FixFox – 100% Full Walkthrough Guide

This is the official walkthrough of the game.

Official Walkthrough

Chapter 1

History Dreamtape

  • After your avatar materializes, follow the guiding trail to the right.
  • Triggering the first story bit, follow the guide to the following story bits, one after another.
  • The last story bit introduces the SPACR. A short commercial follows.

Earth Orbit Dock

  • You wake up in your ship, with your sidekick Tin giving you a series of questions.
  • Pick up Tin in the top-left quarter of your ship.
  • Pick up a screwdriver from the hygpod, and a hammer and an electric tape from the cooking unit.
  • Try opening the fridge, it is stuck. In your menu, click the “+ FILTER” button and select “flat”. A screwdriver gets highlighted.
  • Close the menu, interact with the fridge, select the screwdriver and move it beyond the top edge of the screen to use it.
  • Open the fridge. Open your inventory, select the screwdriver and remove both bolts on the panel.
  • Switch off the power and inspect the wires.
  • Close the menu, use tape to fix the wires, then switch the power on.
  • Sit on your bed to eat pudding.
  • Pick up the spoon, take a bit of pudding and move it below the bottom edge of the screen to eat it. Keep on eating no matter what, you love pudding!
  • After a little accident, wiggle your way towards the EVA suit and wear it, then re-enter your ship.
  • Answer the call by interacting with the flashing console in the top-left quarter.
  • Try closing the door. Use the hammer to close it.
  • Pick up a banana from the toolbox, an apple from the bookcase, and a sandwich from the chest.
  • Store all food items in your fridge.
  • Store all tools in the toolbox in the top-right quarter.
  • Drop Tin into the charger in the top-left quarter.
  • Enter the cryopod in the center.
  • Enjoy the title sequence. Bon voyage!

Chapter 2

Crashlanding (DEMO starts here)

  • After a rough landing, pick up Tin.
  • Try opening the door, try opening the toolbox.
  • Inspect hygpod, then crawl inside.
  • Walk down the path to the south.
  • After a strange encounter, walk southwest and talk to Flavio.
  • Inspect Flavio’s cooker and click the bolt to note it.
  • Close the device and talk to the trader located southwards.
  • Inspect stash in the rock crack located northeast from the trader.
  • Talk to the oracle and let them identify your items.
  • Return to the cooker, use coins to remove the bolts, and open the panel.
  • Solve the Fruit logic puzzle by selecting orange and lemon, then switch the power on.
  • Receive a meal ticket and present it by the soup cart.
  • Get the spoon and eat the soup.
  • Following the secret advice, walk southeast and inspect the red barrel behind the shack.
  • Open the garage and inspect the speeder inside.
  • Use a coin to remove the bolts, open the panel and inspect the wires.
  • Close the device, go talk to the trader and keep trading with them until you receive a bandaid.
  • Walk to your ship and open the door. Get the food from the fridge.
  • Talk to the oracle and have your new items identified.
  • Go to the speeder, fix the wires with a bandaid, put the banana on the potassium catalyst pad, and switch the power back on.
  • After a surprising ambush, hop on your new speeder.
  • Open the map, then zoom it out, you receive base coordinates.
  • It’s nighttime! Get off the speeder, find some open area and use the bedroll from your inventory.
  • Use a bedroll to sleep until morning.
  • Interact with the bedroll to pack up the camp.
  • Use a beeper to call the speeder.
  • Hop on your speeder and ride towards a nearby question mark on your map.
  • Get off the speeder, open the southern door and get inside. (DEMO ends here)

Beacon Base

  • After a surprising meeting, start exploring the base.
  • Inspect and fix the jukebox, receiving a meal ticket as a reward. Search stashes outside if you’re missing any items.
  • Sit at the bar and order a meal. Enjoying the meal, learn a useful secret.
  • Investigate a plant at the top right corner, producing a key.
  • Unlock the door on the right.
  • Mount the loader and clear the boxes off the switch and gate.
  • Return to the bar and continue west, towards some suspicious boxes.
  • Press a switch to open the western gate.
  • Mount the loader, exit through the east gate, drive around the south side of the base and enter through the west gate.
  • Clear the boxes off a staircase at the far west part of the base. Enter the staircase.
  • Walk east through the dark corridor. Don’t get deterred by the space worm costume and continue east and south between the machines, then west, south and west again. Enter a stairway down.
  • Walk to the red flashing light and press the switch to turn the power back on.
  • Walk across a short catwalk and press a green switch twice to rotate the platform upwards.
  • Walking north, you find the main computer.
  • After fixing it, you need to find its mindcart.
  • Walk back towards the stairs, but enter a platform marked “auto lift”.
  • Exit the base through the east gate and inspect a stash little but north.
  • After obtaining a mindcart, return to the computer and install it.

