Complete Walkthrough
By Khdigifantasy13.
Old Miltia
- W to the tank and go behind for items before continuing W
- Save points fully heal HP and EP
- Continue W and around to NE
- After the scenes you can learn some new skills
- Chaos learn Lv 1 – Class A and B – Medica, Refresh, Str+, and Vit+
- Jin learn lv 1 – Class B and C – Str+, Vit+, Memory, and Edef+
- Don’t forget to equip stat buffs in the Status menu
- To get more CP requires you to complete a class by buying all 4 within it
- Class symbol meanings:
- Green tear drop – Ether spell
- Red with a person – passive buff
- Blue with a ring – equipable buff (only can equip 3 at a time)
- Class symbol meanings:
- SE to debris, NW to the first enemy tutorial
- To make a long explanations short, almost every enemy is weak to a certain combo from each character. Whether it’s S+S, S+T, T+T, or T+S.
- This is indicated by the red letters when attacking. Get the right combo and you break the enemy, dealing extra damage for every attack after and boosted turn.
- Breaking can increase stock, or you spend your turn to stock/defend.
- Once you find the combo, use it to break. Use an O tech to throw them up in the air or down, easier if you had stock to chain an O to the combo. Then deal higher damage and keep boosting to keep the combo going.
- Unused BG carries to next battle
- Enemies in area weakness
- UTIC soldier A: S+S
- UTIC soldier B: T+S
- E2 Hauser: T+T
- E to the ladder for a chest
- E again, destroy the pillars on the way down the ramp
- E to a boss, weak to T+S
- Make sure not to launch with Jin as Chaos can’t hit him in the air
- A good strat that works for a majority of bosses and large enemies is stocking till all party members have 3 stock and unleashing one after another with boosts.
Second Miltia
- If you carried Ep 1 data, make sure to equip Ziggy with the swimsuit. It increases AGL, even 1 point can get more turns. More SP as well at the cost of taking more damage.
- SE exit, upgrade everyone’s skills, step forward for a fight
- Grisly weak to T+S
- If you kept Momo in your party, you’ll notice she does not have any Techs. Momo relies on O techs only, but they all are Ether based so she can be one of the heaviest hitters late game.
- The other 3’s techs are all physical, especially sadly for Chaos
- Characters not in the party recover 25% of HP and EP for every battle they’re out
- You can also change party members out when every you want in battle in the X menu
- E exit, NW crate, E down the ramp into the water
- N destroy gate and fall, make way up ladders to W
- Follow single path to next area, going S here will lead to a boss, cannot break
- Be careful, he can basically OHKO Momo
- Continue forward till you’re up the stairs and in another fight
- PSS-P weak to S+S
- PSS-B weak to S+T
- Ratus no weakness
- This is the best place to grind for right now, there is a save point toward the end of the ramp to fully heal you if you want to get a few levels. Still no CP though
- Mobs also have a high chance of dropping HP and EP restoring items
- Can get enough SP to finish class A+B and unlock lv 2 class B for “add element to attack” ethers
- Thunder is a good investment
- NE to the elevator, continue forward to another boss, weak to Jr. O+O (AA) and Thunder
- N knock down the arm to NW exit, destroy the barricade for a new enemy
- Testud weak to T+T
- Carnicos weak to T+T
- Continue N to a save, W and up the stairs to the next bosses, they can’t be hit with break but are weak to Thunder
- You’ll now have access to Shion. Much like Momo, she doesn’t have all the techs and her O techs are ether based
- Head to the building at the center of the map, inside there will be an EVS point next to the save to allow you to go back to previous areas.
- You can use this to grind some SP quick for Shion in the beginning area. She will gain SP fast since it won’t be divided among a party.
- I was able to get about 2800 SP in 20 minutes at the final encounter near the save point at the end. After a while enemies will be dealing 0 dmg too.
- All characters will continue to receive EXP whether they are currently available or nto, however they do not receive SP.
- When you’re ready to exit, select UMN in the menu
- Head NW to the last street to find a bunny, agree to help it
- This unlocks GS Path which is basically a sidequest tracker
- Next area, enter the Publishing Building to find segment door 3 in N room
- Back outside, go N to a woman near a segment door and be able to open it immediately
- These keys unlock skills available that are currently marked “????”
