This guide will showcase (currently) effective methods to obtain and/or farm unique and valuable items within DL2!
Crafting Parts
The best locations to farm Crafting resources are Forsaken Stores
Forsaken Stores provide only Crafting Parts, which doesn’t sound that good, however there is often an abundance of them and they seem to be one of the only places to find rarer components like Batteries and Oxidisers.
They are dotted around both OV and NV.
Other Locations to find Craft Parts includes:
- Buying them from all Craftmasters and Vendors
- Looting the bodies of common Infected
- Looting Lockers and cupboards in abandoned houses/ apartments
Military Medkits
What is it? Military Medkits are non-craftable Healing kits that are the best in the game. Healing you to 100% regardless of how much hp is left. They also have the fastest Animation!
Methods to obtain:
- You can sometimes find and buy Military Medkits from Vendors.
- You can find small medical cabinets during story missions like Broadcast and Veronika. These are guaranteed to give you one.
- You can find these in most Airdrop crates
- You can buy a pack of 3 x Military Medkits from Harper for 1 Token and 400 Mutation samples (Not worth it imo)
Military Tech
What is it? Military Tech is a rare resource used for upgrading Nightrunner Tools like the UV Flashlight, Paraglider and Grapple hook. These give them new abilities and make them generally much more useful.
Method to obtain:
- The only place to find Military Tech (Currently at least) are the various Airdrop crates around both OV and NV. These will often be up high and require a decent level of Stamina to access safely.
- Unfortunately these do not respawn. However if you loot every single Airdrop in the game, then you should have 26 Military Tech. (This is more than enough to max out your Nightrunner tools)
Arrows and Bolts
Common arrows and Bolts:
The best methods I have found include:
- Looting Renegade Archers
- Crafting them once you obtain the blueprint(s)
- Finding Arrows inside the various green guard towers around the map. They often contain Molotovs and Arrows.
Ballista Arrows and Hunter’s Bolts
The best method that I have found for farming these are by completing the Huntress Regular Mission. You will be rewarded with 30 x Hunter’s Bolts and 15 x Ballista Arrows upon completion. These are only compatible with the Huntress Crossbow and the Ballista bow respectively.
Otherwise you can purchase these from Shen Xiu directly, but I’d advise that you farm them instead as there are much more valuable items to spend your huntress tokens on.
Mutation Samples
What is it? This is a very versatile currency that is used to purchase Items in Harper’s Store, Shen Xiu’s store and Pappy’s Store (Bloody Ties vendor).
Methods to obtain:
- Killing and looting less common infected. The more difficult the infected, the more MS you will get.
- Completing Spectacles in Carnage Hall (Bloody Ties DLC required)
- Killing and Looting the Nest during a Volatile Nest Random event (Only spawns at night time inside of Dark hollows OR previously completed GRE Labs)
- Completing the Regular Hag mission rewards you with 600 MS which isnt a huge amount, but you can complete the mission itself pretty fast once you know how it works.
Infected Trophies
What is it?Infected Trophies are a fairly common resource dropped from slain infected that is then used for upgrading Blueprints such as the Lock pick, Grenade, Boosters and Flare.
This greatly improves the quality of the upgraded item so its definitely worth doing. Unfortunately, to fully upgrade any items, it is expensive! It is worth mentioning that common infected will NOT drop infected Trophies.
Methods to obtain:
- Guides like this one are good ways to farm all sorts of Infected Trophies.
- Using Toughness Booster and Muscle Booster, then starting a chase and then killing and looting as many incoming enemies as you can is a very good way to farm them. However it becomes risky as soon as Volatiles start spawning (Chase level 3 and 4) I recommend doing this method near a safe zone so that you always have an escape route if necessary!
- Going into Dark hollows and/ or Forsaken stores during the daytime and killing all the special infected you find. This is a good method as you will not have to deal with respawning enemies and the risk of a chase. However this may not provide many trophies at a time.
Basically the more special infected you kill and loot, the more ITs you will receive! (You will also accrue a large amount of Mutation samples the same way!)
Artifact Rarity Gear
What is it? Gear pieces are useful equipable items that provide passive buffs while playing. There are 4 classes or “roles” in DL2 that you can collect Gear for, these are:
- Medic (Parkour, stamina usage, and Healing effectiveness)
- Ranger (Bow damage, stealth and efficiency of survivor senses)
- Tank (2-Handed damage, general damage resistance and increased combat XP.)
- Brawler (1-Handed damage, reduced stamina regen and cost)
They are intended to accompany the different playstyles of players, so they help a lot if utilised correctly! The Gear rarities in the game from worst to best are as follows:
- Common (White), Uncommon (Green), Rare (Blue), Unique (Purple) and Artifact (Yellow)
(There are no legendary rarity gear pieces in the game currently, apart from one disappointingly weak mask you get for finishing New game+ mode)
Obviously you’ll want to obtain Artifact tier Gear as it is the best tier available in game (as of this guide.)
The Best methods to obtain them are the following:
- The Airdrop chests in the sunken districts (South of Newfound Lost lands in New Villedor)each contain one guaranteed level 9 Artifact Gear OR Weapon. Unfortunately they do not respawn. They are still worth visiting, especially as soon as you have access to new Villedor because the level 9 items will help a lot!
- Opening an Inhibitor Chests will provide you with a single guaranteed Unique or Artifact Rarity gear piece. (All loot inside the chest apart from the Inhibitors themselves respawn)
- Random renegade event lockpick chest (Very hard)
- Most Vendors you find will offer a few pieces, but NOT craftmasters.
- Unique and Artifact tier Brawler/ 1 Handed Gear is available to purchase directly from Harper at the fish eye.
- Unique and Artifact Tier Ranger Gear is available to purchase directly from Shen Xiu at the Huntress’ Camp.
Artifact and Higher Tier Weapons
What is it? Weapons are pretty self explanatory, Many will know that a better rarity will mean higher base damage, though what people might not know is that the higher rarity the weapon is, the more passive buffs it will have.
- Blue/ Rare will have 1
- Purple/ Unique will have 2
- Yellow/ Artifact will have 3
- Orange/ Legendary will have 4!
So obviously Legendary is the best tier currently, but how do we get em?
The Best methods to obtain Legendary Tier Weapons that I have found so far:
- A guaranteed Unique, Artifact or Legendary weapon can be bought directly from Harper (Sharp One-handed ONLY):

- A guaranteed Unique, Artifact or Legendary weapon can be bought directly from Shen Xiu (Blunt One-handed ONLY):

- Renegade Event Lockpick chest (Very Hard)
- Sunken Airdrop chests
The Best methods to obtain Artifact Tier Weapons that I have found so far:
- Almost all the Vendors/ Merchants will have a chance to sell Artifact grade weapons (Base game and Bloody Ties)
- GRE Containers always have 1 Artifact weapon along with 1 immunity booster and one military medkit. They look like this from the Front:

Note that once you loot the interior of one of these containers, the goodies will NOT respawn!
- Hard Lockpick chests, can commonly be found in Dark Hollows:

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