Alien Vision 1

  • You appear in a strange vision. Follow a guiding trail to find a group of shivering words.
  • Collide with all the words, until the whole message is highlighted.
  • Then continue to the next message.

Beacon Base

  • You come to your sense back at the main computer.
  • After an awkward meeting, you receive coordinates of an old cargo ship in the orbit.
  • Get back to the surface. Surprisingly, the region map has been was shuffled around.
  • Leaving the base, you become a spectator to a clash of two factions.
  • Call a speeder and find a way back to your ship.
  • Launch to the orbit and fly to the orbital coordinates on the right side of the map.

Cargo Ship

  • Activate the space camera, move over the western part of the ship and zoom in on the entry.
  • Wear the EVA suit. Leave your ship, enter through “Emergency Entry”.
  • Drop the suit, walk through the door and east, across the whole ship to the bridge.
  • Press a red flashing light on the console, activating the power.
  • Inspect the closed door on the north wall.
  • Press a red flashing light on the bottom right console to open the closet door.
  • Return to the rear end of the ship and open the brown closet door.
  • Crawl inside a vent.
  • Run all the way through and exit through the vent.
  • Inspect the cryo pod.
  • Press the bottom switch to open the door.
  • Press the top right switch to extend the corridor.
  • Get your EVA suit and return to your ship.
  • Use the docking panel and steer your ship east and south around the cargo ship’s bridge.
  • Dock from the western side to the extended corridor.
  • Enter the cargo ship through the dock, walk north and use the console to release the clamps.
  • Return to your ship and move it to the east, to make room below the south-east cargo module.
  • Return to the cargo ship and enter the south-west cargo module. Undock it, steer east and dock it from the south side to the south-east cargo module.
  • Enter the north-central cargo module, undock it and dock it from the northern side to the north-west module.
  • Return to your ship and dock it to the north-east module.
  • Mount the loader (from south-east module), pick up the cryo pod (at the bridge) and bring it aboard your ship (through the north-east module). Use the loader to move any containers from your path.
  • Leave the loader in the cargo module and undock your ship.
  • Close your ship’s door, then launch back to the planet.


  • Return to the Salty Desert. Your ship is now parked right outside the Beacon Base.
  • Use a local loader to pick up the cryo pod and enter the auto lift with it.
  • Carry the pod across the rotating platform and bring it close to the main computer.
  • Open the cryo pod.

Chapter 3


  • After regaining consciousness, return to your ship. You receive a tape.
  • Continue to your ship and open the chest in the bottom-left quarter. The dreamtape player is placed on your bed now.
  • Use the dream player and play the tape labeled “Bryn”.

Dreamtape – Artor

  • You materialize as Artor in his old home, back on Earth.
  • Walk towards Anna-Lyz.
  • Walk left and exit the door to the hall. Walk south and east.
  • Open the last white cabinet on the north wall.
  • Follow Bryn east, to the next room, then walk north.

Botnet and Baisy Blocks

  • Return to the bar and ask around about callsign until you learn about the botnet.
  • Go to Baisy and touch her console.
  • Use the terminal on the right.
  • Go to the bar and ask around about carrying blocks, until you learn about the Drone Yard.
  • Ask bots “Where is…” the Drone Yard, then follow their directions. If needed, ask bots in other locations or check out signposts.
  • Talk to the drone operator.
  • Enter the yard and fix the drone.
  • Return to the base and walk near the green Baisy blocks outside.
  • Press “3”/”DPAD DOWN” to call the drones, select “Pick up target”, then target one of the blocks and confirm. Repeat for the second block.
  • Open your inventory and equip one of the Baisy mindcarts. Use it to get directions towards the nearest installation spot and travel there. One is at Donut Rock, the other at the Ceramic Lake.
  • Climb on top of the rocks and approach the small plateau.
  • Call drones and order them to deliver the block on the plateau.
  • Interact with the slot and insert one of the Baisy mindcarts to activate the booster block.
  • Repeat the same procedure for the other installation spot.

Pirates and Underbots

  • A surprising ambush by pirates leaves you confined to a small area containing a weird round rock. Examine it.
  • Call your speeder and examine its blocked horn to receive a book of puzzles.
  • Mount your speeder, stay on the left side of the weird rock.
  • Beep your speeder then quickly enter the cavity in the rock.
  • Inside the donut rock, get off the speeder and touch the rope near the cage.
  • Staying on the right side of the underbot rock, use your speeder beep to get out, then return to base and visit Baisy.
  • Use the botnet terminal on the right side.

Alien Vision 2

  • Follow a guiding trail to reveal all messages.

New Region

  • Return to your ship and take off.
  • On the planetary map, fly towards a new point and land.