- This unlocking the Passive Focus 1 in Lv 1 – class H, you’ll want to unlock this ASAP
- E of her is a café to continue story
- Available GS sidequests
- Necessary: Lead character must be a woman, in sector 1 NW corner girl hiding near a door
- World Map SW corner for space port
- NW exit to Durandal
- NE shuttle to Kukai
- S to Urban Area into the Iron Man bar
- Talk to Sidney in the tracksuit by the bar
- Go back to Jaqueline for Secret Key 1 that allows you to unlock Psycho Pocket to steal rare items from enemies
- Necessary: Must have completed the last quest to start this one
- Enter the building next to Jaqueline, head for E to the man lying on the bed
- Publishing Agency to Enrico in NW corner, man in tank top
- Space Port to Ulrica in NW, older woman in blue
- Durandal Park Area to Eugene in NW corner, man doing weird movements
- Speak to the Realian in the center by the fountain, answer the 2nd option then the 1st for Decoder 11
- Kukai Urban Area 2nd sector, N fountain area to Patrica, woman in purple
- Head back to Sikes for Secret Key 2 to unlock Break B10, which increases the bonus chance from break by 10%
- Optional: Kukai Urban Area to far W to last staircase into Lavare to Sheila
- N inside to the ladder up to Amber for a mini game, easier to use Jr. as your main
- The SW corner is the most annoying, just destroy the boxes nearby until it comes back out, and cut off the escape for both.
- Return to Sheila for Secret Key 6 to unlock Rare+10 in Lv 2 Class D
- N inside to the ladder up to Amber for a mini game, easier to use Jr. as your main
- Necessary: Publishing Agency, backroom, destroy all boxes and talk to Miguel after
- First sector:
- 3 near the bunny
- 2 in the NW hospital, inside 2nd room and Sikes room
- Left of tables
- By save point
- Upstairs between both doors
- Ballet building below stairs, and upstairs as well
- Next house behind the tube and downstairs
- Second Sector
- Up the escalator, E halfway to ramp down near the man
- 2 Near Segment door
- 4 Near stairway in front of the café
- On the side of café building
- Return to Miguel for Skill upgrades and Swimsuits for Momo and Jr.
- First sector:
- Optional: Sector 2 SE to Ciaran at the sewer entrance
- Down the ladder what you need to do is destroy certain objects in each cluster
- From the beginning, middle section the first 4 starting from the left
- Back to the beginning, E and destroy only the ones on the left side
- Of the next four, all but the very SW one
- From the beginning, first W cluster, all but 5 and 8
- NW all 4
- N both
- NW all but top row 1 and 2
- Back to middle to stair to water, SW only front 2
- N to 2 different clusters
- Top cluster all but bottom row 1 and 2
- Bottom cluster first 3, not the SE one
- S to 2 more clusters
- Top cluster ignore both
- Bottom cluster, counting left to right don’t destroy 2, 7, and 9
- E to 2 more clusters
- Top cluster only the left one
- Bottom cluster, counting left to right don’t destroy 2, 3, and 6
- Take stairs up, destroy along the way
- NW to final cluster, only destroy 1, 2, and 3
- Back to Ciaran to get Secret Key 11 to unlock ST Resist 20 to increase all status resistances by 20%
- Down the ladder what you need to do is destroy certain objects in each cluster
- Optional: Sector 2 bottom of the ramp to man in blue next to a voltage sign for Lizzy
- Enter to start fixing for a 5 min time limit
- Go W and start going around, don’t worry about getting hit by the lightning for a while
- NW around to where lightning can throw you into a moving floor, be careful here
- Continue forward NE to SE to a bunch of breakable boxes, SW to a chest and N to finish
- Go back to Lizzy for the Double Tech for Momo and Shion. Gives Burst Veil to all allies lowering ether damage
- Optional: Sector 1 little kid right of the bunny near the Sector 2 entrance for Maple
- Sector 2 up the escalator and follow to sewer entrance to pick up off the ground
- Give back to Maple for the Double Tech for Chaos and Jr., this one is ether based and targets all enemies
- Necessary: Lead character must be a woman, in sector 1 NW corner girl hiding near a door
- Back at the city map, got W to the Uzuki Residence
- Head N to the UMN, go to center then NE door
- Go back to where you entered the building and to the E room for Ziggy
- Head back N and talk to the man guarding the door
- Available GS quest
- Necessary: Go back to Uzuki Residence and talk to Jun
- Complete the matching game and Jin will reward you Decoder 1 and a Double Tech for Shion and JR. Attacks all enemies with Physical dmg
- If you continue and do all 4 levels of this mini game you get Skill Upgrade D x10 and Class Upgrade C x10
- Outside the house to the right is a segment door just to the left of the pond
- Complete the matching game and Jin will reward you Decoder 1 and a Double Tech for Shion and JR. Attacks all enemies with Physical dmg
- Necessary: Go to the Ballet Building in Sector 1 and speak to Stella lying in bed.
