STALCRAFT – Beginners Guide

How to add friends, squad, change server, hidden quests, interactive game map and much more…

Beginners Guide

MMO wanderer with all kinds of activities, mainly festive events are available with 100 hours of gameplay (standing afk on the base with the game on, they will be stuffed by the way) I spent more than 4k hours in the game, it used to be better only because everything was different.

You can’T survive without timates, it’s anril, it’s simply impossible, there is a division of players on servers, it doesn’t throw to the swinging players at first, but without a pack of 3 people, it’s difficult to reel xs. the duo still has normal gameplay, solo- no.

Barter resources, medicines and ammo drop-down items. Armor, weapons, containers, backpacks and body kits for weapons are non-disappearing items.

Invite to the squad, add to friends

It is carried out through the PDA, Friends click on a friend- invite to the squad.

To add a friend, in the PDA section, click friends– there is a small “+” button in the upper left corner, click and enter the nickname of the friend.

How to remove the lock 60 fps?

In the settings of the game, select the performance item, unscrew the slider to the maximum.

How to join groups?

The urgent question of all newcomers to the Black Sea, as you move around the world, you will stumble upon the location of the Bar, here you need to get 7 lvl of the base, after which the Bar “100 X-ray” will become available to you, after which you need to talk to Curie and choose which of the 2 groups to join.

Artifact builds

It’s not worth thinking about them at this point in the game at all, at the moment there are artifacts in the meta for speed and hp.

Activation of promo codes

To activate the promo code , you need to go to the PDA, Profile tab, click on “Code activation” in the lower right corner, enter STALCRAFT_STEAM and get 4 containers of skins for weapons and armor, and booster for a whole week 25%!


The basis of the game is farm. Why is it and what is it eaten with? Without barter resources, it is impossible to craft a suit / weapon better than the existing one, not counting those that can be purchased in the store / cases. At the initial stage, craft a shotgun Shorty. Look at the har-ki suits, radiation, bio and psi are dangerous.

For the most part, EXPERIENCED players choose a line of COMBAT suits, and go to the “Centurion”. Some prefer a line of “stingrays”, they are also not bad. A good weapon in barter is VSS, AEK, Pecheneg and FN F2000, later crafting MC through Limansk.

For a good farm, you need to have a shotgun, AA-12 or its barter counterpart Saiga.

Interactive map of the game

I forgot to mention it, we drive a stalcraft map on the Internet, the location of absolutely all spawn points of mutants, NPCs, prikops and other nonsense on it.

Hidden quests in the Swamp

Wow, well, Freeman, what’s on the fur. the yard is inhabited by a quest with different endings, for which you can get AK-47 in different variations, watch videos on YouTube about this.

Ice Quest. It is available only for Bandits, the quest is long, but while you are at this location, you should take it, so as not to return to the Swamps later, look for the video on YouTube.

A lost backpack

Its contents CANNOT be opened and taken away. No way. Only sell to the player who lost it, or just give it away, don’t blow them up, be human.

How to bind objects to numbers?

Hold down the “C” key , a circular menu in which all your abandoned items, open the inventory, hover over the item and click on the number, it’s done. Bindb medicines first of all. It is useful, the rapid use of medicines is carried out by double pressing the “C” key.

Personal warehouse

Throw barter resources and all sorts of stuff at him. Opened the case and the weapon disappeared? Take a look at the Persian warehouse.


From watching some streams, every hour you will receive all sorts of nice things on the acc.

Look for a list of channels from which clothes fall out in the off. VK game group, but I know for sure that NoMercy has twitch drops. A container falls out, in which there is a thematic piece of clothing, a body skin, a Glock 18C.

What is donat?

Well, supporting the game with a donation is fun, especially when you get an Albatross-a Stormtrooper or a Gauss), which are very expensive. The bottom line is that in the early stages of the game, while you don’t have veteran equipment, it’s not worth donating at all. Why? The fact is that if, for example, a red garment (workshop) falls out to you, and you put it on, then after some time, it will start throwing on the servers above, like you need to have 3 red clothes to start throwing on


Artifacts are spawned about an hour before the release and immediately after it. It is extremely difficult to find artifacts in the southern locations, but it is possible. In the future, if you plan to do this, I advise you to craft the Buryats, for this you need to collect the beacons of the Alpha, Betta, Gamma and Digamma groups from the signals of the corresponding locations.

I sincerely hope this was helpful. Good luck to you!

Helena Stamatina
About Helena Stamatina 1252 Articles
I love two things in life, games and sports. Although sports were my earliest interest, it was video games that got me completely addicted (in a good way). My first game was Crash Bandicoot (PS1) from the legendary studio Naughty Dog back in 1996. I turned my passion for gaming into a job back in 2019 when I transformed my geek blog (Re-actor) into the gaming website it is today.

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