Warhammer 40,000: Tacticus – New Player Tips

Gameplay Tips and Tricks for Noobs

Do the Campaigns:

  • They provide a lot of raw materials.
  • Make sure to defeat the boss only at the beginning of the day (because it’s a 24h mission), as there is a special quest to get a free requisition order (for each boss).
  • Unlocks the ability to upgrade your characters by farming fragments.
  • Unlocks mirror campaigns.
  • Start with the Imperials, then move on to Chaos (this way, you’ll have more character upgrade options).

Join a Guild:

As soon as possible, so you can participate in guild raids and benefit from a new currency that will allow you to unlock for free the 3 characters necessary for the main campaigns. Guild wars come later, starting from level 20, so that’s for later.


Save your orbs for now and level up all your characters to the maximum rank. You’ll only need two silver characters to complete a campaign to the fullest.

  • Imperials: Bellator
  • Necron: Aleph-Null
  • Chaos: Archimatos
  • Ork: Snotflogga
  • Aeldari: Eldryon
  • Astra Militarum: Commissar Yarrick & Thaddeus Noble
  • Black Templar: Brother Jaeger
  • Thousand Sons: Abraxas


  • Gold: Usually not an issue at the start.
  • Black Stone: If you’re only playing freemium, save it for requisition orders. Otherwise, keep 50 Black Stone per day to increase your total by 100 action points!
  • Requisition order: Only open them in packs of 10 to get a guaranteed character! And be aware that you might get characters that you could farm in the campaigns… So don’t be too impatient and unlock your characters before opening your requisition orders.

Assault Mode:

Use only your highest-ranked character to unlock the first orbs you’ll need. Eventually, as soon as you can use a legendary character, go for it! They will allow you to earn plenty of skill medals and legendary orbs for later in the game.

Hero Release Events:

If you want to unlock characters at a certain rarity: Doing just the ad energy refresh will get you to uncommon, doing the 50 refill will get you to rare, and doing the 110 refill will get you to epic. If you add the day before the event starts, you should have at least 750 bs for rare unlock, and 2400 bs for epic unlock.

F2P and Grind:

  • When participating in events, you will hit missions with: deal X damage with abilities/bolster/melee/ etc… To farm it in one mission (or so).
  • Choose a mission that have enemies that can multiply( necron swarms / imperial and orc summoners).
  • Bring a healer and the desired damage type, for F2P Vindicta works amazingly with ability damage.
  • After that, just place yourself to a good safe spot and let some turns pass, so the enemy multiply.
  • Then just hit the same spot over and over again till you think you reached your damage threshold.

General Tips

I recommend leveling up Vindicta to new players. You get her as part of the Indomitus Campaign progression, and she is extremely useful in just about every aspect of the game. Every one of her attacks hits a 7 hex cluster, and this is great for campaigns, arena, and most if not all PvE. Also, her faction ability “Act of Faith” increases her crit chance per enemy killed by imperial allies and non crit kills by Vindicta. The ability also activates when Imperial allies are killed, but that is more of a bonus than a feature. This not only allows you to do insane damage to raid bosses, but basically gives you free crits to open strongboxes in salvage runs. Her active ability perfectly complements her other perks; her active ability “Armoreum Cherub” essentially allows her to make a normal attack twice in a row. This means that she can cover more ground with the flame effect (Good for Forgefiend), deal massive AOE damage to great swathes of enemies, and gives you a second chance to crit if you don’t get lucky the first time!

A burning tile stops movement for walking characters. You can use Vindicta’s flame thrower, or even better, the Forgefiend artillery piece that is unlockable in this weeks event, to target specific squares and prevent your opponent taking certain routes in the map (especially useful for bridges) or attacking one of your characters by flaming the tiles around them.

One of the biggest things that has made a difference for me is maximizing my onslaught token’s. This is done by making sure that when doing Onslaught you wait to promote heros until you have enough tokens to start farming the next tier of orbs. For example if you are working on getting a character to Epic from Rare you need 50 character shards and 10 epic faction orbs. Instead of just promoting them once you hit this milestone, you continue farming the next two promotions of 65 and 85 character shards (150 total). This will allow you to continue to recieve additional epic orbs and as soon as you have all the token’s for 3 promotions at once you will then be able to farm the next rarity of faction orbs.

