As requested this will tell you what choices are needed to get to the end without failing. Along the way you will pick up Leon’s story (getting Sigrid’s is not much different).
Choices in Order:
- Sign
- Agree
- I Get It
- Agriculture
- Heavy Tax
- Defensive
- Don’t Drink
- Follow
- Train Army
- Build Civilian House
- Commercial Code
- Send Sigrid
- Buy
- Guilty
- Approve
- Serious
- Yes
- Completely
- Approve
- I Get It
- Yes
- Yes
- Yes
- Yes
- Yes
- Yes
- Yes
- Yes
- Yes
- No Budget
- No Interference
- Money Is Everything
- Accept
- Economy
- Suppress Civilian Soldiers
- Give
- Pay (>20 E)
- Court Nobles
- Medium Tax
- Ordinary
- Merchant Anthony
- Accept
- Human Rights Protection Law
- Use Now
- Hold
- Regent Charles
- Take Out Evidence Of Charles Colluding With The Enemy
- Low Budget
- Approve
- Noble Tax
- Military Secretary Edward
- Annex Neighbor Country And Achieve Hegemony
- Accept
- Court Nobles
- Repel Refugees
- Approve
- City Gate Guard
- Reform Land To Achieve Wealth Equality
- Accept
- Tax Exemption
- Open The Food Warehouse
- No Disposal
- Earl Hall
- Abolish Hereditary System. Achieve Equality
- Accept
- Send Envoy
- Court Nobles
- Not Pardon
- Ignore
- Death Penalty
- Preferential Compensation
- Property Confiscated
- Civilians
- Develop Commerce
- Accept
- Set Up Trade Caravan
- Develop Commerce
- Build Memorial Seaport
- Not Hold
- Pay (>20 E)
- Use Body To Reward
- Cestern Perspective
- Develop Commerce
- Heavy Tax
- Highly Intense Training
- High Budget
- Approve
- Approve
- Drink
- Drink
- Drink
- Strengthen Military
- Accept
- Accept
- Grant Title By Contribution
- Approve
- Approve
- Follow Hall
- Accept
- Follow
- Follow
- Follow
- Strengthen Military
- Accept
- Agree
- Strengthen Military
- Accept
- Accept
- Accept
- Yes
- No
- Form Alliance
- Sex Slave
- Impose Additional Tax
- No
- Massive Buy (>20 E)
- Send Sigrid
- Strengthen Military
- Yes (>6 E)
- Yes
- Accept
- Refuse To Surrender
- Update (>10 E)
- No
- Big Money (>20 E)
- Leon
- Accept
- Leon’s Memory
- Leon’s Home
- Before The City Gate
- Three Years Ago
- My Perspective
- Remember
- Cestern Army Perspective Night
- My Perspective
- General Good At Defense
- Station In Forests
- Attack Actively
- Break Through From Center
- Intercept
- Resistance To Defend (>130 M)
- Cestern Perspective
- My Perspective
- Defend
- Cestern Perspective
- My Perspective
- Not Buy
- Allure Enemy To Go Deep And Wipe Them Out By Surrounding
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