- Anila in front of the Publishing Agency
- E from the escalators to 2 people for Tess
- Rachel, small girl outside the café
- Return to Stella for Class Upgrade C x2 and a swimsuit for Chaos and Shion
- Optional: Kukai Urban Area, first stair up to East 6 talk to King
- Sector 1 hospital to Dr. Hirad, choose 1st option twice
- Return to King for Revive DX x2
- Necessary: Go back to Uzuki Residence and talk to Jun
- When ready to progress to new area, go to the UMN building and speak to Allen to dive
Subconscious Domain Summer
- Enemies in area weakness
- Expression: S+S
- Necessity: S+T, has high defense and weak ether defense
- Vacillation: O+S+S
- Information Type: S+S
- This will be the first time you’ll have Kos Mos in your party, Sadly she is also the only character who doesn’t receive all the EXP you’ve collected so far. So starts at Lv. 16.
- Inside the house, go upstairs to the bedroom, follow the ghosts outside to the warp
- Follow the ghosts outside again and keep heading W to a scene, then head back to the building
- Inside, go to the NE to N facing door, go back and into the center room
- Go far E, the area is fairly straight forward, once you hit the Information Type enemy
- Destroy the 2 rocks from left and drop the log to get to the middle crate for Decoder 4
- Exit and Re-enter room to reset it and continue forward to another scene
- Infected URTV: T+T
- Continue N to a boss, weak to T+T+S+S and Thunder, Slash, and Phys
- Back in the hall follow E out to a scene and follow the ghost then back to the center room in the building
Subconscious Domain Winter
- Enemies in area weakness
- Glare: S+T
- Catharsis: T+S
- Piercing Scream: O+S+S
- Creation Type: S+S
- Infected URTV: T+T
- Almost exactly the same as before just new items in different spots
- In the 2nd to last area you’ll see segment door 15
- Straight forward to another boss, weak to S+T+T+S, Fire, Slash and Pierce
- Can steal Awakening 1 to get Double Tech for Momo and Jr
Disc 2 Vector
- Exit room, head E and SW to find Allen and return to her room and rest
- Return to the room Allen was in again, head back and continue W to the elevator
- Enemies in the area
- Emissive: T+S
- Fresnel: S+S
- Rayleigh: Non
- All are 400% weak to Thunder
- This is a well known area to do your final grinding for the game. Since Shion is alone and can easily kill the enemies, you can gain massive levels here. The rest of the party will match when they all come back.
- NE to exit, In the big room, N exit to next room, Door A has segment door 7
- Back in the big room head S, on the W wall you can make a hole for Decoder 18
- Back to big room, S to where the Decoder was before, NE corner to ladder
- Use W turret to make a new door appear
- Inside the new door, destroy column to get to NE door
- Destroy all of the boxes in here to reveal segment door 1 for Secret Key 8 for Boost 1
- Destroy boxes to make a path, it’s easier to tell which if you start from the exit and destroy all the ones that are already too low
- Continue forward to a monitor scene, enter the nearby door
- You want to drop into 04 in the NW corner follow path to another giant room
- Destroy boxes 1-3, stand on NW corner of glass to move it
- Stand on SE corner to break the cube to reveal chest to Decoder 15
- Go back to NW corner to angle again
- Use the angled glass to get to SE door, stay in center to get to NE button
- NW to ladder to take elevator up and continue forward to the ES
- Elsa’s room are all sideways this time around. 2nd door from the left NW corner for segment door 2
- GS available sidequest
- Necessary only for Post Game, you can’t get all the parts before the final boss and the spells you do get aren’t that good.
