Witchy Life Story – How to Get All Dates

Don’t despair in replaying this game for a hundred times to get all dates and hang-out achievements. Just follow this guide.

How to Get All Dates and Hang-Outs Achievements without Replaying Until The End of Time


Dear folks! This guide is NOT intended for the first playthrough, but for achievement hunters who want to finish on 100% on the dates and hang-outs.

Be prepared: This guide will heavily contain spoilers! For my fierce fellows hunting those 100% achievements I will.

  • Give you a How-to process to get all dates and friendly-hangouts as easily as possible.
  • Help you to find the location of the save files.
  • Show you all recipes.


Overall tips that helped me tremendiously and let me keep my sanity:

  • By pressing x, you can skip all text and only need to choose the dialogue options.
  • Starting on the third day, you can already craft all the potions, charms, oils and incences for the following days. Take care of your garden and use the compost as needed. Doing all the recipes on the first days will speed up the game later.
  • [If you also want to achieve “Harvest Festival Success!”, feed Ramsey every day so that you’ll get a crystal from time to time. These are needed for the complete enchantmend of the antiques.]
  • [For “Full Moon Fail”, just take care of the magic requests of one person after the second day. Everyone will be mad and you’ll get kicked out after the ritual and need to start a new run.]

You’ll probably need two additional runs.

  • Run 1: Always select the Date options (marked in pink) for all possible dating characters (Niesha, Devin, Jonas). You need to fulfill all their magic requests.
    • Play until day 12. Quit the game and save your game file (location see below) at a safe location (e.g. Desktop).
    • Continue in the game, sleep, choose on day 13 the person you want to go on a date with, enjoy, get the achievement.
    • Quit the game. Replace the current save file with the one you saved in step 1. Start the game again (Steam might indicate that there was a mistake with the Steam Cloud Synchronisation, don’t panic, carry on). Start again on day 12 and repeat until you have all dates.
  • Run 2: Here, select always the Friend option and also fulfill all magic requests. Follow steps above.

Save File Location

Only one game file is automatically saved by the game, so you cannot switch betweeen them automatically. Your file should be at: 

  • AppData\LocalLow\Sundew Studios\Witchy Life Story\FungusSaves called save_data.json

Save this file as described above.

All Recipes

Pay attention: On picture 3 left side, there is an error in the in-game notebook. For the Safety Oil, don’t use black Allium, but blue Pea Flower as I indicated in the picture.

Helena Stamatina
About Helena Stamatina 1252 Articles
I love two things in life, games and sports. Although sports were my earliest interest, it was video games that got me completely addicted (in a good way). My first game was Crash Bandicoot (PS1) from the legendary studio Naughty Dog back in 1996. I turned my passion for gaming into a job back in 2019 when I transformed my geek blog (Re-actor) into the gaming website it is today.

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