Space Nation – Quick Guide to Ecosystem & Assets

Intro to Ecosystem & Assets (What’s in It for Me?)

There are many ways to make profit in Space Nation. We will walk through different methods for you to decide on the strategy that works best for you.

OIK: The Governance Token of Space Nation. Earned from playing the game and doing things you might already be doing.

CHR: The in-game currency of the game. This can be sold on the Ohgamers marketplace for crypto.

Ships: Each ship has it’s own gameplay mechanics. From battling foes to exploring for treasures, you can find the ship that is right for your playstyle.

Fuel: The heart of the economy. Fuel serves as the backbone of the ecosystem and is needed for most earning activities.

OIK: Bringing Home the Bacon

OIK is obtained as a reward for completing in-game challenges and achievements through the “Proof of Contribution” system.

Each season lasts 1 week and we will have 12 total seasons for a total of 12,000,000 OIK or 1,000,000 per week! OIK tokens will be unlocked at TGE after the softlaunch phase!

  • Your earning every season = (Your season points/total season points) / 1,000,000 OIK.

Note: You can learn more about how to earn OIK & CHR on the Cryptobara website, there are exact calculations with formulas and methods of earning assets.

3 Methods to Collect Season Points (+ OIK Rewards):

  • Active Challenge Points (complete weekly tasks & events)
  • Completion Type Points (complete in-game challenges)
  • Holding Type Points (own and register Space Nation NFTs in Logistikos)
    • Alpha Gate
    • Prime Navigator
    • EFES (Enforcer Founder Edition) Limited Spaceship Collection
    • Bering X-Pathfinder
    • T1 Mining Ship: Orecocoon
    • T1 Exploring Ship: Bering
    • T1 Fighters: Enforcer, Valiant, Slayer
    • T2 Fighters: Humpback, Gallant, Templar

Want to level up your season points quickly? The best way is to collect Holding Achievement Points. You can get these points by owning certain NFTs.

CHR: In-Game Currency

Just like the “gold” of many MMO games, CHR is the in game money that is earned and spent on daily space activities.

CHR can be bought and sold in bundles of 1,000,000. At the time of writing this, the floor price is $24.99 per million

Best Ways to Earn CHR:

  • Daily quests (unlocked after level 10)
  • Looting CHR Dungeons (unlocked after level 20)
  • Looting Material Dungeons (unlocked after level 20)
  • Dungeons have different tiers, the higher the tier, the more valuable the component drops!

Materials are often very valuable when resold on the auction house, there are times when the materials harvested from the Material Dungeon types can exceed the earnings of the CHR type Dungeons. Tier 1 and Tier 2 blueprints for components and ships may also be found rarely by defeating the bosses of these dungeons and can net a hefty profit!

Crafting ships and components is also a great avenue for income as more people play there will always be a need for them. Grinding enemies after level 30 will begin to show a positive ROI which can always add to your profit margin. This increases significantly after level 45.

Exploration and Mining ships are also an avenue for profit. Explorers will find dungeon chips to sell, while miners will bring all of the crafting minerals to the marketplace.


Ships are the best way to make money in the game. There are 3 types of ships:

Gray Fox (Starter Ship):

  • You get this ship for free when you start playing.

T0s are used for beginners to experience the gameplay. You can go anywhere in the game except the Gold & Material Dungeons and will be free to fly for 6 hours of space time, or until you reach level 10. At this point you will need to invest in fuel to earn. 

Tier 1 Ships:

  • Can do almost everything in the game.
  • Great for getting gold from dungeons.
  • Good for getting items from lower-level dungeons to sell.
  • Uses less fuel than bigger ships.
  • Fast and easy to control.
  • Perfect for leveling up your character.

Tier 2 Ships:

  • The strongest ships in the game.
  • Best for high-level material dungeons (gets you valuable items and blueprints).
  • Good for dungeons level 40-50.
  • Perfect for team activities like raids and fighting bosses.
  • Strong attack and defense abilities.


Your ship’s engine & reactor need FUEL to travel through space.

  • With a T0, you have free FUEL until level 10 or once you have spent 6 hours in space
  • What to do when you run out of FUEL?

Buying a FUEL pack

How Much Gametime 5 USDT of FUEL Gives You In Space Nation

Which ship to choose?

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Helena Stamatina
About Helena Stamatina 896 Articles
I love two things in life, games and sports. Although sports were my earliest interest, it was video games that got me completely addicted (in a good way). My first game was Crash Bandicoot (PS1) from the legendary studio Naughty Dog back in 1996. I turned my passion for gaming into a job back in 2019 when I transformed my geek blog (Re-actor) into the gaming website it is today.

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