How to Find the Configuration File
First of all, we need to navigate to the single player settings file. To get to your scum server settings, navigate to the run prompt or just press windows key + R.
- In the run prompt type in %localappdata%.
- Then navigate through your files in this order: SCUM>Saved>Config>WindowsNoEditor
- In the WindowsNoEditor folder you will find the ServerSettings.ini file.
- INI files can be edited in notepad, but I suggest notepad++.
This file is the configuration file for your single player world. This file is shared by all of your characters. So if you wish to play a different character with new settings, you need to come back to this file and change them here.
How to Apply the Settings
Within this file you can manipulate the settings of your game by changing the values that come after the “=”. Simply save the file after any changes and start your game. Your single player games will now run with these settings.
Starting Fresh
Starting fresh with a new INI file can be very useful. Some updates do not change your INI file so the settings may be outdated. Yes, even after an official update.It just happened to me today before writing this guide.
To start fresh with a new INI file:
- First delete the old settings file.
- Then start SCUM.
- Start a new game with a new character, or load into an old single player character.
- A new settings file will be created when the game loads.
- Exit the game, and navigate back to the settings file.
You should now have a brand new default settings INI.
The “MaxAllowed” settings below change the MAXIMUM amount of entities that spawn within range of every player in the world. Because this is a single player config, the only spawns you will get are from the various spawn locations around your character. So changing these settings won’t necessarily change anything for you in single player, unless you lower them drastically.
Attention: These settings DO NOT increase the amount of entities spawned. If you set a maximum value of 10 puppets and you activate 5 puppet spawners, a chance of 5 puppets will spawn. If you set the maximum value to something lower, like 3. Then 5 active puppet spawners will only ever have a chance to spawn 3 puppets. To increase spawn rates, see the “modifiers” below.
Changes the MAXIMUM amount of ANIMALS that can spawn around players.
Changes the MAXIMUM amount of BIRDS that can spawn around players.
Changes the MAXIMUM amount of PUPPETS that can spawn around players.
Changes the MAXIMUM amount of PUPPETS that can spawn around players, while not in an interior of a building or near POIs or inside bunkers.
Changes the MAXIMUM amount of PUPPETS that can spawn around players, near POIs and inside bunkers.
Changes the MAXIMUM amount of PUPPETS that can spawn around players, inside buildings. (farmhouses, police stations, and workshops etc.)
The “PawnAmountModifers” below are settings used to increase or decrease the Puppet spawn MULTIPLIER. This multiplier increases and decreases the amount of puppets spawned. For example, a setting of 2 would DOUBLE the amount of puppets spawned, a setting of 0.5 would HALF the amount.
Changes the MULTIPLIER of Puppets spawned around players, near POIs and inside bunkers.
Changes the MULTIPLIER of Puppets spawned around players, inside buildings.(farmhouses, police stations, and workshops.)
Changes the MULTIPLIER of Puppets spawned around players, while not in an interior of a building or around POIs or inside bunkers.
“CheckTimeInSeconds” Determines WHEN the Puppets will spawn around the player. The time is basically a delay in seconds. For example, using default settings, if you were to activate a puppet spawn next to you in the wild, the game would wait 300 seconds (5 minutes) before spawning that puppet. If you leave the area within 300 seconds and allow the spawner to deactivate, the puppet will not spawn.
Changes the SPAWN TIMER of Puppets spawned around players, near POIs and inside bunkers.
Changes the SPAWN TIMER of Puppets spawned around players, inside buildings.(farmhouses, police stations, and workshops.)
Changes the SPAWN TIMER of Puppets spawned around players, while not in an interior of a building or around POIs or inside bunkers.
“SpawningProbability” Determines whether or not an activated spawner will spawn puppets, in percentage. For example, using default values, if you activate a spawner in a farmhouse, there is only a 30% chance of a puppet actually spawning.
Changes the SPAWN PROBABILITY PERCENTAGE of Puppets spawned around players, near POIs and inside bunkers.
Changes the SPAWN PROBABILITY PERCENTAGE of Puppets spawned around players, inside buildings.(farmhouses, police stations, and workshops.)