Chapter 4

The Great Library

  • After landing in the woodland region, walk east to be greeted by a local soup bot.
  • Walk north and enter the library.
  • Walk ahead until you meet the librarian, then continue and beyond the computer terminals, turn east and follow the corridor south, entering the study room.
  • After an annoying conversation, head back to the librarian.
  • Walking among the terminals, a surprising new group of friends makes their entry.
  • Continue to the front desk and talk to the librarian. Your inventory space gets expanded.
  • Close the inventory and go back to the study to share the bad news.
  • Walking along the metacorps, you’re drawn into a conversation and a new plan of action is hatched.
  • Return to the study and talk to Artor for some surprising revelation.
  • Walk outside the library, only to get interrupted by Anna-Lyz.
  • Return to your ship and play the newly acquired dreamtape labeled “Anna-Lyz backup”.

Dreamtape “Anna-Lyz backup”

  • You materialize as Anna-Lyz in Artor’s old home.
  • After being tasked by Artor, fly towards the TV set on the north wall and activate it.
  • After Bishop and Artor leave, follow them outside.
  • Follow the corridor south and east, then enter the southern door.
  • Walk closer to the bed and listen in on the conversation.
  • In the waiting room, talk to all four characters present – Artor, his parents, and Bishop.
  • In Bryn’s room, talk to him and witness a dramatic end of the dreamtape.

Collecting Pullbot Part 1

  • Leave your ship, and walk back to the Library.
  • Trying to enter, a junk dealer offers to barter old items.
  • Approach him and trade any metal item (picked up from the stashes in Salty Desert) for an old blank mindcart.
  • Go to the library and talk to Lexiko, then Naviko. Naviko uploads into the mindcart. Their diagnostics introduce the dilemma.
  • Walk outside, equip the new Pullbot Mindcart and use its locator, you learn about the existence of Pullbot.
  • Use your Drone pager to pick up the giant claw from the pedestal. One of Naviko’s old memories is recovered.

Naviko memory 1

  • Testing the Naviko app, select the three constraints randomly.
  • Observe his spectacular first step towards future glory.

Collecting Pullbot

  • The remaining parts are in the Salty Desert. Return to your ship and fly there.
  • The three remaining parts are located at three junkyards and can be obtained in an arbitrary order. Each can be found using the locator.
  • To unlock each junkyard, find one of its gates and scan an appropriate mindcart.

Rusty Junkyard (Salty Desert)

  • Enter through the north gate, board the crane platform, and using the control panel, rotate it counter-clockwise.
  • Exit through the north gate, run around and enter through the south gate.
  • Board the second crane, inspect its panel and fix it.
  • Rotate it counter-clockwise, twice. Squeeze your way through to the large container and interact with its flashing panel to reveal a Jumbot part.
  • Use your drone pager to pick up the part. Another old memory is restored.

Naviko memory 2

  • Pick any kind of units to perform any of the attacks. Observe consequences.

Dusty Junkyard (Salty Desert)

  • Enter through the north gate, fix the loader, and use it to clear the containers out of your way, to reach the jumbot container. Open it and retrieve the part using the drones.

Naviko memory 3

  • Try stopping rampaging Naviko using any of the commands.
  • Call the expert, then order Naviko to clear cache, crashing it.

Crusty Junkyard (Salty Desert)

  • Enter through the east gate, fix the switch, then activate it to open the door.
  • Run through the southern area, climb a ladder to reach a central section, then activate a switch there.
  • Exit through the east gate, then run around and enter through the west gate.
  • Enter the northern area, then go east, open the large container and retrieve the part.

Naviko memory 4

  • Ask Naviko any way to test his progress. Observe the resolution of his dilemma.

Clearing the forest obstacles

  • Return to the Sour Woods, walk east and inspect the obstacle.
  • Invited for a soup, interact with the soup cart.
  • Explore the scene and ask any of the locals for the Food tickets, you’re directed to the Library’s Great Hall.
  • Enter the Library and from the Metacorps’ room, walk west and follow the corridor north.
  • Entering the Great Hall, talk to the Librarian near the book duster.
  • Inspect the book duster. Tap the flavor sensor at the bottom to learn about dips.
  • Ask locals “Where is… Honey dip?”, you will be directed towards a yellow pond, eventually.
  • Dip any of your items in honey and return to the book duster.
  • Apply the honey to the flavor sensor and fix the rest of the machine, you will be rewarded with a meal ticket.
  • Walk outside to the soup cart and buy a meal, learning a secret about the obstacle.
  • Inspect the branches at the north end of the obstacle to find a hook.
  • Call drones to deliver your Pullbot. Find a slot at its rear end and plug the mindcart in.
  • Mount Pullbot, grab the hook on the obstacle, and pull it twice.
  • Get off Pullbot and enter the forest.
  • Interrupted by Anna-Lyz, you can have a quick look around the forest, then coming back to the Library.

Chapter 5

The Plan

  • Return to the library. The junk trader stops you to reward you with an old coat hanger.
  • Meet Artor in the study and listen to the grandiose plan.
  • After receiving four new mindcarts, walk outside.
  • Use mindcarts to locate four machines. Two machines are in the Salty Desert (Naviko, Lexiko), two are in the Sour Woods (Nutriko, Mediko). They can be solved in an arbitrary order.

