In this guide, we will show you Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous Mythic path abilities and spells for all classes.
- We also recommend the guide about Mythic Path Traits / Feats.
Rank 3 Abilities
- Angelic Halo – All allies in 50 ft gain half mythic rank +1 to AC and all saves made vs evil.
- Sword of Heaven – 2 uses, adds 2d6 Holy damage to attacks, 2 dice extra either healing or damage on spells for 1 minute.
- Summon Spirit Paladins – Summons 2 spirit paladins for 1 minute.
Rank 3 Spells
Mythic Spellbook: Prepared Divine Caster
Spells Learned:
- 1st: Bless, Cure Light Wounds, Divine Favour, Remove Sickness, Unbreakable Heart.
- 2nd: Arrow of Law, Aid, Blessing of Courage & Life, Blessing of Luck & Resolve, Cure Moderate Wounds, Delay Poison, Remove Paralysis, Lesser Restoration, Sound Burst.
- 3rd: Archon’s Aura, Cure Serious Wounds, Delay Poison – Communal, Prayer, Remove Blindness, Remove Disease, Grant Repose, Shield from Demonkind, Ward from Disease*
Angel Spells:
- Grant Repose – Touch attack vs undead. On failed save, undead is destroyed. On success, deal 2d6 + 1/2 caster level damage.
- Shield From Demonkind – 1 minute/caster level, demon attacking the Angel take 1d6 + 1/2 caster level damage. Angel also gains 2 + 1/6th caster level deflection bonus to AC vs Demons.
- Ward From Disease – Target is immune to diseases for 10 minutes.
Rank 4 Abilities
Summon Movanic Deva – Summons a movanic deva for 1 minute.
Sword of Heaven Improvements (Choose 1):
- Abolish Disease – Blessed creature is immune to diseases. Heals from that creature remove all disease effects & sicken, nauseated, fatigue and exhausted conditions. Creatures that use diseases take 50% more holy damage.
- Abolish Guile – Blessed creature is immune to charm and compulsion effects.. Heals from that creature remove all mind affecting effects.. Creatures that use compulsion effects take 50% more holy damage.
- Abolish Poison – Blessed creature is immune to poisons. Heals from that creature remove all poisons, ability damage and ability drain.. Creatures that use poisons take 50% more holy damage.
- Abolish Undeath – Blessed creature is immune to death effects and negative levels. Heals from that creature remove all negative levels and paralysis.. Undead take 50% more holy damage.
- Bestow the Divine – The angel can grant Sword of Heaven to one ally instead of themselves.
- Everlasting Flame – Sword of Heaven lasts 1 minute per mythic rank.
- Grand Blessing – Bonus damage and healing from Sword of Heaven is maximized.
- Guide the Faithful – Attacks mark the target, reducing AC by 4 and Stealth by 40.
Rank 4 Spells
4th Level:
- Blade of the Sun, Cure Critical Wounds, Divine Power, Neutralize Poison, Pure Form, Repel the Profane, Restoration, Ward from Disease – Communal, Ward from Unclean*
Angel Spells:
- Blade of the Sun – 60 foot line AoE, deals 1d8 holy damage per 2 caster levels to all targets
- Pure Form – Heal for 1d8 per caster level and remove all negative effects from the Angel
- Repel the Profane – 50 ft cone vs undead, evil outsiders, and clerics of evil gods. Will save or frightened for 1 round/caster level. On success, shaken for 1 round. Spell ignores fear immunity.
- Ward from Disease,Communal – AoE version of Ward from Disease
- Ward from Unclean – Immunity to nauseated, sickened, diseases, and poisons for 10 minutes
Rank 5 Abilities
Summon Movanic Devas – Summons two movanic devas for 1 minute.
Improved Angelic Halo (Choose 1):
- Blinding Light – First time a creature attacks you per round, Fortitude save vs (DC 10 + 2x Mythic Rank) or blinded for 1d4 rounds. On success, dazzled for 1 minute instead.
- Burning Bright – All demons/undead in 50 feet take 2d6 + Mythic Rank holy damage per round, no save.
- Flame of Life – When an ally takes damage, they gain Fast Healing equal to Mythic Rank for 1 round.
- Piercing Rays – All enemies in 50 feet have Spell Resistance reduced by 1 + half Mythic Rank and saving throws reduced by half that value.
- Solar Winds – All allies gain resistance to fire/cold/lightning/acid equal to 5 + Mythic rank, resistance to sonic/negative energy equal to 3 + Mythic Rank, and force/unholy/holy/divine equal to Mythic Rank
- Unfailing Beacon – The angel is immune to allied AoE spell damage. Any spell that would hit the angel is instead empowered (see Metamagic) and save DC increased by 2.
Rank 5 Spells
5th Level:
- Serenity, Breath of Life, Burst of Glory, Cleanse, Mass Cure Light Wounds, Flame Strike, Pillar of Light, Raise Dead, Sacred Nimbus, Vinetrap, Cleansing Flames, Ward from Harm, Ward from Unclean Communal*
Angel Spells:
- Cleansing Flames – 20 ft burst. Enemies take 1d6 holy damage/caster level. Allies take 1 damage/caster level, but are cured of ability score damage, blindness, confusion, dazzled, exhausted, fatigued, nauseated, and sickened conditions and attempts to purge disease, poison and curse effects.
- Ward From Harm – Immunity to nauseated, sickened, diseases, poisons, ability score damage and ability score drain for 10 minutes
- Ward From Unclean Communal – AoE Ward from Unclean
Rank 6 Abilities
Improved Sword of Heaven – See Rank 4
- Sword of Holy Damage – All damage dealt by the Angel is considered Holy damage.
- Summon Astral Deva – Summons a astral deva for 1 minute
Rank 6 Spells
6th Level:
- Mass Blessing of Luck & Resolve, Chains of Light, Eaglesoul, Blade Barrier, Mass Cure Moderate Wounds, Heal, Inspiring Recovery, Joyful Rapture, Bolt of Justice, Aegis of the Faithful, Holy Hymn, Ward from Harm – Communal, Ward from Weakness
Angel Spells:
- Bolt of Justice – 1d6 holy damage per caster level and knock prone. If evil target, 1d8 instead and -2 to AC/attack rolls/saving throws on prone. If evil outsider, 1d10 and -4 penalty. If demon lord, undead leader, or evil dragon, 1d12 and -4 penalty
- Aegis of the Faithful – 1 minute per level, target gains the following buffs: Shield, Shield of Faith, Protection from Arrows, Displacement, Resist (Fire/Cold/Acid/Electricity/Sonic)
- Ward from Harm Communal – AoE Ward from Harm
- Ward From Weakness – Immunity to fatigue, exhaustion, nauseated, sickened, diseases, poisons, ability score damage/drain
Rank 7 Abilities
Summon Astral Devas – Summons two astral devas for 1 minute
Improved Angelic Halo – See Rank 5
Halo’s Holy Aura – Your halo emits the following effects:
- +4 Deflection to AC and +4 Resistance to saves
- Spell Resistance 20 + Mythic Rank vs evil creatures/evil spells
- Immunity to all mind-affecting spells/abilities
- Evil creatures striking in melee make a Fortitude save or are struck Blind
Rank 7 Spells
7th Level:
- Holy Word, Mass Cure Serious Wounds, Jolting Portent, Greater Restoration, Resurrection, Radiant Ground, Sun-Marked, Wall of Light, Ward from Weakness – Communal
Angel Spells:
- Radiant Ground – 20 foot radius, lasts for 1 round/caster level. All creatures within heal 1d6 per 2 caster levels every round.
- Sun-Marked – 1 minute/caster level. Target ally gains 1d6 holy damage per 4 caster levels, melee attackers take 1d6 + 1/caster level fire damage
- Wall of Light – 1d6 holy damage/caster level to evil creatures, grants good/neutral creatures 2d6 holy damage on next attack. On charge through wall, adds 1d6 damage/caster level on the hit
- Ward from Weakness Communal – AoE Ward from Weakness
Rank 8 Abilities
Greater Sword of Heaven (Select 1)
See Rank 4, but with additional choices:
- Demon Bane: +2 to attack and damage rolls vs demons. Deal 2d6 additional damage to demons. This stacks with the Bane effect.
- Heavenly Host (Requires Bestow the Divine): Sword of Heaven now affects all allies in 50 feet radius.
- Overwhelming Flames: Attacks from the owner of the imbued weapon now does weapon damage to all enemies within 5 feet.
- Speed of Light: Permanent Haste effect, but the Angel gains two attacks instead of one, and all spells of 7th level or lower are Quickened as the metamagic.
Rank 8 Spells
Angel Spells:
- Storm of Justice – As Bolt of Justice, but affects all enemies in 30-foot burst at long range.
