Starborne: Frontiers – Mamma Maglienza Boss Fight Guide

How to Defeat Mamma Maglienza Boss

By Tommmo.

This is probably the most F2P/lowest entry comp that can clear mamma 15.

Sefuba / Crucialis Top (This is most flexible lane… could be any 2 attackers. I just selected 2 consistent DMG dealers from early game, in your specific case I’d suggest Los/Judge/Xcellence. Play with those 3 to find your 2 biggest dmg combo with your gear).

Salvation / Nosorog Mid (Nosorog interchangeable with any other tank, but I selected this for some reflect DMG, and I know I’ve used them in the past on mamma, but any Chemical/Electric tank of epic or above should work).

Purifier bot.

  • I have selected Purifier/Salvation combo as the order of operations for the cleanse that hayyan has NOW means that she will Repair BEFORE she cleanses the “reverse repair” debuff, meaning she will actively damage your unit before cleanses the debuff.
  • Salvation MAY want to be slower than the boss, but it’ll depend on how tanky both them and your tank are, and if you need their charge (inc damage down II) in order to survive.
  • Purifier will want to be FASTER than Salvation, but SLOWER than boss. This is mandatory for success here.
  • Purifier will also need to have enough HP to soak through the 3 additional units damage.
  • Top lane alternatives really depend on what you have, but units like wisteria/snapdragon/ruiner/rhodium etc etc will all be fine.

A side note about purifier: They have a 2turn charge and only cleanse on their basic attack. So to get them cleansing the debuff on a fully skilled Purifier you need Purifier to be faster than salvation, and both of them faster than the boss. alternatively (and less gear intensive) you can level a 2nd purifier (which I did at the time) and dont fully skill them up, then when you can trade them out with a better comp (i.e culti) you can use them as 6* fodder.

As for boss speed. I just re-bracketed it for you. Mamma 15 = 120 speed.

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Helena Stamatina
About Helena Stamatina 892 Articles
I love two things in life, games and sports. Although sports were my earliest interest, it was video games that got me completely addicted (in a good way). My first game was Crash Bandicoot (PS1) from the legendary studio Naughty Dog back in 1996. I turned my passion for gaming into a job back in 2019 when I transformed my geek blog (Re-actor) into the gaming website it is today.

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