Bakery (Nutriko, Sour Woods) – Part 1

  • Walk inside and talk to the baker.
  • Ask bots in the bakery about three different parts that make baker’s favorite ice cream.
  • After getting all the answers, the baker lets you in the backyard.
  • Walk in the garden and inspect the ground. You receive an old blank mindcart.

Collecting Digbot

  • Return to the library and offer the mindcart to Nutriko.
  • After introducing Nutriko’s dilemma, you receive a Digbot mindcart.
  • Use it to locate four junkyards in Sour Woods and collect four parts.

Soggy Junkyard (Sour Woods)

  • Enter through the east gate and order Pullbot delivered to the southern area.
  • Pull the obstacle, run north and rotate the crane clockwise.
  • Run around the junkyard to its north side. Get Pullbot and pull the obstacle northward twice.
  • Enter through the west gate, open the container and collect the part.

Nutriko memory 1

  • Pick food items in random order.

Boggy Junkyard (Sour Woods)

  • Drop Pullbot on the east side and pull the obstacle.
  • Enter through the east gate, run north, and fix the loader.
  • Mount the loader and use it to clear off the smaller container to make room for Pullbot.
  • Drop Pullbot in the northern area and pull the obstacle.
  • Run around it to the southern area, open the large container and collect the part.

Nutriko memory 2

  • Select MunchMunch Inc.

Froggy Junkyard (Sour Woods)

  • Drop Pullbot east of the junkyard and pull the obstacle twice.
  • Enter through the north gate and run to the middle area.
  • Fix the switch and activate it.
  • Exit junkyard, drop Pullbot west of the junkyard and pull the obstacle four times.
  • Enter through the south gate, round by the west wall to the north area.
  • Open the container and collect the part.

Nutriko memory 3

  • Select options in an arbitrary order.

Cloggy Junkyard (Sour Woods)

  • Enter through the north gate and rotate the crane twice.
  • Exit through the south gate and drop Pullbot.
  • Mount Pullbot and pull the huge plunger.
  • Enter the junkyard, open the container in the south-west corner and collect the part.

Nutriko memory 3

  • Select random food items and questionable dishes.

Bakery (Nutriko, Sour Woods) – Part 2

  • Return to the bakery garden.
  • Drop Digbot and plug the mindcart in its slot to activate it.
  • Drop Pullbot outside the north wall of the garden and pull the obstacle twice.
  • Mount Digbot and dig the ground until the ice cream maker appears.
  • Fix the ice cream maker, then insert a mindcart.

Lumberyard (Mediko, Sour Woods)

  • Talk to Lumberjill.
  • Enter the lumberyard, drop Digbot near the wood chip pile and dig it off. An underbot is revealed.
  • Pick up Digbot, Call your speeder and enter the underbot from the southeast.
  • Drop Digbot in the new area and remove the pile.
  • Drop Pullbot and pull the obstacle twice.
  • Pick up both Jumbots and return through the underbot to the entrance area.
  • Enter the underbot from the southwest, then ride to the north area.
  • Remove the pile, then pull the obstacle twice.
  • Walk to the last pile in the east. Drop Digbot and dig it off.
  • Enter the sauna, fix the heater, and install the mindcart.


  • After landing in Salty Desert and leaving your ship, you are ambushed by the Order.
  • Talk to the monkbot near the ship in the southern part, then bring your speeder near.
  • Mount your speeder and find three cracks on the bottom of the footprint pits.
  • Approach each of them and use your new lootbeam ability. Loot all three cracks this way.

Old Well (Naviko, Salty Desert)

  • Talk to Magna.
  • Enter the northwest area and use drones to pick up all three parts – pipe, pipe knee, and the pump.
  • Run south and drop Pullbot south of the well.
  • Pull the trader’s platform twice and the noticeboard block as well to clear the old pipeline.
  • Drop the pipe onto the part adjacent to the well, the pipe knee on the bend, and the pump on the pedestal in the western part of the pipeline.
  • Fix the pump and insert the mindcart.

Giant Footprint (Lexiko, Salty Desert)

  • Talk to Kranji.
  • Sleep until nighttime, then call your speeder and look for flowing lights in the central area of the footprint.
  • You need to get near the light, then use a loot beam to steal its cartridge. Collect three cartridges this way.
  • Enter the arcade and reinstall the three game cartridges into the cabinets with a red light flashing (two in the western wing, one in the eastern wing).
  • Find arcade central opposite the entrance and fix it, then install the mindcart.

The Aqua Rite

  • After installing all four mindcarts, return to Baisy.
  • Walk towards Artor and listen to the explanation of rites.
  • Walk to the light panel on the east side of the room and switch on two lower filters (green and blue).
  • Return to Baisy and talk to Artor.