These next settings are pretty self explanatory. They change the amount of time, in seconds, that spawners can try to spawn puppets. For example, using default values, if you activate a spawner in a farmhouse and it decides to spawn a puppet, that specific spawner has to wait 900 seconds before it can try to spawn another puppet. The interesting thing is, this timer counts down even if a puppet DID NOT spawn. So, if you were to activate a farmhouse spawner, and the game decides NOT to spawn a puppet, it still has to wait 900 seconds before it can try to spawn one again.
Changes the SPAWNER COOLDOWN TIMER of Puppets spawned around players, near POIs and inside bunkers.
Changes the SPAWNER COOLDOWN TIMER of Puppets spawned around players, inside buildings.(farmhouses, police stations, and workshops.)
These next settings are true/false statements. 1 for true, 0 for false.
Allow a player to use the SECTOR Respawn option when respawning.
Allow a player to use the SHELTER Respawn option when respawning.
Allow a player to use the SQUADMATE Respawn option when respawning. However this is redundant in a single player world.
This setting hides the kill notifications.
This setting sets all locked containers in the world to either require lockpicking or not. This does not affect air drops. air drops are always locked.
This setting sets the DAMAGE MULTIPLIER on trapped locks (like in killboxes) for failing a lockpicking attempt.
This setting changes your metabolism rate.
The only reason you would want to change this, is to change your metabolism rate to the same rate as your day length. This would make it so that it would take the same amount of time/days for your stats to change.
This section can get very confusing. If you simply want a little more day time and a little less night time, I suggest changing “TimeOfDaySpeed” to “3” for 2 real time hour days and changing “SunriseTime” to “5.0” for an even 2:1 day/night split and calling it done. For those more inclined, and want more fine control, head on down to the complete explanation and hang onto your butts.
This setting changes the world start time the first time you start the game world, per character. The time is set by a 24 hour clock format.
The MULTIPLIER that determines an amount of time it takes for a single day to pass in game. See section below for a complete explanation.
This Setting changes the amount of ambient light at night. -1 for very bright, 0 for default and 1 for pitch black nights. This setting can be changed in decimals. For instance a setting of -0.25 would make the nights a little brighter than default, and 0.25 would make them a little darker.
This is the time, in a 24 hour clock, that the sun completely rises on the horizon. Changing this setting will change the ratio of the day and night cycle. See below for more information.
This is the time, in a 24 hour clock, that the sun will completely set on the horizon. Changing this setting will change the ratio of the day and night cycle. See below for more information.
This section had a major overhaul. The default day/night ratio I had in earlier versions of this guide was incorrect. This information has been updated and I have now found that we can change the day to night ratio to pretty much whatever we want. Apologies that this is a long read, but I wanted to be extra thorough as the math here is pretty interesting.
This is the most confusing part of configuring your single player world. We have to do a little bit of math for this. So just stick with me, I’m going to try to be as helpful as possible here.
The SCUM day has a default time of 6 hours.
This time can be adjusted by a DIVIDER that adjusts those 6 hours, set by the “TimeOfDaySpeed” setting.
The SCUM default day and night cycle are broken up in a ratio of 5:3.
5 parts day : 3 parts night.
To determine a SCUM day length in real time hours we will need a formula to calculate it.
First, you must take the default 6 hours coded into the game and divide it by the TimeOfDaySpeed setting. For this setting we will use Gt as shorthand for ‘game time adjustment’ in our formula.
This will return the amount of real time, in hours, a single SCUM day’s length will be. We will use Rt as shorthand for “real time”.
So our formula looks something like this.
6 / Gt = Rt
Or, Six divided by a game time adjustment will equal the amount of time that passes in the real world.
If we were trying to find the day length from default TimeOfDaySpeed settings (3.84), it would look like this.
First take our formula.
6 / Gt = Rt
Then we apply 3.84 to our game time adjustment.
6 / 3.84 = Rt
Then we divide and get…
1.5625 = Rt
We have found that the real time of a SCUM day length is 1.5625 hours.
Now, to take this further, we want to determine how many of those minutes of gameplay are going to be in daylight and how many will be in the dark.
First we will take the time in hours and change them to minutes. Using the default settings like we did above.
1.5625 hours * 60 minutes = 93.75 real time minutes per SCUM day.
Then we take the 5:3 ratio and apply it to the real time minutes. To do this, first we need to find how many minutes are in a single part of the ratio. And how many parts in total that we need to find. This is pretty easy.
