Door Kickers 2 – How to Increase CIA Squad Size (Cheat)

The CIA force is fun but too small to handle some missions. This guide can fix that.

Increase Squad Size

“My administration has a job to do and we’re going to do it. We will rid the world of the evil-doers”

The CIA squad size makes for a fun challenge, but some missions just aren’t quite doable due to that small size. With this guide you can fix that.

How to do it:

  • 1) Find your steam install folder for Door Kickers 2.

You can right click on DK2 in your library, hit properties, and find that install location. Once you have that, copy it.

You can also find the install location with the search toolbar in windows explorer, searching for DoorKickers2

For me, this is the address:

  • X:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\DoorKickers2\

If it’s installed on your C:\ drive, it may be C:\Program Files\SteamLibrary or similar. Again, checking install location will tell you where it is .

  • 2) Find the right folder in the install directory.

Full address for me:

  • X:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\DoorKickers2\data\units

Once in the main DoorKickers2 folder, go to the data folder, then the units folder.

  • 3) Open the units xml file. You can use many tools for this, the built-in Notepad text editor can do the job here, I’m using Notepad++ in mine as it has line numbers.
  • 4) Go down to line 133 (if you have line numbers on your text editor), or simply search CIA or numSlots=”2″ on the file.

You are looking for this section:


<Class name="Undercover" nameUI="@unit_cia_undercover" numSlots="2" supply="100" iconTex="data/textures/gui/deploy/" upgrades="BH_Defence1, BH_Offence1, BH_Defence2, BH_Offence2" maxUpgradeable="2"/>
<Class name="BlackOps" nameUI="@unit_cia_blackops" numSlots="2" supply="100" iconTex="data/textures/gui/deploy/" upgrades="BH_Defence1, BH_Offence1, BH_Defence2, BH_Offence2" maxUpgradeable="2"/>
  • 5) Change the numSlots=”2″ to a larger number. That is, change numSlots=”2″ to numSlots=”8″ or similar.

You want to do this on line 133 and 134, as 133 is for Undercover Operatives:

<Class name="Undercover" nameUI="@unit_cia_undercover" numSlots="2" supply="100" iconTex="data/textures/gui/deploy/" upgrades="BH_Defence1, BH_Offence1, BH_Defence2, BH_Offence2" maxUpgradeable="2"/>

And 134 is for Black Ops guys:

<Class name="BlackOps" nameUI="@unit_cia_blackops" numSlots="2" supply="100" iconTex="data/textures/gui/deploy/" upgrades="BH_Defence1, BH_Offence1, BH_Defence2, BH_Offence2" maxUpgradeable="2"/>

You can tell which is which by the Class name = entry. You do not need to make them have the same number of slots, you can change them up however you like it. Maybe you want to stick with 2 Undercover operatives, and have 12 Black Ops guys to back them up.

  • 6) Save file and exit.
  • 7) Start game and create a new CIA squad. On starting the game, on the main screen, there is a large “SQUADS” button on the top right. Click it. Then at the bottom of the menu it opens, click “NEW” and cycle through the options with the arrows until it shows the blue CIA Squad icon.

Existing squads do not seem to work right for me with this change, so create a new one. This will properly generate characters for all the slots. Otherwise you get these weird unselectable dead slots. If you like use an XP farm (check Steam Workshop) to upgrade your characters to the performance levels of your current squads.

Note: Altering the numSlots value can be done for the Rangers and Nowhereaki SWAT guys as well. If you want to run the Ranger Squad with 12 Grenadiers and 12 Snipers, you can do that, but you will, again, need to create a new squad to do so.

“So long as I’m the president, my measure of success is victory — and success.”

Helena Stamatina
About Helena Stamatina 898 Articles
I love two things in life, games and sports. Although sports were my earliest interest, it was video games that got me completely addicted (in a good way). My first game was Crash Bandicoot (PS1) from the legendary studio Naughty Dog back in 1996. I turned my passion for gaming into a job back in 2019 when I transformed my geek blog (Re-actor) into the gaming website it is today.

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