Red Dead Redemption 2 – How to Rob Stores the Right Way (Singleplayer / No Bounties)

Just an easy guide letting you know how to easily rob stores and get away with it without firing a single shot, without Bounties and becoming Wanted.

How to Rob Stores

I Will Rob You, and Nothing Is Going to Happen

Note: In the video I already have a bounty of $125 prior to entering the shop. And it remains the same at the end of the video.

Cover your face with a bandana or a mask before entering a shop and always remember to keep social distance, 1.5 meters away from your victims, wear gloves or if you haven’t got them wash your hands after managing money and register.

Cover it, because if you leave cashier standing or a witness manages to evade you, they still won’t know who you are so you will be able to run and the cops won’t know who you are. Just cut a corner or two, wait the search out and you are free to come back to rob other stores even after being witnessed when you are wearing a mask. Only thing not to do is not to be spotted by cops, they have X-Ray vision and will immediately place you.

Approach the cashier and start robbing him.

Once they open the register you need to silently take the cashier out, there is no need to kill them, (with fists, butt of a gun [to use gun butt you gotta left mouse click and then press F because if you press left click twice you will shoot the clerk dead, the first attack positions the gun and the latter decides the outcome], or melee weapon – on pc with left click of a mouse button). Take the money, loot the cashier, you can steal some items. If you are robbing a gun store, try to take out the cashier as fast as you can, before they shoot. But their shots don’t always attract people or police. However, your shots often do.

Unfortunately, no matter how stealthy you are, once the cashier is out it will trigger a script where a person will always enter the store, so you need to be ready for that and start telling the witness to withdraw their accusations.

You do not need to point your gun at the witness. Just tell them to forget 2-3 times and then defuse if they still hang about in fear (I suggest to hold right mouse button to never let the witness out of sight.

You can then come back to the store and loot the rest of it or circle around town into a different store and rob it as well. You need to avoid sheriffs because they will be notified about the robbery and will become suspicious.

As you can see on the video no shots were fired and I walked away completely free and easy.

John Marston the ancestor to Max Payne

Extra Tips

In the end game, in town of Armadillo there is no police presence and there is a single store. You can just rob it without any worries. You can slaughter people in the town without any witnesses and bounties. It is pretty fun.

Also, you can dump all your money into consumables and items and then go on a killing spree, rob as many trains and stores as you like without bothering to cover your face or hide, then spend it on something else and once you have $0 you can come up to any policeman taunt them and then surrender, or surrender to bounty hunters. All the money you have on you will be removed and your bounty will be gone.

The highest possible bounty is $1500 and so if you turn yourself in with for example $1, $53 or $0 the money will be gone and you will have no bounty on you.

Helena Stamatina
About Helena Stamatina 1251 Articles
I love two things in life, games and sports. Although sports were my earliest interest, it was video games that got me completely addicted (in a good way). My first game was Crash Bandicoot (PS1) from the legendary studio Naughty Dog back in 1996. I turned my passion for gaming into a job back in 2019 when I transformed my geek blog (Re-actor) into the gaming website it is today.

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