Determining Items of Value
Players frequently discard items that could be potentially worth a lot of money, because it seems to them like the item isn’t useful to them. However, items can be potentially worth a lot of Gold when sold to someone else who might really need it! It’s extremely common that good equipment gets dismantled when they could be turned over for a high profit.
Accessories tend to be much more expensive than gear simply because the Pheon cost is so much higher, and good ones are far rarer than what it usually takes to obtain a piece of gear.
You can find Pheons in the cash shop under the utilities section. As they cost Blue Crystals, you can convert your gold into them. Based on the cost of gold to Blue Crystals on your server, this can influence the cost of gear on the broker.
While I can’t speak for things that are worth a lot in each individual server, I can provide a short list of some things to look out for when inspecting your accessories before you dismantle them, to potentially curate for yourself if it might be worth selling.
Weapons & Armors
When it comes to set items, you can’t sell any in T1 or T2, so the options here are pretty limited.
Sometimes in T3 players will buy weapons and armors simply because it has an ideal tripod on them. Say you’re playing a class and you obtain a T2 Relic upper gear that has +4 of a tripod for the Find Weakness tripod on an important damage skill (increased damage to enemies immune to stiffness). People may want to buy that for a chance to transfer that tripod to their gear! Even at the risk of failure and losing the item. T3 also allows the sale of set items unlike the previous two tiers.
Especially keep in mind the popularity of classes and newness of classes too. When a new class is released, the equipment for it will always be more expensive, because there will be an influx of players raising them and the amount of equipment on their auction board will be scant.
Accessory Stats & Stat Combinations
- Specialization
- Crit
- Swiftness
- Crit + Specialization (Necklace)
- Crit + Swiftness (Necklace)
- Specialization + Swiftness (Necklace)
Accessory Engravings
While it is possible to sell accessories that have a great stat like Specialization with a high quality that may have no good engravings (to someone desperate and that has no idea what they’re doing), oftentimes than not what really drives sales on these is what engravings they have on them.
Since engravings are the driving force behind most of your damage, selling accessories with ideal engravings can easily earn you a ton of money. But there are some considerations to be made here. They are the following:
- What engravings are they?
- How many engraving points do they provide?
- What is the malus?
- How many engraving points is the malus?
A perfect combination would be two ideal engravings that provide +3 of each, and have a malus that’s easy to work with (anything that isn’t Attack Power Decrease) and only +1 point on the malus.
Fortunately, since Relic items are guaranteed +3 on the positive engravings, it’s really easy to work with. However, for regions whose gearing is currently on legendary, the engravings range from +2-3. Accessories that provide +3 are significantly more valuable than those that provide +2. This is just a matter of it being easier to optimize high engraving combinations with. If you want a chance at a quad engraving set-up, +3 accessories are mandatory, not optional.
Here are engravings that tend to add more value to an accessory:
- Class Engraving
- Grudge
- Awakening (Support + Dominant Fang users)
- Raid Commander
- Keen Blunt Weapon
- Super Charge
- Heavy Armor (Support)
- Spirit Absorption
- Ambush Master
- Master Brawler
- Barricade
- Cursed Doll
- All-Out Attack
- Adrenaline
- Hit Master
- Expert
The value of some of these shifts depends on current meta. For example only a couple of classes can actually make use of Awakening as a DPS early on, but in T3 content some classes use it due to one of the set bonuses.
Use your best judgment on combinations. While two engravings may be valuable in general, when put together on an accessory they may not be worth a whole lot if no one wants that specific combination. Since class engravings can only be dropped by the class itself, they tend to be much rarer, but because of that, they’re often very valuable. That makes, for example, an accessory that has Berserker’s Killer Move +5 on it very expensive, more so if it’s combined with something like Grudge or Super Charge.
Note that depending on the progress of your region, some engravings may be worth more or less. A big reason for this is because in some regions, reaching quad max engravings is possible while in others, it isn’t. Some engravings simply are lower priority, and as such may be less desirable if classes can’t optimize them into their set-up. For example, players will pretty much always take Grudge over Backstabbing Master, but when they need a third or fourth engraving, Backstabbing Master might be the best option for optimizing their damage.
Now that you know all of this, you just need to piece it all together. Does it have a good stat (Specialization, Crit)? Does it have decent quality? What engravings are on it? If you can gauge these three things together, you can easily find if you can make a profit on the item or not. And if you’re sure it’s a good item but not sure of the exact value? Put it up for a low bid and a high buyout. People will bid on it if they think it’s good, especially in the last hour of it being up.
My last tip on this is if you’re going to list something for auction and no buyout, I recommend that you set it so that the auction ends during peak gaming hours in your region when most eyes will be on it. If an auction is going to end at 5 AM server time, that will decrease the odds that competitive bidders will be able to bid on it.
Ability Stones
This pretty much follows the same rules as accessories. Two engravings that make sense together.
Ability Stones tend to be cheaper because their Pheon cost is much lower and it’s a gamble to buy them. Since Ability Stones cannot be sold pre-forged, players buy them with the risk that they’ll botch the stone and it’ll be worthless. Still, people do buy Ability Stones with good engraving combinations.
Reference the good engravings in the previous section for an idea of some good engravings to look out for here. Note that you cannot get class engravings on an Ability Stone.
Since you can use another class’ gem simply by re-rolling it at the NPC for Silver or combining them to a higher level gem (this guarantees a gem for your class too), the only thing that really matters is the level of the gem and the lowest price it’s currently going for.
Since alts can drop unbound gems from Chaos Dungeon and Boss Rush, this can be an excellent source of gold if you aren’t using them yourself.
Damage gems sharply increase at level 10 whereas cooldown gems do not. As a result, level 10 cooldown gems are worth significantly less than level 10 damage gems. Because you cannot change from a cooldown gem to a damage one, this is final.
This is why you may see a level 10 cooldown gem be worth less or similar to a level 9 damage or cooldown gem. This is simply because the level 9 ones can still be gambled into a level 10 damage gem.
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