Alien Vision 3

  • Follow a guiding trail to reveal all messages.

Satellite 1

  • Return to your ship and launch to orbit.
  • Fly to the orbital location in the lower-left corner of the screen.
  • Wear the EVA suit and enter the elevator in the southeast corner.
  • Drop the suit and activate the elevator controls. Enter the hub.
  • Try opening the lower door.
  • Use the console in the northeast corner of the hub to rotate the external modules.
  • Return to your ship and dock it to the north arm module.
  • Enter the module, drop into the vent.
  • Crawl all the way south and exit the vent.
  • Use the console in the southwest corner of the hub.
  • Crawl back through the vent and return to your ship.
  • Undock it and launch back to the planet.
  • Land on a new location on the planet.

Chapter 6

Sweet Fields

  • After landing, ask around about the festival, until you’re directed to the young farmer, the organizer, and talk to her.
  • Ask around about the beacon keeper, until you’re directed to the old farmer, and talk to him.
  • Asking about clearing the geyser, you learn about the Undermarket.
  • Asking about Undermarket, you learn about the meal tickets.
  • Asking about meal tickets, you are pointed towards the light technician.
  • Fix the stage light controls, you receive a meal ticket.
  • Ask about specialties, you are pointed towards the apple pie stand.
  • Go to the apple pie stand and use your meal ticket, learning the secret.
  • East from the plaza, move the middle bush. Enter the staircase.
  • Walk the corridor east and south until you bump into the junk dealer.
  • Give something magnetic (from a local stash) to the junk trader, you receive an old mindcart.
  • Fly back to the library and offer the mindcart to Mediko.

Collecting Digbot

  • After Mediko uploads, you receive a Drillbot mindcart.
  • Use it to locate four junkyards in Sweet Fields and collect four parts.

Easy Junkyard (Sweet Fields)

  • Enter through the north gate and rotate the crane twice.
  • Get Pullbot and pull the plunger once.
  • Rotate the crane twice.
  • Drop Digbot in the southern area, dig out the loader from the mound in the south-west and store Digbot again.
  • Mount the loader and move the two lower containers towards the southern wall.
  • Pull the plunger.
  • Mount the loader and move the remaining container towards the central wall.
  • Pull the plunger one last time.
  • Open the big container and collect the part.

Mediko memory 1

  • Pick two reports randomly.

Sneezy Junkyard (Sweet Fields)

  • Enter through the west gate, then exit again.
  • Drop Pullbot outside the west wall and pull the pinball lever to clear off some blocks.
  • Board the south crane and rotate it counter-clockwise.
  • Enter through the east and rotate the east crane twice.
  • Pull the pinball lever to destroy the remaining block.
  • Open the big container and collect the part.

Mediko memory 2

  • Select “Patient turnover” three times.

Breezy Junkyard (Sweet Fields)

  • Enter through the east gate and turn the east crane twice.
  • Deliver Digbot, excavate the loader and remove it.
  • Use the loader to clear your path to the west crane and rotate it twice.
  • Open the big container and collect the part.

Mediko memory 3

  • Select a random diagnosis, then select the line ending with “DEATH”.
  • Repeat three times.

Wheezy Junkyard (Sweet Fields)

  • Enter through the south gate and rotate the south crane twice.
  • Fix the west crane and rotate it twice.
  • Get Pullbot and pull the obstacle twice.
  • Open the big container and collect the part.

Mediko memory 4

  • Select options one by one.

Starting the Festival

  • Return to the festival grounds and order Drillbot drop.
  • Plug a mindcart into its front slot to activate it.
  • Mount Drillbot, approach the geyser hole, then turn around so that the tip of your sting gets near it, and drill three times.
  • Ask for hermit, then find him and listen to his story. You receive a new set of mindcarts to install.
  • Use mindcarts to locate four machines. One machine is in the Salty Desert (Nutriko), one is in the Sour Woods (Lexiko), and two are in the Sweet Fields (Mediko, Naviko). They can be solved in an arbitrary order.

Cemetery (Nutriko, Salty Desert)

  • Talk to Shovl.
  • Sleep until nighttime, then enter the cemetery and find a glowing grave in the northeast part.
  • Deliver Digbot and dig the grave, you find a key.
  • Use the key to open the morgue, fix the freezer inside, and install the mindcart.

Lake (Lexiko, Sour Woods)

  • Talk to the fisherbot on the pier.
  • Run south around the lake, until you reach the dam made out of rocks.
  • Get Drillbot and drill off all three rocks.
  • Return to the pier and notice the sunken boat.
  • Move away, call your speeder, and get the record using its lootbeam.
  • Fix the record player and install the mindcart.

Old Garden (Mediko, Sweet Fields)

  • Talk to the gardener.
  • Enter the garden, get Pullbot and pull all six turnip giants.
  • Fix the scale and install the mindcart.