A 5:3 ratio has 8 parts. 5+3 = 8.
We divide our real minutes (93.75) by the eight parts of the ratio.
93.75 real minutes / 8 parts of the ratio = 11.71875 minutes per part
Then we Multiply the per part value to each side of the ratio.
11.71875 per part * 5 (the first factor of the ratio) = 58.59375 day time minutes
11.71875 per part * 3 (the second factor of the ratio) = 35.15625 night time minutes.
We did it!
We figured out what it means for the TimeOfDaySpeed to equal 3.85.
- 1.5625 real time hours per SCUM day
- 58.59375 day time minutes
- 35.15625 night time minutes
I don’t know why the devs chose such an arbitrary number, so let’s say we want to simplify and even out our play time.
Let’s take what we learned and try to customize the day length. Let’s make a single SCUM day last only 60 real minutes long. Here we go.
Remember, we have to start this process in hours, so 60 Minutes = 1 hour. We are also solving for Gt, rather than Rt.
Let’s get that formula back here again.
6 / Gt = Rt
Now we apply how long we want the day to be by replacing our real time factor.
6 / Gt = 1
Here we do some simple algebra magic to return the value of Gt, rather than Rt. This looks easier than it actually is.
6 / 1 = Gt
Then simply solve the problem, and return the result.
6 = Gt
To make a Scum day 1 real hour long we set the TimeOfDaySpeed to 6.
Next, let’s change the Day/Night ratio.
Having a strange ratio of 5:3 doesn’t seem even to me, so let’s change the ratio to an even 2:1.
Let’s look at, first, how to find the default ratio.
The ratio is calculated through a 24 hour clock. The default times use a sunrise time of 6.0 (0600 or 6am) and sunset time of 21.0 (2100 or 9pm).
This means that within a 24 hour time period 15 hours of the day is “day”. 9 hours of that day is “night.” This can also be expressed like a ratio or 15:9. This is then simple by finding their greatest common factor and dividing. That factor is 3, divide 3 on both sides to get the default ratio of 5:3.
To customize this we must change either the “SunriseTime”, “SunsetTime” or both to get our preferred ratio of 2:1.
Simply changing the “SunriseTime” to 5.0 (0500 or 5am) will change the ratio of time to 16:8. Allocating one more hour to day time, and 1 less hour to night time. This can be simple by dividing the ratio by 8, making day and night a 2:1 ratio!
So, finally! 60 Minutes divided into a 2:1 ratio.
- 60 minutes per day / 3 parts of our ratio = 20 minutes per part
- 20 minutes per part * 2 = 40 Day Time Minutes
- 20 minutes per part * 1 = 20 Night Time Minutes
We found that to set the SCUM day length to 60 minutes, with a simple distribution of day and night time hours:
- TimeOfDaySpeed needs to equal 6.
- SunriseTime or SunsetTime needs to be adjusted by 1 hour to change the ratio from 5:3 to 2:1.
- There will be 40 minutes of day time.
- And 20 minutes of night time.
There you go and God speed.
Most of these timers have three settings that change the amount of time it takes to use a respawn option. An INITIAL time will change how long you have to wait after dying to use the respawn option. The COOLDOWN time applies a penalty to how long after respawning you can use that respawn option after every use. The COOLDOWNRESETMULTIPLIER setting decides after a certain amount of time to reset the penalty applied by the COOLDOWN timer.
The price in Fame Points it requires to use the RANDOM spawn option.
The price in Fame Points it requires to use the SECTOR spawn option.
The price in Fame Points it requires to use the SHELTER spawn option.
The price in Fame Points it requires to use the SQUAD spawn option.
The initial wait time it takes, in seconds, to spawn in on the RANDOM spawn option.
The initial wait time it takes, in seconds, to spawn in on the SECTOR spawn option.
The initial wait time it takes, in seconds, to spawn in on the SHELTER spawn option.
The initial wait time it takes, in seconds, to spawn in on the SQUAD spawn option.
A cooldown time penalty, in seconds, applied to use the RANDOM spawn option.
A cooldown time penalty, in seconds, applied to use the SECTOR spawn option.
A cooldown time penalty, in seconds, applied to use the SHELTER spawn option.
A cooldown time penalty, in seconds, applied to use the SQUAD spawn option.
