Wizardry Variants Daphne – Abyss 3 Request “Missing Companion” Guide

Abyss 3 Request “Missing Companion”

Ву Gagging.


For the golem quest, this is how it goes: you accept the quest and then head to the edge of town to get more information. The dog and adventurers are in zone 5, and once you reach them, you have a choice of saving the dog, the adventurers, or both.

Selecting the dog has you fight the offensive golem first, which will buff itself with an attack and accuracy buff for 4 turns, and it will have the capacity to one-shot even tanks that are defending. It will generally spam an AOE frontline attack, but can sometimes do a column attack. You NEED a ninja to use Dissipate level 1 (attack buff is removed first). Even then, you still preferably want the frontline to fully defend as it still hits extremely hard (unless you have a tanky frontline with at least level 3 Makaltu, in which case you can attack every other turn on average). After dealing enough damage to the golem, it will give itself a smaller attack/accuracy buff which doesn’t need to be dissipated (you can defend against this amount of damage). It will be problematic if it gets these buffs right before it rebuffs itself, as then it’ll be difficult to dispel the big attack buff. This golem has a LOT of HP and a LOT of defense (you will do 1 damage if you don’t use a defense penetration attack). For reference, a 300×2 attack character will deal 1 damage with non-defense penetration skills, and Precision Strike level 1 will do around 100×2.

Assuming you picked the dog first, the next fight is with the defensive golem, which will buff itself on turn 1 with invulnerability (it will take 0 damage permanently). The only way to deal with this is to defend with your frontline and go for openings. It will also spam the frontline AOE attack, but occasionally will basic attack. This lets you do about 3,000 damage. It is similar to the other golem in that it will also give itself a small attack/accuracy buff after it loses around half of its HP. It usually dies around 3 opening hits, so it probably has 10K HP. I assume the offensive golem also has 10K HP.

CCs do not work on these golems, but debuffs do. Taunt works but isn’t effective in getting the offensive golem to basic attack. If you choose to save both the dog and adventurers at the same time (read more about adventurer tags here), you will need to fight both, and the invulnerability buff of the defensive golem applies to the offensive golem (but not the other way around for the offensive buff).

If you only save the dog, you get nothing but the stated gold in the request.

It seems like the attack golem does indeed basic attack but at a MUCH lower chance compared to the defense golem. So the double fight is doable just a battle of attrition.



3 Knights/Fighters/Priests in frontline with 300+ DEF preferred. Ideally they should have the skill Self-healing preferably at lvl 3, but no higher. Lvl 1 works as well, but isn’t enough to keep ur frontline topped up. Self-Healing scales with divine power (I think) so it’s preferred to have a super tanky priest frontline with self-healing if possible.


Backline preferably 1 Priest, 1 opening-hitter DPS, 1 Ninja. Ninja and Priest are required, all 3 backline should have self-healing as well at lvl 1, any higher isnt necessary but lvl 3 is the highest you need.

General Idea of What to Do:

  • If your team is fast enough, you have 1 turn to burn the defense golem for as much HP as possible in 1 turn. You need to use defense penetration skills or extremely high level skills, otherwise you will do nothing substantial.
  • Once the golems buff, you must have the ninja use dissipation on the offensive golem. All units should defend at this point and wait for one of the golems to cause an opening. On average, the offensive golem hits for 200-250 to defending frontline without its damage buff.
  • Once an opening is created, have your backline opening-hitter do their strongest move against the golem. Every 4 turns, the golems will rebuff. You can tell when they are about to rebuff when the Offensive golem has 1 turn of accuracy buff left. At this time it is safe to not defend with frontline and use Self-healing. This will keep MP costs down, but if you don’t have a lot of MP, then it’s okay to run another priest/mage with heals.
  • Repeat until both are dead. Use heals as often as possible. Makaltu might be worth using at low levels to reduce your overall MP cost in the fight by a bit but it’s not necessary, and you will die regardless if the offensive golem moves to the frontline and attacks with the damage buff up.
  • Ideally if possible, carry Extreme Healing Potions on every character, SP potions on the Ninja, and MP potions on the priest.
  • Once the offensive golem reaches its last 4000 bit of HP, it will lose its invulnerability for an attack + accuracy buff. You still need to be on full defend though until it has 1 turn of accuracy buff left. The damage buff it gains does not stack with the other damage buff, and is still the first target for dissipation. Try to save SP for this moment to help burst it down. It’s also why it’s preferred to have 1 backline DPS that can continue attacking (preferably a thief to sneak attack since it bypasses defense, and because thieves have a lot of SP).

Reward screen if you save both (they have no element):

Helena Stamatina
About Helena Stamatina 896 Articles
I love two things in life, games and sports. Although sports were my earliest interest, it was video games that got me completely addicted (in a good way). My first game was Crash Bandicoot (PS1) from the legendary studio Naughty Dog back in 1996. I turned my passion for gaming into a job back in 2019 when I transformed my geek blog (Re-actor) into the gaming website it is today.

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