Wizardry Variants Daphne – Abyss 3 Request “Emergency Occurrence” Guide

Abyss 3 Request “Emergency Occurrence”

Ву Gagging.


This request only shows up after completing the True Ending of Abyss 3.

After picking up the request, heading to the Edge of Town will give you some more flavor text on the quest. You can get to the location of the battle right outside of the Zone 3 Harken.

The fight will always begin with the Necrocore ambushing you, in which it will immediately summon a giant undead knight and sand warped one in its line, and an undead mage, normal warped one, and the red shear warped one in the backline. It will then immediately give every single unit on the field a 10-turn Attack, Accuracy, and Defense buff. Then finally it will do a single action.

The attack buff is tremendous to the point that the Necrocore alone will do around 800 damage on a 300 defense unit WITH Assault Guard level 3 using Piercing Thrust (the backline unit will also get stunned). It can also cast dark magic which only deals around 300-400 damage. Spear of Doom is almost always an instant kill from this. The common mobs generally do around 400 damage as well per attack with the exception of the spitting warped one which acts twice for 200 damage per spit.

The Necrocore at any time (usually when a few mobs are killed) can resummon and summon even more undead/warped ones, as well as rebuffing everyone at any time.

The Necrocore CAN be spellbound but it is not advised because its magic does a lot less damage. It also does not stop it from resummoning or rebuffing everyone, so Ninja Dissipation isn’t very useful here.

In addition, the damage buff is the last buff to be removed via dissipation, so it’s too costly turn-wise to use unless at a high level. (Defense buff cannot be dispelled).


Essentially, you just beat the Necrocore and ignore everything else. How? You need at least 1 Knight. You also need at least 1 Mage/Priest that can cast Kantios. It is EXTREMELY essential that you have Assault Guard on all of your adventurers (or at least on vulnerable characters), as this fight will always start out as an ambush. It is also preferred that your Knight is the slowest one in your party with at least ~66 ASPD (any lower and the Necrocore will outspeed you eventually, at least within 5 turns).

The Necrocore will initially summon 2 rows of enemies, fully buff everyone, then attack once (this may wipe you). As indicated before, the buffs are dispellable but not in an ideal order. Makaltu is ideal to use on the first row as they will be taking the brunt of damage. You want to then attempt to confuse as many enemies as possible, typically starting with the back row as they are most susceptible. This will reduce the amount of threats you need to deal with. If possible, use Warrior’s Battle Cry on all applicable DPS and just start wailing on the boss. At the end of your team’s turn, make sure your Knight uses Knight’s Defense, as this will reduce all damage to being very manageable (maybe 200 damage from the Necrocore at most and 50-100 damage from small enemies with Makaltu. With dark typing and/or undead resist, you can actually take 0 damage).

It’s preferable if most of your DPS also have some sort of undead resistance/Dark typing/VS undead damage. The Necrocore does not take reduced damage from being undead, but is still treated as an undead. Dark Typing will help you survive the dark magic he casts (you may also use Cortu).

The boss himself has maybe around 15k-17k HP (I cleared during a test run so I didn’t keep count). Once the Necrocore is dead, the fight is won even if all the other enemies are alive.

Above are the rewards for clearing (he is fire element):

Video Guide

Added a video of the general strategy. Yes, expect to die, as several enemies have instant-kill moves.

Helena Stamatina
About Helena Stamatina 897 Articles
I love two things in life, games and sports. Although sports were my earliest interest, it was video games that got me completely addicted (in a good way). My first game was Crash Bandicoot (PS1) from the legendary studio Naughty Dog back in 1996. I turned my passion for gaming into a job back in 2019 when I transformed my geek blog (Re-actor) into the gaming website it is today.

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