- Go W straight to the restaurant and talk to the robot bartender
- This quest determines the attack type of a very powerful ether we can get called the Erde Kaiser, you may remember from the first game:
- If you succeed in 2 or less attempts: Slash ether type
- 3 or 4: Pierce type
- You don’t want 5 or more
- Speak to the bartender and enter the Ratio 3:2:2 when you’ve decided on a type
- Talk to the robot far W by the booth
- Go back to the bartender to finish for Decoder 14
- Available segment doors to unlock:
- Old Miltia #14 for Decoder 7 and Robo Right Arm
- Winter Domain #15 for Secret Key 5 for Stock 1 (Increases stock by 1)
- Will be easier to get through as long as you have Medica 2 and Focus 1
- Dammerung #7 for Robo Left Arm
- Necessary: If you got the two Robo arms, Elsa B1 W to Robo Academy and speak to the old man
- Necessary only for Post Game, you can’t get all the parts before the final boss and the spells you do get aren’t that good.
- Once ready, head to the bridge to the far E of the Elsa and talk to Mathews to go to the next area
Ormus Stronghold
- Enemies weak in the area
- Most mechs in the beginning have none
- PSS P2: S+S
- PSS B2: S+T
- PSS C: T+S
- Vive II S+S
- Calx II: T+S
- Board the ES from SW elevator in main hall
- Make sure to equip any accessories you have
- ES can also be switched out to heal in reserve party
- Only the Zebulun can use Ethers, great for healing
- Switch co-pilots around so you can utilize stats to Special Attacks
- Shion best on Dinah
- Jin best on Asher
- Chaos best on Zebulun
- An easy tactic too is to have Zebulun cast Break Shield on enemies to lower their Ether defense and go to town with Dinah and Zebulun’s T or special abilities
- S to enter, SW at intersection, NW at intersection, hit pillars till each sphere is pointed inward
- Continue down and W to leave the ES to get to a button
- Head back to last intersection and SW to a hidden entrance
- NE and SW have a chest for good ES accessories
- NW to next area and up the elevator to a boss, weaker Ether Defense, constantly boost to use Dinah’s T
- Press N button, back on the elevator down destroy the block and head back to the ES port from before
- Chest in the middle for Secret Key 14 Rapid Refresh, raises reserve healing to 50%
- NW up the ramp, center destroyable wall to Decoder 2
- NE to ladder, follow ramps down, on the right side push into the elevator 3 crates
- On the left side destroy 2 crates, then push the last 2 onto the elevator
- Go down the S ladder and destroy a crate to raise the elevator up to the door
- Push the 2nd from the bottom N, then E, then N again so it’s right next to the exit
- Push each block so that it can run into the left side of the first block pushed, we only need to get 5 to make a path
- Once the path is made, go across and push the green carefully down to make a path to segment door 13
- NE to exit, Enter the Yellow, Blue, 2nd Yellow E to Segment door 4 for Secret Key 9 to get Expansion Pack +1
- Back to the Blue, Blue, Yellow, Blue
- Yellow, Blue, Yellow, Yellow, Yellow, Yellow, Blue, Yellow, Green
- Continue right to Blue and through the middle path to a boss,
- first form weak to S+T+S+S, Thunder and Strike, can steal Awakening 2 everytime it switches to this form
- Awakening 2 teaches Double Tech for Shion and Kos Mos
- Can be sold for 500,000G for a sidequest, would need to get about 20
- second form weak to T+S+S Fre and Pierce
- first form weak to S+T+S+S, Thunder and Strike, can steal Awakening 2 everytime it switches to this form
- Destroy one of the poles in the corners, S outside, W to go down and enter the center
- Hit the red arms to connect so all fuse get hit at the same time
- Hit the SW, SE, and direct W then ignite at the monitor
- S to Green, NW Blue, Blue, Blue, Yellow, Blue
- Once back at the top make way back to the ESs for another boss, weak to pierce,
- Focus on stocking and specials while healing with Momo
- Go to the dock and board Elsa, talk to Mathews to go to Old MIltia
- Board ESs and set foot in the city. Immediately turn around and leave to unlock some sidequests
- GS Sidequests
- Optional but broken: Talk to Mathews to Second Miltia, in the Elsa B1 talk to Kamikaze in front of the weaponry to the left.
- Go to Second Miltia airport to NE corner for K2
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- This cheet gives all Awakenings to sell for easy money if you didn’t grind them
- Finishing Mathews debt, talk to Kamikaze again for:
- Skill Upgrade E x40,
- Double tech for Momo and Ziggy,
- Secret key 19 for Ether Burst, doubles all ether damage and techs, all Ether spells double in cost
- Healing spells double in cost but do not heal more
- X-buster tech for Kos Mos,
- A swimsuit for Jin
- Go to Second Miltia airport to NE corner for K2
- Optional: B1 of Elsa talk to Banache in NE corner
- Vector second division to first room for Narcssus
- Back to Panache, answer and wait for beeping to end and keep selecting first option
- Back to Narcissus and repeat till you finish the picture for Double Tech for Ziggy and Jr.