Orchard (Naviko, Sweet Fields)

  • Talk to the farmer.
  • Enter the garden on your speeder and use its lootbeam to pick the apples from all the seven apple trees.
  • Use the underbot to traverse between closed-off sections. The faint dark path connecting the underbots gives you a hint.
  • Fix the truck and install the mindcart.

The Campfire Rite

  • After installing all four mindcarts, return to Baisy.
  • Approach Artor and listen to the rite requirements.
  • Walk to the east area, and switch on the two northern filters (red and green), setting a yellow light.
  • Run up to the bar and ask around about the Cozy Record, until you receive it.
  • Return to Baisy and in the west area, use the mix board to put the record on.
  • Talk to Artor.

Alien Vision 4

  • Follow a guiding trail to reveal all messages.

Satellite 2

  • Return to your ship and launch to orbit.
  • Fly to the orbital location in the upper-right corner of the screen.
  • Wear the EVA suit, fly northeast and enter the elevator.
  • Drop the suit and take the elevator to the hub.
  • Walk through the north door there, until you’re stopped by the pumpkins.
  • Try using the hub rotation console.
  • Wear the suit, fly south and enter the Servo module through the hatch on its western side.
  • Use the reset rot console, causing the satellite to spin.
  • Wear the suit, drop out of the module and make your way to the elevator.
  • The best position for boarding is between two light blue trails.
  • Ride back to the hub and use the hub rotation console.
  • Use the hub rotation console again, then use the module rotation console.
  • Ride the elevator south and enter the vent there.
  • Crawl north and exit the vent.
  • Use the main console.
  • Enter the newly opened vent and crawl west.
  • Inspect the blueprints in the north-west corner of the weird storage room.
  • Leave the vent and return to your ship.
  • Fly your ship to the newly added point and land there.

Bitter Mountains

  • Leave your ship and ask locals about the beacon keeper.
  • Ask for directions to the haunted house.
  • Enter the haunted house from the south.
  • Walk to the back room.
  • After a surprising encounter, enter the back room.
  • Use the fuel valve in the northeast corner to stop the leak.
  • Use the dream player near the south wall to plate the new dreamtape labeled “Bryn’s diary”.

Dreamtape “Bryn’s diary”

  • You materialize as Bryn in his base.
  • Use the console with the flashing blue light.
  • Use the fuel valve by the north wall.
  • Walk to the console in the other room to the west and use it.

Chapter 7

Traveling to Moon Orbit

  • After waking up from the dreamtape, head to your ship, meeting an unexpected passenger.
  • Take off and head west towards the moon orbit. Your travel gets interrupted.
  • Pick up the dropped dreamtape and play it on your bed.

Dreamtape “Monsters”

  • You materialize as a young Artor on a night street.
  • Walk south-east until you encounter the gang.
  • Run east to the next room.
  • Continue east until ambushed.
  • Run north and onto the walkway.
  • Continue north across the walkway, until you reach the barrier.
  • Return a bit south and hide inside the container.

In the Storm

  • After a short conversation, take the porridge on your bed and eat it.
  • After the meal, take off.

The Moon Orbit

  • After arrival, Vix gets a new stamina handicap.
  • Use your ship’s dock and move the ship closer towards the shuttle in the southeast, until Tin’s remark.
  • Wear the EVA suit, leave the ship and fly south and all the way to the west.
  • Find the westmost current going south and ride it. Then make your way eastwards and north, avoiding the currents, until you reach the shuttle from the east side.
  • Enter the shuttle from the northeast side and drop the suit.
  • Inspect the cryo pod.
  • Use the console to activate the shuttle dock.
  • Mount the loader and remove all boxes blocking the door and the docking hatch.
  • Wear the suit, leave the shuttle and going to the northwest, return to your ship.
  • Dock your ship to the shuttle.
  • Board the shuttle, mount the loader, pick up the cryo pod and place it inside your ship.
  • Undock your ship and take off.
  • Land in Bitter Mountains and observe the brothers reunited, shortly.

Chapter 8

Bishop’s Journal

  • Walk outside and to the west around the building.
  • Inspect the trash heap and observe and accident hapenning.
  • Run the to the left side of the crashed ship.
  • Deliver Drillbot and removed the three drillable rocks.
  • Deliver Pullbot and using the handle on the crashed ship, pull it three times.
  • Run to the zip station, open its hood and press Repair button.
  • Return to the workshop and talk to Bryn.

Collecting Sortbot

  • Receive a key from Bryn, go outside and run south-west to the hangar.
  • Unlock the hangar door, walk inside and observe Lexiko upload.
  • Walk closer and observe Sortbot run away.
  • Use Sortbot mindcart to locate three trash locations.

Shrilly Junkyard (Bitter Mountains)

  • Unlock the junkyard.
  • Walk inside and get greeted by the Sweet Fields residents.
  • Climb over ladders and inspect all six containers.
  • Eat three slices of pie.
  • Open the large container in the north-east corner and collect the trash batch with drones.

