Lust Goddess – Guide to Interface (UI/HUD)

In-Game Interface Guide

Lust Goddess is a strategy game that involves resource management, turn-based combat and team play. Almost all aspects of the game is free-to-play, while paying can speed up your progress significantly.

Main Interface

  1. Your in-game profile.
  2. Access to bundles, which are mixes of different resources.
  3. Access to basic purchases: Recruitment (mercenary points), Emerix (premium currency), Credits (basic currency).
  4. Your current Emerix and Credit balance.
  5. Settings menu.
  6. Collection of sex scenes that you have unlocked.
  7. Battlepass, where you get rewards for completing daily and weekly quests.
  8. Chat, including global, alliance and private chat, as well as Love Chats and Gallery, where you can talk to certain mercenaries and see sexy photos that they send you.
  9. Quests, including daily and weekly quests, as well as Epic Quests which are once-off, tiered quests that reward Emerix.
  10. A list of up to three people that you can refer to the game.
  11. A list of ongoing mini-events.
  12. Your alliance page.
  13. The heli racing subsection of alliances.
  14. Grow relationships with select mercenaries by giving them gifts. Learn more about the girls, unlock stories, and get incremental boosts to their fighting power as well as a new, powerful skill when you max out the relationship.
  15. Modify your fighting squad, see your collection, power up your mercenaries.
  16. Battle room: Battle with your squad, climb the ladder, claim rewards from your wins.
  17. The current global event.

Note: This guide will only tell you about the game interface, more detailed guides can be found on the website and also builds and strategy tips.

Let’s keep going…

In-Game Profile

You can also go to someone else’s profile and check out their squad and stats!

  1. Your in-game name. Click the pen icon to change it; it can be changed freely.
  2. Your Profile ID. Very important as it is the unique identifier to your account. When contacting support, always include this 6 letter ID. It’s also used as your referral code.
  3. Your current Alliance.
  4. Your current League.
  5. Squad tab, showing your current commander and mercenaries.
  6. Your lifelong stats are here.
  7. Any pending rewards can be collected here.
  8. Click here to enter a PromoCode.
  9. Choose between a list of mascots; the mascot is the girl who appears on your main screen.
  10. Your current commander and mercenaries.

The Battle Room

  1. Click to fight!
  2. Your squad power and the recommended power for your current league.
  3. Your ranking points and how close you are to the next league; click to see each league’s rewards
  4. Your current league.
  5. The global leaderboard
  6. Shortcut to your squad screen
  7. Season crates are awarded fortnightly based on your highest league achieved in the past two weeks.
  8. Win crates – three wins to open, there are a total of three that refresh on separate 8 hour timers.
  9. Your crate slots.

Ready to open ones will glow white; the ones here show time remaining before they can be opened, or you can spend gems to rush them (not advisable unless you’re doing it for a quest). You start with 4 slots, and can pay to unlock up to 8. Note the number on the crates: they denote the league at which you won that crate, and determines how many mercenary points and other resources you get from the crates.

The Battle Interface

Each fight, you face a squad owned by a real player (and sometimes a pre-generated bot account) but controlled by an AI. Fights are turn-based; one player will be first. The player may choose to use a commander ability before playing a mercenary.

Once a mercenary is played, your playable turn is over and your mercenaries on the field will attack automatically. A player wins when the other player’s commander’s health is reduced to or below zero.

See the image for an explanation of the combat interface.

  • Four random mercenaries are selected from your squad that are playable each turn; when a mercenary is played, they will be replaced by another mercenary is not in your current selection or the one that was just played.
  • At any point during your turn, you may end your turn early by pressing the Cog (right of screen) and then “Skip turn”; your mercenaries will still attack in this case.
  • Recurring stims provide their boost at the start of turn on a mercenary played on top of it, and cannot be consumed.
  • Once-off stims take effect immediately when a mercenary is played on it, and is consumed.
  • Starting modules have a variety of effects and spawn randomly at the start of the match.
  • Ranged mercs can only be played in the two back rows.
  • Melee mercs can only be played in the two front rows, and can only attack if not obstructed by a friendly unit in front.
  • Mercs will only attack their column’s front-most enemy; the commander is exposed exposed if no mercenary blocks that path.
  • Mercenaries can attack the turn they are played.

A victory awards the points shown above, as well as a crate for your win; a defeat deducts double those points (except in GM league). You alternate going first and second after each battle.

Helena Stamatina
About Helena Stamatina 896 Articles
I love two things in life, games and sports. Although sports were my earliest interest, it was video games that got me completely addicted (in a good way). My first game was Crash Bandicoot (PS1) from the legendary studio Naughty Dog back in 1996. I turned my passion for gaming into a job back in 2019 when I transformed my geek blog (Re-actor) into the gaming website it is today.

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