Hello, in this guide I explain how the famous door glitch works. This is often used to shorten in speed runs or simply to explore the game!
Open a door quickly
A simple mouse click with the left mouse button is enough to quickly open the door.
Slow and controlled opening of a door
The left mouse button is pressed for a long time. Here you can open the door slowly.
For the glitch we need to open the door slowly.
1. Close the door
It is very important that you stand so that the door opens in your direction.
2. Open the door slowly
It is important that you open the door very slowly.
3. Jump back and forth
After you have opened the door slightly, you have to jump back and jump forward again. You have to try to jump against the opening door.
The whole thing may take a few tries!
For What / Example?
There’s a useful glitch you can do at the start of the game. Normally, you need to go through the air shaft and then spend some time before reaching the lobby. But if you use the door glitch, you can skip all of that and get to the lobby right away.
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