What’s the Best Weapon for Tactical?
By Artimise.
Preface: The following is for Co-op only, I cannot comment in regards to PvP what is good or not.
I must absolutely stress. Weapons do NOT makeup for poor gameplay. It doesn’t matter if you use the best weapons in the game if you do not know how to threat manage, wave clear and avoid taking unnecessary damage. Learn your weapons role, how to parry and how to stay alive.
Whatever works for you, but the current meta goes as follows, especially once you hit level 19 and get the class perk “Emperors Vengeance – Killing a Majoris enemy or higher restores Primary weapon ammo by 1 magazine, cannot exceed maximum ammo 30s CD”.
This completely or nearly completely restores all the Bolt Rifle + G/L’ ammo, specifically the grenade launcher, which at relic tier gets 14 grenades that does tremendous damage to nearly any mob on top of chaff clearing.
The current meta as of writing this is as follows based on what I’ve observed at Substantial, Ruthless and Lethal difficulties.
Majoris / Extremis / Terminus Hunting:
- Bolt Rifle + G/L (Note: The level 19 perk is a MUST to make this weapon as powerful as it is, because you burn through grenades quickly. They do not replenish at ammo caches last I tested it).
- Plasma Incinerator (One of the best majoris hunting weapons for the class).
- Stalker Bolt rifle (Constrained by ammo reserves, it’s still a potent Majoris hunter).
Minoris Clearing:
- Bolt Rifle + G/L (See Majoris notes).
- Melta Rifle (The undisputed king of CQC minoris clearing).
- Heavy Bolt Rifle (At relic tier, it fills the role in between the Bolt rifle and a Heavy classes Heavy Bolter. Longer sustain, but superior accuracy than the HB, it’s a solid trash clearer and is more flexible at a distance than the Melta Rifle. Not amazing, nor is it particularly bad).
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