Guide for getting 100%.
How to Obtain All Achievements
Story / Unmissable
Part 1
For the first part of the main quest you will visit 4 big areas, each with another main quest to open the local dungeon and defeating the boss.
As part of the quests, you will get some items needed for them (Bombs, Falconite Revolver, Cloak of Void Walking, Hood of Phase Warping).
Doing so will earn you the following achievements.
Baby Steps
- Take your firsts steps into the Kingdom of Beor.
Errand Boy
- The Kingdom of Beor is filled with people who need your assistance. Complete one of these Quests.
For getting the Items
- Find your first Bomb.
Pew Pew
- Find the Falconite Revolver.
Look At Me Now
- Find the Cloak of Void Walking.
Now You See Me
- Find the Hood of Phase Warping.
For completing the dungeons
Misty Caverns
- Clear Misty Caverns.
Black Crow Keep
- Clear Black Crow Keep.
The Undercity
- Clear the Undercity.
The Aeviternal Tree
- Clear the Aeviternal Tree.
For finding the villages/ towns and the manor
The Expanse
- Explore the Expanse and discover High High Tower.
The Great Plains
- Explore the Great Plains and discover New Haven.
The Southern Sands
- Explore the Southern Sands and discover Tinkertown.
The Woeful Woods
- Explore the Woeful Woods and discover Mourner’s Manor.
Part 2
After completing all 4 dungeon and getting the orbs, you can wake up your wife, get her gear back, and finally defeat the Skeleton King.
This will give you the following achievements.
Wakey Wakey
- Your Wife, Evelyn, has been asleep for decades. Gather the Cursed Orbs and wake her from her slumber.
Grande, Please
- Clear the Grand Vaults of the Skeleton King.
The Forsaken Strand
- Enter the Forsaken Strand.
Can be done before, as nothing blocks you from entering this area.
The Grounds of the Citadel
- Clear the Grounds of the Citadel.
Ring-a-Ding-Ding Mr. King
- It’s a long and arduous journey. The Skeleton King awaits you on his Forsaken Throne. Can you defeat him?
Hard to Miss
I’m Mr. Fix-It
- Craft an item at a Smithing Station or Chemistry Station.
I’m Really Mr. Fix-It
- Craft 50 items at Smithing Stations or Chemistry Stations.
You’ll need lots of ammo and bombs, and some healing potions.
Duuuuuude… Epic
- Craft an Epic piece of Gear at a Smithing Station.
Legen- … Wait for it
- Craft a Legendary piece of Gear at a Smithing Station.
The crafting recipes depend on the crafting station/area. New Haven (village on the west side of the map) has epic and legendary crafting recipes.
Can I Get Skim With That?
- Get Coffee at Moonbucks.

In the villages/towns and even in one of the dungeons you will find the Moonbucks cafe. The first cafe is in the High High Tower. Buy a coffee there for the achievement.
- Obtain 10,000 Quill.
Light Spender
- Spend 1,000 Quill.
Shopping Spree
- Spend 50,000 Quill.
I had over 60,000 Quill by the end of the game.
You can buy some weapons to level them up or some crafting materials.
Getting Up There
- Reach Level 50.
Uh Oh Mr. King
- Reach Level 100.
As long as you do all quests and world events and open all chests, you will have level 100 before the end of the game.
Five Birds, One Kaboom
- Defeat 6 Enemies with one Bomb.
Four Birds, One Bullet
- Defeat 4 Enemies with a single bullet.
After unlocking the bombs, return to the starting area and run around to get aggro from the flying pumpkins. If a bunch of them follow you just drop a bomb while running away.
Once you unlock the gun and explosive ammo (much later in the game) you can follow the above instructions again to get the Four Birds, One Bullet achievement.
It’s the End, but Not for Me
- Craft one of the Final Legendary Weapons.
Can’t Touch This
- Craft one of the Final Legendary Shields.
Sharp-Dressed Man
- Lookin’ Fancy? Craft one of the Final Legendary Armor Pieces.
Prom King
- Equip a Full Final Legendary Armor Set. The Skeleton King won’t be able to compete.
At the end of the main quest you will get a new crafting station (NPC) in Tinkertown (Desert Town) where you can craft your final legendary gear.

As part of the recipes, you will need the Armour of the Ravager (legendary armor) and Bulwark of the Ravager (legendary shield) from the normal crafting station in this town, so don’t scrap them. For the final weapon you need the eternal edge.
I’ve Seen Worse
- Find the Eternal Edge hidden in the Kingdom of Beor.
It’s on an island on the east side of the map.
Unlimited POWER
- Find all of the Eternal Essence hidden in Beor.
The Eternal Essences are hidden in golden chests around the world, and you’ll get one for completing each Vault + Grand Vault. I found 2 additional essences. They are not marked on the map and there is no information on how many you are missing in an area. You can see a treasure chest icon on the mini-map (when they are nearby). This can be a regular chest or a gold chest (but you need both to get a large amount of XP). There are some golden chests in the final area (Forsaken Strand) and some golden chests are buried under large boulders. Use your bombs to get rid of them.
Missed Me
- Dodge 1 Attack Successfully.
Now You Gotta…
- Dodge 100 Attacks Successfully
These can easily be farmed at the flying pumpkins in the starting area.
When your health is low, rest at the nearby campfire.
A Little Flippy-Flip Here
- Defeat Enemies using the Ground Slam 100 times.
You have to hold down the block button (to focus the enemy) and the attack button (LT + X), your weapon will start to glow and after a few seconds the attack will be performed automatically.
This can be done in the starting area, but it is much easier and faster to do it in one of the world events (see Achievement Never Settling).
Not Settling
- Level Up one piece of Gear to MAX.
Never Settling
- Level Up 10 pieces of Gear to MAX.
There are 3 good ways to do this.
Buy some weapons in the store and keep leveling them up.
Or depending on how many crafting materials you have, you can craft and level up gear, but keep in mind the max level of gear you want to craft.
The epic weapon you can craft in Tinkertown is easy to level up.
Or do the world event (level 45) “Defeat the machines” in the desert, but be careful, you can’t repeat the event.

A large machine appears that you must defeat for the event. Don’t do this.
As long as the event is running, smaller machines will keep spawning. They will drop a lot of shields, armor, and weapons.
The event is great for farming items, maxing them out, and scraping them for crafting materials.
It’s also great for farming the 100 ground slams.
The only downside is that your inventory is constantly full.
The mecha shields they drop only need a few level ups for max level.
Settling With Benefits
- Level Up one piece of Epic Gear to MAX.
Craft the epic weapon in Tinkertown.

It only needs a few level ups for the max level.
ILike it When it Works
- Repair your Shield 10 times.
Even the last legendary shield breaks with one hit.
So just buy 10 repair kits and block some attacks.
What the Vault
- Clear all 20 Vaults of the Skeleton King.

The vaults are scattered around the world.
4 are in the last area (Forsaken Strand) 2 on the left, 2 on the right from where you enter (you have to swim to them).
There is no in-game checklist for them.
Now You’re a Professional
- Complete all Quests in the Kingdom of Beor.
In each area (except the last one) are a few quests.
They’re hard to miss as long as you search the map for the golden chests and the vaults.
There are 2 more quests than needed for achievement.
Party House
- There are many Events scattered across the Kingdom. Complete one.
- Clear all Events in the Kingdom of Beor.
You will see many blue pillars of light around the world, these are the markers for world events.
There are some events in the last area (Forsaken Strand).
In case you are missing some world events, rest at a campfire and switch the time to night or day.
No missable achievements.
Time to Complete
Around 24 hours for 100%.
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