Sniper I, II, III Achievements
Shoot 1, 10 & 20 opponents with the Kill Camera effect.
The original sniper won’t work for these achievements, but these 3 are still the easiest to get.
- Go to Vlad’s Shop
- Buy the new scoped sniper + ammo
- Wait for a border raid to earn all 3 in a row
- Hold your breath (shift) and go for headshots
- All 3 achievements should pop before the raid is over
I am not totally sure if holding ones breath and going for headshots prompts the bullet cam more, but this was the technique I used as it came naturally to me. This technique is used in other games with bullet cam, such as Sniper Ghost Warrior and Sniper Elite.
Fantasitc Five Achievement
Drive 5 people in handcuffs at the same time
From the description I thought you just need to have 5 arrested smugglers in the same car and drive around. This is NOT the case at all.
Instead you need to have 5 NPCs in handcuffs and tell them to follow you. The best way to do this is to start at the sawmill and put handcuffs on the 2 NPCs there. they are usually in front of the sawmill.
Then walk with them to Vlad’s Shop where you will find another one, which is the guy sitting on the bench. Continue to the Drunken Bear Inn where you will be able to find the rest. As soon as you put the handcuffs on the 5th NPC the achievement should pop.
Attention: Sometimes the NPC’s might run away. You can stop them and tell them to follow you again. In case you can’t stop them or they die in a traffic or gun related accident (Hey! Accidents happens) just walk between these destinations until you got 5 in cuffs.
Sprinter Achievement
Catch the criminal fleeing on foot
Random event. Sometimes when stopping a driver trying to escape they will jump out of the car and run for it. Simply stop them by any means and the achievement is yours.
I got this achievement by arresting a driver I stopped, but he did not run. Might be a bug or perhaps I just got to him too fast.
Bloody Bumper Achievement
Run over the criminal fleeing on foot
Random event. Sometimes when stopping a driver trying to escape they will jump out of the car and run for it. Simply jump in your car and drive him over.
In the Name of Justice Achievement
Listen to all parts of Novik’s story
There are 3 NPC’s that you can get to follow you and talk to. These 3 are employees you can hire in Inspector mode. You will have to talk to Novik 4 times to unlock his achievement. Precisely what unlocks the next dialogue is not entirely clear, but having them fully upgraded and taking them with you on daily missions seems to be the trick. Most of my dialogue got unlocked after I completed a daily mission with them. They of course had to survive the mission.
Attention: If they die during a mission or end up glitching, the completion of a daily mission does not count. I can’t be sure whether upgrades or missions actually progress their dialogue, but it was the common denominator for me.
On the Trail Achievement
Listen to all parts of Moscovitch’s story
There are 3 NPC’s that you can get to follow you and talk to. These 3 are employees you can hire in Inspector mode. You will have to talk to Moscovitch 4 times to unlock his achievement. Precisely what unlocks the next dialogue is not entirely clear, but having them fully upgraded and taking them with you on daily missions seems to be the trick. Most of my dialogue got unlocked after I completed a daily mission with them. They of course had to survive the mission.
Attention: If they die during a mission or end up glitching, the completion of a daily mission does not count. I can’t be sure whether upgrades or missions actually progress their dialogue, but it was the common denominator for me.
Divided Hearts Achievement
Listen to all parts of Kovalsky’s story
There are 3 NPC’s that you can get to follow you and talk to. These 3 are employees you can hire in Inspector mode. You will have to talk to Kovalsky 4 times to unlock his achievement. Precisely what unlocks the next dialogue is not entirely clear, but having them fully upgraded and taking them with you on daily missions seems to be the trick. Most of my dialogue got unlocked after I completed a daily mission with them. They of course had to survive the mission.
Attention: If they die during a mission or end up glitching, the completion of a daily mission does not count. I can’t be sure whether upgrades or missions actually progress their dialogue, but it was the common denominator for me.
I followed this guide exactly and was able to destroy the April 21 roadblock on day 24, proving that they remain until the end of the chapter.
Since I thought the trees were cumulative (like the money/files), I attempted to get this one on my third run using the same save file. However, none of the other obstacles were mentioned in their chapters.
I have to assume at this point that either my save got corrupted and didn’t pop the achievement, or I encountered a glitch or bug that prevented the trees from resetting.
I started from scratch on a brand new save file and the roadblocks showed up exactly as expected.
So, if you are achievement hunting (necessitating that you play through the campaign at least twice), then get the roadblocks on the first time through. They seem to be potentially missable if you try to get them on the same save file during your second run.
I think there may be a connection between the chapters because although I didn’t destroy every tree, I did destroy the final one (that is, on May 12 but I destroyed May 13) and received an achievement :D.
For me, breaking through the barrier on May 12 (just past the ancient ruins) was sufficient to earn the achievement; I didn’t break through any other barriers in the save file.
I can vouch for the fact that the trees exist solely for the chapters. The tree in the tutorial was still there when I went to the next chapter, but the other tree had disappeared. On April 24, I also succeeded in destroying the April 21 tree.
I’m working toward finishing all of my goals and would like to add a few things:
1. You can also play David vs. Goliath on a pursuit mission.
2. I Hate You – in my opinion, a driver doesn’t have to be “clean,” since, as I remember, I only had to damage the first three cars on the first day of the event to receive recognition.
you guys could start a new save file and see if you get the desired event if not remove the save file and and try again i already tested it (inspector mode achievements for events ) i mean
I had the Animal Virus event for about 35 days, but no driver with a pig appeared in the game. Do events repeat within a single game, or do I need to start over?
Yes, the events repeat, but there are a lot of them in the game, so you’ll probably have to wait a while.
Surprisingly, on day 123, I only had a Trade License event.
It’s possible that the incident occurred early and I overlooked the achievement at first.
But, I had been anticipating this day 60… it was a real pain in the ass xD.
I speed through it, killing anyone attempting to enter Afghanistan. I felt a little bad, but I had to get to Afghanistan ASAP.
Events arise at random and are probably created when a new game is created.
You can actually use the workphone at the border post to call Vlad and sell him items in his van in order to unlock the ‘Let’s Trade’ achievement. Simple as that.
I allowed the truck carrying pigs inside for Patient Zero achievement, even though they weren’t from the banned nation. I received the accomplishment and flawless examination.
I’m so over it. The Micros 26D can be upgraded to become a Micros 26E, so rip this accomplishment, I suppose.
Just got this achievement on Micros 26E using “block the exit with NPC Ilich” method. The most difficult part is not stopping an escapee, but to wait for one to appear (on Ilich)…
You can actually use the workphone at the border post to call Vlad and sell him items in his van in order to unlock the ‘Let’s Trade’ achievement. Simple as that.
I allowed the truck carrying pigs inside for Patient Zero achievement, even though they weren’t from the banned nation. I received the accomplishment and flawless examination.