An amount of time, in seconds, required for the penalty to reset for RANDOM spawn option.
An amount of time, in seconds, required for the penalty to reset for SECTOR spawn option.
An amount of time, in seconds, required for the penalty to reset for SHELTER spawn option.
An amount of time, in seconds, required for the penalty to reset for SQUAD spawn option.
The initial wait time it takes, in seconds, to use the COMMIT SUICIDE option in the game menu.
A cooldown time penalty, in seconds, applied to use the COMMIT SUICIDE option in the game menu.
An amount of time, in seconds, required for the penalty to reset for the COMMIT SUICIDE option in the game menu.
Item spawning!
Item spawners in the world range from a 10% to 60% chance to spawn items. A larger percentage creates a greater chance for loot to spawn. These multiplier settings change the percentage chance of each spawner by multiplying their original chance percentage by the multiplier. For example, if a spawner in the world has a chance to spawn items 50% of the time, setting the multiplier to “2” will increase the chance to 100%. If the spawner was set to 60%, the multiplier of 2 would increase its chance to 120%, but then the game would correct this and bring it back down to 100%. Spawners can not be increased to go over 100%. The max setting for these multipliers is theoretically “100”, meaning 100% loot drops for all spawner chances from 1% to 100%.
However this does not affect loot rarities. To find better quality loot, your character needs a high awareness stat.
A multiplier that determines the chance to spawn loot found OUT IN THE OPEN.
A multiplier that determines the chance to spawn loot found BY EXAMINING OBJECTS.
These items work on a multiplier of 30 minutes. So setting the value to 1 will return 30, setting the value to 2 will return 60, setting the value to 0.5 will return 15 etc.
This setting changes the expiration time MULTIPLIER of the item held in memory for an instance of an EXAMINE spot.
This setting changes the expiration time MULTIPLIER of the item spawned WITHIN THE WORLD.
These are very simple. They change the item decay rate for items in the open and not sheltered, and food items no matter where they are, even in chests. These settings are MULTIPLIED. I could not find the default values they are multiplied against however. sorry about that. Set these to 0 to stop decay completely, if you’d like.
Item Decay
Food Decay
As far as i can tell these only apply to air drops for now, but could be timers for other events in the future.
The MINIMUM time between each airdrop event, in minutes.
The MAXIMUM time between each airdrop event, in minutes.
To create these on a set schedule set them at the same time. For example, setting them both to 30 would send an airdrop in your players sector every 30 minutes.
The amount of time, in seconds, it takes for the cargo drop to fall from the sky after the initial warning message.
The amount of time, in seconds, it takes for the airdrop to fall from the sky to the ground.
The amount of time, in seconds, the air drop will stay active after hitting the ground. After this time the drop explodes.
This is a true or false statement to determine whether or not to spawn Sentries in the world. 0 for false, or 1 for true.
The amount of damage done by sentries, MULTIPLIED.
The amount of damage done by zombies, MULTIPLIED
True or false statement, 1 for true and 0 for false. This will disable the explosive suicide puppets from spawning in the world.
True or false statement 1 for true, 0 for false. This setting tells the game whether or not to restrict player buildings from “restricted build areas” defined by the game.
*Not sure where those areas are though, probably POIs and rivers and stuff you shouldn’t build on.*
True or false statement 1 for true, 0 for false. This will disable base building completely.
This setting determines how long, in seconds, a flag that was overtaken will be claimed for.
*This setting should not affect your single player experience.*
A MULTIPLIER that determines the amount of fuel used when driving a vehicle.
A MULTIPLIER that determines the amount of battery power used when starting a vehicle.
A MULTIPLIER that determines the amount of battery power used when using lights, horns, etc. from a vehicle.
A MULTIPLIER that determines the amount of battery power used when the vehicle is off and not running.
A MULTIPLIER that determines the amount of battery power recharged when the vehicle is running and driving.
A MULTIPLIER that determines the amount of battery power recharged when a dynamo is running.
All evidence points to these settings controlling the maximum number of allowed vehicles spawned into the game. Since we are playing single player, default values seem like a good choice to me. If you have more than 10 bicycles at your base you have a hoarding problem… or maybe starting a spin class.
The Max amount of AIRPLANES that can exist in the world, on world creation or reset.
