As a punishment for the turmoil the Midgard serpent created, Odin banished Loki from Asgard. Loki is a versatile god of falsehoods and weaver of various plots against his celestial “colleagues” and is well-known from the Nordic sagas. Loki is now planning his retaliation and looking for a way to return covertly to Asgard in order to repay Odin. He employs his tricks and traps to mistreat our four human heroes—Sigurd, the Frank, Hatschi, the courageous Saracen, Bjami, and Crya—out of retaliation.

Cultures – Northland – Tips and Tricks and Useful Information
Useful Information for Both Northland and 8th Wonder + Tips and Tricks A guide I put together from personal extensive play-testing to get new or returning enjoyers of this rough […]