- Avenger’s Blessing – One target ally gains the effect of the spells Holy Aura, Divine Power, and Greater Heroism for 1 round/caster level
- Gale of Life – As Breath of Life, but affects all allies in 20 feet.
- Solar Chains – For 1 round/caster level, target is paralyzed, held immobile, and takes 4d6 + 1/caster level Divine damage per round. On a success, target is freed. On first round success, target is staggered for 1 round and takes initial damage.
Rank 9 Abilities
Summon Spirit Guardian: Summons a spirit guardian for 1 minute.
Rank 9 Spells
- None.
Rank 10 Abilities
Summon Spirit Guardians: Summons three spirit guardians for 1 minute.
Rank 10 Spells
Angel Spells:
- Bring Back – This spell restores 10 health/caster level to a target, even if they have died in the last round.
- Fortress of the Faithful – As Aegis of the Faithful, but applied to all allies in 20 feet for 1 hour.
- Sun Form – For a number of rounds equal to caster level, the Angel becomes incorporeal and can shoot rays of holy fire for 1d6/caster level holy damage as a swift action every round. Half of the damage is fire, half is holy.
- Wrath of the Righteous – All demons in 40 feet of the caster make a Will saving throw. On a failure, they take 10 damage/caster level. On a success, they take 1d6 damage per caster level.
Rank 3 Abilities
Enforcing Gaze (Select 1):
- Caster Level – All spells cast by allies gain 1 + a third Mythic Rank, rounded down, caster levels. All enemies who fail the saving throw lose the same amount on their spells.
- Damage Reduction – All allies gain DR #/Chaotic, where # is double Mythic Rank. Enemies lose the same amount instead.
- Save DC – All allies’ spell save DCs are increased by 1 + a third Mythic Rank, rounded down. Enemies lose the same amount instead.
- Aeon Immunities: Aeons are immune to poison, disease and confusion. All saving throws vs chaotic enemies are increased by Mythic Rank.
- Summon Axiomite – Summons an axiomite for 1 minute.
Rank 3 Spells
No Mythic Spellbook
1st Level Spells Available (Select 3):
- Cure Light Wounds, Divine Favor, Inflict Light Wounds, Protection from Alignment, Remove Fear, Remove Sickness, Shield of Faith, Stunning Barrier, True Strike
Rank 4 Abilities
Summon Stone Golem – Summons a stone golem for 1 minute.
- Aeon Bane – For a number of rounds per day equal to 2x Mythic Rank, the Aeon’s weapon gains the Bane property, spells gain a bonus equal to Mythic Rank to overcome spell resistance, and all hits with attacks/spells act as Dispel Magic. If the Aeon has Inquisitor’s Bane, the two abilities become one and have both pools and bonuses.
Rank 4 Spells
1st Level Spells: Select 1 new spell.
2nd Level Spells Available (Select 2):
- Blessing of Courage & Life, Blessing of Luck & Resolve, Castigate, Cure Moderate Wounds, Delay Poison, Effortless Armor, Find Traps, Hold Animal, Inflict Moderate Wounds, Protection from Alignment – Communal, Protection from Arrows, Remove Paralysis, Resist Energy, See Invisibility
Aeon Spells:
- Equal Force – Full BAB attacks made by target are at -2 penalty, but all BAB-10 attacks gain +5 to attack rolls. Duration 10 minutes/caster level.
- Crystal Mind – Removes rage, fear, emotion, confusion, and morale effects, and makes the target immune to them for 1 round/Mythic Rank
- Edict of Retaliation – Cast on enemy. Enemy takes 1d6 + half caster level damage per attack and 2d6 + caster level on a spell/spell like ability. Duration 1 round/4 caster levels
Rank 5 Abilities
Summon Iron Golem – Summons an iron golem for 1 minute.
- Enforcing Gaze (Select 1): As above in Rank 3, but with additional choices
- Attack – All allies gain a bonus to attack rolls equal to 1 + half Mythic Rank. All enemies lose the same amount instead.
- Concentration – All allies gain a bonus to concentration checks equal to mythic rank. Enemies who fail their save against Enforcing Gaze make concentration checks on casting a spell or lose the spell entirely.
- Hit Points – All allies gain temporary HP equal to twice Mythic Rank. All enemies take 1d6 damage per 3 mythic ranks whenever they strike a target.
- Summoner’s Gaze – All allied summons gain half Mythic Rank to Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution. All enemy summons are banished on a failed save.
- Mythic Suppression – Attempt to suppress a mythic demon’s abilities. Only works on mythic demons. Non-distorted mythic demons gain a +4 to the Will save.
- At rank 7, distorted mythic demons get no save and non-distorted mythic demons get no bonus to the save.
- At rank 9, no mythic demons get a save against this ability.
- Some mythic demons (see: bosses) are immune to this.
- Aeon Immunities: Aeons are also now immune to bleed effects, ability damage, and mind-affecting effects.
Rank 5 Spells
1st Level Spells: Select 1 new spell.
2nd Level Spells: Select 1 new spell.
3rd Level Spells Available (Select 2):
- Archon’s Aura, Cure Serious Wounds, Delay Poison – Communal, Dispel Magic, Dominate Animal, Hold Person, Litany of Eloquence, Magical Vestment, Neutralize Poison, Protection from Arrows – Communal, Remove Blindness, Remove Curse, Remove Disease, Resist Energy – Communal, Protection from Energy
Aeon Spells:
- Relativity – All allies in the area of effect gain the Haste effect, while all enemies in the area are Slowed.
- Starlight – All invisibility effects near the Aeon are suppressed, and attacks against allied targets in the area have a 20% miss chance.
- Edict of Non-Resistance – Will saving throw on 1 target vs the Aeon. On a failure, the target is dazed for 1 round/caster level.
Rank 6 Abilities
Summon Gold Golem – Summons a gold golem for 1 minute.
- Improved Enforcing Gaze: The Aeon can have two gazes active at once.
- Improved Aeon Bane: The Aeon does 2d6 more damage on weapon attacks and the bonus to attack and damage increases by 1. The Dispel Magic effect is now Greater Dispel Magic, and all of the Aeon’s summoned creatures also get Aeon Bane.
Rank 6 Spells
1st Level Spells: Select 1 new spell.
2nd Level Spells: Select 1 new spell.
3rd Level Spells: Select 1 new spell.
4th Level Spells Available (Select 2):
- Chains of Light, Cure Critical Wounds, Death Ward, Dimension Door, Divine Power, Echolocation, Forced Repentace, Freedom of Movement, Order’s Wrath, Protection from Energy – Communal, Restoration, Serenity, Shout
Aeon Spells:
- True Form – Aeon dispels petrification and all hostile transmutation effects from one ally.
- Edict of Predetermination – The target takes all d20 rolls as an 11 for a number of rounds equal to a quarter of the Aeon’s caster level.
- Uncertainty Principle – 50% miss chance for 1 round/caster level, can teleport at will during this duration (as Dimension Door)
Rank 7 Abilities
Summon Gold Golems: Summons two gold golems for 1 minute.
- Enforcing Gaze (Select 1): See rank 5.
- Aeon Immunities: The Aeon is now also immune to curses, death effects, and energy drain.
- Aeon Companion Immunities: All of the Aeon’s companions in 30 feet are made immune to poison, disease, and confusion effects.
Rank 7 Spells
2nd Level Spells: Select 1 new spell.
3rd Level Spells: Select 1 new spell.
4th Level Spells: Select 1 new spell.
5th Level Spells Available (Select 2):
- Break Enchantment, Breath of Life, Burst of Glory, Mass Castigate, Cleanse, Constricting Coils, Mass Cure Light Wounds, Dominate Person, Hold Monster, Pillar of Life, Spell Resistance, Thoughtsense
Aeon Spells:
- Zero State – Mass Dispel on all creatures within 30 feet of the Aeon. All dispel checks are made with a +10 bonus.
- Supernova – The Aeon causes a supernova in a location for a number of rounds equal to caster level. Each round within the area, all creatures take 2d6 + Caster level fire and divine damage (Reflex save half) and Blinded for caster level rounds (Fort save)
- Edict of Perseverance – Remove all negative physical and mental effects from a target for 1 round per 5 caster levels.
- Absolute Order – As the spell Command, but the effect persists beyond 1 round (Will save negates, made 1/round) and is every enemy in a 30 foot burst. Should an enemy fail the initial save but succeed on a subsequent Will save to break free, they take 2d6 Divine damage per caster level for disobeying.
Rank 8 Abilities
Summon Adamantine Golem: Summons an adamantine golem for 1 minute.
- Enforcing Gaze – Perpetual: Enforcing Gaze can now be used an unlimited number of times per day.
