TROUBLESHOOTER: Abandoned Children – Beginners Guide



Hit Points (HP) is the amount of damage you can take before being knocked out. When you’re knocked out:

  • If no one can revive you, you’re done fighting for this battle
  • Your character isn’t dead, but they’ll face penalties:
  • Humans lose some ambition
  • Beasts lose some loyalty
  • Machines lose some durability (both current and maximum)

Also remember:

  • Humans and machines will lose more ambition/durability if their HP was very low during battle
  • Some special moves become stronger when you have more maximum HP


Vigor is the resource that humans have that they use for abilities. It starts at the maximum and you can’t use abilities if you don’t have enough of it to use the ability.

Vigor Recovery:

Humans recover an amount of vigor each turn equal to their Vigor recovery.


Rage is the resource that beasts have that they use for abilities. It starts at the zero and you can’t use abilities if you don’t have enough of it to use the ability. Any abilities that increase vigor will increase rage as well

Rage Recovery:

Rage Recovery increases or decreases your rage based on the results of some actions. A blocked attack is 50% of rage recovery added to rage, 100% for a hit, 150% for a critical hit, 200% for putting an enemy out of action, 100% when taking damage, and -50% when you take a non-attack action. You don’t lose rage from taking a non-attack action when you have a rage buff.


Fuel is the resource that Machines have that they use for abilities. It starts at the maximum and you can’t use abilities if you don’t have enough of it to use the ability

Fuel Consumption:

How much fuel is used at the beginning of each turn.

Attack Power:

Physical abilities tend to scale based on Attack Power.

ESP Power:

ESP abilities tend to scale based on ESP Power.

Hit Chance:

Chance to hit a target, with an attack.

Critical hit chance:

Chance that a hit is a critical hit.

Critical hit damage:

Chance to do additional damage equal to base damage + (base damage * (critical damage as a decimal)).


Decreases damage from physical damage.


Decreases damage from ESP damage.

Block Chance:

When hit, chance to block an attack. A block decreases damage by 50% and hits that are blocked cannot be critical hits.

Dodge Chance:

Directly decreases enemies hit chance when their attack would hit you.


How far the character can see.

Move Distance:

How far you can move in one action. 60% for your second action.


Determines the base action time between turns.

Slashing Resistance:

Adds to armor when taking slashing damage

Piercing Resistance:

Adds to armor when taking piercing damage

Blunt Resistance:

Adds to armor when taking blunt damage

Fire Resistance:

Adds to resistance when taking fire damage

Ice Resistance:

Adds to resistance when taking ice damage

Lightning Resistance:

Adds to resistance when taking lightning damage

Earth Resistance:

Adds to resistance when taking earth damage

Water Resistance:

Adds to resistance when taking water damage

Wind Resistance:

Adds to resistance when taking wind damage

Hit / Dodge

Your chance to hit someone depends on the distance to the target, the type of attack that is being used, the hit chance of the attacker, and the dodge chance of the attacked.

If the distance is less than 3 tiles there is no penalty to distance. If it is more than 3 tiles and less than ten, you take a penalty of the distance from target * -1% times the multiplier from the type of attack it is. For 10 or more tiles, it’s 15% + Distance from target * -2.5% this all times the multiplier from the type attack.

The multiplier fro melee is 3.2, throwing is 1.5, shooting is 1.25, fall is .25, and all others is 1.

A fall attack at 11 tiles is .25 * (15% + 11 * -2.5%) or -3.125%.

Hit chance is your chance to hit before distance penalty, dodge, and other penalties.

Dodge reduces the chance you are hit from an attack.

Putting this together, if an attacker with 110% uses a fall attack at 11 tiles against someone with 40% dodge chance. You get 110% – 3.125% -40% or 66.875% chance to hit.

Cover can also affect someones dodge chance from a certain position. There is 2 types of cover, high cover and low cover, and only humans can benefit from cover. Low cover would give you 20% more dodge chance, and high cover gives you 40% more dodge chance. To gain cover you need to be next to a piece of cover, and the attack has to come from the other side of the cover.