When leveling characters, raise their abilities, rank, level, and rarity in synch to the threshold levels as many game modes cap characters. So if you have a legendary level 30 character with level 24 abilities and Bronze 1 rank, you’ll find you are under powered when going into rare capped events i.e. your rank is too low. Conversely, you over spent on XP books and abilities if going to uncommon capped events i.e. your abilities will be nerfed.

The tiers are Uncommon-17-Bronze1, Rare-26-Silver1, Epic-35-Gold1. Of course some chapters start at higher rarity so no issue, you didn’t over spend. But once you get a line (set of 5 characters) to gold1 and abilities to 35 congrats your no longer a newbie and can think about optimizing legendary orbs and badges. Don’t spend these until you’re really comfortable with knowing where you want to go in the game.

The little button with the 3 hexes on the bottom right is much more useful than you might think, in arena especially. Depending on the map, you can bring all your characters up to the edge of where it starts, and none of the enemy characters will be able to hit you in that turn, allowing you, who goes first every time, to still get the first bit of damage delt to the enemy. This alone allows you to punch above your power weight in area, Couple this with some summon heavy characters like Bellator or Alph, and the enemy AI will be working for you, not against you.

Plan your timed missions carefully! You get a timed mission everytime you clear the last battle in a campaign map (regular mission 15-30-45etc, elite 8-16-24etc). 24h seems like a lot but it’s not when you just used all your energy. The requisition scrolls do add up from campaigns plus those missions.

Pay attention to your mission log. Everytime you beat a new boss you get a new mission and it will always reward a scroll. Thing is that it has to be completed in 24hrs so make sure you finish it before the timer expires. Also, best way to progress in the game is to follow the campaign missions. Focus on completing them and you’ll be on the right track to make great progress in the game. Good luck and enjoy the grind!

The best way I’ve found to level up mid to higher level characters is to run Arena on Sundays. The 2x XP bonus fighting characters of equal to or slightly higher leveled than yours gives decent amounts of XP that will actually help get characters through the mid-levels. This works at least up to Silver

Don’t necessarily bring the best team you have to Arena all the time. Look at what you’re fighting, and pick equivalent to slightly weaker characters to level up your roster more broadly. You’ll get a feeling for what you can win with pretty quickly, but I find up to 2-3 skulls is at least doable. A broader roster will help get further in legendary events and so on.

Helena Stamatina
About Helena Stamatina 1555 Articles
I love two things in life, games and sports. Although sports were my earliest interest, it was video games that got me completely addicted (in a good way). My first game was Crash Bandicoot (PS1) from the legendary studio Naughty Dog back in 1996. I turned my passion for gaming into a job back in 2019 when I transformed my geek blog (Re-actor) into the gaming website it is today.


  1. The best I can say to someone new in Tacticus is:
    Spending Blackstone on requisitions can be optimal when there are multiple sources of that currency, so you can build a more diverse team in terms of roles (supress, summon, tank, cancel overwatch, etc.). Then, after you have many units, consider spending those blackstones on energy when a “new character unlock event” comes up, so you can try to get them directly to Epic and avoid spending Epic orbs which are difficult to grind at the moment.
    Watch videos from youtubers to know what exactly you want to get for an optimized team
    Biovore is definitely the best thing to get a chance against stronger teams in Arena

  2. Things I wish I knew when I started:
    -share your promo code with someone else who is also starting to help each other grow.
    -Get to elite campaigns ASAP. They will save you energy to allow you to grow your characters faster.
    -If you want to unlock legendary characters ASAP here are the most helpful characters to upgrade: Isabella, Rotbone, Bellator, Brother Burchard, Maladus, Aleph Null, Re’Vas.
    -It’s better to focus on leveling up a few characters first instead of bringing all your characters up at the same time.
    -Ignore all advice and just have fun!

  3. – In the arena, it is better to get 40 easy wins and then drop to a lower position while staying in the league, than to try to beat stronger than you and not get any wins.

    – Decide whether you will develop mechanical characters or not, because they have different healing systems.

    – Use the wiki and YouTube videos if you do not understand how characters work.

    – Join a guild!

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