Rank 8 Spells
3rd Level Spells: Select 1 new spell.
4th Level Spells: Select 1 new spell.
5th Level Spells: Select 1 new spell.
6th Level Spells Available (Select 2):
- Blade Barrier, Cure Medium Wounds – Mass, Dictum, Disintegrate, Greater Dispel Magic, Heal, Overwhelming Presence, Greater Shout, Stone to Flesh, Transformation, True Seeing, Undeath to Death, Edict of Impenetrable Fortress, Embodiment of Order, Freezing Nothingness, Zone of Predetermination
- Edict of Impenetrable Fortress – As a swift action, target ally is immune to physical damage for 1 round per 5 caster levels
- Embodiment of Order – Target is affected by the Shield of Law spell, as well as Resistance (Fire/Cold/Lightning/Acid). The target is also subject to the spell Dictum as cast by the Aeon.
- Freezing Nothingness – Reflex save vs one target. On success, target is entangled. On failure, target is paralyzed. Either way, target takes 2d6 cold and 2d6 divine damage per round affected by the spell. Strength save to end effect (DC 15 + Caster level of Aeon)
- Zone of Predetermination – All d20 rolls in the area of the spell are treated as an 11. Duration is 1 round per 4 caster levels.
Rank 9 Abilities
Summon Adamantine Golems: Summons two adamantine golems for 1 minute.
- Aeon’s Companions Immunities: All companions of the Aeon within 30 feet are immune to all mind-affecting spells and abilities.
- Enforcing Gaze (Select 1): See rank 5.
- Greater Aeon’s Bane: Aeon Bane’s damage increases by 2d6 and the bonus to attack and damage rolls by 1. First attack every round automatically dispels an effect on the target. All of the Aeon’s spells and abilities are usuable as move actions instead of standard actions.
Rank 9 Spells
3rd Level Spells: Select 1 new spell.
4th Level Spells: Select 1 new spell.
5th Level Spells: Select 1 new spell.
6th Level Spells: Select 1 new spell.
7th Level Spells Available (Select 2):
- Banishment, Circle of Clarity, Destruction, Power Word – Blind, Greater Restoration, Walk Through Space, Edict of Invulnerability*
- Edict of Invulnerability – All allies within 30 feet of the Aeon gain the benefits of Edict of Impenetrable Fortress and Edict of Perseverance for 1 round/5 caster levels
Rank 10 Abilities
- Aeon’s Immunities: The Aeon always rolls 20 on initiative, saving throws, and rolls to overcome spell resistance of chaotic enemies.
- All of the Aeon’s attacks and spells ignore damage reduction, energy resistance, and immunities of chaotic enemies.
- Greater Enforcing Gaze: The Aeon can have three gazes active at once.
Rank 10 Spells
4th Level Spells: Select 1 new spell.
5th Level Spells: Select 1 new spell.
6th Level Spells: Select 1 new spell.
7th Level Spells: Select 1 new spell.
Rank 3 Abilities
Summon Mastodon: Summons a mastodon for 1 minute.
- Dragon Companion: The Azata gains a permanent companion in Aivu, a small havoc dragon animal companion. Aivu scales with Mythic Rank.
- Song of Heroic Resolve: All allies within 50 feet gain a bonus to saving throws equal to half Mythic Rank. Whenever an ally under this effect succeeds on a saving throw, the ally is healed for 2d6 + Mythic Rank.
Rank 3 Spells
No Mythic Spellbook
1st Level Spells Available (Select 3):
- Bane, Bless, Challenge Evil, Command, Haze of Dreams, Hypnotism, Sleep, Unbreakable Heart
Rank 4 Abilities
Summon Movanic Deva – Summons a movanic deva for 1 minute
Superpowers (Select 1):
- All-Skilled: Gain a bonus to all skills equal to Mythic Rank and all skill rolls are at advantage. Can use any and all equipment they want.
- Favourable Magic: All saving throws vs Azata’s spells are at disadvantage. Advantage on concentration and spell penetration checks. Any spells that say save for half instead only reduce their effect by 25%.
- Incredible Might: Bonus to attack and damage rolls equal to Mythic Rank. When the Azata confirms a crit or a charge attack, target makes a Fortitude save. On a failure, the target is subject to a random negative effect (not listed here). In addition, the Azata can eschew this effect and instead grant all allies +1 to attack and damage rolls per two Mythic Ranks.
- Life-Bonding Friendship: The Azata gains two Teamwork feats. All allies within 50 feet have all of the Azata’s teamwork feats. Allies that die in combat do not actually die until the end of combat. If all allies are subject to that effect, the game is over even if the Azata is alive.
- Marvelous Endurance: The Azata gains Fast Healing equal to 5x Mythic Rank. When the Azata is crit, they gain 1d6 temporary HP per mythic rank and, if below 25% HP, DR 10/-
- Supersonic Speed: The Azata is always under the Haste effect in combat. All non-spell attacks have a 20% chance to miss. All targeted spells have a 10% chance to miss, and AoE effects do half damage.
- Zippy Magic: All single-target spells from the Azata affect two targets instead of one. All single-target damage spells do an extra 2d6 + Mythic Rank.
Rank 4 Spells
1st Level Spells: Select 1 new spell.
2nd Level Spells Available (Select 2):
- Aid, Blessing of Life and Resolve, Cacaphonous Call, Castigate, Hideous Laughter, Hold Animal
Azata Spells:
- Rejuvenating Poem – Remove all fatigue and exhaustion effects from all allies.
- Ode to Miraculous Magic – All allies gain +4 to overcome spell resistance and their spells’ Will save DC increase by 2.
- Voice of Renewal – All enemies take 1d6 + 1 sonic damage per caster level while every ally heals for 1d6 + 1 per caster level.
- Field of Flowers – All enemies in 30-foot burst are entangled on failed save. All enemies who fail the first saving throw take -2 penalty to attack and damage rolls. On second failure, target is staggered. On third consecutive failure, target falls asleep for 1d4 rounds.
Rank 5 Abilities
Summon Azata Ghael – Summons an azata ghael for 1 minute.
- Song of Broken Chains: All allies within 50 feet during the song is under a Freedom of Movement effect and is immune to compulsion effects.
Rank 5 Spells
1st Level Spells: Select 1 new spell.
2nd Level Spells: Select 1 new spell.
3rd Level Spells Available (Select 2):
- Crushing Despair, Deep Slumber, Dominate Animal, Good Hope, Heroism, Hold Person, Instant Enemy, Litany of Eloquence, Overwhelming Grief, Prayer, Rage
Azata Spells:
- Nature’s Grasp – Target cannot move and treats all enemies as having total concealment. On a failed save, the creature takes 1d6 + half caster level damage that round.
- Optimistic Smile – Removes all fear, confusion, compulsion, shaken and frightened conditions from all allies and makes them immune to fear effects for that combat.
- Rainbow Dome – All allies within the dome of choice is immune to the chosen element for the duration.
Rank 6 Abilities
Superpowers (Select 1): See Rank 3.
Summon Astral Deva – Summons a astral deva for 1 minute
- Song of Defiance: All allies within 50 feet gain DR 5/Lawful and Regeneration 5 (lawful)
Rank 6 Spells
1st Level Spells: Select 1 new spell.
2nd Level Spells: Select 1 new spell.
3rd Level Spells: Select 1 new spell.
4th Level Spells Available (Select 2):
- Confusion, Forced Repentance, probably additional spells later
Azata Spells:
- Chaotic Healing – All allies in the AoE heal for 2d8 + caster level and gain one of the following buffs at random: Rejuvenating Poem, Optimistic Smile or Believe in Yourself
- Deadly Beauty – The Azata gains DR 5/Adamantine. Enemies striking the Azata take 1d6 + caster level damage.
- Waterfall – Target takes 1d10 damage per four caster levels and makes a Fort save. On a failure, knocked down and vulnerable to cold for 1 minute.
Rank 7 Abilities
Summon Phoenix: Summons a phoenix for 1 minute.
- Song of Courageous Defender: The Azata designates 1 ally. That ally gains DR 5/- and immunity to fear effects. All enemies in 50 feet attack that ally instead of anyone else on a failed Will save.
Rank 7 Spells
2nd Level Spells: Select 1 new spell.
3rd Level Spells: Select 1 new spell.
4th Level Spells: Select 1 new spell.
5th Level Spells Available (Select 2):
- Burst of Glory, Mass Cacaphonous Call, Mass Castigate, Constricting Coils, Dominate Person, Feeblemind, Greater Command, Hold Monster, Mind Fog, Song of Discоrd
Azata Spells:
- Friendly Hug – Removes all negative levels from an ally, makes them immune to energy drain and mind-affecting effects for 1 minute per Azata caster level.