The Max amount of BICYCLES that can exist in the world, on world creation or reset.
The Max amount of CRUISER BIKES that can exist in the world, on world creation or reset.
The Max amount of DIRT BIKES that can exist in the world, on world creation or reset.
The Max amount of MOTOR BOATS that can exist in the world, on world creation or reset.
The Max amount of PICKUP TRUCKS that can exist in the world, on world creation or reset.
The Max amount of QUADS that can exist in the world, on world creation or reset.
The Max amount of SEA PLANES that can exist in the world, on world creation or reset.
The Max amount of SPORT BIKES that can exist in the world, on world creation or reset.
The Max amount of STAND UP PADDLE BOARDS that can exist in the world, on world creation or reset.
The Max amount of SUVS that can exist in the world, on world creation or reset.
The Max amount of TRACTORS that can exist in the world, on world creation or reset.
The Max amount of WHEELBARROWS that can exist in the world, on world creation or reset.
The Max amount of in game days a vehicle can sit inactive before being deleted from the game.
Time added in seconds on every consecutive failure of the electric door defusal inside a Killbox.
Modification of the gold lock zapper damage inside a Killbox.
This section of the INI is pretty useless. First off, originally, it did not have any settings in it to begin with. Second, the new admin controls that were added in version for making sectors also applied to single player games too. So there’s no need to change anything here now. If you want safe zones make them with the new admin controls in the pause menu.
These settings can shrink the map and control where you can spawn and play within the worldspace. Sure, you could set up a challenge like scenario for yourself where you can’t leave a certain city but… Personally, I see no reason for this in single player. However, here’s a short explanation.
True or false setting. 1 = true, 0 = false. Determines whether or not to use a custom world size.
The X coordinate location of the center of your defined play area.
The Y coordinate location of the center of your defined play area.
The total width of your defined play area, centered on the coordinates above.
The total height of your defined play area, centered on the coordinates above.
I can’t find definitive answers or hard coded values for these settings, so here’s what I think they do…
There are two types of replenishment settings. Periodic, and Proximity. They have activation distances, cooldown timers, replenishment chances and initial replenish amounts. I do not have hard numbers for all of those amounts, excepting for proximity cooldown time of 1 hour. So tinker with the multipliers to find something that works for you.
While the player is near a source of replenishable water, periodic settings determine the replenishment for the water sources over a set amount of time determined by the game. Once the set amount of time has passed, the periodic settings fire and replenish the source. This happens every time the periodic timer ticks. Also, the player must be within a certain distance of the “activated” source, for the timer to go off.
When a player “activates” a source that has not been activated within a 1 hour cooldown timer; Proximity settings determine at “activation”, whether or not to fill the source of water and how much to replenish it. The proximity replenishment resets after 1 hour. If you do not “activate” the source for an hour, the initial amount in the source will change by the replenishment amount the next time you activate that source.
I don’t have hard numbers to support this, but I think of it like this. Periodic replenishment fills sources a little bit over a shorter period of time, while proximity replenishment fills sources a larger amount over a longer period of time. BUT, you can’t keep visiting the same spots if you want that larger increase in replenishment, because it reactivates the cooldown timer.
Multiplies the amount of water that is initially replenished in water sources. While the player has the source “activated”.
Multiplies the max amount of water that can replenish in water sources. While the player has the source “activated”.
Multiplies the amount of time it takes for water to replenish in water sources. While the player has the source “activated”.
Multiplies the amount of water that water replenishes in water sources. While the player has the source “activated”.
Multiplies the chance that water has replenished when the player “activates” the source, after the 1 hour cooldown timer.
Multiplies the amount of water that replenishes when the player “activates” the source, after the 1 hour cooldown timer.
Multiplies the 1 hour cooldown timer for proximity replenishment.
Gasoline replenishment acts a lot like water, so use the guide above for water as a reference, but think of gas pumps instead of water pumps.
Oh and the cooldown times, amounts, and chances might all have different hard coded settings, so be mindful you may need to multiply these hidden/unknown values more or less than the water settings.