- Optioinal: 1st Sector Ballet building, must have completed last quest in here, talk to Kate upstairs
- UMN to Old Miltia sim with characters
- Follow path to breaking the car, head S to Gnosis boss, weak to S+S+T, Aura and Fire
- Go back to Kate for Secret Key 21 giving EXP UP 10
- Optional: Second Sector
- Right of escalator to Carlos, keep choosing first option
- Leave area and return to Carlos to receive Double Tech for Shion and Jin
- Necessary: Second Sector Café, lead with female and talk to Chop in the kitchen
- First option, talk again first option, talk again for second option
- Minigame and must pass without making a mistake
- Reward Decoder 17 and Curry Recipe
- Optional: Second Sector near Sewer entrance, must have completed sewer quest, talk to Ray
- Go into sewers to NE door
- Examine red mark to use key, enter to B2
- Left to 1st valve, turn clockwise to R3 till you get a success message
- E, E, S to water, S, W, S, W, S, upstairs, W, N, W, W to 2nd valve
- E, S, W, N to 3rd valve
- S, E, N, E, S, S, ignore stairs to platform with switch
- After ride, examine next switch
- E, ignore stairs, S, E to 4th valve
- W, N, W, stairs to water, S, upstirs, S, W, ignore stairs, N to 5th valve
- S, E, ignore stairs, S, E to 6th valve
- Head back to Ray for Secret Key 12 for Safety Level, retain 1 HP when hit with killing blow
- Optional: 1st Sector hospital to Luty
- Next room talk to Padma
- Space port, talk to Rosa near save point
- Kukai, at the Durandal Gate sign, talk to kid Theodore
- Urban area, Iron Man girl Althea
- Elsa Living room 2 to Kingston
- Living room 1 to Dubonnet
- Space port to Atash near save point
- Kukai Treasure Inn, upstairs ladder to old man Kino
- Publishing Agency Hammond
- Return to Luty and check the pot to plant:
- Spring Seed
- Hyper Fertilizer 4 times
- Talk to Luty for Secret Key 15 for Last Revenge, survives a killing blow on 1 HP and does a counter boost with full stock
- Optional: B1 of Elsa, right and talk to first robo Spumoni
- Vector building, Woody at the end of the corridor
- Kukai fishing spot to Mika
- Publishing Agency to Lorraine
- Durandal Park area to Sean, left of the fountain
- 2nd sector, near ramp to sewer for Yolanda
- 2nd half of Urban area, N to fountains to Jessica
- UMN Building E end to Sylvia
- Durandal gate to broken robot, input 2 5 8 7 6 4 3
- Back to Spumoni for Skill upgrade D x20 and Rejuvenator E
- Optional: Treasure inn, Momo or Jr as lead, talk to Layla behind counter
- Upstairs ladder, check picture on wall
- Publishing Agency to Augusta green near entrance
- Kukai Treasure inn, Momo or Jr. lead, talk to Layla, check the safe and put in 0013 for Med Kit DX x4
- Necessary: First sector, 2nd house next to ballet talk to Janet inside
- 2nd half of Kukai Urban Area, SW behind the car to Darrel
- First sector, Janet’s house and speak to her for Unlock Code
- Kukai 2nd half of Urban area, examine statue.