- Second Breath – Refills all allies’ ability charges as if a long rest.
- Sudden Squall – 15-foot cone, does 3d6 + caster level sonic damage. Fortitude saving throw for enemies hit or disoriented and cannot cast spells for 1d3 rounds.
- Second Breath – All allies regain all charges for any class abilities they may have (ex: Lay on Hands). Potentially works on spell slots. (Does not seem to function in current build)
Rank 8 Abilities
Summon Phoenix & Astral Devas: Summons a phoenix and two astral devas for 1 minute.
Superpowers (Select 1): See Rank 3.
Rank 8 Spells
6th Level:
- Blessing of Luck and Resolve – Mass, Cloak of Dreams, Euphoric Tranquility, Greater Heroism, Litany of Madness, Overwhelming Presence, Primal Regression, Serenity, Joy of Life, Protection of Nature, Rainbow Starfall, Songs of Steel, Winds of the Fall*
- Joy of Life – All allies’ weapons, including the Azata, are treated as sacred for 1 round per two caster levels. In addition, all allies regain all spell slots of 5th level and lower. This secondary effect does not affect the Azata’s mythic spellbook.
- Protection of Nature – All allies gain a 50% miss chance (as Displacement), you become immune to cold damage, and if you are targeted by a spell the caster of the spell takes 1d6 sonic damage per 5 caster levels.
- Rainbow Starfall – Similar to Call Lightning Storm, but deals 1d6 per three caster levels in fire/acid/cold/electricity/sonic damage, whichever the target is weakest to. Maximum 15 stars.
- Songs of Steel – One targeted ally gains 2d6 + Azata’s caster level as bonus sonic damage on first weapon attack per round, and a +2 bonus to all caster level-based checks, DCs, and concentration checks.
- Winds of the Fall – 30-foot cone, deals 2d6 per two Azata caster levels. On hit, targets make Will save or are intoxicated for 1 round/caster level. This effect makes them roll twice on every die and take the worst result.
Rank 9 Abilities
Summon Havoc Dragon: Summons another Aivu for 1 minute.
Superpowers (Select 1): See Rank 3.
Rank 9 Spells
3rd Level Spells: Select 1 new spell.
4th Level Spells: Select 1 new spell.
5th Level Spells: Select 1 new spell.
6th Level Spells: Select 1 new spell.
7th Level Spells Available (Select 2):
- Mass Hold Person, Insanity, Power Word – Blind, Waves of Ecstacy, Heroes Never Surrender, Rainbow Arrows, Revolt, Unbreakable Bond, Water Torrent*
- Heroes Never Surrender – All allies in a 60-foot burst recover from fatigue, exhaustion, negative levels, recover all ability uses and spells slots up to level 7. Does not restore the Azata’s Mythic Spellbook.
- Rainbow Arrows – A rainbow arrow flies to a target at long range, dealing 1d12 per 2 caster levels in damage of a random energy type, then bouncing to a nearby target up to 1 time per 4 caster levels.
- Revolt – All creatures within 30 feet take 4d6 + caster level sonic damage and make a Will save. On failure, they all attack whichever of their number is the strongest, ignoring the player. They repeat this save at the end of every round, taking the damage again on a success.
- Unbreakable Bond – Via the literal power of friendship, all allies within 60 feet are immune to mind-affecting, charm, fear, compulsion, emotion, shaken, and confusion spells and abilities, gain +3 luck bonus to all saves, and DR 5/- while within 10 feet of the caster.
- Water Torrent – All enemies in the effect take 6d6 bludgeoning damage and make a Fortitude save or be knocked prone. All allies in the area are cured of all conditions instead.
Rank 10 Abilities
Superpowers (Select 1): See Rank 3.
Rank 10 Spells
4th Level Spells: Select 1 new spell.
5th Level Spells: Select 1 new spell.
6th Level Spells: Select 1 new spell.
7th Level Spells: Select 1 new spell.
Rank 3 Abilities
Summon Vrock: Summons a vrock for 1 minute.
- Demonic Claws: Permanent natural weapons that deal 1d8 damage (1d6 if Small) + STR modifier. If one claw is used instead of both slots, the claw attack is made at BAB -5 and does 1d8 + half STR mod.
- Demonic Rage: Free action. For the duration of combat the Demon gains +2 to attack, damage, caster level checks, Reflex saving throws, and spell DC. This bonus increases by 1 at 6th and 9th rank.
- Demonic Charge: Move action. You teleport to a target within 10 feet of you, dealing 2d6 Unholy damage/mythic rank damage to all targets near both your target location and current location. Targets may only be damaged once per use.
Rank 3 Spells
No Mythic Spellbook
1st Level Spells Available (Select 2):
- Snowball, Burning Hands, Corrosive Touch, Ear-Piercing Scream, Enlarge Person, Ray of Enfeeblement, Ray of Sickening, Shocking Grasp, Cause Fear
Rank 4 Abilities
Summon Gibrileth: Summons a Gibrileth for 1 minute.
Demonic Aspect (Select 1):
- Bonus to Mobility, Trickery and Stealth equal to 1 + half Mythic Rank.
- Demonic Rage increases sneak attack by 2d6 and all non-reach attacks that hit the Demon take 2d6 acid damage.
- Bonus to Mobility, Trickery, and UMD equal to 1 + half Mythic Rank.
- Demonic Rage causes all non-reach attacks that hit the Demon take 2d6 fire damage and all damaging spells deal +2 damage per die rolled.
- Bonus to Persuasion, Athletics and Lore: Nature equal to 1 + half Mythic Rank.
- Demonic Rage increases spell save DC by 1 and weapon damage rolls by +4.
- Bonus to Perception, Athletics and UMD equal to 1 + half Mythic Rank.
- Demonic Rage grants +2 to natural armor, CMD and CMB. On a successful CMB, the Demon gets a free attack. On a charge attack, the Demon can make a free Disarm attempt.
- Bonus to Lore: Religion, Perception, and UMD equal to 1 + half Mythic Rank.
- Demonic Rage grants +2 to all saving throws. All enemies within 30 feet take a -1 penalty to Fortitude saves and attack rolls.
- Bonus to Lore: Nature, Mobility, and Athletics equal to 1 + half Mythic Rank.
- Demonic Rage grants +2 to melee attack rolls, gains Powerful Charge ability (as Charge, but adds 2 more weapon damage die and 1 1/2 STR mod as damage)
- Bonus to Persuasion, Perception, and Knowledge: World equal to 1 + half Mythic Rank.
- Demonic Rage grants -1 to nearby enemy Will saves and attack rolls while all allies gain +1 to Will saves, attack rolls, and immunity to compulsion/fear effects.
- Bonus to Knowledge: Arcane, Knowledge: World, and Lore: Religion equal to 1 + half Mythic Rank.
- Demonic Rage grants +2 to ranged attack rolls, all spells and non-physical abilities count as Reach, and all enemies near the Demon gain a -1 penalty to Reflex saves and move as if on difficult terrain.
Rank 4 Spells
1st Level Spells: Select 1 new spell.
2nd Level Spells Available (Select 1):
- Acid Arrow, Bear’s Endurance, Bull’s Strength, Cat’s Grace, Frigid Touch, Mirror Image, Molten Orb, Scorching Ray, See Invisibility
Demon Spells:
- Blood Haze – The Demon gains the Haste effect for 1 round per 2 caster levels. This duration is refreshed if the Demon lands a killing blow (3 rounds if HD > caster level, 1 round otherwise)
- Consume Fear – Target gains a bonus to Intimidate checks equal to caster level and heals 1 HP per shaken/frightened enemy in 30 feet. On spell cast, all enemies in 30 feet Will save or frightened for 1d4 rounds.
- Demonic Form I – Turn into a Babau, Brimorak, or Schir for 1 minute/caster level
- Flames of the Abyss – Next two attacks + 1 attack/5 caster levels above 7 deal 1d6 unholy damage per two caster levels. Can instead use a charge to fire a damage ray for same damage.
Rank 5 Abilities
Summon Oolioddroo: Summons an Oolioddroo for 1 minute.
Demonic Aspect (Select 1): See Rank 4
Extra Minor Aspect:
- You may use one extra minor demonic aspect at the same time, to a limit of two.
Rank 5 Spells
2nd Level Spells: Select 2 new spells.
3rd Level Spells Available (Select 1):
- Fireball, Greater Magic Weapon, Haste, Hold Person, Lightning Bolt, Rage, Stinking Cloud, Vampiric Touch
Demon Spells:
- Channel Rage – During Demonic Rage, grant bonuses to another ally for 1 round/caster level
- Demonic Form II – Turn into a derakni, kalavakus, or nabasu for 1 minute/caster level
- Morbid Restoration – Target heals for 2d8 + caster level + 1d8 per dead creature in 30 feet.
