Monster Hunter Wilds – Longsword Moveset Changes and Mechanics

Longsword Moveset


  • SHB: Spirit Helm Breaker.
  • SRS: Spirit Release Slash.
  • ISS: Iai Spirit Slash.
  • FSS: Foresight Slash.
  • IS: Iai Slash.
  • SB: Spirit Blade.

Gauge Management:

  • ISS (Iai Spirit Slash) now grants a gauge level upon landing.
  • No charge penalty on ISS miss.
  • Destroying a wound gives a gauge (can destroy multiple at once to gain more than 1 level).
  • Dismount attack off the Seikret gives you a gauge if done before the monster attacks.

Red Gauge Mechanics:

  • New animation for red gauge FSS (Foresight Slash) called “Foresight Whirl Slash” – can be queued while doing another attack.
  • Foresight Whirl Slash fills the red gauge slightly upon landing.
  • After Spirit Roundslash, press R2 again for spinning Crimson Slash move to continue combo without sheathing (red gauge only).
  • This move extends red gauge duration slightly.
  • Red gauge lasts 40-45 seconds, can be extended up to 60 seconds.

New Moves & Combos:

  • Crimson Slash I, II, III – fast with good DPS.
  • New move: Spirit Charge – sneak attack to instantly charge, gain a gauge, then sheathe.
  • New move: Spirit Release Slash – new follow-up after SHB (Special Sheathe).
  • New move: Crescent Slash – can be done after 2 overhead attacks and can be directional.
  • Thrust after FSS replaced by Rising Slash.

Animation Cancels & Flow Improvements:

  • Can dash out of end of FSS animation (recovery cancel).
  • Can dash out of sheathe.
  • Can FSS out of animations during Spirit Slash combo (R2 combo).
  • Can now SHB after Spirit Roundslash.
  • Can start Crimson Slash after Roundslash.
  • Can interweave different attacks while staying at same Spirit Slash combo.

Directional Controls

  • Can redirect SHB, sheathe, FSS and any attack with Focus Mode.
  • Cannot directional FSS while in Focus Mode.
  • Spirit Slash combo now has directional input on the second hit.
  • Can change the returning strike on FSS using Focus Mode.

Hyper Armor:

  • Hyper armor on Spirit Thrust.
  • Hyper armor on wound destroy animation.
  • Hyper armor on Spirit Release Slash.

Other Mechanics:

  • Destroying a wound will put you to Spirit Blade 3 and Roundslash if you have enough gauge.
  • Spirit Charge will progress the Spirit Blade combo depending on charge duration.
  • Can cancel SHB mid-air.

Some Notes

  • Beginners find Bow/Dual Blade easier to use, with higher damage output.
  • Longsword shines when you can either Full Counter all attacks (no DPS loss) or at least counter 75% of attacks (still good).
  • If you enjoy the gameplay, it’s worth putting in more effort to master it. You must learn monster movements and timing.
  • Intuition is number one for Longsword users. Failed counters have a fatal impact – either you die or lose significant DPS.
  • Nowadays, Bow is highly buffed. Easy dodging, long range with tracking arrows. It’s perfect. (Beta speedrun record: 4-5 minutes, no boulders and flash vs. Arkveld)
  • But Longsword has the coolest weapon design in Monster Hunter. Also, you can easily solo all monsters once you’ve mastered it.

Switch Skills is a feature that was made in Rise/Break that offered hunters the ability to alter their weapon’s moveset, thus giving hunters more options in how they play. It made the gameplay more diverse and provided a customizable approach to combat, which I think would be a great addition to Wilds as one of my biggest concerns is how weapons tend to be designed with a set playstyle in mind.

Helena Stamatina
About Helena Stamatina 896 Articles
I love two things in life, games and sports. Although sports were my earliest interest, it was video games that got me completely addicted (in a good way). My first game was Crash Bandicoot (PS1) from the legendary studio Naughty Dog back in 1996. I turned my passion for gaming into a job back in 2019 when I transformed my geek blog (Re-actor) into the gaming website it is today.

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