HH: All the Skills Build Guide
Ву CelisEris.
If you’ve experienced a random triple cart on your quest because you left it on auto-accept, this is the build for you. They’ll never die because you won’t let them!
Horn 1: Precipice Kovira
- Charms: Sonorous 3 / Drain 2 / Drain 1
For horn 1, the charms aren’t a huge deal other than Sonorous for the increased time on buffs. I use this horn for Recovery Speed, Elem Attack Boost, and Divine Protection. Recovery Speed makes it so you don’t have to sheathe to heal red bar, Divine Protection makes it so the idiot trying to tank Jin Dahhad supernova doesn’t get one shot, and Elem Attack Boost is a nice damage buff.
Horn 2: Resounding Galahad
- Charms: Dragon 3 / Drain 2 / KO 1
Galahad has extend all melodies and sharpness restore so you won’t need to swap back to Precipice to reapply buffs, and your team won’t need to stop to sharpen.
I’ll do this rapid fire as they’re all to round out skills:
- Helmet: Duna Wildhelm B
- Chest: Spio Coat A
- Arms: Ura Mirbraces B
- Waist: Xu Wu Coil B
- Legs: Melahoa Roots A
- Talisman: Sheathe Charm 3
- Mantle: Corrupted Mantle
- Brace 1 x3
- Enduring 1 x3
- Friendship 1
- Gobbler 1
- Earplugs 2
This wastes a lot of higher tier deco slots for lower tier decos simply because they don’t have Brace, Enduring, or Quick Sheathe decos higher than level 1. Most of the “quality of life” decos are lacking in that regard.
- Dragon Attack 3: Hit harder.
- Horn Maestro 2: Lengthens melodies.
- Slugger 3: Cosplay Hammer. Commit bonk.
- Stamina Thief 3: Makes the monster sit still for a sec.
- Wide Range 5: With Wide Range, all items you eat (except mandragora for Mushroomancer for some reason) are given at full effect to your party.
- Earplugs 3: You don’t want to be mid-performance and get stunned out of it.
- Flinch Free 3: You don’t want to be mid-performance and get hit out of it.
- Quick Sheathe 3: The faster you put away your weapon, the faster you can drink a mega potion, keeping the guy on the floor from getting carted.
- Speed Eating 3: This makes the item pre-buff MUCH faster and makes it so potions/max potions/antidotes are quick in combat and make the teammate who got hit feel less like a burden.
- Mushroomancer 3: This one is just good bang for your buck. You think I’m wasting a Mega Demondrug on these randies? You get this mushroom I found. Enjoy your buff.
- Blue Mushroom: Potion (Not worth it)
- Toadstool: Immunizer (5 min) – Used to Pre-buff
- Nitroshroom: Demondrug (30 min) – Used to Pre-buff
- Parashroom: Armorskin (30 min) – Used to Pre-buff
- Devil’s Blight: Dash Juice (4 min) – Used to Pre-buff
- Mandragora: Max Potion (Does not work with Wide Range)
- Exciteshroom: Random mushroom buff (Not worth it)
- Item Prolonger: More bang for your buck. It increases an item’s duration by 50%.
- Demondrug/Armorskin last for 30 mins (45 mins with Item Prolonger)
- Demon/Armor powder last for 3 mins (4.5 mins with Item Prolonger)
- Might/Adamant pill lasts for 20 seconds (30 secs with Item Prolonger)
Game Plan
Note: If you liked this HH build, try this one as well. This is a beginner-friendly Hunting Horn build that combines good damage output with healing abilities.
On the ride to the monster, you’ll want to get as much of your pre-buffing done before you even get there. Use longest to shortest buffs (having a radial tab for pre-buffs is a lifesaver). I go in this order: Nitroshroom, Parashroom, Toadstool, Devil’s Blight, Hardshell Powder, Demon Powder, and right as you get to the monster, you can pop a Might Pill for additional burst.
Begin the fight with Precipice, get those buffs out as fast as possible, then swap to Galahad and extend all buffs often. Use Potions, Might Pill, and Adamant Pill as required.
Enjoy 10-11 maxed skills with double Hunting Horn buffs and don’t forget to make a “Come here” and “Bark for Buffs” sticker.
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