- Profane Hymn – Enemies take a -2 attack, damage, caster level checks vs spell resistance, concentration checks and all saving throws.
- Telekinetic Strike – 1d6 force damage/caster level, Fort save or being pushed/pulled, caster’s choice
Rank 6 Abilities
Summon Painajai: Summons a Painajai for 1 minute.
Demonic Aspect (Select 1): See Rank 4
Rank 6 Spells
2nd Level Spells: Select 1 new spell.
3rd Level Spells: Select 2 new spells.
4th Level Spells Available (Select 2):
- Bestow Curse, Contagion, Controlled Fireball, Crushing Despair, Dragon’s Breath, Enervation, Mass Enlarge Person, Fear, Shout, Stoneskin, Touch of Slime
Demon Spells:
- Abyssal Chains – 1d8 damage/caster level and entangle target for number of rounds equal to caster level. Spell chains out from target to all nearby targets.
- Abyssal Skin – The Demon gains DR 10/Cold Iron and Good, up to a maximum of 10 points/caster level.
- Communal Channel Rage – Same as Channel Rage, but all allies
- Demonic Form III – Turn into a glabrezu, vrock or nalfeshnee for 1 minute/caster level
- Teleport – Teleport a long distance as a move action.
- Infectious Rage – Grants 1 enemy all of your Demonic Rage, but they attack the nearest target.
Rank 7 Abilities
Summon Lilitu: Summons a lilitu for 1 minute.
Major Demonic Aspect (Select 2):
- Bonus to Constitution equal to 1 + half Mythic Rank
- Demonic Rage grants the base effect to all allies
- Bonus to Intelligence equal to 1 + half Mythic Rank
- Can use spells and abilities as move action during Demonic Rage.
- Bonus DR/- equal to 1 + half Mythic Rank
- Demonic Rage grants a free grapple check on all attacks and abilities
Shadow Demon:
- Bonus to Wisdom equal to 1 + half Mythic Rank
- Demonic Rage grants combat-length incorporeality.
- Bonus to Strength equal to 1 + half Mythic Rank
- Demonic Rage deals 1d6 unholy damage per bonus granted by base Demonic Rage every round to all nearby enemies
- Bonus Fast Healing equal to 1 + half Mythic Rank
- All melee attacks and spells during Demonic Rage inflict 1 negative level (Will Save to negate)
Demonic Aspect (Select 1): See Rank 4
- You gain immunity to electricity.
Deadly Natural Weapons:
- All natural weapons ignore damage reduction of other demons and gain +2 enhancement bonus. In addition, all of the demon’s natural weapons are considered primary weapons.
Rank 7 Spells
4th Level Spells: Select 1 new spell.
5th Level Spells Available (Select 1):
- Call Lightning Storm, Cone of Cold, Dominate Person, Profane Nimbus, Song of Discоrd, Wracking Ray
Demon Spells:
- Abyssal Storm – All creatures within 40 feet of the Demon take 1d6 unholy and 1d6 electricity damage per caster level
- Demonic Form IV – Turn into a balor, vavakia, gallu or marileth for 1 minute/caster level
- Devour – Target in touch range makes a Fortitude save. On failure, takes 3d6 damage/caster level. On a success, takes 1d6/caster level instead. If target dies, the Demon heals for 10/caster level.
- Lifebane – Target’s weapon becomes a +5 Living Bane version of their weapon.
- Telekinetic Burst – As Telekinetic Strike, but 30 foot AoE.
Rank 8 Abilities
Summon Vrolikai: Summons a vrolikai for 1 minute.
Demonic Aspect (Select 1): See Rank 4
Extra Minor Aspect:
- You may use one extra minor demonic aspect at the same time, to a limit of three.
Rank 8 Spells
1st Level Spells: Select 1 new spell.
3rd Level Spells: Select 1 new spell.
5th Level Spells: Select 1 new spell.
Rank 9 Abilities
Summon Balor: Summons a balor for 1 minute.
Demonic Aspect (Select 1): See Rank 4
Major Demonic Aspect (Select 1): See Rank 7
Rank 9 Spells
2nd Level Spells: Select 1 new spell.
3rd Level Spells: Select 1 new spell.
4th Level Spells: Select 1 new spell.
5th Level Spells: Select 1 new spell.
Rank 10 Abilities
Demonic Aspect (Select 1): See Rank 4
Major Demonic Aspect (Select 1): See Rank 7
Demon Lord Aspect (Select 2):
- Areshkagal – Any attack targeting you during Demonic Rage has a 50% chance to miss.
- Deskari – All energy damage done during Demonic Rage is converted to Unholy damage. All physical damage bypasses the target’s immunities and damage reduction.
- Kabriri – You heal every time you kill anything during Demonic Rage. Heal amount unknown.
- Nocticula – Once per Demonic Rage, can grant one ally all benefits of Demonic Rage and active aspects for duration of combat as free action.
- Pazuzu – Movement speed increases by 30 feet and you gain 1 additional attack (stacks with Haste).
- Socothbenoth – Any spell cast by you requiring a saving throw forces the target to roll twice and take the worst result.
Rank 10 Spells
4th Level Spells: Select 1 new spell.
Rank 3 Abilities
Skeleton Champion: The Lich gets a skeleton companion that scales with their Mythic Rank. The Lich selects one type of skeleton champion from the following choices:
- Skeletal Assassin – Dual-wielding dexterity-based melee
- Skeletal Executioner – Strength-based two-handed melee build
- Skeletal Marksman – Longbow-based archer build
- Skeletal Vanguard – sword-and-shield tank build
Lich Powers (Select 1):
- Deadly Magic – Up to 3 rounds/day, the Lich’s spells ignore spell resistance/immunity and targets struck are silenced for 1d3+1 rounds.
- Death Rush – On a charge or combat maneuver, target takes 1d6 damage per Mythic Rank.
- Death of Elements – All energy damage is converted to negative energy. Can also convert all incoming energy damage to negative energy for 1 round per 2 ranks.
- Decaying Touch – The Lich’s natural weapons, including polymorphed, deal 1d6 + Mythic Rank unholy damage and lose 1 STR. Plant-type enemies take 2d6 instead.
- Eclipse Chill – Targets affected by the Lich’s spells make a Fortitude save or be blinded, take 2d8 + Mythic Rank cold damage, are made vulnerable to cold and negative energy until the end of combat.
- Fear Control – Lich gains +4 to attack rolls and +1 to damage rolls per Mythic Rank on frightened or mind-affected enemies. All enemies within 10 feet of the Lich make a Will save. On success, nothing. On failure, enemy is shaken for the combat.
- Indestructible Bones – Lich gains DR 10/- and when an enemy hits the Lich, they gain a permanent -2 penalty to attack rolls.
- Magic Devourer – Lich gains Spell Resistance 25 + Mythic Rank. On a resist, next spell cast by the Lich is Quickened.
- Negative Energy Mastery – All kinetic blasts and alchemist bombs used by the Lich deal 1d6 negative energy damage per Mythic Rank and inflict a negative level.
- Tainted Sneak Attack – Lich gains an additional 1d6 sneak attack. On sneak attack, enemy makes a Fortitude save or be rendered vulnerable to all damage and -2 to all attack rolls until end of combat.
- Undead Mount – Lich’s animal companion is considered undead, gains DR 10/Good and Spell Resistance 15.
- Weapon of Death – Lich’s weapon is giving the Bane Living and Nullifying abilities. When enemy is slain with said weapon, all creatures in 15 feet take a penalty to overcome spell resistance equal to 2x Mythic Rank until end of combat.
- Withering Life – All enemies that take damage from a Lich’s spell lose either 1 in all physical or mental stats, Lich’s choice.
Rank 3 Spells
Mythic Spellbook – Prepared Arcane Caster
Spells Learned:
- 1st: Bane, Cause Fear, Doom, Grease, Inflict Light Wounds, Mage Armour, Ray of Enfeeblement, Ray of Sickening, Shield, Sleep, Touch of Gracelessness
- 2nd: Blindness, Boneshaker, Command Undead, False Life, Frigid Touch, Glitterdust, Hold Animal, Inflict Moderate Wounds, Invisibility, Mirror Image, Pernicious Poison, Pox Pustules, Scare
- 3rd: Bestow Curse, Contagion, Corrupted Blood, Crushing Despair, Deep Slumber, Displacement, Fester, Haste, Hold Person, Inflict Serious Wounds, Mastery of Flesh, Overwhelming Grief, Poison, Power From Death*, Slow, Spit Venom, Stinking Cloud, Vampiric Touch
Lich Spells:
- Corrupted Blood – Target is nauseated for 1 round/caster level. Save vs effect every round. If target dies while nauseated, all creatures in 15 feet take 6d6 damage and gain Corrupted Blood
- Mastery of Flesh – Deals 4d8 + caster level to living enemy and 2d8 + caster level to undead enemy, heals 4d8 + caster level to undead ally and 2d8 + caster level to living ally
- Power From Death – The Lich gains +1 to attack, damage, and saving throws per dead creature within 30 feet, to a max of 3 + 1/5th caster level. If the bonus is 3+, the Lich also gains Haste
Rank 4 Abilities
Summon Plague Beast Mastodon: Summons a plague beast mastodon for 1 minute.
