Craftopia – Automatic Farming Guide

Ever wonder how to create an automatic farm in craftopia? Cant find any guides online because they are either in another language or for an older version? Well look no further!

How to: Automatic Farm

The Farm!

This is it! Everything you need is shown above… Starting with 4 plots, place down 4 threshers (it wont work to place them on the lines between two farm plots, because the range on them is terrible!) One sprinkler (or else they wont grow! I realize now that I forgot to place one in this picture even!

Placement doesn’t really matter because it hits a 3×3 plot area, but it should be on the right side of the multi-sling so it doesn’t block crops from moving) and the multi-sling to shoot seeds at the farm plots (exactly at that spot, otherwise it wont hit all 4!)

Then, put down the chest in the bottom right, you can place it opposite the multi-sling as well so that no crops get trapped behind the multi-sling, but it’ll be a pain for tessellation of multiple farm plots as well as tubing on pipes, that’s up to you though! Place the succ succ on the box, then move on to the next step:

Second chest! While not completely necessary, this chest is a step between gathering and producing seeds… There should be a pipe going between them for moving the items (pipe entrance, then pipe exit, while placing the pipe relay just click once on the entrance then once on the exit, they changed the pipes from how they worked before!) This will cause your crops to accumulate in this chest, and this is where you’d be picking up crops when you want them.

Next is the craft connector, you’ll want the second chest lined up with the seed extractor so the craft connector… Well… Connects! It will pull out crops one at a time to be converted to seeds… And then…

Another pipe! This pipe obviously leads back to the multi-sling, when the seed processor produces a seed… The pipe will pull that out and place it into the multi sling! If the sling is full (1200 seeds) then the seed producer wont produce, and the crops chest will start to become full of whatever crops you want to put in!

Now for the final finishing touches: set the multi-sling to 200 seconds (I believe the interval is closer to 180-190 for fully grown plants, but this is to make sure that the harvesters harvest before the multi-sling plants again… I still have issues with timing the harvesters properly…). And then place in your seed of choice, stand back and watch as it does it all for you, congratulations!

Oh and don’t forget a monolith so it keeps producing!

Helena Stamatina
About Helena Stamatina 1555 Articles
I love two things in life, games and sports. Although sports were my earliest interest, it was video games that got me completely addicted (in a good way). My first game was Crash Bandicoot (PS1) from the legendary studio Naughty Dog back in 1996. I turned my passion for gaming into a job back in 2019 when I transformed my geek blog (Re-actor) into the gaming website it is today.

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