

  • First Upgrade: 250 Gold
  • Second Upgrade: 400 Gold
  • Third Upgrade: 900 Gold
  • Final Upgrade: 2000 Gold

Expand Storage

  • First Expansion: 250 Gold Coins, 20 Branches, 5 Pieces of Rock
  • Second Expansion: 300 Gold Coins, 25 Branches, 10 Pieces of Rock
  • Third Expansion: 350 Gold Coins, 30 Branch, 15 Pieces of Rock
  • Fourth Expansion: 400 Gold Coins, 35 Branches, 20 Pieces of Rock
  • Fifth Expansion: 450 gold coins, 40 branches. and 25 pieces of rock
  • Sixth Expansion: 500 gold coins, 45 branches. and 30 pieces of rock
  • Seventh Expansion: 550 gold coins, 50 branches. and 35 pieces of rock
  • Eighth Expansion: 600 gold coins, 55 branches. and 40 pieces of rock
  • Ninth Expansion: 650 gold coins, 60 branches. and 45 pieces of rock
  • Tenth storage expansion: 700 gold coins, 65 branches. and 50 pieces of rock
  • Eleventh storage expansion: 750 gold coins, 70 branches. and 55 pieces of rock
  • Twelfth storage expansion: 800 gold coins, 75 branches. and 60 pieces of rock

Tool Upgrades


  • Level 0 to 1: 70 Luna Coins, 12 Branches, 6 Pieces of Rock
  • Level 1 to 2: 140 Luna Coins, 24 Branches, 12 Pieces of Rock, 6 Mud


  • Level 0 to 1: 70 Luna Coins, 12 Branches, 6 Pieces of Rock, 6 Mud
  • Level 1 to 2: 140 Luna Coins, 24 Branhes, 12 Piece of Rock, 12 Mud

Witch’s Pot:

  • Level 0 to 1: 100 Luna Coins, 16 Branches, 8 Pieces of Rock, 8 Mud
  • Level 1 to 2: 200 Luna Coins, 32 Branches, 16 Pieces of Rock, 16 Mud

Main Quest

For all recipes from Diane you will need 40 Luna Coins.

At some point, a character named Kent will appear and ask two questions:

What is the name of the village?

  • Wisteria

How many people live there?

  • 4

(I don’t think it really matters if you answer incorrectly).

Potions you’ll need for the puzzle:

1 x Nutrition Potion

  • 2 x Silver Starbell Pollen
  • 2 x Maple Herb
  • 2 x Bush Bug

1 x Weed Terminator Potion

  • 2 x Squishycub Fur
  • 2 x Witchflower


Roy’s House:

  • Flower Shop Blueprint – 500 Gold Coins from Aurea
  • 35 x Branch
  • 14 x Piece of Rock
  • 10 x Piece of Mud


  • 10 x Branch
  • 10 x Piece of Rock
  • 10 x Mud



Note: For collecting the Little Mandrake, I’d suggest bringing some Earmuff Potion; the Mandrakes will cry when you pull them out, causing you to be stunned which will make it difficult to collect them.



Helena Stamatina
About Helena Stamatina 1021 Articles
I love two things in life, games and sports. Although sports were my earliest interest, it was video games that got me completely addicted (in a good way). My first game was Crash Bandicoot (PS1) from the legendary studio Naughty Dog back in 1996. I turned my passion for gaming into a job back in 2019 when I transformed my geek blog (Re-actor) into the gaming website it is today.


  1. To upgrade the Witch’s Pot to lvl 2 you need 200 Luna Coins, 32 Branches, 16 Rocks and 16 Mud!

  2. Where do you upgrade the chests? I see on the list what I need, but Diana doesn’t offer me chest upgrades so where do I do it?

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