Paladin Tank Build Guide (PvE)
This is a quick start guide on how been playing the Paladin Tank (Shield). If you have any suggestions for improvement, please feel free to share them in the comments.
- Resilience: Avoid critical hits.
- Stamina: Increase HP and health recovery.
- Focus: Boost armor rate.
- Glancing: Reduce incoming damage by 25%.
- Cooldown Rate: Shorten cooldowns and increase cast speed.
- Omni: Reduce damage and gain immunity.
My Priority Has Been:
Glancing > Cooldown > Focus > Stamina
(Resilience as soon as It’s available at a gear).
- Divine Body (3/3)
- Mental Focus (3/3)
- Holy Hammer (3/3)
- Returning Shield (3/3)
- Holy Shield Bash (1/1)
- Thermal Recovery (3/3)
- Fast Recharge (3/3)
- Flying Shield+ (3/3)
- Guardian Shield (2/2)
- Holy Regen+ (2/2)
- Aegis+ (3/3)
- Heart of Fire (3/3)
Runes and Emblems:
- Barrierguard
- Reversal
- Tribal Ode
- Steelbone
- Potential
- Holy fire, the one without a cooldown.
- Flying Shield.
- Holy Shield Throw.
Save Holy Regen and Ardent Guardian to deal with mechanics.
- Guardian Order – Single target taunt skill, good for grabbing bosses at the start of a fight.
- Challenge Guardian – AoE taunt skill, good to get control over big packs.
- Punishment – Interrupts enemies, I always keep that around just in case.
I sincerely hope this was helpful. Good luck to you!
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