When there is a difference in elevation of at least 1.5 meters, the target on the higher space gains the elevated position bonus. This gives the one benefiting from the position a 20% increased hit chance using shooting abilities, and any shooting abilities against them will be at a 10% decreased hit chance.

If an attacker does not move and attacks, it gains the still stance bonus (charge-in attacks still gain this bonus unless you used an action to move beforehand). This increases their hit chance by 20%. Still Stance does not apply when you are standing on a swamp, icy road, or lava.

In windy, snow, or fog weather conditions, ranged attacks have 10% less hit chance. In rain all hit chance is reduced by 10%. In cold temperature dodge chance is reduced by 5%, and Cold wave is at 10% reduced dodge chance.

Attacking anyone in a bush decreases hit chance by 20%. Icy Road reduce hit chance and dodge chance by 10%. Water and polluted water effects reduce dodge chance by 10%. Lava decreases both hit chance and dodge chance by 10%.

Various buffs and debuff can effect hit chance and dodge chance.

Block / Crit

If an attack hits, there is a chance it will be blocked. A hit that is blocked has the total damage reduced by 50% and that attack cannot Crit. Block chance also reduce the chance an attack will be a crit. An attackers crit chance against a target is equal to it’s Critical hit chance – the target’s block chance. Final Resistance will always block an attack, even against attacks that would normally always crit. Luck, Retaliation (when you are hit), Final Blow, and similar masteries, buffs, and sets will always hit and crit, except for the previously mentioned Final Resistance. These will even crit enemies with a block chance of 100% or higher.

Getting Past Block

Stun, Freeze, Confusion, Sleep, and Hibernation can prevent all blocking. You can stun most enemies by knocking them back into an area where they can’t be moved to. Destroy armor and weapon disabling can reduce block chance. Breakthrough can half block chance. Great Swordsman can reduce block chance by 30%. If they are bleeding or bruised you can reduce it by 20% with merciless sword, or 30% with blade Phantom. Unpredictable will reduce it by 25% or 50% with overwhelm, Punishment, Forestallment, or Counterattack. Stone Throwing will reduce block chance equal to block gain from earth sp block bonus. Predicted fire reduces block chance by 25%. Overwhelming spirit reduce block chance of lower level enemies. The Spirit of the hero will reduce block chance by .1% for each spirit SP, against lower level enemies. Sharp spirit reduces all enemies block chance by .2% per spirit SP.

Armor / Resistance

When someone it hit by an attack, the damage you take will be reduced by a percentage based on the relevant resistances/armor and the attackers level. The formula is 100 * (x / ( x + 100 + 10 * y)). Y is equal to the attacker’s level. X is equal to the relevant armor/resistances of the defender. For example, if you are attacked by a piercing attack, X would equal your armor + your piercing resistance. For a Fire attack, X would equal your resistance + your fire resistance. Damage resistance varies widely by the attack’s Level and relevant armor/resistances of the defender. The following lists shows required amounts of relevant armor/resistances for every 5% of damage resistance with an attacker at level 1 and 50.

Level 1

  • 5% = 6
  • 10% = 12
  • 15% = 19
  • 20% = 28
  • 25% = 37
  • 30% = 47
  • 35% = 59
  • 40% = 73
  • 45% = 90
  • 50% = 110
  • 55% = 134
  • 60% = 165
  • 65% = 204
  • 70% = 257
  • 75% = 330
  • 80% = 440
  • 85% = 623
  • 90% = 990
  • 95% = 2090

Level 50

  • 5% = 31
  • 10% = 66
  • 15% = 105
  • 20% = 150
  • 25% = 200
  • 30% = 257
  • 35% = 323
  • 40% = 400
  • 45% = 490
  • 50% = 600
  • 55% = 733
  • 60% = 900
  • 65% = 1114
  • 70% = 1400
  • 75% = 1800
  • 80% = 2400
  • 85% = 3400
  • 90% = 5400
  • 95% = 11400

Sight / Night Sight

Sight is how far a character can see in tiles. Night Sight is added to sight during the evening (-1 sight), at night (-2 sight) or in dark indoors (-1 sight). For example, you have 10 Sight and 3 Night Sight. During a night mission, you would have a sight of 11. 10 sight + 3 Night Sight – 2 for night penalty.


