Ever wanted to add some life to Ravenfield so that other bots don’t feel like lifeless players? If so, this is the name list for you!
So, have you ever felt tired of constantly seeing lifeless usernames on bots that remind you of other players? Ever wanted to add some life to them?
If so, this is the list for you!
In order to have these bot names, you’ll have to go inside the files for Ravenfield. To access the ravenfield folder, right click on Ravenfield from the drop-down bar you use to select the game.
Then, you’ll want to right click it and press “Browse Local Files,” then click the folder “ravenfieldData” where you should find a notepad named “botnames.” Press it, delete the contents and copy and paste the names.
Name List
- Abel
- Abraham
- Adler
- Aiden
- Albert
- Alec
- Alejandro
- Alex
- Alexander
- Alfred
- Allen
- Alvin
- Anderson
- Andre
- Andy
- Anthony
- Arthur
- Baker
- Barney
- Barrett
- Barry
- Bart
- Bear
- Beck
- Beckett
- Ben
- Benjamin
- Benson
- Bill
- Billy
- Blake
- Bob
- Bobby
- Boone
- Boyd
- Boyle
- Brad
- Bradley
- Brady
- Brendan
- Brennan
- Bret
- Brian
- Briggs
- Brock
- Brody
- Brown
- Bryan
- Bryant
- Bryce
- Cal
- Caleb
- Callum
- Calvin
- Carl
- Carlos
- Carson
- Carter
- Cecil
- Cedric
- Chad
- Chadwick
- Chandler
- Charles
- Charles
- Charlie
- Chase
- Chester
- Chris
- Christopher
- Chuck
- Clancy
- Clarence
- Clark
- Claude
- Clay
- Clifford
- Clifton
- Clint
- Clinton
- Clyde
- Cody
- Cohen
- Colby
- Cole
- Coleman
- Cooper
- Cox
- Curtis
- Dale
- Dallas
- Daniel
- Dante
- Dariel
- Darius
- David
- Davis
- Dawson
- Dean
- Denver
- Denzel
- Derek
- Derrick
- Dewey
- Dexter
- Don
- Donny
- Donovan
- Doug
- Douglas
- Doyle
- Drake
- Duane
- Duncan
- Dustin
- Dwight
- Earl
- Ed
- Eddie
- Edgar
- Edgardo
- Elias
- Elijah
- Ellis
- Elvis
- Elwood
- Enzo
- Eric
- Erik
- Ernest
- Ernie
- Esteban
- Eugene
- Fabian
- Felipe
- Felix
- Fernando
- Finn
- Finnegan
- Fisher
- Floyd
- Flynn
- Ford
- Forrest
- Foster
- Fox
- Francesco
- Francis
- Frank
- Franklin
- Fred
- Freddy
- Frederic
- Garland
- Garrett
- Garrison
- Gary
- Gavin
- Geoffrey
- Gerald
- Gerard
- Gibson
- Gideon
- Gilbert
- Glenn
- Gonzales
- Gordon
- Graham
- Grant
- Greg
- Gregory
- Grey
- Griffin
- Gunner
- Gus
- Gustavo
- Guy
- Hal
- Harlan
- Harold
- Harris
- Harry
- Harvey
- Hayes
- Hector
- Hendricks
- Holden
- Howard
- Hugh
- Ian
- Irwin
- Isaac
- Jack
- Jack
- Jack
- Jackson
- Jacques
- Jake
- James
- Jared
- Jarvis
- Jay
- Jayden
- Jayson
- Jeremy
- Jermaine
- Jerry
- Jesse
- Jessie
- Jim
- Jimmy
- Joe
- Joel
- Joey
- John
- Johnny
- Johnson
- Jonah
- Jonas
- Jones
- Jorge
- Josh
- Julian
- Kane
- Karl
- Keaton
- Keegan
- Keith
- Kelvin
- Ken
- Kendrick
- Kenneth
- Kent
- Kenton
- Kieran
- King
- King
- Knox
- Kurt
- Kyle
- Lamar
- Lance
- Lane
- Langston
- Larry
- Lawrence
- Lawson
- Lee
- Leeroy
- Leigh
- Leland
- Lennox
- Leon
- Leonard
- Leroy
- Lester
- Liam
- Lloyd
- Louie
- Louis
- Lucas
- Luke
- Mack
- Magnus
- Malcolm
- Manuel
- Marcel
- Marcellus
- Marcus
- Martin
- Marvin
- Matt
- Matthew
- Maurice
- Max
- Maxwell
- McCoy
- Melvin
- Memphis
- Merle
- Merrick
- Michael
- Miguel
- Mike
- Miller
- Milton
- Mitchell
- Monroe
- Morgan
- Morris
- Murphy
- Murray
- Ned
- Neil
- Nelson
- Nicholas
- Nick
- Noah
- Norman
- Odell
- Oliver
- Ollie
- Oscar
- Otis
- Parker
- Pat
- Patrick
- Paul
- Paxton
- Percy
- Perry
- Pete
- Peter
- Phil
- Phillip
- Pierce
- Pierre
- Piers
- Porter
- Preston
- Quentin
- Quinn
- Ralph
- Randall
- Randy
- Ray
- Raymond
- Reggie
- Rex
- Rick
- Ricky
- Riggs
- Rob
- Robbie
- Robby
- Robert
- Roderick
- Rodney
- Rodriguez
- Roger
- Roland
- Ron
- Ronald
- Ronnie
- Ross
- Rylan
- Ryland
- Sam
- Sammy
- Santos
- Saul
- Scott
- Seth
- Shane
- Sheldon
- Smith
- Sonny
- Spencer
- Stan
- Stan
- Stanley
- Stanley
- Stephen
- Steven
- Stuart
- Terrence
- Terry
- Theo
- Theo
- Theodore
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Tobias
- Toby
- Todd
- Tom
- Tom
- Tommy
- Tony
- Travis
- Trent
- Trevor
- Trey
- Troy
- Tucker
- Turner
- Ty
- Tyler
- Tyrell
- Tyrone
- Tyson
- Vance
- Victor
- Vincent
- Virgil
- Walker
- Walter
- Warren
- Wayne
- Wes
- Wilfred
- Will
- William
- Winston
- Zach
- Zachary
- Zack
Enabling the Bot Names
If you want to see the names in game, you have to go to settings while you’re not in-game. At the top, you should see a “Bot Names” category. Click “Default” then select the “Custom” option.
Have fun!
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