Since the start, I have had problems getting a smooth good looking VR experience out of NMS. I finally found it and will now share my solution with you all.
How to Fix Performance
What to Do
For this guide I am using a Meta Quest 2 headset connected to PC via link cable.
In order for this to work, you will need a headset capable of 120hz.
First, If you have followed other VR performance guides for NMS and made changes to the graphics config file located at:
- C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\No Man’s Sky\Binaries\SETTINGS.
The game will generate new ones on startup.
The key to a smooth experience is to set your vr headsets refresh rate to 120hz mode and force reprojection enabled at half frames. You will also have to start with a very low headset resolution and use the in game FSR or DLSS quality settings to supersample the image.
First step is to open the Oculus PC app and change the refresh rate to 120 and res down to 0.8. We can slowly increase this with SteamVR supersample to find a happy medium.
Next step is to enable ASW and force it to be always on.
To do this, Meta users will have to open the Oculus Debug Tool located here:
- C:\Program Files\Oculus\Support\oculus-diagnostics
Open the application in that folder titled… OculusDebugTool.
Find the setting PC Asynchronous Spacewarp and set to Force 45fps, ASW enabled.
With 120hz mode, this setting will force the hedset to run at a smooth 60 / 120
With the headset res so low and the NMS graphics files deleted. The game will default to the high preset once you start it up and it will look a bit pixelated because of the low resolution.
That is pretty much it.
Turn down animations and set AA quality to either DLSS or FSR depending on the GPU. Set that to maximum quality.
Now if you still have some headroom left for performance, use the per app steamVR resolution setting to bump it up to 1440×1440 per eye.
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