Skeleton Upgrade Selection (Select 1):
Barbarian – The skeleton champion gains two rage powers of the Lich’s choice and the Fast Movement and Rage class abilities.
Bard – The skeleton champion gains Dirge of Doom, Lingering Performance, and the following spells:
- 1st – Cause Fear, Ear-Piercing Scream, Touch of Gracelessness, Vanish, Feather Step
- 2nd – Blindness, Scare, Mirror Image, Heroism, Sound Burst
- 3rd – Crushing Despair, Haste, Slow, Confusion
- 4th – Freedom of Movement, Dominate Person
Cleric – The skeleton champion gains Channel Negative Energy, using HD instead of cleric level, the Death and Destruction domains, and all cleric spells.
Fighter – The skeleton champion gains a bonus combat feat, armor training, weapon training, and full BAB progression.
Inquisitor – The skeleton champion gains a teamwork feat, Judgement 2x per day, Bane, and the following spells:
- 1st – Bane, Bless, Cause Fear, Doom, Stunning Barrier
- 2nd – Boneshaker, Castigate, Hold Person, Inflict Moderate Wounds, Remove Paralysis
- 3rd – Fester, Heroism, Inflict Serious Wounds, Litany of Entanglement, Prayer
- 4th – Inflict Critical Wounds, Unholy Blight
Magus – The skeleton champion gets all Magus class abilities, including spell combat, arcane pool, and all Magus spells up to level 3.
Lord Beyond The Grave – Command Undead, as the spell, at-will. All undead the Lich controls within 50 feet gain 1 + half Mythic Rank to Strength, Dexterity, and Charisma and now ignore all DR save DR/-
Rank 4 Spells
4th Level:
- Boneshatter, Death Ward, Enervation, Ice Storm, Inflict Critical Wounds, Greater Invisibility, Phantasmal Killer, Unholy Blight, Consume Undead, Eyes of the Bodak, Vampiric Blade*
Lich Spells:
- Consume Undead – Target 1 undead. Enemy undead take 1d8/caster level damage and the Lich is healed for the same amount. Friendly undead take maximum damage.
- Eyes of the Bodak – For 1 round/caster level, all enemies within 30 feet gain 1 negative level per round.
- Vampiric Blade – The Lich’s weapon deals 1d6 + caster level additional damage and heals the wielder for the bonus damage
Rank 5 Abilities
Summon Plague Beast Mastodons: Summons two plague beast mastodons for 1 minute.
- Dark Rites: The Lich, and all companions in 30 feet, cast spells at two levels higher for all spells.
- Lord/Lady of Death: Mostly flavour, allows for undead under the Lich’s command to gain spells from the Death, Evil, Strength, and War divine domains.
Rank 5 Spells
5th Level:
- Baleful Polymorph, Cloudkill, Cone of Cold, Feeblemind, Hold Monster, Icy Prison, Mass Inflict Light Wounds, Phantasmal Web, Profane Nimbus, Slay Living, Vampiric Shadow Shield, Waves of Fatigue, Wracking Ray, Bone Explosion, Deny Death, Exsanguinate, Repurpose
Lich Spells:
- Bone Explosion – Target makes a Fortitude save. On failure, takes 6 damage/caster level and creatures within 20 feet take 1d6 damage/caster level (Reflex half). If successful, target takes 1d6/caster level and creatures within 20 feet take 1 damage/caster level.
- Deny Death – If target would die, instead is paralyzed until end of combat.
- Exsanguinate – Target takes 1d6 damage per caster level. On Fortitude save failure, also takes 1d6 Strength damage and 2d6 bleed damage.
- Repurpose – For 1 round/2 caster levels, target takes 1d6 damage per round. If it dies under this effect, creature is reanimated as undead controlled by the Lich
Rank 6 Abilities
Lich Powers (Select 1): See Rank 3
Summon Ecorche: Summons an ecorche for 1 minute.
Rank 6 Spells
6th Level:
- Banshee Blast, Blasphemy, Circle of Death, Cold Ice Strike, Disintegrate, Eyebite, Mass Fester, Harm, Plague Storm, Primal Regression, Umbral Strike, Undeath to Death, Create Undead, Bone Shield, False Grace, Siphon Life, Siphon Time
Lich Spells:
- Bone Shield – +6 shield bonus to AC and immunity to critical strikes. 1 minute/caster level
- False Grace – 3d10 + caster level temporary HP to all allies within 30 feet, including Lich
- Siphon Life – As Vampiric Touch, but medium range and does 1d6 damage per caster level
- Siphon Time – Enemies in 30 foot AoE are affected by Slow and allies are affected by Haste
Rank 7 Abilities
Summon Nightshade Nightcrawler: Summons a nightshade nightcrawler for 1 minute.
Rank 7 Spells
7th Level:
- Destruction, Finger of Death, Ice Body, Mass Inflict Serious Wounds, Insanity, Poison Breath, Power Word: Blind, Waves of Exhaustion, Blessing of Unlife, Feast of Blood, Restore Undead*
Lich Spells:
- Blessing of Unlife – Target ally gets undead immunities, negative energy affinity and DR 5/bludgeoning for 10 minutes/caster level
- Feast of Blood – AoE Exsanguinate that grants temporary HP equal to maximum damage done
- Restore Undead – Screenwide (100 foot radius) full heal of all undead
Rank 8 Abilities
Summon Nightshade Nightcrawler and Ecorche: Summons one of each listed creature for 1 minute
Skeleton Upgrade Selection (Select 1): See rank 4.
Rank 8 Spells
8th Level:
- Bestow Curse – Greater, Death Clutch, Frightful Aspect, Horrid Wilting, Mass Inflict Critical Wounds, Polar Ray, Power Word: Stun, Soulreaver, Unholy Aura, Domain of the Hungry Flesh, Embrace of Death
- Domain of the Hungry Flesh – The Lich creates a monster in an area, which attacks all creatures in that area with trip attacks. dealing 2d6 per caster level, entangling, and dealing 1d4 to a random attribute.
- Embrace of Death – Target makes a Will saving throw vs Necromancy DC. On success, target is staggered for 1 round and takes 1d6 CON damage. On failure, target is slept and takes 1d6 CON drain per round until it makes the save or dies.
Rank 9 Abilities
Summon Ravener Dragon: Summons a ravener dragon for 1 minute.
Lich Powers (Select 1): See rank 3.
Rank 9 Spells
9th Level:
- Energy Drain, Mass Hold Monster, Mass Icy Prison, Polar Midnight, Power Word – Kill, Wail of the Banshee, Weird, Corrupt Magic, Flay For Purpose, Negative Eruption*
- Corrupt Magic – As Dispel Magic (Target), but can dispel multiple spells starting with highest level and working down. For every spell dispelled, the target receives a -1 penalty to attack rolls, damage rolls, AC, and all saving throws.
- Flay For Purpose – As Repurpose, but damage is 2d6 per round for duration then makes a Fortitude save if still alive. On failure, target takes additional 10 damage per caster level.
- Negative Eruption – As the Harm spell, but affects all creatures in 30 feet and allied undead gain a +2 to attack rolls, damage rolls, Will saving throws, and double caster level as temporary hit points.
Rank 10 Abilities
- Nothing.
Rank 10 Spells
- Nothing.
Rank 3 Abilities
Summon Nixie Prankster: Summons a nixie prankster for one minute.
Sneaky Quack: Gains additional healing equal to sneak attack dice when sneak attack would normally apply to the target.
Mythic Trick (Select 1):
- Athletics 1 – Can use Athletics skill to remove negative effects from self, once per round. DC original effect’s DC + 15.
- Infuse Magic Device – Caster level of all magical items used are increased by Mythic Rank.
- Knowledge: Arcana 1 – Enhancement bonuses on equipment identified is increased by 1
- Knowledge: World 1 – Every non-World skill check done in 50 feet, Trickster rolls Knowledge: World. On success vs the DC, adds Mythic Rank to original skill check’s roll
- Lore: Nature 1 – Every rest, find a potion or scroll and enough food to cook a common meal
- Lore: Religion 1 – Treat Affliction action now can cure any negative ailment.