- Input code 3 8 5 9 to reveal Segment doo 11 for Secret Key 23 EP Half
- Optional: Kukai 2nd half of Urban area, back to King, must have completed his quest before
- Upstairs talk to Clive, examine 5 out of 6 of the cats
- Lavare Store to Kagari
- Iron Man to Nastya
- Space port to Marcela
- Publishing Agency to Agnese
- Moby Dick Café to Valentino
- Back to Clive for Double tech for Kos Mos and Momo
- Optional: Kukai 2nd half Urban area, Smile Bakery for Johnny
- 12 people in area to play rock paper scissors against, win 7/12 to pass
- Return to Johnny for Double tech for Kos Mos and Ziggy
- Optional: Kukai Fishing Spot, Male lead character, to Butch
- Attempts affect Erde Kaiser again: 1-5 Type A, 6-10 Type B, past that restart
- Cast line and slowly rotate analog stick, try to catch Red Eye
- Return to Butch for Decoder 16 and Red Eye Fish Print
- Optional: Must have completed helping Maple with the Teddy and Panache with the battery and picture. Urban area fountain area, talk to Bonny
- First option 4 times
- Laundry store to Nikita, select 2nd choice
- Iron Man bar, left elevator to Adelaide
- Talk to owner behind the counter for Double tech Dual Spell Ray
- Optional: Treasure Inn, 2nd floor, female lead, talk to Kramer is SE corner
- Talk to again and examine windows. Examine and slowly rotate analog with the hand motion
- There are 9 windows to go through in 2 minutes
- Return to Kramer for King’s Key
- Urban Area East 6, go to the yellow button and input 1 8 5 7
- Talk to Rockwell and in to get Skill Upgrade D x5
- Optional: Treasure Inn 2nd floor, W room to Mallory
- Lavare walk N and E to shining spot
- Examine it and select the 3rd then 1st option for Wedding Ring
- Go back to Mallory for Secret Key 17 for Break B15
- Last Optional: Kukai Durandal Gate screen to Hugo
- UMN to Sub Domain Summer, examine W toilet to find note behind poster
- N to examine the box for Protection 01
- S, E, examine red flowers
- E, E, white flowers near broken tree
- NE towards big rock near stream, check wall of the rock
- N, E down slope, NE tree
- Canyon W to hole in the wall, NW to house or strange triangle if destroyed already, check rock with red flowers
- Back to stream with destructible rocks to make a path, examine hollow log
- N, cross canyon to mushrooms near yellow trap
- Previous area, destroy all stones, cross to giant rock
- SW to before area, NW destroy rock blocking Huge Tree
- Receive Secret Key 18 for Rare +30
- Optional but broken: Talk to Mathews to Second Miltia, in the Elsa B1 talk to Kamikaze in front of the weaponry to the left.
Submerged City
- Don’t forget about segment door 2 in living area 1 on the Elsa for Secret Key 22 giving you Combo Boost which allows you to boost even if your turn is coming up
- Enemies in this area can’t break
- W till intersection, W at the intersection to segment door 10
- Continue forward straight NE till you can exit again to segment door 18 for secret key 16 for First Combo which lets you start the battle with +1 stock
- SE, NW, straight forward path, once you can see the star building, SW to decoder 9
- NW, NW to bombs, NE to boss, Zebulun makes this a lot easier with their multiple hit special
- Continue forward to ladder
- Make sure to save at every save point, this is the only area the game constantly crashed on emulator
- Enemies in the area
- Grisly 2: T+S
- Carnicous: T+T
- P2: S+S
- B2: S+T
- Testud: T+T
- C: T+S
- S: T+T
- F: S+T
- Vive II: S+S
- Calx II: T+S
- W, SW downstairs to ladder, destroy wall to chest with segment key 13 for Limiter Up, increases HP/EP 10%
- W to monitor and back over to go through new door to NW
- This next room specifically is where almost all the crashing occurs
- Examine the consoles in order of 6 5 2 6 2 and follow W path to door
- Straight forward to next scene, N door, E at intersection, N at intersection, N to NE around to segment door 5
- Head back to intersection and go NW to next area
- Enter the transport car, upstairs to N door, check N chest on this floor for Decoder 5
- Can return backwards to segment door 5 for secret key 20 for Skill Up 10
- SE door, ladder up to 3rd floor, next ladder to 1st floor, next ladder to 3rd floor to door
- Upstairs, hit switches in order
- SE, SW, Center, C, C, NW, NW, NW, C for Class Upgrade B x6
- SE, NW, C, SW, SW, SW, C to exit
- SE to red button and use elevator down and take SW exit this time
- Go upstairs and hit the red button before the white bridge
- Downstairs go under bridge to immediate red button
- Go back and re-lower the bridge to cross both now
- Hit the next 2 red buttons to get to NE door
- Hit the NW square forward
- Square next to it hit backward
- Square further E hit forward
- Far SW square hit backward
- Hit the other two forward to make a path to NE exit
