How to get the two different endings.
This game has two possible endings that give you achievements:
- “Good Ending” achievement: You get this by choosing mean, negative, and dishonest options
- “Bad Ending” achievement: You get this by choosing kind, positive, and honest options
The ending you get depends on your choices in five different conversations during the game. Each time you make one of these important choices, you’ll get a trait added to your character.
I’ll explain which choice leads to which ending in the next section.
Dialogue Options
Talking With Mia
It’s a risky play, of course, and might backfire… but maybe I’d benefit if I put my loyalty to the Court into question.
A Camarilla Lapdog?
Loyal only to myself (good ending)
(Nah. Not Worth it.)
Loyal to the end (bad ending)
Agathon’s Fate
I suppose that’s it. still no idea what happened to Agathon. Is he alive? Or is he dead?
Glass Half Full (bad ending)
Glass Half Empty (good ending)
Choosing How to Enter Double Spiral
How do I approach Double Spiral?
[It’s time to be aggressive]
A little abuse of power never hurt nobody (good ending)
[Better stay covert.]
Not into a bad cop schtick (bad ending)
Talking to Torque About the Ring
It might require me to act ♥, but maybe… time to change my approach?
[No. Be brutally honest]
Honesty is the best policy (bad ending)
[Lie, lie, lie through your teeth]
You can’t be a writer and not lie (good ending)
Confronting Kaiser
Do I dare push him to the edge? Make him suffer until he squeaks?
[I will do whatever is necessary]
The ends justify the means (good ending)
[This is a barrier I won’t cross]
No more human, still humane (bad ending)
Dead End Achievement
There’s an achievement for getting the games fail state. When talking to Caren, known to you at the time as ??? choose:
[Don’t shoot]
Which ending is the bad and which is good?
I chose the hostile and lying options and still got the Bad Ending; perhaps there are other key options?