Lexiko memory 1

  • Select the option “Frog” and then “Lemons”.

Hilly Junkyard (Bitter Mountains)

  • Enter the junkyard and get greeted by the Sour Woods residents.
  • Hop on your speeder and make through laps around the northern part of the junkyard, clockwise.
  • Open the container in the south-east corner and collect the trash batch.

Lexiko memory 2

  • Select all LOCKED options, one by one.

Chilly Junkyard (Bitter Mountains)

  • Enter the junkyard and get greeted by the Salty Desert residents.
  • Walk north to enter the maze.
  • Walk west and enter the central area.
  • Walk east and enter the east area.
  • Walk by the easy wall to enter the north area, then walk all the way to the west, and then south.
  • Open the container in the south-west corner and collect the last trash batch.

Lexiko memory 3

  • Select all options, one by one.

Bishop’s Journal – Part 2

  • Return to the trash heap behind the workshop.
  • Use drones to deliver all three trash batches on the heap and observe Sortbot arrive.
  • Standing in its way, touch with its front panel and use the mindcart.

Lexiko memory 4

  • Select all ILLEGAL DATA options, one by one.

Bishop’s Journal – Part 3

  • Deliver Sortbot, mount it, sort the trash, and observe yet another ambush.
  • Use drones to carry away all three stacks of trash.
  • After reading the diary, return to the workshop and talk to Bryn.
  • Use the dream player in the workshop to play the tape “Bryn” (or “Anna-Lyz Backup”).
  • Continue up to the point where you search for Bryn, then inspect the blue cabinet.
  • Press Q to quit the dream.
  • After exiting the dreamtape, you receive four new mindcarts to be uploaded in Bitter Mountains.

Post Office (Naviko, Bitter Mountains)

  • Talk to the postmaster.
  • Walk north and enter the mailroom.
  • Deliver Sortbot and sort the mail heap.
  • Use drones to carry away all the mail stacks.
  • Use the same procedure for the remaining mail heaps and mail stacks, until the postmaster drops in.
  • Fix the mail crane (you can call the Order to do it for you) and install the mindcart.

Sheep Farm (Lexiko, Bitter Mountains)

  • Climb the ladder over the west wall and talk to the shepherdess in the southern area.
  • Bring the loader and move sheep to make room for landing Drillbot near the rock.
  • Use Drillbot to drill away the rock and store it.
  • Deliver Pullbot outside the west wall and pull the fence.
  • Return inside and transport all the sheep to the northmost area.
  • Use Drillbot to drill away the rock outside the east wall.
  • Use Pullbot to pull the fence twice from the east.
  • Return inside and use the loader to place all sheep on their marks in the south-eastern area.
  • Fix the projector and install the mindcart.

Frozen Lake (Mediko, Bitter Mountains)

  • Talk to Peppi.
  • Sleep until nighttime, then mount the speeder and find the sprites on the lake. The ice is slippery. The sprites repeat the same trajectory.
  • Approach the sprites closely and honk to startle them. Repeat three times.
  • Finally, approach again and use your lootbeam to receive a key.
  • Fix the heater and install the mindcart.

Lodge (Nutriko, Bitter Mountains)

  • Talk to the lodge keeper.
  • Ask the guests about sauce, spice and topping, until the recipe is complete.
  • Fix the rice cooker and install the mindcart.

The Date Rite

  • After installing all four mindcarts, return to Baisy.
  • Approach Artor and listen to the rite requirements.
  • In the east area, switch on the two northern (red) and southern (blue) filters, setting a magenta light.
  • In the west area, use the mix board to play “Lo-fi Feels” track.
  • Obtain a chocolate-dipped item (ask for dip pools in Sour Woods) and place it on the plate near Baisy.
  • Talk to Artor.

Alien Vision 5

  • Follow a guiding trail to reveal all messages.

The Temple

  • Return to your ship and travel to the new location outside the Bitter Mountains.
  • Run north until you reach a large gate.
  • Enter a smaller opening on its west side, getting escorted back out.
  • Listen at the door.
  • Walk to the south towards the scattered rocks and inspect a crack in one of them.
  • Return north and enter the large gate.
  • Walk north across the platforms and enter the autolift on the west side.
  • Pick up your tools from the pedestal.
  • Walk east towards the Bishop.
  • Bring the loader from upstairs (in the east area) and use it to pick up Bishop.
  • Carry Bishop back upstairs and south across the central catwalk, until an accident occurs.
  • Walk to the pirate speeder and inspect its beam generator.
  • Call the order to repair it.
  • Walk south and talk to the monkbot near the Order ship.
  • Open your inventory, call for supply and ask for soap.
  • Observe the happy reunification of the clans.

Chapter 9

Bishop meets Bryn

  • After Bishop runs away startled, pick up his dropped dreamtape.
  • Use the player by the south wall to play the dreamtape.