- Follow exit to SW red button and elevator down to central elevator
- W elevator up, yellow console to raise center, W elevator back down
- Go to center for S console, go back up elevator to E, examine yellow console on this side and go downstairs to where the lock disappeared
- N red button and remove lock B
- Jin will leave party for a little bit but returns for the boss as the mandatory 3rd character
- Go through N B lock door and continue N till you hit a boss, weak to T+S+T+S, Beam and Pierce
- Go back to the Elsa, just like with the Submerged City, talk to Mathews and head to the Omega System
- Depart with from ES Hanger and immediately turn back around
- Go to Second Miltia to Uzuki Residence to segment door 9 for secret key 4 for EP Regen to recover 2 EP every turn
- GS Sidequests
- Optional: Kukai Urban Area Treasure Inn 2nd floor to the left for Margoyles
- 2nd half to East 6 and speak to Riggs beneath the car
- Go back to Margoyles for Iron 4 Sheet Music
- Go to Iron Man bar and examine the piano
- Enter segment door 16 for Decoder 3 and Robo Right Leg
- Optional: Treasure Inn Roof, Male character lead, talkl to Camille in green
- Fix 10 cracks in 1 minute to receive Decoder 13
- Optional: Kukai Durandal Gate to find Pitt
- UMN to Old Miltia Sim and go to the building with a star on it
- Input code 4 9 4 9 to a boss, weak to S+S+S, Aura, Pierce, Slash, and Hit. Specifically weak to Ether
- Back to Pitt for Secret Key 10 for Inner Peace, stocking increases evasion till next turn
- Publishing Agency segment door 3 for Robo Left Leg
- Ormus Stronghold for segment door 13 for Robo Head, in the cubes room
- Return to the Robo Academy twice to turn in Kaiser pieces for new ethers for Shion
- Talk to Mathews to continue the story again
- Optional: Kukai Urban Area Treasure Inn 2nd floor to the left for Margoyles
Omega System
- Enemies in area
- Ormus Knight A: S+S
- Knight B: S+T
- Grisly 2: T+S
- Carnicos II: T+T
- Ortu Ria Kufli: C+B+A+A
- Ortu Ria Lukia: S+T+S+T
- Ortu Ria Hins: A+A+A
- Follow S down the elevator, stop at this floor and head E to segment doo 17 for secret key 28 for Best Ally. Automatically revives 1 ally with all HP when killed only 1 time
- Back to elevator go down 3 times, W to brown landing to door
- NW upstairs to 2nd door for button, back to skipped door, NE corner for secret key 24 for Curse, attacking enemy take all damage delt to the character as well
- NW to button, head back to ES and head N till you have to deboard to an elevator
- Head down to bottom to another elevator, press the red button and head back up to the now blue button at the top
- Press it and run down hitting each red button before the platform hits it and makes you restart
- Finally back at the bottom, board the ES and continue forward towards a boss, absorbs Beam, Thunder, Ice, weak to Aura, heavily Fire and physical. Ziggy on Zebulun and Jin on Asher will give 200% abilities good against him.
- Next room NW exit, just shoot cubes where green is facing
- 10 columns of cubes 1-10 left to right
- Column 8 top blue
- Column 9 bottom red
- 7-10 destroy yellow on top
- Column 9 red
- Column 4 bottom red
- Column 1 bottom yellow
- Column 3 bottom blue
- Column 4 blue
- Column 1 blue
- Column 2 yellow and blue
- Column 3 Red
- Column 6 blue
- Board and make way to NW door, others are dead ends with meh items
- First intersection, S leads to secret key 27 for ST Double that doubles duration of positive and negative status effects
- NE press red switch and enter door, don’t destroy the yellow crystals. They lead to tough enemies that can deal a devastating attack to wipe the party. They don’t give good EXP or SP or drop any good items. It’s just a waste of time
- Continue forward twice to a giant room with a large destroyable fixture, destroy it to reveal the save point
- Before going forward, make sure Jr. has some training for at least Memory and Medica 2
- When ready, take the platform to a boss with multiple modes:
- Start weak to T+T+T+T and Beam
- 2nd mode weak to S+S+T, Pierce, Slash, Hit but resists all elements
- 3rd mode weak to Beam and all elements but resists Pierce, Slash, Hit
- If it’s not obvious, this boss is counted as an M type enemy
- You are able to go back and save/heal and continue forward to another boss
- 1st form weak to S+T+S+S Pierce, Slash, Hit and Phys
- 2nd form weak to S+T+T, Pierce, Slash, Hit and Phys
- Head to the park for some scenes, you’ll be in the new area for the last save point
- After each scene, enter the vortex till the final boss, break combo changes, this isn’t a normal fight. If you have memory, pay attention to the bottom right corner and just keep breaking. Don’t bother stocking. Heal when needed.
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