Your first movement will be shown in blue and it is equal to your move distance (this will use first action). The second move in marked by yellow, and it is equal to 60% of your move speed (this will use your last action). You can set your path by using the Ctrl button and using a left click. Otherwise, you can use right click to move to the tile you are above, if it is in range. Vertical movement will cost against your movement. You cannot move through characters, even your allies. All characters have a Zone of Control that will stop enemy movement in that square. They can use another action to move out of that square. Zone of control is the 4 squares around the target to the North, East, South, and West of the character.

Debuff Removal Formula

At the beginning of each turn, you will have a chance to remove debuffs on your character early. This is calculated based on the type of debuff it is, the relevant type of resistance (pierce, fire, water, not the resistance stat.) , and the character’s level. The formula is the Relevant type of resistance / (100 + (character level – 1) * 15). Multiply this by 100 and drop the decimal since that isn’t used in calculations.

For example, if I had 200 slashing resistance at level 50 i would have a 23% chance to remove the debuff. 200 / (100 + 49 * 15) = .2395 or 23.95% and drop the decimal for 23% chance.

Speed and Action Time

Your speed stat determines the base action time (the time between turns for a character). The formula to determine your base action time is 36 * (.5 * 100 / X), where X equals your speed.

For example, If you had 95 speed you would 55 speed since you drop the decimal. 36 * (.5 + 100 / 95) = 55.89 or 55 because you drop the decimal. During your character’s turn, your action time cannot go lower than 36 (200 speed) or higher than 360 (11 speed). While not during a character’s turn, there is no known limit on how high you action time can go.


There are 5 categories of masteries. These are Basic (green), Attack (red), Ability (yellow), Support (grey), and Defense (blue). They also have a Training Point (TP) cost. Each character has a number of slots with the same categories as the masteries. This limits how many different masteries you can equip in each category. There is also a property limit for each category. This limits how much TP can be equipped per category. There is also a maximum amount of TP you can equip to a character. This is usually equal to the character’s level. Each mastery also has a type like common, human, or swordsman. Common masteries can be equipped by anyone, human masteries can only be equipped by humans, and swordsman can be equipped by swordsman and any classes that have swordsman as a subclass.

To equip a mastery, you need to double click it. You cannot equip 2 of the same type of mastery on the same character. As long as you have at least one of that mastery, you have a slot open of that type of mastery, you can equip that type of mastery, you have enough property limit to equip that mastery, and you have enough TP to equip that mastery, you will equip that mastery. To unequip a mastery you double click on the slot and spend training manuals equal to the TP of the mastery you are unequipping.

Enemies drop masteries like they would drop items. You can only get up to one mastery per enemy you put out of action (kill). You can get both a mastery and an item. You can also craft masteries that you have acquired, researched through crafting (the ones that will unlock another will have a ” + ” next to them in Mastery Researching), by maxing out the information of a troublemaker and receiving a reward through their entry in the Troublemaker list, or by fulfilling some condition (like an achievement or though certain actions in the story.)

Mastery Researching

Mastery researching allows you to make masteries that you have already received from a drop, by completing research on a troublemaker and collecting it in the troublemaker list, by getting your characters’ class to a certain level, by crafting a mastery with a + next to it, or by fulfilling some sort of condition (mostly achievements).

To craft, you click on the mastery you want to craft, fill the slots with masteries of the same slot (Basic is green, Support is grey, Attack is red, Defense is blue, and Ability is yellow), This will add to the required points equal to their TP (training point). Most masteries will also have some required masteries that you need to supply to craft a mastery.

To make it easy, just click the mastery you want to craft, see if you are missing any required masteries, if you are missing any double click that mastery to go to it, press Auto Select for the system to automatically fill the slots, and press the research button. If you want to return to a previously selected mastery click it in the records in the upper middle part of the screen.

Helena Stamatina
About Helena Stamatina 1252 Articles
I love two things in life, games and sports. Although sports were my earliest interest, it was video games that got me completely addicted (in a good way). My first game was Crash Bandicoot (PS1) from the legendary studio Naughty Dog back in 1996. I turned my passion for gaming into a job back in 2019 when I transformed my geek blog (Re-actor) into the gaming website it is today.

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