- Mobility 1 – You instead gain movement speed instead of losing movement speed when provoking attacks of opportunity.
- Perception 1 – Permanent See Invisibility and can find hidden items in unexpected places.
- Persuasion 1 – Automatic demoralize skill checks vs all enemies when entering combat.
- Stealth 1 – Can stealth as a move action. Stealth instead functions as Invisibility.
- Trickery 1 – Can use the Trickery skill to cast Dispel Magic, at the original DC + 10, at-will.
Rank 3 Spells
No Mythic Spellbook
1st Level Spells Available (Select 3):
- Color Spray, Doom, Expeditious Retreat, Feather Step, Grease, Hypnotism, Reduce Person, Shocking Grasp, Sleep, Snowball, Vanish, Wand of Summon Monster Zero*
Trickster Spells:
- Wand of Summon Monster Zero – Summons an extraplanar murder pony for one minute once per day.
Rank 4 Abilities
Summon Bogeyman: Summons a bogeyman for 1 minute.
Mythic Trick (Select 1): See Rank 3
Improved Mythic Trick (Select 1): Can only choose already-selected Mythic Tricks for rank up.
- Athletics 2 – Can also apply Athletics rolls to saving throws, at original DC + 20. On success, saving throw is considered a success.
- Reuse Magic Device – Wands no longer use any charges and the Trickster can use any magical item in the game.
- Knowledge: Arcana 2 – Identified equipment also gains a random minor enchantment.
- Knowledge: World 2 – Anytime an ally would roll a natural 1, it is treated as a natural 20.
- Lore: Nature 2 – Trickster’s meals increase to uncommon quality and find 1 random magic item on each rest as well.
- Lore: Religion 2 – Select two domains. You gain their domain abilities and can cast their spells once per day as long as the spell level is lower than Mythic Rank.
- Mobility 2 – When an enemy misses with an attack of opportunity, the Trickster makes one as well on the target that missed. The target is considered flat-footed to this attack.
- Perception 2 – All enemies automatically fail Stealth checks against the Trickster. In addition, Trickster and companions gain access to special Trickster feats.
- Persuasion 2 – Enemies affected by demoralize make a Will save. On failure, they are paralyzed and completely helpless. Affected creatures reroll the save every round.
- Stealth 2 – Stealth now functions in combat as a Greater Invisibility effect.
- Trickery 2 – The dispel magic Trickery skill check is now treated as Greater Dispel Magic and the roll is now made at -20 penalty.
Rank 4 Spells
1st Level Spells: Select 1 new spell.
2nd Level Spells Available (Select 2):
- Blur, Cat’s Grace, Chameleon Stride, Eagle’s Splendor, Find Traps, Hideous Laughter, Invisibility, Mirror Image, Bear’s Grace, Fish Missile, Summon Small Beer Elemental*
Trickster Spells:
- Bear’s Grace – Target makes Will save. On failure, target receives a -8 penalty to Dexterity for 1 minute/caster level
- Fish Missile – Ranged touch attack. On hit, target takes 1d6 + 1d6/2 caster levels damage and makes a Fortitude save or is sickened.
- Summon Small Beer Elemental – Summons a small beer elemental (stats unknown) for 1 minute.
Rank 5 Abilities
Summon Wild Hunt Archer: Summon a Wild Hunt Archer for 1 minute.
Mythic Trick (Select 1): See Rank 3
Rank 5 Spells
1st Level Spells: Select 1 new spell.
2nd Level Spells: Select 1 new spell.
3rd Level Spells Available (Select 2):
- Blink, Deep Slumber, Displacement, Dominate Animal, Hold Person, Slow, Stinking Cloud, Glorious Beard, Hallucinogenic Cloud, Almost Greater Invisibility*, Summon Medium Beer Elemental
Trickster Spells:
- Breath of Money – Creatures in a 15-foot cone make a Reflex save or take 2d6 per rank bludgeoning damage. Half damage on a success.
- Glorious Beard – Target gains +2 natural armor bonus and DR 5/slashing
- Hallucinogenic Cloud – All creatures within the cloud are confused while inside and for 1d4 +1 rounds after leaving the cloud
- Almost Greater Invisibility – As Greater Invisibility, but with a compounding 5% chance to end early per attack.
- Summon Medium Beer Elemental – Summons a medium beer elemental (stats unknown) for 1 minute.
Rank 6 Abilities
Mythic Trick (Select 1): See Rank 3
Improved Mythic Trick (Select 1): See Rank 4
Summon Wild Hunt Scout: Summon a Wild Hunt Scout for 1 minute.
Rank 6 Spells
1st Level Spells: Select 1 new spell.
2nd Level Spells: Select 1 new spell.
3rd Level Spells: Select 1 new spell.
4th Level Spells Available (Select 2):
- Greater Chameleon Stride, Greater Invisibility, Phantasmal Killer, Rainbow Pattern, Mass Reduce Person, Shadow Conjuration, Summon Greasely Bear, Summon Large Beer Elemental
Trickster Spells:
- Summon Greasely Bear – Summon a grizzly bear that spews Grease (as the spell) everywhere for 1 minute.
- Summon Large Beer Elemental – Summons a large beer elemental (stats unknown) for 1 minute.
Rank 7 Abilities
Summon Vilderavn – Summons a vilderavn for one minute.
Mythic Trick (Select 1): See Rank 3
Greater Mythic Trick (Select 1):
- Athletics 3 – Your base attack bonus is now at minimum equal to your ranks in Athletics. If it was already equal to your Char Level, it is now Char Level + 5
- Knowledge: World 3 – Trickster and all allies ignore feat requirements when leveling up.
- Lore: Nature 3 – Now finds random powerful magical items during rests.
- Knowledge: Arcana 3 – Every item identified by the player character gains a major magical effect.
- Lore: Religion 3 – You gain two domains, ignoring any requirements.
- Mobility 3 – Every time an attack hits, roll Mobility check with a -10 modifier vs the attack roll as a DC. On a success, the attack misses.
- Persuasion 3 – Enemies that fail the saving throw against the Trickster’s demoralize effect at the start of combat use Coup De Grace on themselves in the first round.
- Stealth 3 – You gain Spell Resistance equal to your Stealth modifier – 10.
- Trickery 3 – You may make a Trickery check versus a living creature (DC 15 + your ranks in Trickery). On a success, the target dies.
- Use Magic Device 3 – You gain a spellbook that you can copy spells into, like a wizard. Your effective wizard level is equal to your character level.
Rank 7 Spells
2nd Level Spells: Select 1 new spell.
3rd Level Spells: Select 1 new spell.
4th Level Spells: Select 1 new spell.
5th Level Spells Available (Select 2):
- Dominate Person, Feeblemind, Mind Fog, Phantasmal Web, Shadow Evocation, Microscopic Proportions, Phantasmal Healer, Rain of Halberds, Summon Greater Beer Elemental
Trickster Spells:
- Microscopic Proportions – Target decreases two size categories and gains +6 size bonus to Dexterity
- Phantasmal Healer – For one round/4 caster levels, heals all nearby living creatures for 1d6/4 caster levels. Will saving throw to heal for half.
- Rain of Halberds – 20 foot burst of halberds. Attack roll vs every creature in burst. On hit, targets take 1d10 per caster level. This spell can critically strike.
- Summon Greater Beer Elemental – Summons a greater beer elemental (stats unknown) for one minute.
Rank 8 Abilities
Mythic Trick (Select 1): See Rank 3
Improved Mythic Trick (Select 1): See Rank 4
Summon Wild Hunt Monarch: Summons a wild hunt monarch for 1 minute.
Rank 8 Spells
6th Level:
- Cat’s Grace – Mass, Eagle’s Splendor – Mass, Phantasmal Putrefaction, Umbral Strike, Charm Whatever, Recreational Pit, Summon Elder Beer Elemental, Summon Perpetually Annoyed Wizard
- Charm Whatever – As Charm Person, but works on anything in the game.
- Recreational Pit – As Create Pit, but creatures take no fall damage and heal 3d6 per round within the pit.
- Summon Elder Beer Elemental – Summons an elder beer elemental for 1 minute.
- Summon Perpetually Annoyed Wizard – Summons a high level wizard who’s upset with you but works for you for 1 minute.
Rank 9 Abilities
Mythic Trick (Select 1): See Rank 3
Improved Mythic Trick (Select 1): See Rank 4
Summon Wild Hunt: You summon a wild hunt squadron from the last game for 1 minute.
Rank 9 Spells
3rd Level Spells: Select 1 new spell.
4th Level Spells: Select 1 new spell.
5th Level Spells: Select 1 new spell.
6th Level Spells: Select 1 new spell.