Dreamtape “Bishop – DELETE”

  • You materialize as Bishop in the old workshop.
  • Move east towards Bryn, until he addresses you.
  • Walk west to the other room and inspect the flashing console.

Activating the satellites

  • After a new plan is introduced, return to your ship and take off.
  • There are two new satellites on your planet map – in the northwest and southeast corners.

Snap Satellite – Part 1

  • Fly to the satellite in the northwest corner of your map.
  • Wear the EVA suit, fly west and enter the elevator.
  • Ride to the hub and try using the main console.
  • Rotate the hub and the modules, then ride to the east module.
  • Enter the east module and bring the jetloader aboard the elevator.
  • Take the elevator back to the south module and mount the jetloader.
  • Transport the crackle coupler from the south module aboard your ship, exiting through the elevator.
  • Put the jetloader back aboard the station, return to your ship and take off.

Crackle Satellite

  • Fly to the satellite in the southeast corner of your map.
  • Wear the EVA suit, fly northeast and enter the elevator.
  • Enter the north module, mount the jetloader and bring the crackle coupler aboard the elevator.
  • Ride to the hub and try using the main console.
  • Ride to the west module and use the jetloader to install the crackle coupler into the generator.
  • Return to the hub and use the main console.
  • Rotate modules and ride west.
  • Use the jetloader to bring the snap source aboard your ship.
  • Return the jetloader and take off.

Snap Satellite – Part 2

  • Return to the Snap Satellite.
  • Enter the elevator and ride to the hub.
  • Rotate the modules and ride east.
  • Use the jetloader to bring the snap source from your ship and install it aboard the east module.
  • Ride back to the hub and use the main console to activate it.
  • Quick travel back to Baisy.

The Energy Rite

  • Walk towards Artor and listen to the explanation of rites.
  • In the lights area, switch on all filters.
  • On the mix board, play the “Intense Heist” track.
  • Obtain a jasmine-scented (ask for scent pools in Sweet Fields) honey-dipped (ask for dip pools in Sour Woods) item and place it on the plate near Baisy.
  • Return to Baisy and talk to Artor.

Alien Vision 6

  • Follow a guiding trail to reveal all messages.

To the Moon

  • Return to your ship and take off.
  • Fly to the west sector and continue to the moon.

Chapter 10

Moon Landing

  • Leave your ship.
  • Walk west and after Tin’s remark about the big crater, continue north through the craters.
  • On reaching the north border, continue west and south.
  • After Tin comments about a gentler slope, walk north around the big crater.
  • Reach the entry into the big crater on its west side.

Inside the Crater

  • Walk north and east, then touch the strange glowing mound.
  • After an unexpected battle, collect all shimmering words.
  • Find an open place, use your bedroll to make a camp, and sleep.

Alien Vision 7

  • Follow a guiding trail to reveal all messages.
  • After a close encounter of a strange kind, fly northwest and stay inside a small nest.

Dreamtape “Vix”

  • Walk towards Tin.
  • Inspect the toolbox in the northeast quarter and receive a patch cartridge.
  • Interact with Tin and use the cartridge.
  • After a doorbell rings, open the door, and step outside.
  • Open your inventory and use the package to open it, you receive a suspicious pill.
  • Open your inventory and use the suspicious pill.

Chapter 11


  • Fly southwest to approach the entity.
  • Return to the small nest and cast using your interaction button, you are reunited.
  • Fly southwest towards a small space knot with a rotating halo and cast again to open it.
  • Open the knot again and enter it.

Cosmic Library

  • Fly southwest to approach the entity.
  • There are four library sections – north, east, west, south – each beginning with an orb with a rotating halo. Cast near each of them to read the inscription, until you discover the biology section.
  • Enter the section. Its center is divided into four rooms. Fly around the section and read room inscriptions, until Tin prompts you to search the specific room.
  • The room contains multiple records. Cast near each of them, until Tin confirms your discovery.
  • Consume all data bits.
  • Leave the room and the section, returning to the center of the library.
  • Cast to open the exit knot and enter it.

Bringing the Cure

  • Fly towards the cryo pod at the north wall and cast.

Going Home

  • There are four satellites outside the corners of the planet. Cast near each of them to activate it.

Chapter 12


  • Answer Tin about how you liked SPACR.
  • Pick up the strange cartridge at the center of the room.
  • You have two options:
    • Use the cartridge with the cryopod in the southwest corner of the room
    • Or throw it in a trash the northeast corner.
Helena Stamatina
About Helena Stamatina 1252 Articles
I love two things in life, games and sports. Although sports were my earliest interest, it was video games that got me completely addicted (in a good way). My first game was Crash Bandicoot (PS1) from the legendary studio Naughty Dog back in 1996. I turned my passion for gaming into a job back in 2019 when I transformed my geek blog (Re-actor) into the gaming website it is today.

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