Top Heroes – Shadow of The World Tree Tips

Quick Guide to Shadow of The World Tree

By SaRaB.

In this hint we will simplify the new season trying to keep it short and easy to read.


  • The World Map will reset, new visuals will appear (Desert theme will apply to the world map).
  • Ruins will reset and guilds have to capture them again.
  • Leaving your castle in high tier Ruins territory will drain the water, so it is Recommended to keep t1 or t2 ruin to keep your hive into.


  • It happens at intervals almost once every 15 hours.
  • You must have positive amount of water during the storm to pass it!
  • Generally speaking inside your Ruins, you will be fine, without being in your territory or before capturing one, you will need to use couple of water flasks, there are plenty! So it shouldn’t be an issue.

Dune Devourer World Boss

  • Known as the Worm.. got actual HP bars that your server have to remove(kill).
  • The first HP bar is Purple and it represents the Morale damage ranking, hitting as early as possible is essential to get score in this rank.
  • The second HP bar represents The main HP bar usually lasts a little longer.
  • Hitting the boss when the HP bars are empty counts to daily attempts but not to damage score.

Note: Hitting during the Morale bar phase gives more damage always, because the boss spawn adds. It is not a bug that your damage will drop when there is no Purple HP Bar.

  • The boss appears every 3 days, at Reset, +8 hours of reset +16 hours of reset. You can attack it every time, and increase your score as long as the HP bars exist! Total 15 times a day if you server is not killing it too fast.
  • Hits on the boss have 5 minutes cooldown can by passed by rallies (figure that on your own, or try with your guildies).

Adventure Mode expansion

  • Related adventure mode will also he available, but be aware it might be actually beefy for you!
  • Along side a Seasonal shop/challenges to collect many valuable rewards.
Helena Stamatina
About Helena Stamatina 892 Articles
I love two things in life, games and sports. Although sports were my earliest interest, it was video games that got me completely addicted (in a good way). My first game was Crash Bandicoot (PS1) from the legendary studio Naughty Dog back in 1996. I turned my passion for gaming into a job back in 2019 when I transformed my geek blog (Re-actor) into the gaming website it is today.

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