7th Level Spells Available (Select 2):
- Insanity, Mass Invisibility, Greater Shadow Conjuration, Word of Chaos, Ray of Halberds, Summon Hog of Desolation, Trick Fate*
- Ray of Halberds – You target an enemy with a stream of halberds. You fire 1 halberd per two caster levels. Each halberd makes an attack roll, dealing 1d10 + CHA mod damage.
- Summon Hog of Desolation – Summons a hog of desolation for 1 minute.
- Trick Fate – For 3 rounds, all d20 rolls made by the target are treated as a natural 20.
Rank 10 Abilities
Mythic Trick (Select 1): See Rank 3
Greater Mythic Trick (Select 1): See Rank 7
Rank 10 Spells
4th Level Spells: Select 1 new spell.
5th Level Spells: Select 1 new spell.
6th Level Spells: Select 1 new spell.
7th Level Spells: Select 1 new spell.
Gold Dragon
Rank 3 Abilities
- Advanced route; no powers at this rank.
Rank 3 Spells
- Advanced route; no powers at this rank.
Rank 4 Abilities
- Advanced route; no powers at this rank.
Rank 4 Spells
- Advanced route; no powers at this rank.
Rank 5 Abilities
- Advanced route; no powers at this rank.
Rank 5 Spells
- Advanced route; no powers at this rank.
Rank 6 Abilities
- Advanced route; no powers at this rank.
Rank 6 Spells
- Advanced route; no powers at this rank.
Rank 7 Abilities
- Advanced route; no powers at this rank.
Rank 7 Spells
- Advanced route; no powers at this rank.
Rank 8 Abilities
Unnamed Best Passive I’ve Ever Seen:
- You gain immunity to poison, paralysis, disease, confusion, sleep, and fear. You gain resistance to all energy types equal to Char Level + 1/2 Mythic Rank.
- All saving throws are put to a minimum of 5 + Mythic Rank if currently below that number.
- All attributes are put to a minimum of 14 BEFORE MODIFIERS if below that number normally.
- All hit dice are now d12
- All spells that deal damage use a minimum of d6 for dice. If d6 or greater normally, instead gain +1 damage per die rolled.
- All weapons wielded are treated as +5.
Gold Dragon Breath – Deals (Char Level + 1/2 Mythic Rank)d8 holy damage to all enemies in 50 ft cone. All enemies hit take -1 to dice rolls on successful Reflex, -2 if unsuccessful. Cooldown is 1d4 rounds.
Rank 8 Spells
- None.
Rank 9 Abilities
Dragon Feats (Choose 3): Choose any three feats in the game, disregarding requirements.
Bonkers Passive Round 2:
- You gain immunity to all mind-affecting spells and abilities. You gain Spell Resistance equal to 15 + (Char Level + 1/2 Mythic Rank)
- Your base attack bonus before modifiers is at minimum 15 + Mythic Rank before modifiers
- All skills are now class skills. Any skills with less ranks than your Mythic Rank is increased to that number for free.
- All attributes are put to a minimum of 18 BEFORE MODIFIERS, instead of 14.
- All spells that deal damage use a minimum of d8 for dice instead of d6.
Rank 9 Spells
- None.
Rank 10 Abilities
Perfect Soul:
- All your damage is now holy damage.
- You are immune to fire, cold, acid, electricity, negative energy, and energy drain.
- All spells that deal damage use a minimum of d10 for dice instead of d8.
Rank 10 Spells
- None.
Rank 3 Abilities
- Advanced route; no powers at this rank.
Rank 3 Spells
- Advanced route; no powers at this rank.
Rank 4 Abilities
- Advanced route; no powers at this rank.
Rank 4 Spells
- Advanced route; no powers at this rank.
Rank 5 Abilities
- Advanced route; no powers at this rank.
Rank 5 Spells
- Advanced route; no powers at this rank.
Rank 6 Abilities
- Advanced route; no powers at this rank.
Rank 6 Spells
- Advanced route; no powers at this rank.
Rank 7 Abilities
- Advanced route; no powers at this rank.
Rank 7 Spells
- Advanced route; no powers at this rank.
Rank 8 Abilities
- Swarm Infest: Target 1 creature to be infested by the swarm. Target is blind and takes (8d8 + 2d8*Swarm Size) damage per round. Should they die during the effect, the target is devoured. When the ability ends by any means, you heal for the damage done. Additionally, target makes a Will save (DC 15 + 2x Mythic Rank) or panics. Activating this ability ends Swarm Form.
- Host of the Great Swarm: You gain Fast Healing and additional HP based on swarm size. To increase swarm size, you must devour living creatures.
- Swarm Feast: All enemies in 50 feet take (4 + Swarm Size)d6 damage per round. Should they die in that area, they are automatically devoured. Ranged attacks against you while active have a 50% chance to miss.
- Devour: You send the swarm to devour a corpse to increase Swarm Size. The increase depends on the CR of the creature. Once you reach a threshold, the Swarm Size goes up a rank. There is no cap.
- Swarm Form: You recall the swarm to your body, gaining DR (5 + Swarm Size)/- and natural armour equal to 4 + Swarm Size. Cannot be used at the same time as Swarm Infest.
Rank 8 Spells
- No spells earned.
Rank 9 Abilities
- Eye of the Swarm: You gain swarm DR and immunity to attacks of opportunity. Your STR and DEX attributes increase by 4 (plus Swarm Size). You are immune to most bodily-affecting ailments, such as poison, diseases, paralysis, and stuns. While Swarm Form is active, you deal an additional 4 + Swarm Size damage to anyone struck and anyone striking you takes (4 + Swarm Size)d6 damage.
Rank 9 Spells
- No spells earned.
Rank 10 Abilities
- The Swarm: Your INT, WIS, and CHA increase by 4 + Swarm Size, you gain Spell Resistance equal to 25 + Swarm Size, and immunity to physical conditions.
- Swarm Clone: You create a clone of your character. They have every ability you do but their own inventories. You may have a number of clones equal to 1/3rd Swarm Size
Rank 10 Spells
- No spells earned.
Rank 3 Abilities
- Advanced route; no powers at this rank.
Rank 3 Spells
- Advanced route; no powers at this rank.
Rank 4 Abilities
- Advanced route; no powers at this rank.
Rank 4 Spells
- Advanced route; no powers at this rank.
Rank 5 Abilities
- Advanced route; no powers at this rank.
Rank 5 Spells
- Advanced route; no powers at this rank.
Rank 6 Abilities
- Advanced route; no powers at this rank.
Rank 6 Spells
- Advanced route; no powers at this rank.
Rank 7 Abilities
- Advanced route; no powers at this rank.
Rank 7 Spells
- Advanced route; no powers at this rank.
Rank 8 Abilities
Hell’s Decree: You may issue a number of decrees equal to mythic rank. If saving throw is involved, DC = 10 + 2x Mythic rank.
Hell’s Dominance: You can cast Dominate Monster at-will. You gain Fire Resistance 20 and +4 to saves vs poisons.
Rank 8 Spells
- No spells earned.
Rank 9 Abilities
- Hell’s Seal: You may place Hell Seals on allies. These activate when certain conditions are met.
- Seal of Devouring Flames – Should the targeted ally be reduced to below five times Mythic Rank in HP, they immediately die and deal 2d10 (half unholy, half fire) damage per mythic rank to all enemies in 30 feet.
- Seal of Fear Eater – Should the targeted ally be feared or shaken, they instead gain a number of rounds of Heroic Invocation and Rage spells equal to Mythic Rank.
- Seal of Burning Flames – Should the targeted ally be reduced to below 15x Mythic Rank in HP, all enemies within 30 feet burn for 1d8 (half unholy, half fire) damage per mythic rank. Targeted ally makes a Reflex save to avoid burning as well, but for 2d6 instead.
- Seal of Fire Eating – The target, when hit by fire damage, instead heals for 3d6 per mythic rank and gain 2d6 per mythic rank bonus unholy damage to attacks for a number of rounds equal to mythic rank.
- Seal of Reflective Mind – Targeted ally automatically succeeds on the next mind-affecting spell or ability cast on it. Caster is then affected by their own spell or ability.
Fire Immunity: Devils are permanently immune to fire damage.
Hellfire Ray: As the spell, but the Devil can cast it at-will, using character level instead of caster level.
Power Word Stun: As the spell, but the Devil can cast it at-will.
Rank 9 Spells
- No spells earned.
Rank 10 Abilities
- Authorize Use: The Devil can manifest the first abilities of the Angel and Demon paths, Sword of Heaven and Demonic Rage.
- Overwhelming Presence: As the spell, but the Devil can cast it at-will.
- Power Word – Kill: As the spell, but the Devil can cast it at-will.
Rank 10 Spells
- No spells earned.
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