- PeriodicReplenishment.InitialAmountMultiplier=1
- PeriodicReplenishment.MaxAmountMultiplier=1
- PeriodicReplenishment.ReplenishIntervalMultiplier=1
- PeriodicReplenishment.ReplenishAmountMultiplier=1
- ProximityReplenishment.ReplenishChanceMultiplier=1
- ProximityReplenishment.ReplenishAmountMultiplier=1
- ProximityReplenishment.ReplenishTimeoutMultiplier=1
How to find ServerSettings.ini?
To configure your singleplayer game, you have to edit the parameters in the ServerSettings.ini
The file itself should be located in:
- C:\Users\YourUserName\AppData\Local\SCUM\Saved\Config\WindowsNoEditor
Important note!
Make a copy of any file you want to alter. If anything goes wrong then replace it with the original file.
- [I’m not a programmer but I cannot imagine this would be safe.]
You said it yourself, Bunny seems to think its OK and he is one.
There is nothing to worry about, there is no game breaking code to alter.
- [You should not give us the possibility for “godmode” abilities.]
Some players like to test on SP before going into MP.
Does editing a ServerSettings.ini file affect the achievement?
Changing the ServerSettings.ini will not disable achievements. You can change it as you like and play the game you want to play it.
If you use Admin commands during the gameplay, achievements will be disabled temporary. You need to do a relog, to activate them after using admin commands.
How to populate the whole of the map?
Animals and puppets won’t spawn immediately across the whole map even if you put in higher numbers, that’s because we have to go easy on the performance costs … so they will actually spawn once you’re in a certain radius near the spawn marker.
- MaxAllowedZombiesInWorld=64 – Maximum possible number of all puppets in the game
- MaxAllowedWildPawnsInWorld=64 – Puppets spawning in the wilderness, away from POI’s, etc.
- MaxAllowedExteriorPawnsInWorld=64 – Puppets that spawn around POI’s, in city streets, in / outside of bunkers.
- MaxAllowedInteriorPawnsInWorld=64 – Puppets that spawn inside of buildings.
These lines will determine the maximum amount of puppets in the game at any time but they will not increase the amount spawned in a single area. So it’s not that much useful for SP.
- ExteriorPawnAmountModifier=1.0
- InteriorPawnAmountModifier=1.0
- WildPawnAmountModifier=1.0
Increasing these values will affect how much puppets can spawn in an area. So if for instance, you encounter 5 puppets in front of a bunker, increasing the ExteriorPawn value to 2.0 will net you 10 puppets instead.
- ExteriorPawnSpawningCheckTimeInSeconds=0.0
Sets the how often in seconds can a new puppet be spawned in the exterior around the player if available
- InteriorPawnSpawningCheckTimeInSeconds=0.0
Sets the how often in seconds can a new puppet be spawned in the interior around the player if available
- WildPawnSpawningCheckTimeInSeconds=600.0
Sets the how often in seconds can a new puppet be spawned in the wilderness around the player if available
- ExteriorPawnSpawningProbability=30.0
Determines the probability to spawn exterior puppet in percentages
- InteriorPawnSpawningProbability=10.0
Determines the probability to spawn interior puppet in percentages
I have nothing to add to this paragraph, since the recent showcase explained it pretty good. These lines should be pretty obvious now.
In any case, play around with the values a bit and find that which fits you best.
” 6 base hours / Gt = Rt
Here we do some simple algebra magic to return the value of Gt, rather than Rt. I’m not teaching you 4th grade math again, so if you don’t know this you need to take a refresher course.
6 * Rt = Gt ”
I have a very hard laugh with this… because you are the one in need of SIMPLE algebra lessons. I know this is old but in case someone step on this guide (like me) you should fix your equations. As a note, I don’t even know if this is excatly how the game calculate the day times… but if we follow your equation you have to fix your algebra even if this is or not how its calculated:
6/Gt = Rt … then, by simple algebra:
6 = Rt*Gt … so:
6/Rt = Gt … not a multiplication as you make it.
As I say, I’m just pointing out the algebra error on your notes, still don’t know if this equations are how actually a day is calculated.
Your math is way off if you want a 30 minute RT for 1 day GT. You would need make the setting 12 not 3. 3 would give you a 2 hour RT day.
One quick edit,
ExteriorPawnAmountModifier=1.0 and MaxAllowedInteriorPawnsInWorld=64
Are the ones that control the puppets inside the bunker, not the interior one. Bunkers are considered exterior. So if you don’t want puppets in the bunkers you need you need to set that to zero.